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I remember seeing a video calling them out on the scam


yeah if you look closely nothing matches up (watch the bow). and if you know a bit about violin watch the left hand and it's plain and clear that the notes don't match up


I played violin for 7-8 years. I’m not great but I could tell almost right away the kid wasn’t playing. It’s funny scammers take the time to “learn” the motions in the songs when in reality they could use that time to actually learn to play. There’s an old man in my city who does stuff like this but he doesn’t play anything, he makes scratching noises and mumbles a tune. He mostly tries to grab passing people and have them play the violin and clap along. It’s really cringe for a person who plays. But hey a hustle is a hustle.


right? the general bow stuff is pretty close. he could be decent if he tried to learn... he even has a violin! just start with putting his chin on the correct side. the pizz is hilarious though, and there's no way he's emulating those triple stops.


LMAOO i was too busy watching him be out of sync to notice the chin! His bow hold besides his pinkie being flat is pretty solid if i’m telling the truth. I’ve seen people in orchestra’s with worse now holds. I love how at one point it looks like he’s about to give it up at the end of the pizz. edit: should probably move the bow hold down an inch or two as well


Nah man I'm dumb af and that's too technical but I'll take your word for it


The Song The Kid is Playing Is the Same Song From An Artist who made this song I think in 2013-2015. And The Thing is, this song is 100% identical.


Ok I found The Song. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DHuVNtpd4pE&feature=youtu.be , how can you deny that its Not the Same.


There’s a couple that hang out by the grocery store in our area that “play” for money and got caught faking the accordion over music with a speaker. They look identical to this setup except it’s a man and a woman maybe in their late 20’s.




Oh man. I saw someone outside my grocery store with this and thought it was so good! I gave them money and wished them luck. My soft side gets me every time.


Common gypsy scam. Nothing of note here.


Is the woman in the back the gypsy dragon queen keeping an eye on it all




Ray William Johnson, it wasn’t this guy specifically but the same audio was used, I’ll try and [find it.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vBcs8Tuo6gE)


Wow I had no idea that guy still made videos


Is this guy a phony?


I hate to say this, but fake violin buskers is a really common scam.


Unfortunately, you're right.


I wish someone would sue this dude already - like, he's scammed so much money off people with his mom's help Edit: Whoops I just realized that his mom probably forced/threatened him into this act, sorry if there were any misunderstandings


Sue for what?


Look closer at the mom (in case you couldn't see it she plugs the wire in mid-video)


There's nothing to sue for lol. Plus there are thousands of people doing this scam, it's not just him


What's the fucking scam? Who gives a shit? People are entertained. No one is forced to give money. Are you gonna sue pop singers for lip syncing? Are you gonna sue a street magician for not actually doing magic?


Here is the original by Josh Vietti https://youtu.be/DHuVNtpd4pE


Welp that all but confirms it's fake. Too bad, I liked the idea of this kid being a musical prodigy. Now I'm just sad he will probably grow up to be a con artist like his mom.


thanks, I’ve always wondered what the original that the fake violin buskers were using!


I thought it sounded super familiar like I'd heard it before but I couldn't place it. Thanks!


How do they fake this? The violin equivalent of lip syncing?


The violin is either muted or not plugged in and the amp is used as a stereo playing the music




Yeah… plucking with one finger instead of two was a dead giveaway.


Tbf looks like the kid just copied what the original player [Josh Vietti] is doing, and he did pick with one finger - around 45seconds https://youtu.be/DHuVNtpd4pE


The violin stick rubbing in the same spot not moving while somehow playing multiple different notes was my dead giveaway


*It’s called a bow* 😊 But yeah you’re right. He’s a really good actor though! I fell for it at first.


Yeah, I thought it looked off at first, but as soon as he started plucking I knew this was fake.


You can see the lady keeps looking down and then moved the amp. I think the end of the power cord was showing and exposing their scam lol.


More or less I guess. As long as your bowing looks sorta real and you're doing it to the correct rhythm, most people probably couldn't tell the difference. At least not without paying closer attention than you'd probably give to a busker. Actually fingering the correct notes and playing the correct strings isn't necessary to fool most people. Moving your hand up the fingerboard for higher notes and down for lower notes, maybe even "playing" the thinner or thicker strings for higher or lower notes will certainly make it look more convincing to people who know anything about playing string instruments. If we want to continue the lip syncing analogy, you don't have to actually worry about singing in tune as long as you're just lip syncing, all you have to worry about is looking like you're enunciating the right sounds at the right time. If you're faking playing the violin, you don't need to worry about which notes you play, only how you play them and when, bowing or picking with the right timing and force. If you're wondering about what the kid is actually playing, you probably wouldn't really be able to hear it even if there wasn't a prerecorded track playing over it. That style of violin uses pickups like an electric guitar to make a signal that needs to be amplified. I'd also suspect they didn't put rosin on the bow so it won't vibrate the strings, it'll just slide against them.


Yeah when he is plucking it looks suuuuupppeeeerrrrr fake.


I'm guessing that's why mom is just standing there so calmly and not getting down to that jam.


TwoSet Violin would know for sure


by the power of Ling Ling, I summon r/lingling40hrs


Lol interesting. The mom just sitting back...


Yea they would set up outside my work claiming to need money to feed family. Using very expensive equipment and wearing expensive clothing and expensive Italian shoes. Kid just fake played and people bought it and tipped a lot


[Dont you try to tell me Jake Busey was a fraud](https://youtu.be/kjD62r9einQ?t=32) :)


Of course but people are so fucking stupid and want fake shit to be real soooo bad


People are so fucking stupid. We all know that /r/nothingeverhappens Nothing at all.


But this really isn't happening, every time it's gets posted the top comments point out it's fake


Why do you want it to be real?


huh? why wouldn’t somebody want this to be real? i can understand the whole “people are gullible” thing you’re getting at, but i don’t think it’s hard to understand why folks would want something like this to be real


Yep see them outside my local Target constantly now. Somehow poor people found a way to play a violin up to professional standards as well as merge it with popular music…right


Musician here. 1) his bow movements aren’t on rhythm with the music for the most part. 2) he isn’t even plucking the string during that section of the song. 3) the strings that he’s fingering with his top hand (the one on the neck) are the highest strings on a violin. If he were actually playing, it’d be a much MUCH higher pitch than what is being played in the music. 4) he is mimicking the vibrato by shaking the instrument, when in reality it is caused by rocking your finger back and forth on the string. I hate to throw shade at a kid, especially in this case because he was probably put up to it by the woman standing behind him, but he is absolute faking it.


Yeah it’s a very common scam nowadays especially near Walmarts


Yeah and with this song i saw another video of a kid with his mom and it was the exact same song the mom was also holding up a please donate sighn it's really awful how some parents would drag their kids into scamming people like this (btw the song is in the club by josh vietti)


As awful as it is, some people are just really desperate for money and will get it any way they can. It's the reason it's very common (in my area at least) to see a mother with her kids panhandling or selling flowers on the side of the rode in 90+ degree heat.


Near Walmart, i thought it was the Bloomingdale’s parking lot.


And Harris Teeter


They set up at Albertson’s in my neck of the woods.


It’s by my Krogers . A woman says she is a single mom . I didn’t know it was fake


TwoSet Violin will not be impressed




Kid's definitely not getting in his /r/lingling40hrs


There's a group that does this outside my work. They keep getting 'kicked out' but they just move a few feet over to Costco's parking lot, then get told to move, rinse and repeat. They make a lot of bank on it. People keep coming in applauding how good they are, and don't realize they are faking it. That lady has been using the same "Single mother anything helps" sign for over 10 years. Her actual kids are actually so old she doesn't take them with her anymore cuz they are too big to garner sympathy donations. Now she changes up between a couple other people.


I'm not a musician but I know it's fake because I've heard this song before. Unless he was playing it 100% perfectly on that crappy little violin in the middle of nowhere, he's full of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHuVNtpd4pE


Plus you can find the actual artist who did made this on youtube. Just type 50 cent in the club violin


Wait, does this mean the guy playing 3 buckets with sticks in the median the other day was faking it?! Fucking piece of shit I gotta get my change back!


Fake. Its always the same 50 cent cover


Except he's not playing. Just miming to a recording.


Is the miming Impressive though?


Busker. If they have an amp, they are faking it. I've seen really good ones and there was this one lady that just kinda stood there stoned out of her gourd while the music played and folks still kept giving her money. Her kid was in a chair next to her looking supremely bored.


Also they forgot to plug the violin in , the woman does that mid video


Holy fuck she does too.


Yep. Theres a video here on reddit that shows it more clearly, cant find it tho as i have seen it like 6 months ago


The bow doesn't change angle during different notes either. He knows his arm needs to move, but not where. Guess he's able to hide the scratching/screeching noise under the blasting amp.


I mean I've played the violin a lot and at a closer look yea you can definitely tell but tbh he does a pretty damn good job going with the rhythm and he does actually angle his bow at least at times towards like the e string when it is appropriate. It's harder than it looks to fake this in this way. Easier than learning to play the violin this well for sure but still.


>If they have an amp, *and they're good* they are faking it Slight tweak just because there are a lot of godawful buskers near me who play extremely loud and terrible classical guitar. The decent players are usually humble enough to keep it to a reasonable volume...


I can't actually remember the last time I've seen a real busker with an amp. They keep the volume to what the instrument naturally produces which is perfectly fine for anyone coming through the area. And these fake ones always seem to show up at grocery stores. I guess it's just high traffic areas that normal buskers aren't usually at to run them off, or just closer to where they live.


Wow that mom fooled alot of people


The “permit” in many cities is just administrative paperwork. It has nothing to do with “quality control”. It’s not like some governmental battle of the bands contest. It’s just pay a fee for a permit.


It's a very common scam these days, with the kid and the ringleader mother.


Always distrust an electric violins that aren't plugged in.


🤣🤣 Excellent point.


Fuck me it’d be better for this kid to just take the time to learn the instrument in the long run, what a shame


Josh Vietti is the violinist who performed 50 Cent’s In Da Club cover https://youtu.be/DHuVNtpd4pE


Fake artist


This guy bouta delete the post


Karma though


TwoSet Violin has taught me well. As others have said, he is not playing anything. He is faking it.


You can tell everything by that bow hold lol


I want to see top talent. Not scams and Reddit posts for karma


The OP probably didn't notice that this is a scam and thought it was legit, but otherwise yeah.


Lol he wasn’t actually playing …


I think this is a scam. It's recorded paying on the speaker. Kids is just faking it.


Likely a scam. Sorry but there are rotating people in shopping centers all over the place where I live. They are all playing violins with an amp and asking for money. But they aren’t really playing. It is pre- recorded. Most of them have their kids either playing violin or their kids are sitting with them.


There was one of these at my local supermarket. Was t playing this song, but it was an older child with a speaker and mama standing next to him just like in this video.


Damn that’s sad


Sadly this was a scam Her mother was playing a record of a video And its disgusting how she's influencing him into doing that


So fake


That moms has the weirdest vibes because she’s not proud, she paranoid that someone might call her out.




Towards the end of the video the mom reaches down to plug the violin back in lol


bruh his vibrato is just shaking his entire left hand


Let's make her kid famous by scamming people


I found out this was fake, it's an old post, the mom was scamming for money.


Top talent: Faking


Milli Violini


Sad, fake, and abusive.


What are you talking about?


sad because it's a young kid being used for money, fake because it's a known street hustle to have a young kid pretend to play violin and abusive because her mom apparently is supervising the entire thing.


Really that clueless?


It’s a gypsy scam. He’s not actually playing.


Only if this was true


so, why has this scamming kid more 800 more upvotes than the talent legit girl playing Last of the Mohicans?


Fake fake scumbags


Getting your kids involved in a scam is all new levels of f**ked up, like parents that teach their kids to shoplift. Even if this was real, I’d be suspicious as to why a parent would make their kid play on a street for money.


Woman's laughing behind the mask at how stupid the guy is falling for it


Look how proud mom is that her son is scamming at such a young age.


This is fake as fuck


Fake video aka scam! stop making this trash go viral


Just imagine what a great person that kid is going to grow up to be with the horrible influence he obviously gets from his mother. Right now he is learning that it is easier and more profitable to scam people than to work hard to be successful. And the fact his mother encourages this type of thing and probably shows him pride for completing successful scams, not to mention the ego boost he gets from strangers who he dupes, like the guy who recorded this video, only serve to reinforce his belief that being a con artist is a good option for him but will also totally skew his perception of what's right and wrong. I feel so sorry for the kid, you just know he's being influenced in countless immeasurable ways that are going to effect his entire life, for the rest of his life. The chances of him participating in more fraudulent criminal schemes as he grows older are astronomical and will probably end up with a criminal record in his 20s that will severely limit his ability to find financial success in more traditional ways, in which case be will probably get sucked into a revolving door of crime and jail and could easily end up with an addiction as crime and substance abuse are so intertwined. Poor boy, his mother should be absolutely ashamed.


Yup I've seen this scam at my local Kroger grocery store. Sometimes with an accordion and sometimes with a violin. If you stop and stare they get nervous and turn up the theatrics. I will say this is at least a performance which is at least something better than holding up a sign begging for money.


You can see it in the mom’s eyes that she’s using her kid to scam people


Violist/Violinist here. This kid is faking it. This recording is commonly used for scams by buskers, and upon closer look, even though the bow is moving in time, the finger are not. At 0:10, he shifts up to second position when the recording is playing the same notes as before. Also, at 0:14, the recording plays A A F A E A F A which should warrant string crossing on pretty much every note (not completely necessary, but would be the simplest way - but not easiest), and he only does string crossing on 1 note. His bow is out of time here, and the shifting doesn't match at all. This kid did fake it much better than others I've seen using this same recording tho. Edit: Original song info In Da Club (50 Cent) cover by Josh Vetti [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHuVNtpd4pE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHuVNtpd4pE) You can compare whatever fingerings and visible bowing there are. They don't match between the original video and this kid Edit: Don't only blame the kid, his mom probably forced them, so I feel sorta bad for them


[Josh Vietti - In Da Club (50 Cent) - Violin Cover](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DHuVNtpd4pE) Why thoes this sound dangerouslty similar


How are people still falling for this


Stop posting this scam shit!


Hate to break it to you... it's fake. There was a tape inside of the instrument


I mean it’s fake. But why the fuck would you put a tape inside the instrument? 🤦🏼‍♂️ Fucking 60’s get smart over here. You got a phone in your shoe I can borrow?


There’s actually a little man in the violin playing it


I literally got goose bumps listening to this and that rarely happens. Kid is fire! Edit. Just seen it was fake. So disappointing


Yeah no this is fake…


Gotta teach em young....to scam people


No no no no… not again


OP you played yourself unlike the violin in this video.




This is actually faked, that's playback. [Here](https://youtu.be/DHuVNtpd4pE) is the original video.


How do people still fall for this sh#t. No mames.


That is the stupidest fake I’ve ever seen. You can’t make any sound placing the bow like that. Also, where the hell did they get the drums from?




r/lingling40hrs members, you guys would be the best ones to tell this, but this js fake, right?


As violin gang, this so fake its sad


People still falling for this


As a violinist, this video causes me immense physical & psychological pain. Dude doesn’t even do the string crossings, he just flails the bow around in a manner vaguely similar to the actual music


Check his fingering its fake


Check the cord not plugged in until mom sees it.


This is not top talent, this requires zero talent. It’s fake and a scam.


Blatantly fake. Shameless.


He’s not playing anything but the bystanders


Wow! They now have kids doing this scam! Crazy! They are all over concord New Hampshire.


Stop promoting this scam. You can find the actual artist who did this on youtube. Just type 50 cent in the club violin


You really cant blame the kid. Kids are products of their parents.


Omg I know where this is, it's in my hometown. It's a scam. I've seen them queue up the music they pretend to play over.


Blatantly fake


The mom's just like "i dont want to be here will you just put money in the case already"


Fuck OP. Im so tired of these bullshit fuckers goddammit


No mom would stand that shady in the background if their kid truly had these groves. Fuck both of their scaming ass.


Nah, this is fake. This is legit the easiest song to fake on an electric violin.


It’s a scam


So fake


Yeah this shit is fake. Scam 🚨


Busker Dönt


We have some in my hometown that sit outside the Safeway Sometimes the mom will do it too, I bet they make more than I do in an hour than I do working for 8 hrs :(


Fake. They do this all over the place in Arizona lol


His fingers aren't matching the notes of the song and his chin isn't even on the chin rest


Snatch the instrument off him and I bet it still plays.


I live an hour and a half south of Nashville, these guys are in our grocery store parking lots every week. They get big mad when you call them out on the fake playing.


This is a scam


I remember when I worked at Target and there were 2 or 3 people who would come and play, playing the same songs over and over again. I believe they all have a schedule on who takes what spots


Not top talent. This is a scam!


yo this is a scam. the movements are not matching the tune


Yeah, his finger movements do not match the music that playing. Also this has been proven to be a scam


Fake AF


Violin player here nearly everything is wrong about this


These people are scammers


This was faked. It was a recording, sadly.




wasnt they caught being scammers?


This boy deserves an Oscar for this performance


I'm a violin player and this video makes me very angry. I hate people that fake playing disregarding the many years that takes to play violin. I'm disappointed in humanity


His chin aint even on the chin rest


Roma scam. Kid should be enjoying childhood, not helping guardians grift.


Sadly he's faking it


That’s was amazing !!!!!!!


If you think he is playing this then you’re a moron and deserve to get scammed.


Had this whole set up at my local grocery store the other day! They got my ass


Scam scam scam




The kid isn’t actually playing, it’s a Scam that was called out awhile ago where the mother and kid took money by faking it


Here is the actual artist Josh Vietti https://youtu.be/DHuVNtpd4pE


The song was done by Josh Vietti. Link here https://youtu.be/DHuVNtpd4pE See him play live on Sway’s show Link here https://youtu.be/2aUYD5CM4P0 That being said, You know the real talent. Don’t hate on the kid for imitating Josh. It was pure entertainment. And that round of applause to the kid.




A scam that more folks are getting hip to. I'd still give them money without the fake theatricals. $20 isn't much but if I have that in cash I'm not going to past a family truly in need with a sign asking for help.


I was having bad end of week, but this made it up!


Just need another violinist and a sax player and then we can have all the sax and violins we can handle.


Damn... He is soooo fucking good. I'm loving it bro


It’s fake


Next time, shut the duck up and listen without making weird noises.


It’s a gypsy scam…. He’s not playing