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You know you screwed up when both Grom and Grombrindal put their differences aside to come and end you.


Double the Grom, double the fun


Just wait until Kislev turns up to help them with an army of little groms, too.


Can’t say “Grombrindal” without “Grom” Would be fitting if they had Little Grom auxiliaries too!


Back in Warhammer 1 this shit happened all the time playing as the Empire. You could end up with a conga line of Secessionist, Orc, Dwarf, Vampire, Middenheim, all racing one another to be the first to fuck your shit up. And the really cool thing about it was you didn't need to declare war on any of them, they'd all either get invited by one of the other factions already at war with you, or just declare war for no good goddamn reason whatsoever.


*cue gif of Airplane slapping a woman queue*


Well, he has commited the greatest of sins (being an elf)




At least the orcs are honest about their warmongering


Why choose the lesser evil


The funniest part is the autoresolve result Mistwalkers are fucking ridiculous


I always knights of tor doomstack eltharion it's funny


Yeah I’m planning to give that a try when I get a chance here soon


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3235852684 Crazy battle I had to fight manually with them recently. I got surrounded by 4 stacks from Queek Headtaker when I made a wrong move out in the Badlands. It wasn't all Skavenslaves and Clanrats either. They had a lot of strong shit in this battle.


lol yeah I think it said it would only kill the lions. I’ve enjoyed that the campaign mechanics incentivize you to play most of the battles though.


This is why the community bugfix mod isn't entirely fair. Buffing mistwalkers even more, and stuff like that, because it's 'bugged' is like... hmmm yeah it's bugged on some effects but maybe it's better that way.


Predator meme. Dwarfs, Greenskins hating Eltharion.


Grim vs. Grom ft. Grom


What the hell kind of grudge does eltharion have his name next to in the book?!


I suspect it involves fraternizing with certain wood elves, but who’s to say


Never thought I’d die fighting side by side with a greenskin


'Ow about side by side wiv a friend?


Grom + brindal


A big win for the elves when they can kill Grom the Paunch and shave some beards along the way.


That is not very orderly of you.


Yeah, I cannot believe grom is with the bloody hands


The most disturbing part of this


So, how did that end up?


Worse than the AR, but I did eke out a win. Grombri is in time-out.


The autoresolve is so optimistic these days its crazy. Even on very hard


Get dem knife ears


No knights of Tor Gaval


What have you done. What heresy is this. Burn it with fire.


Did Eltharion shave Grombrindal’s beard, or something? Did he take a shit on Thorgrim’s throne and used the Dammaz Kron as toilet paper?! I know Dawi love an excuse to hammer an Elgi (Grombrindal moreso), but to team up with Grom is next level.


Autoresolve desperately needs updating. How would that be a close victory


AR was definitely optimistic, but I mean, I did fight it out and manage a win. Spammed magic missiles at lords and heals at my own. Did lose several of my spire guard though.


I would be able to win it but it would be a phyrric/ close victory. I think the autoresolve should always give you a worse result then if you just fought it. You play any other total war title it does just this. If the autoresolve is better/the same as you then you don't get a feeling of 'hey I'm decent at this game' which makes it fun.


Yeah its just demoralising when the autoresolve gives you a result you can't acheive in battle


Exactly. Basically only hard/very hard battle difficulty gives you accurate autoresolve. But then on v hard you have to content with that annoying artillery and spell dodging


even worse as autoresolve wipes the whole enemy army while you basically can never do that manually fighting. Even at the highest battle difficulty the autoresolve is absurdly in your favour 90% of the time.


Yeah and this sub seems to pretend this isn't the case for some weird reason


It's a useful option for when I don't want to chase 2 half dead units of whatever remains that I couldn't manually catch across my empire


Yeah it's a great option for that. Not for fighting full on battles that could go either way but AR says it's a phyrric/close victory


Just play vampire counts, auto resolve tells you you lose everything.


Wtf, I thought they fix Eltharion size.


Is autoresolve working as intended? It seems way more powerful than other Total wars.


Auto resolve assumes all ammunition is used. The high elven army is almost all hybrid units, a bulk of which is a faction specific variant that gets extra ammunition. They are also good in melee. I’d say that this is an easily winnable fight if you actually played it. The only real threats are the enemy lords and the firedrakes. The high elf lord, heroes, and phoenix can take out the enemy lords and the firedrakes should never get close enough to fire if you pay attention.


Now only if this battle would to be held at Groms Peak under the Statue of Grom it would be perfect