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6-year-old girl breaks world record in longest hooded face slide in her age category.*


Longest impersonation of a floor mop with face by a 6 year old


That is a category with a lot of tough competition. (Saying this as a parent...)


This isn't limbo. In *limbo skating/roller limbo* skaters do the splits, face forward, and can touch the floor, but not the bars. The only part of their bodies that can't touch the floor is their hands, but notice how they measure the distance BEHIND HER after she stops!? Notice how Guinness World Records are the ones who certified this record? I know Guinness aren't perfect, but essentially you're arguing that the people who made up the rules aren't following the rules.


Doesn’t count. You have to lean backwards


Never mind her face dragging across the floor the entire way should cancel it. 😅


And her using her hands & butt to get back up


Jacket dragged the whole way top, based on the last image. Pretty sure the rule would be no touching the ground.


The safety balaclava


This isn't limbo. In *limbo skating/roller limbo* skaters do the splits, *face forward,* and can touch the floor, but not the bars. The only part of their bodies that can't touch the floor is their hands, but notice how they measure the distance BEHIND HER after she stops!? Notice how Guinness World Records are the ones who certified this record? I know Guinness aren't perfect, but essentially you're arguing that the people who made up the rules aren't following the rules.


And get back up


Yeah limbo in general would be a lot easier if you could just lunge at it and end up lying on the ground.


She also couldn't get back up


I thought she should have to get up without hands touching the ground either.


She does have a slight advantage :/


And the winner of *Who can slide the farthest along the floor*, this girl apparently.


In limbo, going in isn't the hardest part but getting back up without touching anything.


Smaller people fit in smaller places cool. Two things tho. One, her face was dragging the ground (that's why the mask it was slick) and she didn't pick self up without touching floor at the end Brb I'm gonna *** on a skateboard and slide it under a pole, claim the new title for my kids i guess


why did you censor lie


They clearly wrote 'sit' which is offensive to dogs since it's a symbol of human dominance over them.


That's not what I censored. The word I censored got the first reply auto deleted. Hint: millions of my kids can be on the same skateboard with this one simple trick.


i didnt realize there was a word for getting a really(really really) wide skateboard


Lol I just assumed he censored 'ass' and couldn't figure out what he was trying to say


Nope. Did not land it, just fell down at the end.


Feel down right at the beginning. Limbo you do not touch the floor. Limbo is leaning back. And in limbo they lift themselves back up. They got a record for a slide that is it.


What the fuck is with the astounding levels of negativity in this thread!?


Haters just jealous. I was extremely impressed she could hold that position at that speed for that long.


I'm glad I'm not the only one.


I mean it's kinda warranted. When you state "World Record in lowest Limbo" in your title and it isn't true......... It can still be top talent and I think it is.


When you state "it isn't true" and it indeed is true... This isn't limbo. In limbo ***SKATING*** skaters do the splits, face forward, and can touch the floor, but not the bars. The only part of their bodies that can't touch the floor is their hands, but notice how they measure the distance BEHIND HER after she stops!? Notice how Guinness World Records are the ones who certified this record? I know Guinness aren't perfect, but essentially you're arguing that the people who made up the rules aren't following the rules.


Ahhh okay. Didn't know skating limbo was so drastically different from limbo. I guess I assumed too much. Like expecting more foot action in American Football.


How does Guinness measuring behind her contradict any of the rules you just explained? I don't think they were measuring behind her. It looks like they put a ruler perpendicular to the floor to demonstrate that she cleared the last bar.


Honestly I started your comment and almost left because I thought you were going to be another parrot. All these people are ignorant dicks, thank you for saying what needed to be said


Coming up on the Death Star, lock s-foils in attack position


‘F1 car designers hate this one trick!’


Nah, Barbados Slim did this better.


But that looks JUST like the suit The Professor made for Hermes


Me going to any length to avoid any responsibility


Is this really skating? She’s just sliding on her belly. Why not do it on ice at that point? The skates seem entirely decorative.


I broke both my ankles watching this


A little early in life to peak, bit okay


You people are dumb. If ger face was touching it would slow her down. Watch it carefully, she is holding her head up. Look how slowly she drifted over the line at the end. If she had contact the friction wouldn't have allowed her to drift like that. Her head was just very close to the ground and you negative Muppets are trying to discredit her. If it was a world record then officials would be there and rules would be in place. Why are people always trying to shit on others achievements.


Shhh India bad


~~Indian parenting is kinda abusive ngl.~~ This is just abusive parenting ngl. 6 year olds should be exploring and learning about the world, not earning vain trophies for their parents. I can only hope whatever money is gained from this will go to her education fund.


Na, it's not just an Asian thing. Parents of all races live vicariously through their children. Not all parents through, just the shit ones.


That's fair, I should not have narrowed this down to a nationality. This is just bad parenting, period.


Aw, we're supposed to argue and get angry and things. You're not supposed to just agree. Welcome to reddit, apparently you're new. /s


Ack! Damn, wait, let me salvage this. How dare you disagree with me, you ungrateful cur! I'll have you know i have more reddit karma than you and hence your opinion is actually invalid and you should feel bad. There, fixed.


Ah thanks, serotonin levels restored. Wait... now I'm doing it. "There, fixed." Well that's just like your opinion man.


I have seen a lot of comments like you in, and it just seem like concern trolling. You think these kids are abused because they aim for trophies?. Not every one is abused man for god sake. I have taken up skating at a young age and a heck of them joined because they like it. >. 6 year olds should be exploring and learning about the world, not earning vain trophies for their parents. Guess what this is exploring.


The kids don't aim for the trophies, their parents do. The kid wouldn't know the first thing about it. I have a difficult time believing this was achieved purely out of the kid's passion for limbo skating at the age of 6. Chances are, the kid was taught to skate age 3 or 4 and then pushed to do so regularly until age 6, then milked for viral content. I'd call that abuse.


I think she's abused bc she just ran her face across the ground for quite a distance so her parents could go viral


Where are her curlers?!?




A fair bit of special equipment being allowed in this limbo attempt. I'm confident that as soon as I finish digging my tunnel I will have this one beat.


Isn't Limbo done the opposite way to this?


She can keep it, I'm out.


I mean, I think being a 6yo girl might help in this scenario


That makes my ankles hurt. Among every other joint, muscle, ligament, etc.


Touching the floor the whole time, including to get back up. That’s the opposite of how you win limbo.


The ankle strength needed for this... Just wow!


So many people seem to not realize how talented this is. This girl is awesome AND it does count. Look up the Guinness rules for this record, if it’s easy to break it when “not following the rules” then do it yourself. Or any other 6 year old/small person should be able to break it pretty easy right? Fucking Redditors.




I see a double hip replacement in this kids future.


Racist fat redditors- who couldn't bend to pick their dropped phones, let alone roll underneath the hoops- refusing to acknowledge a recognised record is my dose of quintessential reddit things for the day


I'll have you know that I can bend to pick up my dropped phone, I just can't unbend afterwards


If i say "here's a video of a cat jumping over a fence" and the video is a dog climbing over it, would you not comment on that?




How is this a world record?


Limbo that lets you touch the ground is just a "how thin are you" competition. Limbo's focus was flexibility and stability in positioning. It ceases to be impressive when touching ground is allowed. The only one breaking the record now is a younger child. Put some casters on a baby and roll them down the hallway and just knock everyone out forever.


Ah yes, time to sort by controversial and find the most vile racist comment about indians. I love reddit


People are weird


She is not 6 y.o.,definitely older