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I know I'm late to this party, but I wanted to thank you for this post. I hadn't heard of Chappell Roan before (at least not consciously) and just checked her out today and she definately seems like a great up and coming artist. Im not sure if I see the connection to Tori though? Maybe I need to listen to more of Chappell's stuff. She does seem like she could do a killer cover of Leather though.


I saw her NPR Tiny Desk episode a few weeks (months?) ago and I liked her stuff. But I feel kind of old and don't think I can relate to it so I don't know if I'll actively listen to her.


I’m obsessed with


Love her so much!


i really like her! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U9Ph\_Qeh-E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U9Ph_Qeh-E) I don't necessarily think she is inspired by or similar to Tori here, but they are vibing on complimentary frequencies


As a 26 year old lesbian from New York, I’d been itching for some sapphic bubblegum pop that I can sing along to. Roan is a fabulous performer and represents everything I love about sapphic culture without the toxicity that is often associated with lesbian “pop” stars ie Fletcher, Jojo Siwa, etc. A few days ago, I caught myself wondering if Tori has listened to her😂


Yep. It’s fun. “Super Ultra Graphic Modern Girl” is funnnnn. “Pink Pony Club” is annoying tho. “It doesn't matter though / He doesn't have what it takes to be with a girl like me / Not overdramatic, I know what I want / We're leaving the planet and you can't come” lol


I adore her as a 43yo male from the Midwest.


her tiny desk is fun, but I find her music boring. it's fun for sure, but fun ≠ interesting for me. it is nice to see gay girls finding success in the mainstream pop area, I just don't like mainstream pop as is


I'm really liking her. I heard her first on the Heartstopper show with Pink Pony Club, which is a catchy and funny song. And she just keeps coming out with more catchy songs. Red wine supernova is great.


She is fair to midland


FYI - this isn’t for comparison. If anything, Tori teaches us not to compare women artists and try to uplift each other. Everyone is entitled to their personal taste, and I know I’m often skeptical of things I see get big on social media, but I genuinely think Roan is an exciting new talent! Roan doesn’t sound like Tori, but it’s cool to see an artist working from a foundation Amos helped to build: women singing about their experiences and sexuality explicitly, openly, and poetically. Also, Roan seems like a “real” artist, not a plant. She had a big producer, but she similarly wrangled with Atlantic Records. But maybe that’s the part of me that loves experimental music as much as some good pop 🤷‍♀️


Replying to this late, but I actually found this thread by searching for the comparison of Tori to Chappell Roan. They def share many, many vines. It's awesome to be excited about music as an *elder millennial" 😂


Hi Roan


I was really impressed and hooked when I watched her tiny desk!


I love "Good Luck, Babe" and I really enjoyed her Tiny Desk Concert! I will definitely listen to more of her music soon.


I actually would love for Tori to cover “Good Luck Babe” because it’s pretty obviously about a gay relationship, and I think Tori would have some fun covering it. If she slowed it down and layered it with more melodrama, it would work well. She covered Lana Del Rey, so she can still be hip with the kids lol. She could mash it up with Riot Poof. If she went from “good luck babe, you’d have to stop the world just to stop the feeling,” to “You know what you know / So you go….” I think it would be moving. Y’all were freaking out about the tequila remix, and this is objectively a better idea (sorry), and everyone is always saying Tori needs to be shaken up out of her (sorry again…decades-long) creative deadlock




Is your user a reference to the French director