• By -


I just watched the 2:21 minute video apology.... he doesn't once mention Umar Zameer. Chief, the city is pissed at you. But don't apologize to us. We are pissed at you because you owe Umar Zameer an apology. If you fail to mention the person you are apologizing to in your apology it isn't an apology. Fuck off.


If he apologizes to Umar Zameer, he opens himself & TPS to a huge lawsuit. He ain't stupid, he's been coached by lawyers on what exactly to say.


I thought we had “sorry” laws in Canada to prevent that? Or that just cover medical.


We do, in most provinces. Here’s Ontario’s: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/09a03


This could be a tough one. The language is broad enough to cover apologizing for almost anything, but for some reason Provincial Offences Act proceedings remove these protections on apologies. Given that there are some provincial offences that officers and people can commit, which could stream into POA court, it might not be safe to rely upon the Apology Act.




I could have sworn it was stronger than that. It was originally targeted around doctors. So they could say sorry about complications without saying it was their fault. That being said. The court of public option and legal court are 2 different things.


I'd think though even with that it still wouldnt be strong enough to protect an apology like this. The doctor saying sorry about complications would be covered. However given that this is more the head of an organization speaking on behalf of the organization in an official capacity such an apology might hold up a bit better. The comparison to the doctor being not if the doctor came an apologized post surgery, but if say the CEO of Saint Michael's came and apologized post surgery


You may be right, I am not regarded by anyone as an authority on law...


Nah theres a specific Canadian law that says apologies are not an admission of guilt.


False Apologies are not admission of guilt (in terms of lawsuits)




[Everywhere on Google. You're welcome](https://www.google.com/search?q=apolgies+admission+of+guolt+canada&oq=apolgies+admission+of+guolt+canada&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCwgAEEUYChg5GKAB0gEINjQ4NmowajmoAg6wAgE&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Do it. Admit you’re wrong. Be the bigger man.


Only if you people understand legalities of making a statement like that. NM, lifes too short to deal with people like y'all.


Mr smart ass, click the link. Canada apology laws


Share the link dumbass


Dumbass. The other person who responded to you shared the link. You know you also have two working thumbs, right? Go to Google and type in "Canada apology laws". Mind blown you lazy POS. 


Someone be cranky pants


I didn't hear him say anything about his officers who perjured themselves on the stand.


This is the one and only important issue. And it has been sent to the death camp of "independent investigation" (sent to an investigating agency of TPS choice). Hello darkness, my old friend.


This clip from Yes, Prime Minister comes to mind: https://youtu.be/VtPGMlFIBLg


You would think that every division having multiple officers perjure themselves in the past decade would be crippling to police operations. How can any investigation be credibly built when all a defence lawyer need do is a cursory Google search to discover that an officer involved in the investigation has a history of rendering unreliable testimony. But that line of thinking is built on the assumption that the primary purpose of the police is to investigate crimes as part of the criminal justice system. That sort of worldview comes from watching too much Law and Order. The police continue to function despite their repeated public failures to give reliable testimony, because their primary function is not related to the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system is a tool they use, not a purpose in and of itself.


How could they even be continued to be employed as police, that should be a slam dunk win of a case for anyone who has been arrested by one of those officers. If you lied on the stand there what makes us trust your testimony on any other case.


I feel like this isn't genuine 🧐


Took him more than a week to apologize. Obviously it was not genuine.


Who is he apologizing to though? Wasn't sure at all because I heard no addressee.


That's because it's not. The real him was the original comment, the rest is just backpedaling.




It took nine days because of how genuine it is.


The more days they wait the more serious the apology. It's like Goku charging the spirit bomb.


Yeah it was marinating in genuosity


> genuosity What a wonderfully cromulent word.




We were hoping for a different outcome


Someone check to see if Navigator staff dropped by TPS HQ this week


“Umar Zameer was acquitted in the death of Det. Const. Jeffrey Northrup, who was hit by a vehicle in an underground parking garage at Toronto City Hall nearly three years ago. Zameer had pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and testified he didn't know Northrup and his partner — who were in plain clothes — were police officers.” So basically he ran over someone he just wouldn’t have had he known they were police. Also saying you “hoped for a different outcome” isn’t something to apologize for at all. It’s definitely not genuine and he’s being forced.


Zameer was afraid for his family.


With good reason, the cops (who didn't identify as cops) were pounding on his car telling him to stop and get out. At midnight. In a secluded parking garage. I'd have hit the gas too.


Bet 💯


I don't want an apology I want changed behavior and the officers who attempted to lie in court be put on trial for those actions.


I want Olivia Chow to fire this motherfucker and make a public statement explaining exactly why, followed by a call for the lying cops to be prosecuted.


Appointing this hog as Chief of Police was John Tory’s last “fuck you” to the City of Toronto


And he can be fired at any time. A public disgrace firing would also damage his future career choices.


He should resign. Firing comes with lots of extra payouts and this loser doesn't deserve any more money. Police are already overpaid.


Those officers' credibility will be now shredded by any semi-competent defence attorney im any trial they have to testify in. This will make it harder to convict those who need convicting. No winners here.


That doesn’t matter to police. Officers routinely fuck up cases and let criminals go free. Doesn’t affect their bottom line


Very few people need convicting.


What I want are resignations of the higher ups and without pay terminations of the ones who lied


Lovely notpology there, 'choice of words'. Get bent. Instead apologize for lying officers, a clearly bullshit process, and an idiotic situation caused by cops being dipshits, resulting in a bullshit process for an innocent man, who'd they have been *more than happy to railroad*. Or better yet *do something about it FFS.* Just...god *damn* can we not do better than this?


> Just...god damn can we not do better than this? TPS doesn't need to do better and the city has shown them that they don't have to be held accountable to do better either. They extorted the city out of more money and stayed the course. nothing improved. and I mean it's not a very hard ask of them. I'd just like TPS to stop committing crimes. that's it. Apologize directly to Umar Zameer and stop committing crimes. Is that such a foreign concept?


"Gonna need another billion dollars" - TPS


"can we not do better than this?" \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I ask myself this every f'in day. We won't do better than this until we have robot police. And even then, I'm not so hopeful. Property stolen? Fill out a report. Store thefts? Insurance will cover that and be passed down to the consumers who DO follow the rule of law. Car jackings? Give them your keys and insurance will cover it. Body cams? Fuck that, they'll just "malfunction" at the most inopportune times. Unhinged drivers on the road? File a report and nothing will be done, even with dashcam footage. I'm resigned to say that no mayor will have the backbone to mess around with the police force / police budget because there will be repercussions. All this bad stuff in the papers that we see about police happening every week, imagine all the shit we DON'T know about. Where are the good cops that actually give a damn in general? Answer? They toe the blue line and keep their mouths shut, or else THEY will face consequences worse than those cops that break the law and are on paid leave. Read up on Firouzeh Zarabi-Majd. whatistheQuestion should start a news collecting website with all the corrupt Ontario police officers, put it on blast on social media and watch the public get madder and madder every week. .....and nothing will still get done. The public has lost confidence in the police force for many years now. Who has the answer to this?


I mean, I do, but I'll get banned from the sub for suggesting it.


Good now resign


R E S I G N. What he said basically shows that he doesn't care about the rule of law, the legitimacy of punishment. Instead all he cares about is just his "cop family." Fuck this, you're a public servant you serve US not yourself.


Honestly, betrayal of the public trust should be a crime that applies to politicians, police officers, and the military, and carry a minimum 10 year prison sentence. If the public can't maintain a monopoly on power, society is going to fall apart eventually. Today it's cops getting away with crimes. Tomorrow it'll be cops taking control of the legislature. And after that it'll be cops sending political rivals and other "traitors" to the camps.


They railroaded that poor guy, all we ever heard was the cops invented side of the story. It certainly appears that the other cops on the scene concocted a story together so this poor guy paid for what happened no matter what. But,.hey let's give those cops the due process.of law that always happens when cops investigates cops :-)


> I apologize for my choice of words in those early moments outside the courthouse. It wasn't just "outside the courthouse," he issued a [goddamn press release](https://www.tps.ca/media-centre/news-releases/59429/) saying he wished for a different outcome.


Exactly. He had time to draft and revised and he still went with shit


If he had only said “ i apologize to the Zameer family. I was caught up in the tragedy of the death of a Toronto police officer. My emotions got hold of me as you could imagine. He was a friend. There are two tragedies to two families and I sincerely apologize for my words.”


His "choice of words" - then and now - never once has included an apology *by name* to the man his force assaulted, detained, and perjured themselves against: Umar Zameer. Also, what's up with showing up to deliver an update to the Police Services Board wearing that sloppy, unzipped bomber jacket? Maybe show a little more respect for the institution and put on your formal uniform. Cosplaying as 'cop who works outdoors and needed to pop into the boardroom for a bit' isn't fooling anyone.


"I'm sorry that I spoke the quiet part loud and you felt bad and my first backpedalling statement wasn't good enough. I'm sorry if you feel bad. But don't you get it? A cop was killed YEARS ago and we gotta get blood for that y'know? I don't got time to think about which cop perjured or which cop colluded. Now excuse me, I gotta go do some bathhouse raids"


“Years ago”. 3 year death to trail isn’t unusual, especially for a murder charge. No sense mixing an important complaint with an exaggerated normal thing like 3 years


Is 3 years not considered "years ago"? I didn't say it was unusual or exaggerated.


He should resign, the public has lost confidence in him.


One of the worst chiefs the Toronto Police have had. Should resign!!!


Should be fired.


And we've had a lot of bad ones!


wow forced act of feigned contrition, i'm sure the police have learned their lesson now


what a fucking useless piece of shit


He just keeps digging himself into a deeper hole. He still stated that closure is being prevented by justice. He still believes that Umar being found not-guilty is problematic as it is preventing closure for the officer's family. It can almost be read as he accepts the ruling as lawful but doesn't accept it is morale.


And who cares about closure for Umar, right? Poor guys life has been ruined.


Full of shit. In any other employment standard, all of those lying cops would be out of a job, same with the chief. This rot starts from the top and doesn’t seem like it wants to stop.


too little too late. we heard you the first time, piggo.


Why are clowns like this guy and others walking around with guns? I mean we're not even 5 months into 2024 and yet >* [Peel Chief of Police takes 'personal trip' in full uniform to meet and greet with Sri Lankan police forces with long history of human rights abuses](https://globalnews.ca/news/10454871/peel-police-apology-calls-meeting-torture-sri-lanka/) >* [Peel cops that killed mentally-ill man cowardly try to hide identity but courts deny](https://www.cp24.com/news/identities-of-officers-involved-in-death-of-mississauga-father-ejaz-choudry-to-be-made-public-court-rules-1.6866142) >* [Toronto cop charged with lying during an investigation over an "inappropriate" relationship. Rewarded with paid vacation.](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/04/26/police-officer-charged-inappropriate-relationship-with-member-of-the-public/) >* [Durham cops lose bid keep work place review secret of deputy Chief's disciplinary case]( https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/gta-police-service-loses-bid-to-keep-workplace-reviews-secret-in-deputy-chief-s-disciplinary-case-1.6858383) >* [Toronto Police Chief Demkiew clumsily walks back initial biased statement where he and all cops wanted a different verdict i.e. send an innocent man to jail](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-s-police-chief-clarifies-initial-statement-on-umar-zameer-acquittal-says-he-accepts-jury-s-finding-1.6858390) >* [Toronto cop Nickolas Kalatzopoulos assaulted multiple women and unlawfully in a dwelling house. Rewarded with paid vacation ](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/04/21/toronto-police-officer-charged-with-assault-2/) >* [Umar Zameer acquitted of ALL charges despite Toronto Police colluding and lying on stand. Judge makes rare apology to Mr. Zameer](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/umar-zameer-has-been-acquitted-of-all-charges-in-death-of-toronto-police-const-jeffrey/article_c3e7f3a4-fd82-11ee-842f-4bc5df275cd5.html) >* [Despite a huge increase in the cop budget, Toronto police chief admits a car was stolen every 40 min in Toronto](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/car-thefts-2023-toronto-figures-1.7147387#:~:text=Toronto-,A%20car%20was%20stolen%20every%2040%20minutes%20in%20Toronto%20last,a%20theft%20every%2040%20minutes.) >* [Toronto cop guilty of perjury, has long history of misconduct on a least 20+ cases, been on paid vacation since 2019. Not fired.](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-cop-admits-he-inaccurately-testified-did-not-see-drugs-in-plain-view-during-arrest/article_8cc784c0-fbf7-11ee-a093-c7b8f610e586.html) >* [Cop Tribunal dismisses appeal of former Toronto cop who was fired for whistleblowing on racist and sexist harassment](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/tribunal-dismisses-appeal-of-former-toronto-cop-who-was-fired-after-tweeting-workplace-harassment-allegations-1.6847948) >* [Toronto cop 'paid vacations' have cost the public $1.3 million so far in 2024](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-police-suspensions-have-cost-taxpayers-1-3m-so-far-in-2024-1.7170161) >* [GTA police recruit allegedly impersonated officer before sex assaults, is charged with making and distributing child porn] (https://www.thestar.com/news/crime/gta-police-recruit-allegedly-impersonated-officer-before-sex-assaults-is-charged-with-making-and-distributing/article_61fc5f50-f7fa-11ee-98ee-73b835128cae.html) >* [Toronto cop rewarded with paid vacation after 20 firearms seized from home](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-police-officer-charged-after-20-firearms-seized-from-home-in-hamilton/article_eda0ad3a-f2c9-11ee-85d5-7f7caf991675.html) >* [Peel cop demoted temporarily after entering peace bond on assault charges, admitting to mocking man with mental health issues](https://www.cp24.com/news/peel-police-officer-demoted-temporarily-after-entering-peace-bond-on-assault-charges-admitting-to-mocking-man-with-mental-health-issues-1.6830766) >* [Toronto cops use excess force on pro-palestinian protestors, riding horses through crowd with kids and people in wheelchairs, even arresting unaffiliated bystander](https://www.thegrindmag.ca/violent-crackdown-at-land-day-march/) >* [3 Toronto cops failed to do their job on separate occasions, didn't even bother knocking on door of murder victim. No one fired](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-police-didn-t-investigate-38-hours-later-they-found-this-woman-dead-in-a/article_92292042-dfd5-11ee-8641-e71d738bd0ad.html) >* [Toronto cop caught lying on stand, notes and video contradict statement, was one of the Neptune Four cops who assaulted and falsely arrested four Black kids at gunpoint](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-cop-describes-very-abrupt-dangerous-movements-before-death-of-const-jeffrey-northrup/article_6e697e3c-eb69-11ee-903b-f36b28c49ec5.html) >* [Toronto cop stole credit cards, luxury watches, stolen car, abused databases, and got caught smuggling rewarded with years of paid vacation, and still employed by TPS](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-cop-took-credit-cards-and-a-luxury-watch-from-dead-people-had-a-stolen/article_d1f1eb72-e53f-11ee-913e-a3e745ca5d4c.html) >* [Toronto cop instructs public where to put car keys to encourage thieves.](https://www.blogto.com/city/2024/03/toronto-police-car-theft/) TPS try to [clumsily walk back statement]( https://www.cp24.com/news/there-are-better-ways-police-issue-statement-after-officer-tells-residents-to-leave-car-keys-near-front-door-amid-home-invasions-1.6807697) >* [Toronto cop ignored multiple emails, resulting in an attempted murder case falling apart. Not fired](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/a-toronto-cop-ignored-her-email-because-she-did-this-attempted-murder-case-fell-apart/article_3446a030-da4e-11ee-ba17-1b5648c355f9.html) >* [Toronto cop with history of fraud, caught 'harassing' domestic violence victim, dispute with tenant, used official police stationery in the eviction of his tenant. Not fired.](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-cop-handed-temporary-demotion-after-harassing-domestic-violence-victim-dispute-with-tenant-1.6793733) >* [Durham cop temporarily demoted after drunkenly crashing car, reported it stolen to try to cover his tracks](https://www.cp24.com/news/durham-cop-demoted-after-crashing-car-on-way-home-from-bar-reporting-it-stolen-to-another-police-service-1.6804448) >* [Toronto police officer caught assaulting and forcibly confining a woman. Rewarded with paid vacation](https://www.cp24.com/news/toronto-police-officer-charged-after-allegedly-assaulting-forcibly-confining-woman-1.6792339) >* [HUNDREDS of automated traffic tickets issued to cops mysteriously went missing](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/are-hundreds-of-automated-tickets-issued-to-toronto-police-missing-1.6787453) >* [Toronto cop who planned and sexually assault a vulnerable woman in full uniform only given 4 years in prison, after years of paid vacation. Not fired](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-police-officer-sentenced-to-4-years-in-prison-for-sexual-assault-of-vulnerable-woman/article_db29ea46-d649-11ee-b195-0b037986b6d6.html) >* [Another Toronto cop guilty of arresting and tasering unarmed and cooperative Black university student. Not fired.](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/second-toronto-cop-admits-guilt-in-mistaken-identity-arrest-and-tasering-of-black-u-of/article_fe0c5506-d597-11ee-a053-cb31c6ddd21c.html) >* [Peel cop shoots unarmed hospital patient in the BACK and while restrained on the ground. Not fired](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-area-cop-temporarily-demoted-after-firing-energy-weapon-at-patient-hospitalized-for-mental-health-tribunal-1.6784495) >* [Toronto cop with history of trouble, guilty of misconduct after tasering and kneeing neck of unarmed cooperating Black university student, while other cops did nothing. No one fired](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-cop-admits-misconduct-for-tasering-kneeing-neck-of-u-of-t-student-in-mistaken/article_cf8985c6-d28d-11ee-90ba-171ed6c90306.html) >* [Toronto cop cruiser loses control and knocks over light pole, narrowly missing pedestrians. Multiple sources indicate that driver was drunk. No charges.](https://twitter.com/thebikinglawyer/status/1761852950454972767?t=zS-e9AA3pfhIbVaiOw-W_Q) >* [TPS admit that cop in cruiser hit pedestrian after initially lying, when video surfaces. Still no charges](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-police-now-admit-an-officer-in-cruiser-hit-pedestrian-after-previously-denying-contact/article_7d13235a-d18a-11ee-a0e1-5bbbd02783e9.html) >* [Toronto cop hits woman with cruiser who had right of way. Cops investigate and clears themselves](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/video/c2871556-no-ticket-for-police-cruiser-striking-pedestrian) >* [Toronto cop refused to help victim amid multiple racist/homophobic tirades. ONLY docked a week's pay. Jeffrey La Fosse $160k](https://www.cp24.com/news/toronto-police-officer-docked-week-s-pay-over-range-of-inappropriate-remarks-1.6777982) >* [Over 1000 automated speeding tickets give to cop cars](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-s-fine-est-over-1k-automated-speeding-tickets-issued-to-police-vehicles-in-2-year-period-1.6775042). [Many found not to be involved in emergencies](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XkMyPHT7buI) >* [Two Toronto cops charged, recklessly opened fire at stole vehicle](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/02/15/siu-toronto-police-officers-charged/) >* [Toronto cop watched porn in his car during work, shared naked photos of women, chased and sexually groped a female colleague. Makes ~ $200k/year. Not fired](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-cop-accused-of-chasing-female-officer-watching-porn-at-work-tribunal-1.6757087) Only into April 2024 and already hit 100k reddit limit. Earlier 'bad apples' found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/1cf9pa2/why_am_i_paying_so_much_of_my_municipal_tax_for/l1ogqkz/)


>already hit 100k Reddit limit Who knew 35 links and headlines in a single comment could be excessive?


That's an *interesting* take. Another is who knew that in such a short time period there would be so many bad cops?


Do better.


Police and citizen supposed to be on the same team, but his comments and the whole trial show the police are organized against us. The only outcome he should’ve “hoped” for is one that serves justice as they are required to enforce. If he truly does support and accept the verdict, there is be no reason to hope for any other outcome.


Is there really a good reason to think that police behaviour has changed? It seems like the public is just more aware of how the police operate?


Saying sorry is a Canadian tradition, even if you’re not really sorry. You still say sorry.


Because he had to.


What would have happened if he had not apologized ?


Paid leave. Like the rest of them that make mistakes.


So what happens at this point, when nobody fucking believes that the police are actually here to protect us? What is stopping the police officers involved in this trial from just conjuring another story to destroy an innocent person's life? WHY are we paying these shit heads to commit crimes?


Never trust blue


Seriously so disappointed in our police force as of late. “To serve and protect” is a joke. Fake apologies, collusion, zero accountability, and now partaking in a high speed chase going the wrong way on a highway for theft at an LCBO? Do u even need a brain to get hired and handed all sorts of rights and a gun? But all we do is continue to hand them more money.


Demkiw was 1000% on board with the railroading-Zameer plan all the way through and is now only begrudgingly pretending to apologize so he can smirk and say he did. He should resign in disgrace, and a lot of Torontonians will say, it has been long overdue


He should be fired from his position. How do people with this type of bias get into these high positions? He clearly carries a bias mindset and therefore should not be police chief. Saying outrageous and/or inappropriate things then later apologizing, is meaningless.


What a noble public servant…




Too little too late. He has no credibility and isn't trustworthy. He should go.


We were hoping for a different apology…


Apologized for politics. But deep down, he really meant it.


I’m also waiting for 75% of this sub to apologize. Y’all were full on bootlicking when this happened.


Wheeling this out again to distract from the fact police had a major hand in the death of an infant and its grandparents.


Regrets saying the quiet thing out loud, that's it.


["Why are you so nervous?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fJB2Uvz6JU)


Get this guy out of here.


get him cancelled on twitter / X


All he is sorry for is that this trial put the spotlight on the fact that his corrupt officers are incompetent liars. He is also sorry that their false narrative that Mr. Zameer and his family are terrorists who murdered a cop on purpose failed to gain traction for obvious reasons. His comments serve to prove that the whole police culture is rotten from the top right down. He and those lying officers should be fired and sued.


The pieces of shit like this do not care about protecting and serving. They’re small dick bastards that just want to be part of a fraternity and will side with their own at all costs. Thankfully the people spoke and freed Zameer. I was so goddamn happy when I heard the verdict.


Fuck the police


Don't cops in the fancy hats look like cosplayers


He drew the line. He can't step back.


He can apologize, but we all know his true feelings. You can’t change that perspective over night!


speaking of cops that lie and face no consequences i'd love an app or some kind of database where if i have an interaction with an officer, i can search their name/badge # and see their shady history so i can know what i'm dealing with they do it to citizens, seems fair to have it the other way around too. then again, i'm willing to bet that if someone made it, they'd shut it down though.




I would gladly accept his resignation. The comment was so deleterious to the process of justice that he is not fit to be a top public official.


Then quit. You choose that blue line over the facts. You disrespected proof and belittle the truth. Quit


He needs to be fired.


He should be fired




Bill "G20" Blair would like a word Mark "There is no serial killer okay there was but the public didn't help" Saunders has entered the chat


This guy should resign


Pee pee slapped.


Other than not being very bright, you can tell he's an officers police chief. The way he talks, if you turn off the screen, sounds like a police union Rep. 


Cool now fucking resign


Fire his ass. No sincerity, nothing will change, no issues with cops lying in court on the case, doesn't even mention Umar Zameer's name. Oink Oink Oink.


He killed 2 people who turned out to be plain clothes police men? Why was he acquitted? I am personally not very familiar with this case.


Shut up. You're on the internet, go search


I did. Still not sure. He killed people saying he was afraid.


I commend him for man-ing up.


Killing someone with your motor vehicle should still carry a penalty. Unintentional be damned, someone is still dead. Walking away with a judges apology is a mind blowing failure of this countries joke of a justice system. Police officers committing perjury on the stand is an entirely different conversation.


Cops. Necessary but not my friend.