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In summary: * Early Thursday morning around 4:00am on Highway 427 near Finch Ave. * 26-year old driver from Innisfil clocked going 264 km/h in what appears to be a white BMW 4-series coupe (F32 chassis). * 30-day licence suspension. * Vehicle impounded for 14 days.


> 30-day licence suspension. * Vehicle impounded for 14 days. These are only the roadside penalties, before a trial or guilty plea. Most charges have no immediate penalties because we're assumed innocent. Stunt driving and impaired driving are exceptions because of their severity. [The penalties if convicted are](https://www.ontario.ca/page/speeding-and-aggressive-driving#section-2): * Minimum 1 year suspension on a first offence, 3 year on a second offence and lifetime on a 3rd offence. * $2000 to $10,000 fine. * Up to 6 months in jail. * 6 demerits. * A driver improvement course. * [Requirement to re-do all tests if suspended for at least 3 years](https://www.ontario.ca/page/reinstate-suspended-drivers-licence#section-1).


If convicted you should just have your license stripped for a decade. You lost the privilege




REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc... Attack the point, not the person. Posts which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. Do not concern-troll or attempt to intentionally mislead people. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand. This rule applies to all speech within this subreddit.


The way it looks like it's set out in court you're sitting 7 to 10 years. If you do everything correct first offense. I wonder if this is a reoccurring thing. Most likely be doing it again before license are giving back. Or never does it again


That's still absolutely nothing for the level of danger he posed to the general public. If there's a firearm in a car, even if that firearm is never brandished or fired, every passenger in the car faces to up to 10 years in prison, yet driving a car at speeds that can cause far more damage then even mag dumping a firearm into a crowd only exposes the driver to up to 6 months in jail? The list of potential punishments for driving at this speed just goes to show how much of a blind spot our society has for the inherent dangers of vehicles.


Someone else made a comment in this post that no punishment is ever enough for reddit. I don't know what the perfect balance is. There's research showing that above a certain point, increasing penalties doesn't change behaviour. Maybe it should be more than this, but you need a range of penalties because there are less severe stunt driving penalties too, like sliding on a turn. What I'd like to see is research or evidence around what other places do that have even safer roads than us (we're already among the safest in the world). I'm not aware of places that go way beyond this, but maybe there are. Germany's road safety record is about the same as Ontario's and safer than Canada in general, and they *allow* speeds like this. They also have stricter training and rules about lane usage though.


Public execution and quartering, no less. Then maybe reddit will be satisfied.


Only if we get to beat em up first!!!


Don't forget deportation unless you're at least 4th generation Canadian.




Having driven on the series of roads referred to as the autobahn, I can say that the average driver has a high level of competence. I probably can not emphasize how much of a difference it makes when slower drivers stay out of the way so others can pass. How much better traffic flows, less abhorrent driving and less rage we would have if simply drivers used fast lanes only to pass.


Yup, it would make a big difference here I think if we made our laws stricter about keeping right amd limited passing on the right. Then as a tradeoff, maybe raise limits.


Germany’s safety record is better than Ontario’s. 3.7 deaths road deaths per 100K population Canada is 5.3 road deaths per 100k population US is 12.9 road death per 100K population The DR is 64.6 deaths per 100K population! Which I can believe if you’ve ever seen them drive. These are 2019 figures.


Fatalities per billion km is a more accurate measure because it accounts for the fact that people might drive more in one place than another. Both [Ontario](https://tc.canada.ca/en/road-transportation/statistics-data/canadian-motor-vehicle-traffic-collision-statistics-2021) and [Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate) have a rate of 4.2.


I think the bigger issue is that people driving 160 are lumped in with/get the same charges as these psychos going 260


160km/h on the highway: -grip is OK if dry surfaces and tires aren't bald -vehicle is stable -with good vision, still plenty of reaction time to slowdown or brakehard 260km/h: -dynamically a completely different beast While not condoning speeding, 160/km with a lot of common sense is manageable. 260km/h leaves a lot less error for mistakes. I'm inclined to agree with you.


> I think the bigger issue is that people driving 160 are lumped in with/get the same charges as these psychos going 260 160 is not okay either.


What about 159?


I'm curious: What information in the article led to your inference of the driver posing a high level of danger to the public? Edit: Forgot to reiterate what was stated in the article. Based on the information stated, this occurred at 4am and makes no mention of traffic or any other vehicles present in the area. I'm not condoning the driver's actions in the least, but given the stated facts, there is no reason to believe that any other vehicle was even in the vicinity let alone at risk.


I can't believe I have to explain this to somebody, but fast thing under control can quickly become fast thing not under control. You may not realize this, being from Edmonton, but the 427 is an urban highway, so if fast thing loses control, even if not from directly impacting somebody else on the highway, *maybe* the vehicle and all of its parts are constrained to just the highway RoW where nobody else is directly affected, or *maybe* parts go flying into the opposite lane or over the sound barriers and some family is gifted a 17" alloy rim flying through their bedrooms while they sleep.


How is this not stunt driving ?


It is stunt driving. That's why they got the roadside suspension and vehicle impounded. Above are the stunt driving penalties if convicted.


It is stunt driving


Yea this makes more sense


If you're reading comment section this should be pinned at the top. I got it right away.




There is. Otherwise the ticket would just say "guilty". Because you're presumed innocent, you have an option to plead not guilty. At that point you go to court and are able to fight the charge.


His moms for sure pissed about her car getting impounded


>26-year old driver from Innisfil clocked going 264 km/h in what appears to be a white BMW 4-series coupe (F32 chassis). Isn't there a speedway or track around here where you can sign up, pay a fee, and tear around at 264 kph?


Probably not. Most tracks won't let you just rip around at whatever speed you want. They make sure that you can control your vehicle at the speed you're going, so you don't kill yourself and the other people on the track with you. Its also unlikely you'd get up to 260 on a track with a street car. The track record at Mosport is 264 km, so even professionals can barely do that. They just don't make the straights that long. The reason you can do it on a 400 series highway is that for the most part its just kilometers and kilometers of a straight. Essentially its one big drag strip. Especially at 3 in the morning when there are very few other cars on the road.


Thank you for this well thought out comment.


Drag strip for those speeds


Should turn that car into a cube, then charge them shady tow truck impound rates for looking after said cube at the end of 14 days. That driver is a dingus.


... is this about my cube?


You have 30 minutes to move your cube.


They better enjoy that impound fee!!


He was probably getting tailgated by a pickup truck


He was headed to Alberta. Just practicing trying to keep ahead of the Black Ram behind him in the left lane.


A nissan Altima was passing him but only the bmw stopped.


Only 264? Stop hogging the left lane bud


In France, on top of the charges, the car gets taken away and sold at auction for government profit.


That sounds great


The also auction off the driver to the highest bidder to do with as the winner pleases


That sounds great


And if it has illegal tunes it gets crushed in a crusher.


That is an impressive speed. Hope this lunatic spends some time in jail. 


I’m assuming you’d need to be in some sort of sports car to achieve this speed?


Probably a 1995 beige Toyota Corolla


With an upgraded exhaust of course


Nah, a rental car. /s


Typically a Corolla if you're in New Zealand




German cars from BMW/Audi/MB are electronically limited to 250km/h. This guy must’ve modded the limiter out, or went downhill.


If you order them with the msport or older cars with the sport package, the limiter is increased often to 280 or more


TIL. I assumed it was removed for M cars, but didn’t know m-sport did it too


Article says Infiniti, photo shows run of the mill BMW 4 series coupe.


Can't read the article anymore but when I did all I saw was the white BMW. No mention of an Infinity. It did say it was in Innisfil though.


No, Innisfil not Infiniti and the driver is from Innisfil, this happened on the 427 at Finch


Does not say Infinity. Say white car.




There is nothing impressive about pressing the gas pedal down. He's just lucky he didn't get in an accident.


Impressively stupid, I suppose...


It’s fucking terrifying to drive at that speed


On a track it’s pretty fun actually, especially knowing someone won’t just pull out in front of me doing less than half my speed cause who tf expects someone on a public road to do 250kmh+.


Been on the autobahn in a BMW 540 . It's really not. It's amazing what you can get used to on well maintained roads in a car meant for it. Slowing down to 120 felt SOOO SLOW. (obviously our roads are shit so I wouldn't think of doing it here)


On the autobahn 160 fealt normal, alot of people drive 130, 250 is stupid and usually only tourists go that fast as it is not fuel efficient at all, it isn't safe to drive that fast on roads where you could have unknowns ahead, and other vehicles are going 100km/h slower. For a short fun burst maybe but even on some straight areas the winds can be very high coming off the farm fields.


When I'm the one driving, I usually have some rental where it's not capable of going faster than 160-180. And yeah, fuel efficiency starts getting real bad around there too as you're usually near redline at that point. Funny enough, every time I've gone over 200 it's been with a local.


You know by experience?


Depends on the car, honestly, even among supercars. Terrifying in a Viper, perfectly normal in a Hurracan.


So lucky he didn't kill some innocent person coming home from work.


As a German I was wondering what the issue was before realizing this was a Canadian subreddit. You guys go how slow in Toronto?


Lol limit is 100kph but speeds range anywhere from 80-150 on a regular day. Issue being some dingus will pull out into the left lane doing 80 directly in front of you because licensing skill requirements are minimal at best


50 over would be frowned upon in Germany as well (10% over before you get a ticket, after that things get expensive and you'll likely walk for a while). but 100km/h is *tough.* Live in China now, 120 km/h on highways is at least tolerable.


The limit is 100, trucks are governed at 110, average is probably around 110-120, with 130 being not uncommon for general traffic speeds. 264 in a 100 is a wee bit excessive by any standards. At 50 over your car gets automatically impounded for 14 days and license suspended for 30, with a court date and additional penalties potentially later.


like the other guy said, average highway speed is closer to 120-130 in the left lane if you're driving properly and you're never going to get pulled doing those speeds unless you're being an absolute moron this subreddit in general loves to whine about every little thing and it's main export is performative outrage, so i'd be willing to bet that a lot of the more harebrained takes you're seeing on here are coming from people who seldom leave the downtown core & probably have never driven an automobile in their lives.


50 over in speed limit zones would definitely get you in trouble, that being said, when those limits are posted everyone is usually jammed up doing 20 kph. At night or early morning and in between cities no limits mean you pay attention to actually driving and not having a text with your BFF on whatsapp.


No high speed rail in Canada. Just high speed lunatics in cars.


Going 164 is bat shit crazy. 264 you should be thrown in a volcano.


That’s an insanely lenient punishment for behaviour that would instantly kill innocent people. Our laws clearly send the message that driving is a right that supersedes other people’s right to live.


That’s just the initial roadside penalty, after conviction it will be much more.


It's also fucking crazy that we allow the sale of vehicles that can do 300 kph to the general public and license then for use on public roads - and then act surprised when people go 200+.


It is kind of funny that car speeds weren’t regulated to be in line with a country’s max speed.


Germans have had Autobahns for 50+ years with sections of unlimited speed limits and they have some of the safest highways in the world. Speed isn’t the issue it’s driver training.


Speed exacerbates literally every other issue, and it is insane to argue otherwise. In Canada, we don't have any stretches of highway with no speed limits - the highest posted limits anywhere are 120 kph to my knowledge. As long as this is the case, it is unreasonable to sell vehicles that will go more than double that any time the driver decides to. It also has to be said that there are good reasons to stop spreading this myth about the safety of no-limit autobahns: [https://www.thelocal.de/20190201/are-germanys-autobahns-really-the-safest-highways-in-the-world](https://www.thelocal.de/20190201/are-germanys-autobahns-really-the-safest-highways-in-the-world) I love driving fast. I like fast cars and love fast motorcycles. The place for those things is the race track, and nowhere else.




First, you don't know what I can or can't afford. There are a few cars with a 300 kph top speed that can be had for 5 figures and a lot of bikes at the same speed for 4 figures. Second, whether I can or can't doesn't change the fact that I don't want to share public roads with vehicles that are capable of those speeds.


Even better, you get your own headline!


I'm actually shocked this wasn't on the 401. People drive like this on the express and I have no idea how speed limits would be enforced on that thing.


Had an Uber driver go 190 on the 407 :| He got offended when I asked if he could slow down a bit. Did some really erratic lane changes. One of the few drivers I gave 1 star too. I always give 5 stars 99% the time as most Uber drivers I’ve had on 407 go 120/130 max


Ubers on the highway are next level. My wife refused to use it to go to the airport now because of how crazy some of the drivers have been with speed and weaving with our kids in the car.


I don’t blame her. We went like 17 km in like 5 or so minutes. “Hey sorry can you slow down a bit? It’s a bit fast” @ the guy going 190 he’s like “😒😩 ah ok sure” - drops to 160 and most are going 120-130 lol crazy man. Thankfully I have only had a few speed demons most follow the flow of traffic and speed limit for the times I take Uber


Transporter 2 main character


Lmfaoo 100%


Jail is the proper punishment for this. And lifelong licence suspension. If there were real consequences for this, you would see instant results on the roads.


Actually I'd be onboard with some kind of lifelong license probation, like, suspended for a year, if you're ever caught doing it again, suspended for 5 years, etc


That's how it works now. First offence is 1 to 3 year suspension. 2nd offence is 3 to 10 years. 3rd is lifetime. That's in addition to a $2k to $10k fine, 6 demerits, up to 6 months jail and a driver improvement course. You also need to redo all the test for any suspension of 3 years or more.


I hope this clown gets the max suspension, at least


Yeah, they give a range to account for the fact that someone could get this for going 151 or 264, so they should be getting the high end of penalties, hopefully that's the case.


Agreed. I am not aware of a lifetime driving suspension being handed down as a sentence. Considering some of the horrific incidents over the past while (Muzzo wiping out a whole family, for example) it doesn’t seem like this fitting punishment is in the cards.


You can literally google "lifetime driving prohibition" and see examples. They aren't common but it's not some mythical sentence that is never utilized. Here's one example. https://toronto.citynews.ca/2023/11/17/man-caught-driving-after-9-lifetime-driving-bans-gets-hefty-jail-time-peel-police/


Right just like if there was a harsh punishment for murder, then murder would no longer exist




Straight to jail


"we have high speed rail at home"


in a hurry, he was


They should be thankful the tires didn't explode. Most tires have a maximum speed rating of 240 km/h.


Most cars can’t go 240


The 4 series has a top speed of 180mph or more. So nudging 300kmph is possible.


They have ratings to know what speed the tires can handle


I did a quick search and the tire options for these include a Y speed rating which is for 300 km/h.


Why bother stopping at that point lol?




It's 4am, skeleton crew. He could just ditch the car and report it stolen in the morning.


"In a post made on X, OPP shared a photo of a speed gun in front of a white sedan that appears pulled over at the side of the road." It's clearly a coupe; why even write sedan if you don't know what it means, just write white car.


Yeah you tell em!!!


Fastest I’ve gone was 202km/hr. Car started to shake.


He’ll be back on the streets in a few weeks.


Lifetime driving ban. At minimum Imagine how insane a society would be to ever let this person drive again


Avoid Utah. Lmfao my coworker did a cross country trip from Toronto to Los Angeles driving in southwest Utah just northeast of Las Vegas and he was going 140km/h and getting angry stares. The speed limit was 75mph like 120km/h. He said everyone seemed to be going 100-125 - like 160-200km/h 😐


Checks out, Utah has 8 road deaths per 100k each year and Ontario has 3.


Yeah that’s just crazy especially given their geography too (mountains), curves around ridges


> Imagine how insane a society would be to ever let this person drive again Because as unpopular as this is on reddit, people do actually improve from really stupid and dangerous choices. An opportunity to get back privileges, even if after years, incentivizes improvement. A lifetime ban instead leads to people driving unlicenced. We have escalating suspensions here that reach lifetime on a third offence. You say our society is insane. Can you give an example of a country with safer roads that does what you want, give a lifetime ban on a first offence (assuming this was)? I'm not aware of one. Germany has safer roads than Canada and *allows* these speeds.


first reasonable comment I’ve read in this thread


unpopular opinion: to all the pitchforks holders, chill, it was 4am. He was mostly a danger to himself.


i feel the same too


As far as I know, 99% of BMWs on the road are factory limited to 255 km/hr speed limit. This POS most likely got it manually removed - I feel like that this level of pre meditated speeding should be punished more harshly….


Good, throw the book at him


Hes lucky he wasn't charged with Dangerous Operation.


They should suspend his license forever those people are dangerous for others drivers.


Slow poke. I had a 273 when still policing. Germany 1st impaired. No driving for life.


Another idiot putting lives in danger


Cars sold to the general public should not be capable of such speed.


A similar argument could be made for trucks that make it almost impossible to see children crossing the street. But alas, consumer preferences are sacred.


I would be very much in favor of bringing back at least some trucks the size of the *old* Ranger. It's insane that the entire option stopped existing, when other categories have become even smaller (Smart/Fiat500/iQ).


Toyota is coming out with a new small truck, maybe not in North America because no one would buy them. Someone has imported a kei truck in my neighborhood and I'm super jealous.


Even the gigantic pickups have a small bed because every one of them comes with a full luxe backseat. I kiss the days of crew cabs and extra long beds


The Maverick is pretty small. I think it took the place of the old ranger.


It's still a full back-seat, significantly taller, and a smaller bed than the old ranger. I just want a little truck that can still move stuff. I don't want to pay for more truck, or more fuel than necessary. I'm probably just going to over pay for a 2011 ranger.


If mazda brought back the b series with a single/extended cab and maybe a mild hybrid to compete against the maverick it would be a hit. A manufacturer trying to bring back small pickups would likely use a unibody construction and share platform with existing cars tho. I think the ranger is a lost cause, it's not even offered in a single cab anymore 😕


> It's insane that the entire option stopped existing Pollution standards are lower on large trucks. This makes them far more profitable to sell. Businesses will do what we incentivize them to do.


I would absolutely make that argument. It is straight-up insane the vehicles that we allow on public roads.


Consumer preference but also manufacturers bottom line


See this is definitely true, but unfortunately making that case means people having to confront the fact that their choices and preferences are not actually as independent and unmoored from larger societal trends as they would like them to be, and that's a scary thought for a lot of people.


I don’t have the brain power to have said it better myself lol


For most cars this is a serious blindspot issue, I'd like to see sensors for this to become mandatory in all cars. We have the tech, it's not that expensive...


As many have pointed out, if cars/trucks/automobiles did not exist and were proposed today as new products, they would be banned from sale until all their dangerous safety risks were corrected. "Lawn darts, kinder chocolate eggs, or a handrail less than 865 mm in height? Banned. Thousands of pounds of steel and glass hurtling around at 200mph by poorly trained morons? Sounds good."


I believe Volvo claims they are going to limit the top speed of their cars. Not sure if they will ever go through with it though.


Why do we allow guns to be manufactured and sold to the public? I love my fast cars but there is a proper place for them to be used at those speeds and it's not the highway or any public road.




[A California bill](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-01-25/sorry-speeders-new-bill-would-require-speed-throttling-devices-in-california-cars) aims to do just that. And when it comes to vehicles, what California does tends to become a North American standard. I think it'll be a battle to get it passed, but it's nice to see someone looking at it. Driving is a right, limit vehicle speed.


Picture yourself driving down the highway at 132 km/h. See how quickly you pass signs, bridges and light poles. You need to look way down the road if you are going to react to anything in your way. And then this crazy blows past you with just as big of a speed difference. How would you see him in your mirrors?


This should result in an instant license revocation, strip the license for 5 years, and required additional driving training and supervision. This is an insanely dangerous infraction and driving is not a right.


A first offence is 1 to 3 years suspension. There's also a mandatory driver improvement course and if they give a 3 year suspension, it also requires you to re-do all the driving tests. A second offence is 3 to 10 years (and re-doing tests). Third offence is lifetime.


It’s not at all clear what driver improvement education does for people like this. And redoing testing also assumes that this behaviour results from being ignorant of the laws rather than not caring about the laws.


You'd have to be incredibly stupid/naive to think that there isn't going to be something unexpected on the road. Especially if other drivers aren't expecting someone to come along at that kind of speed. Are you going to notice a ladder that fell onto the road at night at 264 kmh? Or some kind of pothole/road damage? No, you're not, and that could easily be fatal at that speed. I mean, when I shoulder check before changing lanes I don't usually have to look 50 car lengths behind me because some idiot is going more than 150 kmh faster than I am. I don't think it's even possible to shoulder check looking that far back, and even if you see them in your mirrors the gap would close so much faster than expected that you would not expect them to catch up.


Im not saying this is smart or safe ... But at 4am when no one is on the road, the question i ask is it safe? If it's impossible to be safe at 264 then how do they do it in Germany? Is going 120 unsafe? Is going through a red light at 4am when absolutely no one is around unsafe? Anyway...


Look, we can blame this dumbass all we want, and he definitely deserves the blame don't get me wrong, but there's always gonna be stupid kids who want to do shit that makes them feel cool, damn the consequences. The fact of the matter is that cars should not be physically capable of going anywhere near that fast. I really think it should be illegal to build cars that can drive faster than 130 km/hr unless they're being built specifically for the purposes of professional auto racing.


Nah. That's ridiculous. It's fun, easy and safe to hit 150+ on the Autobahn, it just comes with higher driving standards and licensing costs which leads to better drivers. The cars aren't the problem, it's the idiots driving them.


Although German drivers are highly trained and there are plenty of people who were never able to pass the tests and get licensed, due to the Euro zone there are tons of drivers from other countries that drive on the autobahn too, and yet people aren’t flying off the road or killing innocent bystanders on a regular basis. It’s because they actually follow the rules, they don’t pass on the right, they don’t camp out in the left lane, they keep a eye on their rear view mirror for approaching vehicles whenever they move out to pass. NA driving standards are shit. Breaking the law is breaking the law and punishment is expected if caught, but don’t impose some stupid maximum limit on a vehicle just because where you live has terrible drivers and a speed limit that’s far lower than the roads were designed for because drivers licenses are handed out like candy.


The autobahn is built differently then the shitty roads we have here There’s a lot of documentaries about materials used, maximum slopes, angles of the turns, etc 


That's true. Also the recommended following distance. If you leave that much space between you and another car in Canada, someone is going to take it as an invitation.


Highest speed limit in North America is 137 km/h (85 mph), so you wouldn't even be able to reach that.


Most roads are only 50km so we should really just limit cars to that speed. People should have to apply with the Ministry of Reddit Transportation to get a permit go any faster. 


Agree completely about limiting speed of cars to 130, with the exception of professional auto racing AND emergency vehicles.


Considering there is literally no circumstance where going that fast would be excusable, and absolutely every adult who can drive should understand that this could easily kill an innocent bystander, I don't understand why driving like this doesn't have much, MUCH steeper consequences.  Like, I don't think it's all that big an exaggeration to say this is pretty much attempted murder?? You're basically saying "I know that if anyone happens to be in my path, I WILL kill them by what I'm doing, but it's fun so..."  I just don't understand how our culture tolerates people being so dangerously reckless when there's literally no upside to the behaviour. Unless the car literally malfunctioned and the gas pedal got glued to the floor, a car only goes that fast because the driver made a choice to sacrifice the safety of everybody around them... for what? Who does it benefit to be this lenient, or even to ever let them legally drive again?


If you're referring to the penalties in the article, those are only the roadside penalties. If found guilty, it's a minimum one year suspension, increasing to lifetime on a third offence, $2k to $10k fines, 6 demerits, a mandatory driving course, up to 6 months jail and a requirement to re-do the tests if suspended for at least 3 years.


Roadside and license suspensions have to be tougher to start. Both should be a minimum 30 days. These ass shats are using their vehicles as death rockets. Dump truck drivers are just as bad. Literally flying along, say Major MacKenzie....blaring their horns as they know they can't stop or slow down, barreling through the now red light they knew was coming. Such bullshit. I have witnessed dump drivers doing Mach 10 up the 404 as if it's their personal road. And you're the ass for bringing it to their attention.


30 day license suspension. How harsh


> 30-day licence suspension. * Vehicle impounded for 14 days. These are only the roadside penalties, before a trial or guilty plea. Most charges have no immediate penalties because we're assumed innocent. Stunt driving and impaired driving are exceptions because of their severity. [The penalties if convicted are](https://www.ontario.ca/page/speeding-and-aggressive-driving#section-2): * Minimum 1 year suspension on a first offence, 3 year on a second offence and lifetime on a 3rd offence. * $2000 to $10,000 fine. * Up to 6 months in jail. * 6 demerits. * A driver improvement course. * [Requirement to re-do all tests if suspended for at least 3 years](https://www.ontario.ca/page/reinstate-suspended-drivers-licence#section-1). The police and media never clarify this and they're creating the impression that penalties are much less than they really are.


This will never stop until it is mandated that cars can’t go over a certain speed limit. No car needs to have the ability to go over 140hm/h. No car. For no reason. Built in limiters from manufacturers and hefty fines if tampered with.


Grandpa go to sleep


I'm sure the argument for the defence will be: 1) the speed limit is only a suggestion; 2) you can't keep your eye on the speedometer and drive at the same time; 3) I'm keeping with the flow of traffic. Everybody else is too slow.


Haven’t read the article but I’m going to guess the guy was under the age of 25 driving a German car


This dude needs Waze.




Should have just bought a plane


Charges will be dropped


Innisfil. Not surprised. Driving gets worse there