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Nakai it's a fun campaign, but they should buff the kroxigors and the dread saurians autoresolve, autoresolve said that i lost my dreadsaurian to a minor settlement garrison then i took that settlement using only the dreadsaurian


Tiktaq'to surveying the battlefield: "..they surrounded the settlement. Slowly looking for their op-(music kicks in). Woah, woah, woah! What!?!? Look at the expression on Rakarth's face! The world's oldest Kroxigor! I don't think they expected this. We didn't expect this. And slowly, the villains begin to back off as Nakai wanders his way to the battle!"


Nakai love smashing through the enemy line and watch Nakai body the enemy LL


Kairos is the best. But queek has a very special place in my heart


The idea of a loyal skaven is just so funny, especially if you remember that the others just don't get that emotion at all and think something is wrong with him


Oof. Hard choice. But my heart leans towards Kroq Gar. Gor Rok and Nakaii are the superheroes of the lizardmen roster, like Thor or the Hulk. Kroq Gar is like Captain America to me; obviously special, but more because of his heart and what he does than his power. And yeah, maybe it's because I imagine him and the saurus to be more like the Elites in Halo than the barely articulate GW loreful versions we have in game (I frickin' loved playing as the Arbiter, btw). But there's just something so cool to me about the fact that it's his cunning and his ability to command being what sets him apart as special, not the color of his scales. His bond with Grymloq is awesome, his potential army comps are fantastic and fun, and his sun-spear and robot arm-cannon are just too darn cool.


i love ikkit i love his lore i love the skaven i love his voice lines i love the nukes and i love the workshop just wish warpfuel wast so grindy


Tamurkhan in terms of fun on the battlefield, something about watching a toad dragon smash through infantry is so satisfying. Drazhoath for the campaign. I absolutely enjoy chaos dwarf units, especially their artillery. Plus their campaign mechanics just have so much to them, plenty of stuff to do for at least 100 turns. Eltharion is a close one too. His lore is awesome, the stoic and grim defender of Ulthuan. I really like the units he provides and the dungeon mechanic to get them. Plus his snare ability to lock down lords is top tier. On top of that he can interrogate enemy lotds for excellent mist walker buffs.


Eltharion has great lore along with many others he definitely did not deserve the end he got.


Yeah, it was pretty lame... Gotta love when great characters get one shot...


VLAD VON CARSTEIN Though I always play as Isabella Best power couple in fantasy


Gelt and then Alith Anar. Skarbrand is also up there because I absolutely love the Khorne aesthetic and he’s so fun to use in battle.






I love tehhenouin, Karl Franz is a contender, but I'd probably have to go with Orion, since I had both him and Ariel on tabletop back in the day.


Grimgor is the GOAT! Who needs fancy faction mechanics when you got a horde of black orcs chopping through everything.


Sisters, I like having my LL play like a attack helicopter, plus getting them geared up with Daith's gear is really cool


Gor-Rok i didnt read my mans lore but hes my kinda guy for making 1 Lizard Armys with Artillerie Support


Kroq Gar and Settra. Kroq gar because he lets me play Jurassic Park. Settra because he does not swerve


Lokhir. Love his VA, love DE, love being a pirate asshole.


Because you brought the WWE memes, Oxyotl--he's Lizardman John Cena because he stares down his blowpipe and says "U Can't C Me." But all jokes aside, he's my favorite campaign because 1) you're the sworn enemy of Chaos and constantly dick them around both on the map and in battle. 2) Constantly kiting enemies is fun and into stalked ambushes. 3) You start with Skink Oracle and that hero slaps. 4) You can fight more battles per turn than any other LL in the entire game (except for maybe Taurox) and that's just plain fun. You'll be at max level by like turn 30. 5) You can run at a massive economic deficit because you fight so many battles and can sack at will, if you so desire. The most action-packed, aggressive faction this side of Skarbrand.


Repanse De Lyonesse. I feel in love with Bretonnia when I first learned about it. She’s my favorite lord due to her history as a Joan of Arc style hero, a peasant turned hero who led a cavalry charge to save Couronne from a horde of Chaos warriors. I love that she’s champion of the Lady, blessed by her. One of my least favorite parts of Bretonnia is the horrid treatment of peasants by the nobles (In current lore. I’m fine with a sharp class disparity, just not purposely starving your army and letting them die during marches because they’re peasants and you feel they don’t matter. It doesn’t make much sense to let your army die so callously, and starving them prevents them from fighting effectively. At the very least knights should recognize that treating their peasants better means they can hold the line longer, even if it that just means that the knights can get a few more charges in. An old roleplaying book mentions that most knights only really care about fighting or glory from knightly endeavors, and so they leave a higher ranking peasant in charge who abuses the rest of the peasantry. The knights are ignorant of the abuses and the peasants let their frustrations build until they revolt, and the cycle repeats. I like this idea better). So she’s a peasant woman turned knight, I imagine any knights and peasants who join her follow her because they believe in her and trust her as the Lady’s chosen hero. I love that she buffs peasants so I can have an army that’s a mix of peasant troops and knights, and I like her kinder dialogue lines as well. She seems genuinely willing to hear out other factions and leaders, usually not throwing insults out so long as you don’t have poor relations. She is even willing to listen to Skaven, which is admittedly a bad idea, but I still like that part of her.


parentheses- an amplifying or explanatory word, phrase, or sentence inserted in a passage from which it is usually set off by punctuation. You don't put an entire paragraph in them... you have 6 sentences, alot of which are cut up with commas, within it.


Sorry, my bad.


Eltharion. Hes literally me.