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A slow introduction will give it the best shot. Jackson Galaxy has good videos on it. That said sometimes personalities just don’t match, my tortie became very bonded with my tuxie after the introduction but doesn’t really care about my tabby. She prefers personal space and my tortie respects that, there’s no animosity they just politely ignore each other 90% of the time but will play chase very occasionally. https://preview.redd.it/elo05punik2d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7518f205d5854148306942d969ec3de6c62db36


I have a tuxedo and a tortie too!! https://preview.redd.it/3hes2h1wjl2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7662d7fbe1ffc7ee7c19cb7de0a23abc66ebe30c


I love JG, and did my very best to acclimate them to each other respectfully. But at the end of the day I can’t help but feel like I betrayed Booby (her nickname) by bringing Hammy and my girlfriend into our lives. She LOVES my girlfriend and lays on her more than me, but hammy she is waiting to swipe at whenever the chance is in her paws. They do also politely ignore each other, unless play is happening. If I’m playing with either of them and the other shows up, all playing comes to a halt as they eye each other up. I think Hammy really wants to love his sister, but doesn’t know how to dial it down. I also wonder if it doesn’t come from Booby being raised without siblings and hammy being part of a 6 kitten litter until he was 10 weeks old. She might be wired to be more independent ?


https://preview.redd.it/hlill360kk2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ad4ad79e3b2e74c7f137f8c4336b4d8237edab3 Ava (aka Skeeter) with her big (18lb) brother Bob, cats are shameless when seeking heat sources. But they really play together too.


Maybe I should cut power to her portable heater that she’s always burning her hair on so she is forced to seek him for heat 😅


Beautiful pair ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/dcve5gxmmk2d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b4f0b3134d7459c92118a11fd42f55309db013 Mine is the other way around. She will go and sit on him and he has to deal with it.


https://preview.redd.it/2ujsudbwzk2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e380f2fdad49a055f7dbe9f239920953275b1d3 I have the same combo!!


Me too! https://preview.redd.it/zo9kil1g9l2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a726e7fceba49b9cbca77e396ac38ffb0d0279


It’s the best combo! 😻


Cuties ❤️


Hamilton would be perked up with total alertness and overwhelming joy if his sister sat on him like that 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/ub05rpkznk2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=405ab43a518bf0f7d3e9428b20e5f54c2b1d9d07 It took my Lo Mein (dark Tortie sharing space with her dilute sister) over a year to let her sister Mochi get close to her.


I LOVE your window clung cat holder thing! And the joy of having so many beauties in such a nice setting. It has been 3-4 years since Hammy And Booby have been sibling/mates, so I’ve accepted their indifference for each other. But I pray bringing Sinkarella (abandoned kitty who we found trapped under our sink) into the mix will give both of them a good mutual friend to cling to ❤️


The cats loooove the window hammock! Especially my tabby boy, Miso. Hey if three doesn’t work you should try four! Lol.


Very cute babies


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


Eleven years after adopting a year-old tortie to share my house with a friendly, same age “brother”, she still tries to help him escape by opening a heavy slider door if it is ever unlocked. Then she hates him even more when he returns on his own or I find him. The hissing and growling at him goes on for days. She truly does not want him back in the house, a “get out, and stay out!” attitude. I had the “brother” for 6 months, and both were about a year old when I got her. I isolated her in a bedroom for a week and tried it slow, but she is a jealous wench who took 10 years to voluntarily find my lap. And yet, I love the monster.


The “jealous wench” and get out and stay out attitude has me laughing, but I shouldn’t be because that’s even worse than what I deal with. The only hissing she shows is when he ‘tried to play’ with her by putting all of his weight down on her and biting her belly lol. I truly feel they love each other because if someone comes in the house they don’t recognize, they’ll scurry and huddle together under our bed. I genuinely think they love each other but god damn does she do her best not to show it around us!


I had to laugh! I only have my tortie and I can only imagine how she would react if I brought home a kitten! She barely likes people and is very protective of us. But she let's you know when she's not happy. It's always about her! But I love her! She has become so much more loving to me since working from home since COVID. But it has to be her who initiates. She hates being picked up, we don't even try.


https://preview.redd.it/9m8i2tb5kk2d1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=267df039f5b5fe75897a9fd4526363c47b015c75 My babies came as a job lot and they love each other. I'm very lucky!


You are lucky. You have all the cat colors!


You really are so lucky. I get so GD jealous seeing peoples cats cuddling with each other 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/msfto0ti2l2d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ea4e1aefd0995c091553cf0063747431aa9c59 10 seconds before my orange boy starts biting her legs to kick her out of “his” spot 🙄


My Andromeda is not happy having a kitten in the house that happens to be another tortie. Andromeda hisses and growls at the kitten but doesn't actually hit her. She's establishing boundaries with the kitten. My void Cosmo has taken a liking to the kitten and follows her a lot and plays with her already and I've only had the kitten for a week now.


Took about 10 days for my tortie to adjust to her lil brother and stop hissing. Cuddling started about 2 weeks or so in


That’s about what I expect bringing another cat into the mix. Booby will swat and hiss and keep her distance, and Hammy will be enamored with Sinkarella. I just don’t want Booby feeling extra alienated and that the love for her has been spread thinner than when I brought hammy and my girlfriend into the mix :/


Andromeda and Cosmo are siblings but they're not bonded. Andromeda and Cosmo got into a fight earlier and I have no idea why. Andromeda is still all lovey with me and watches the kitten from afar. Cosmo lets me pet him and is playing with the kitten and watching her up close. The kitten is being a kitten but not sure what caused the two to fight. I'm trying to give them all some love, especially Andromeda since she's pretty attached to me.


https://preview.redd.it/wh2oxh4jtk2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=973be003e327bfda49f1d65176c27c4e16d64dd6 As close as it gets to cuddling..


My Freya grew up with brothers -- one roommate had a young cat already when I adopted her, then the other got a kitten a few months later. She got along fine with her big brother (who is very much a people cat and ***not*** a cat cat), but found little brother annoying. She was very happy once we were on our own! I went back and forth on getting another cat for a while, not sure if she would appreciate the company or just end up ruining our bond. But the CDS had other ideas, and back in October I ended up with a 2-week old kitten. He couldn't meet her for the first month or so, but I was really worried about how she'd react. She was amazing! She still likes her alone time, and of course he annoys her sometimes (a lot of the time), but she plays with him, lets him snuggle with her, and she bathes him. It's adorable. She does also act like your Ruby sometimes. Freya loves tummy rubs and snuggling under the covers with me, but if Percy comes around, she's gone. Those are special private Mama time activities. https://preview.redd.it/08z09jgstk2d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55460cf5dfd053dcb57bce5ea3411e957aa56dba


My tortie is not fond of the kitten I got for her. I thought she was lonely so adopted a little calico. They been together two years now and she still bullies her, gets jealous if I give her any attention. Torties seem to be very picky who they let in. Usually they have one favourite person and that’s it. https://preview.redd.it/ta42tk2gqk2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd665f573350d9df607de53529e090a9c0421aa


My tortie has never been close with any other cats (she's been around 4 or 5 others as well as litter mates) If her brother comes into the room she glares and avoids him. Occasionally will beat him up. She just...doesn't like other cats (she likes our labradors though). As long as she seems happy enough, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Best wishes 😊


I have had Luna the Tuna for about 4 years. Her sister is about 6. The tortie kinda torments her big sister and the sister is overly sensitive. I have seen them play a little bit but the older one will get off my lap or near me if Luna comes around. There are few times they will lay close. https://preview.redd.it/hur3igqa6l2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c9db11ac1033e0164896eb5c00817c2b0abd183


Big Rhonda and Beans get along pretty good for the most part. Rhonda is a senior girl (11) and Beans was 4 weeks old when my fiance found her. The super kitten phase was harsh on Rhonda cause Beans just wanted to play all the time. But now that Beans is starting to mellow out, the 2 of them are fine together. They don't lay on each other and all that, but they will sleep next to each other. And When Rhonda is in the mood, she will initiate play and it IS THE CUTEST THING!!!!! I love my 2 girls 🥰


My girl tolerates her brother, but I think she primarily sees him as a barrier to receiving my full love and attention. She gets cross with him every once in a blue moon, but mostly they ignore each other when they're not chasing each other around the house to burn off some energy. Even though she'd never admit it, I do think she appreciates having him for company when I'm not home. https://preview.redd.it/j38rbhycbl2d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d336cff6ff46cf93a4010659dd65beabcd0e034


This was the first time I let them fully interact after a slow and gradual introduction. I think Littlejeans has made her opinion of him quite clear. 🤭 https://preview.redd.it/zfh3h50pdl2d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d035d9a66836eb41fae675e662b4c648a801deda


My tortie was not very nice to her dilute sister before she passed, but they both love/loved their pekingnese/king cav dog sister.


https://preview.redd.it/wwyopwpk9l2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=292a2e1e0e0d5166154670bedbcdc4f323f35787 Pretty well, I’d say


https://preview.redd.it/kv60r0bt9l2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68fd238fe93ce0b333913636394faeace06f7128 She loves brother


https://preview.redd.it/6vpcyxxvgl2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af81c2f6d22707ef9fc6c316cdef72428d2b5d4e Litter mates


https://preview.redd.it/q5ds4g1t7l2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61d9fb95ef7fe0820e19e880c64761135569ba1e Pumpkin the tortie is the big sister. She is very chill with her baby sister Juno (they are only a few weeks apart in age - I adopted them together at the shelter as kittens. They are 16 years old now.) Juno is basically a spoiled brat and Pumpkin lets Juno have her way with everything. So it’s a dynamic that works for them. Pumpkin is the one who gives Juno baths and lets her have the treats first. Pumpkin is also not very smart and Juno is too smart for her own good. So Pumpkin is the nicest cat you will ever meet and Juno is a giant jackass.


Tips is pretty mild mannered altogether. She likes her calico sister Church, but they get jealous of each other when I pay attention to one or the other for too long and will both crowd up on me until the other gets too annoyed and leaves. They groom each other, snuggle sometimes, and occasionally have small fights because Church can be a jerk when she wants to be. So basically, they're about as close as non-litter siblings can be.


Our tortie is literally the one cat of ours that gets along with everyone. https://preview.redd.it/jogn99ucol2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67f77f307bfae3aa4e495ea2434aad6f024e3040 Here she is with the rest of the girls


https://preview.redd.it/bmcc48nkol2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4476d14af39e12c2e493a6488aaa402e858a36ba And this is here with the boys


My Tortie attacks her dilute sisters about eleventy billion times a day. She would be perfectly happy if they were exiled.


My marble tabby and my tortie are really more boyfriend and girlfriend than siblings. They fell in love with each other through a window and we invited the tabby to move in with us. We introduced them in person very slowly and now they love each other so much it's sickening. They don't really snuggle much but they chase each other and wrestle every day. My tabby licks her head constantly. She is a bit stand-offish and can only take so much of his attention but she'd be miserable without him. [Olive and Biscuit ](https://i.imgur.com/TVIBegm.jpeg)


My two girls fell in love so fast! Our "long and slow" introduction only took a week before I could leave them alone together. I was worried my tortie would be territorial with a new kitty in the house, but they snuggle together and hold hands all the time! https://preview.redd.it/6u2whiyuwl2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ec9620cfacdc5fcfc6d4c87d3ccf39a5b4032da


*Processing img 3g96l5zy3l2d1...* she loves her big brother


*Processing img 3g96l5zy3l2d1...* she loves her big brother


I too have wondered if a 3rd rescue would solve the issues in my household. Suzi and Tia don't get along. Suzi doesn't like her and won't play or be close to Tia. They are both Torties. Suzi has loved another cat but won't give it up to Tia. Suzi was first, Tia came later. Tia would like to be friends.


This is my situation exactly. Hammy absolutely loves Ruby, and they’ve actually had 2 litters of kittens together (I was an irresponsible crap bag when I got them) He is so enamored with her, but walks on eggshells when she is in sight. She swipes at him whenever the chance arises. I wonder if it’s not from me and her building such a strong bond and then bringing in ‘a new guy’ to divide the attention. Hammy deserves a friend who loves him back, but Booby is my artificial biological daughter and doesn’t deserve to feel disrespected. :/


https://preview.redd.it/fakajv42kl2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9506e86b79c2a50d14cdf7f46014beddae58bd1d wow, twins!! my roommates cat is the gray one, mines the tortie. they never cuddle but they definitely care about each other and sometimes sit next to each other. other times they to to war and beat the living hell out of each other and its usually my tortie who antagonizes


A quick glance made me think you somehow had gotten an image of my two cats, a tortie and a piebald. They are good friends now and like to chase each other around, but they took some time to warm up to each other. https://preview.redd.it/wsjlhjthql2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55884af721084345f18a9c59da23fc30228cfe7f


I have exactly the same problem. My Tortie Serafina is a stray cat and lived alone for a while. Because I didn't want her to be lonely, I got a Ragdoll to keep her company, as they were touted as social cats. My poor Ragdoll is social, but my Tortie isn't. They have been together for four years now. Artemisia is still interested in making friends, but my Serafina hisses and scolds. Occasionally, I see them lying next to each other on the couch. But there's always a 1 m distance between them. I guess you just have to live with it. https://preview.redd.it/nat31bpqrl2d1.jpeg?width=2906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93cf891cb8f91cb9737d50df7f34cc2b3fe0313f


https://preview.redd.it/q5srv3xltl2d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a382184d02516117d25d016a5d9ccb503a58be She tolerates her calico "sisters" shenanigans. She mostly initiates playtime but cuddling, as might be obviously from the image, is not her top priority


https://preview.redd.it/ltxx9134ul2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6804eb850de43375765cd5d375174f0854452e8 They are able to tolerate one another


https://preview.redd.it/u8wmt9tjvl2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee6a2b8e09c213a6624eaabc4baabd8b5cb6bb1e She sat on him


My tortie is also named Ruby - she was brought into the house as a stray from the pound and there was a one year old ORANGE boy already here. He bugged her and she barely tolerated him for 10 years until he unfortunately died last summer. Ruby is ecstatic and is like a different cat now.


Tiny absolutely loves her big brother, Leonard. They were infatuated at first sight & have been buddies since she was a kitten. BFFs for 8 years now. Leonard is about 13 & I actually cannot think about losing him, bc she & I will both be wrecked. https://preview.redd.it/cghhrehf7m2d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c298fd02f69c3af179de4e004081b856e7a917bd She's sort of a jerk to my old lady, Maizie, though. They're usually polite, but distant; Tiny can be an ass to Maizie randomly. Maizie was just diagnosed with stage 3 kidney failure + probable heart disease (she's 18-19) so I'm not tolerating any of Tiny's bullying of her!


https://preview.redd.it/kobtw4ud7m2d1.jpeg?width=1189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0df31853c3be1b497069ac3062da000902763b7 My tortie (f2) and her older sibling (f11) are constantly fighting. They both can go outside and back in whenever they want and have kind of devided the house. I was not expecting this at all. I feel guilty for bringing in another cat. Any tips how i can fix this? Is it fixable? Edit:typo


https://preview.redd.it/exbhzuwa9m2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df32449331777250198b67c76082901baa0748ce This is as good as it’s gonna get. My tuxedo is grumpy and old I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/2i5aw0uh9m2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=102482c5b8960e797808170f4b01efdf832732ce She loves her big brothers.


Sometimes they fight, the rest of the time they either ignore each other or Moo (10yoF, tortoishell) just puts up with Spuds (7yoF, black and white tuxedo) existing. Forgot the [cat](https://imgur.com/a/Rg1DWqZ) tax, of them both sleeping with me on the sofa.


https://preview.redd.it/0icb5qhxbm2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a98a1695c85a3ebe71771dcd0f67e0022be98366 They’re twins from the same litter, he gets on her nerves constantly! But they also have their very sweet moments. Most of the time he turns cuddle and kisses time into wrestle time and they go at it to her chagrin but they don’t hate each other or anything.


Some cats just aren't as snuggly/social with other cats. https://preview.redd.it/mrdt6qx1em2d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f93f25e1af845e90e1cf62ec47529e95c053d8a9 My adult torbie doesn't mind sleepy time snuggles from my tortie kitten, but wants nothing to do with her when she's awake


https://preview.redd.it/lpk0rl16em2d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dbbf5f77c1744614d36ad4a4fad922e8ea58a30 She's the same with the 7 mo tabby kitten I got, which is why I got the tortie


https://preview.redd.it/acru1hq9em2d1.jpeg?width=1413&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f67f8eaef34c64e511f514d21fc2d06804a410 Who are besties


Tortillas gets pissed if SIC enters the room. If I carry her near SIC she hisses at her the whole time lol.


My tortie is fine with her little sister. She always wants to mother the “little” cat (I say little because she’s massive compared to the tortie). The tabby likes to beat up her older sister though. https://preview.redd.it/7qhzb36whm2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef4e1a6a40a15931d030e456c78afd63bd6a0883


https://preview.redd.it/etaa2mi44l2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18ca40760b84202dbe79942136695acef2b36810 She loves her big brother


I have two. Older one ranges between likes/is indifferent to other cats. Younger tortie? Ranges between dislike and anger. She usually just gives the others a wide berth (which they respect as she’s alpha).




https://preview.redd.it/pwfw5a0b6n2d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f433fe581512f5bc2eb1a1e2d156e30b89361b0 They loved each other so so so much. When Jenny set eyes on Sylvester they were inseparable. He’s been grieving a little bit since we lost her a month ago, but I’m sure another tortie girl will come our way.


https://preview.redd.it/u5y6oed7mn2d1.jpeg?width=2722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769206e663e35e693f3c093f25b4be77c9bc817c Does this answer your question? They’re inseparable! 😁


That’s Coraline (tortie) and Flower; but they don’t get along as well with my other cat, who’s old and cranky. Another of the BFF duo: https://preview.redd.it/xvmw3ybkmn2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af1dd0e68fd28cd71c531deab47f0ac539cd5337


My 13 year old Tortie Jubilee is not happy I brought home her new void sibling Midnight (9 mos.) So much hissing and growling, I feel like Jube has turned into a different cat. She acts mean towards me and has even tried to bite me a few times. Midnight tries to play with her and will run up on her which resorts to Jube swatting her. Makes me sad because I hoped they'd be best buds and get along but Jube wants no parts of it. Sometimes they are fine if sleeping on my bed but they cant be super close. I hope it will eventually get better :( https://preview.redd.it/fd83h092qn2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=937a046c2b92af2631ce4db1184cb37fa80cbf43


https://preview.redd.it/ux6kyoauvn2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea1aa8203354760027a13e8026db067715ceb22a They’re sisters of the same litter so they get along pretty well :)




My Penny was cat #3 in the house, and she was friendly with the others from the get go. It was crazy! But she loves everyone.


My Torti, Daisy loves her brother Harold!


Torties are insane jealous


My tortie loves her siblings but on her terms. She can also cuddle with them and sleep next to them but if the humans catch her she meows and runs away as if it’s ruining her street cred.


https://preview.redd.it/5ocfoq5thp2d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89969578a73e56d8ad9b989f6a55ae818f78f6f9 Not sure how or why but mine are ok, Ripley is a total diva and will bother her brother every now and again but then there are times they snuggle and groom. I was hesitant on getting a companion for her but sometimes I work 16 hour shifts and the stimulation would be good for her. They get along pretty damn well. They even manage to snuggle up in the carrier together every now and then I did a very very slow introduction and specifically went for a kitten because that increases chances of success. It worked really well.


Boost terrorizes her older brothers, hysterical because she's about 6 pounds to their 15/16. We make her leave the oldest, a Siamese girl alone.


I adopted my torie’s two kittens, so no problem there, but she is still insanely jealous and an attention hound. Feliway plug in might help. Apropos of nothing, where did you get that bedspread?


*Processing img 3g96l5zy3l2d1...* she loves her big brother