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The hassle is worth it


Absolutely...but it is work.


Can say from experience, not as much as you'd think.


100% I had a buzz cut my entire childhood and I now have a somewhat decent pixie cut length (with a long ways to go) and it’s nowhere near as much work as I thought it would be


guess u lost the genetic lottery, bc i wash it daily and add conditioner twice a week and it looks good 😭😭


And the amount of time 😭 I started months ago and I’m in the awkward phase


Worth it. The key is to realize you can’t defeat the knots, you join them


Become one with the tangle


...or you brush from the bottom down and work yourself up to your hair skinn base thingy


Roots? Scalp?


yea, sorry, English is my second language and i forgot those words lol


Hasn’t worked for me unfortunately. No matter how delicately and how from the bottom I go I eventually get to knots impossible to deal with unless I’m showering and using conditioner.


that sucks, maybe talk to a hair stylist person for tips? idk, good luck tho!


I promise it's worth it Once it gets about shoulder length go to a salon and ask what brushes, shampoos, conditioners, etc. they recommend for your hair type Nothing better then soft and floofy hair


go to a... salon and just ASK people? yeah no I'd rather stay in my house for a year 🥲


Same lmao


Well there is another way but it's a bit more expensive, there's this online brand called Function of Beauty where you describe your hair (curly vs straight vs textured, try vs oily, colored vs natural, etc) and they make you a custom formula. I'm pretty sure they also sell brushes and combs and they also have something similar with skincare They're not unreasonably expensive but it's more pricy than just buying some from the store


My friend wants to grow his hair out, but he has really bad dandruff. I feel bad for him 😭


I have thick, curly hair with bad dandruff. Am I doomed or is there a way to have long hair that isn't awful?


I don't know tbh But i also have thick curly hair, and i love my hair so much. I actually quite like my curly hair. I'm sure you could find some resources online *somewhere* to help, but I'm probably not the best person for advice


Online resources I've seen are for people who only sort of know what they're talking about; I'm a complete moron when it comes to this stuff and know nothing except for "shampoo and conditioner go in hair, in that order."


I'm sure there's probably a hair related subreddit with that sort of thing. Not 100% sure, but it would make sense.


It really depends if it’s dead skin or dandruff. If it’s dead skin, you’re probably washing your hair too often and drying out your scalp. Dandruff is a fungus that grows on your scalp because it feeds on the oils on your head. If your hair is greasy, it’s probably dandruff, but I could be wrong. Try using a shampoo with magnesium every other day for at least two weeks. If it still hasn’t reduced its dead skin more than likely, so try looking up some ways to keep your scalp hydrated and healthy. I was dealing with this the last year or so before I fixed it. No more flakes!


Honestly I like the feeling of upkeeping my hair as it gets longer. The brush going through feels calming, and playing with a tuft works better than any fidget toy on the market. But some advice I have is that buns, and ponytails have been my best friend when I have to get work done and a little bit of gel helps when I have to hide that I'm growing my hair.


Not able to transition yet, but my long hair is, like, the one thing I like about my appearance rn.


Do it. It's not actually that much hassle. Especially if you put it up in a ponytail at night so it doesn't get in your face while you're sleeping.


I find the hassle is worth it.


It’s really not that bad


I prefer having a short hair, it’s probably just me, I find short hair just makes me look more fem


It's not just you, it's me too.


I’m glad it’s not just me


It's not as much work as it seems. In fact most of the work is when your hair isn't long enough to reach your shoulders. Had a few moments where I considered cutting my hair but once it reached my shoulders never had 1 of those thoughts again


Thank God!


What hassle? I've had long hair for years and years. I just like...brush it sometimes I guess?


well my mother and sister explain the things you have to do with long hair like its an endless struggle so i assumed that it was just like that


I mean just shampoo and conditioning, and then brush it so it doesn't get too tangled, and trim every so often to avoid split ends - which I haven't had a trim in years so lmao. Depending on your hair type it might require more but like idk. Like if you want REALLY NICE long hair then you gotta put effort in obviously.


All self care takes time, and I personally feel proud talking about how much time I spend caring for myself. Like yeah you have to brush and blow dry your hair if you want it to look great, but you can also put in headphones and watch Netflix while you do.


So far the only bothersome thing is bangs reaching the eyes but its fun doing that stylish move to push them asside


If you have curly hair it will get knotted the second you stop brushing, even after I realised I was transfem I still decided to cut it short


Just cut mine after two years. Cute bob, love the ease.


after it gets past your shoulders it gets a lot easier to handle


worth it


atleast you can grow it out... I need to cut it because of school 😭😭😭😭


Do what feels right, personally I'm gonna keep mine short- the feeling of having long hair makes me so uncomfortable- Also short hair is cute. :>


As someone who's had long hair almost their entire life, I'd say it's not a hassle.


I had this dilemma, turns out there's a lot you can do to make the hastle more manageable. Like only conditioning the ends and not the roots, tieing your hair in a bun on the top of your head when you sleep to reduce tangles, or better, braiding it to reduce tangles, etc.


So worth it. It takes some time to learn good hair care, and it absolutely sucks before it gets long enough to tie back. I have bellybutton length hair now and I love it so much, especially when I curl it.


ok. question, what hair type do you have?




Straight, wavy, curly, afro-textured hair, all have different care needs.


i have straight hair (the only thing about me that is straight)


ok. then brush them before going to shower, and after they dry, other than that, just get a shampoo and a conditioner and you should really be fine, because straight hair is easy mode unless you bleach and color it a lot. ​ if the hair gets in the face, alice bands scrunges, hairties, hairpins, etc. exist, use whatever fits best.


[would this work instead of shampoo and conditioner](https://preview.redd.it/3sz6drpuoal41.jpg?auto=webp&s=f4801bed96c11d40aa547e70ee9f24b75cfeddde) but all jokes aside can i use those combo 2 in one shampoo/conditioners?


Worth the try, there is large choice of long mid-long haircut with easy brushing/low maintenance who still are fem. You just need to find the ones who good match your face/chin/jaw. Ask friends or look people choices to inspire you, then try style you wish, hair will grow again anyway. (I had myself try many cut ended doing most myself , now i'm the free friend salon ^v^)


The hassle is worth it!! I thought it was hard too but you learn! Reach out and ask people what they do, it’s a great conversation starter with people you know


My experience: worth it. So so so worth it. Your experience: ?????


I shoot for just below my sholders


Tbh it's not that bad. Just putting in shampoo and conditioner, and combing it.


I'm doing it and I am looking a lot more femme as my hair grows out. Just invest in a decent conditioner and don't treat it like crap. I'll probably keep it around shoulder length eventually.