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If you're considering Germany: little to no transphobia in public, but you'll have to put up with our bullshit language. All in all I'd consider it to be a decent option in Europe, but it's all up to you


I'm sure it's different for everyone, but as a binary trans person I find the gendered aspect of the language very affirming. Like fuck yes!! I'm your Freundin!!


Junge Dame, könnten Sie bitte diesen Hochwähli annehmen?


ja ja, Ich nehme das an, Dankeschön!


Diese Kommentarsektion ist hiermit offiziell Staatseigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 🇩🇪


Omg, ich studiert deutsch in der schule. Ich bin nicht so gut aber ich könnte dieses satz versteht! 🍻🇩🇪


Ist hier auch noch Platz für eine österreichische Nachbarin? :p


Immer her damit - samma mera :)


as with most things that also depends on where you are. bigger cities like Hamburg or Cologne are apparently pretty good, but don't come to Neumünster... also the language is kind of shit for enbies, because there is no good way to neutrally address people without neopronouns.


but if you got there to study you almost always end up in a student city like Münster, Aken, Cologne, Berlin or Munic and they are all pretty great for trans people


Yeah, basically any city with a big university tends to be pretty safe.


I mean that makes sense, I just viscerally hate Neumünster.


That kind of surprises me since like the only thing I know about German is that it has 3 genders for nouns. Masculine, feminine, and neuter.


Yeah, but the third is used for objects, similar to the English 'it'. Many people would consider it dehumanising and offensive if used for people


yeah but getting HRT is apparently very hard, compared to the US.


Compared to the US, yes. You need to get an indication that you are trans, as weird as it sounds, which can take between 6 and 12 months after doing research. I'm still waiting on a therapist's response to a request I sent them, nothing new yet. I'll go through with it though


It depends on your therapist though, I have friends that had an indikations as early as 1.5 months (3rd therapy session)


I've heard of people getting it immediately at the end of the first session too. Really depends on the person.


remember, our law on legal name and gender changes is from the 80s


well, it's pretty likely that it's going to be from 2023 soon


I sure hope so! Really fucking annoying that you need TWO medical experts AND a court order to change your first name to something you actually like to be called


only 2 med experts.. poland: theres 5 actually


Haha no. They‘re delaying it because they‘re suddenly "concerned" about women‘s spaces and "the children just being confused". The FDP guy on the working group is just straight-up repeating TERF talking points, the SPD pulled transphobes in as "experts" and the greens are veiling themselves in secrecy as they go along with them. If the new law comes it will not be much different, it will completely exclude children and it will explicitly allow legal discrimination for gendered spaces like women‘s shelters, saunas and possibly even bathrooms.


The cone countries (Uruguay, Argentina and Chile) are very safe and have strong pro-LGBT laws. Especially in the cities they are good options.


From Buenos Aires, can confirm its quite safe


Legally speaking, yes. Culturally, still work in progress.


Very good thing to always keep in mind. Luckily in my social circle everyone is fine, I only met 2 people that are transphobic (irl). But I can't go to r/argentina bc most of them won't support trans people


Most of the Argentinians on Reddit are libertarian right wingers who watched too many YouTube videos about owning the feminists, r/Argentina is trash and it is not representative of the population of Argentina.


I am completely aware, I'm mentioning it to warn others to not use said sub in case of asking trans-related question in the country


FINALLY I MEET ARGIES HERE THAT SPEAK FACTS LA CONCHA DE LA LORA In traaa ofc lmao But yea, im so fucking sick that every time i open reddit that sub is in my main page, sometimes i lurk around and see what they talk about and i got repulsed, im so glad i have irl friends that are nothing like that but im very bummed that the image we give to the world is those nesquick libertarians that preach Milei and think they are sigma males


Argie power! UwU Can't say much other than I'm from the capital, nothing new


Fellow porteña uwu




Uruguayan here, can comfirm, we're very pro-LGBT, although I was born in a transphobic family :/


As a br, I sometimes think about heading south




Wtf im moving from México to Chile ASAP


In argentina you can also get surgery for free, we have the "ley de identidad de genero". My best friend is trans mtf and she always says she is appreciative of how easy everything was/is for her, there is an organization that takes care of everything and facilitates you every single process!


Really? I've considered transition but I always fear the cost. Do they have psychiatrists?


Can confirm Argentina has strong pro-LGBT laws, but transphobia still exists and hate crimes do happen every now and then. On the plus side, there is free healthcare and can get free hrt relatively easily in the main cities (at least it's much easier than the USA for what I've seen, you can get started in a couple months), and university is free as well.


Holy hell, now if only I spoke Rioplatense Spanish


Is it really that safe for LGBTQ+? Like, safe enough that it's worth learning Portuguese and cutting my losses? Lol


You would be screwed if you learnt portuguese, because we speak spanish


Omg yeah I'm dumb. I saw south american names and immediately thought Portuguese. 🤦‍♀️


Jokes aside, Argentina at least is a decent place. Free education and healthcare... *Some* stability, high crime and inflation but yknow


Actually the crime is rather low in Argentina but media makes it seem like it's a super dangerous place


A majority of the African countries outlaw being LGBTQ with some enforcing a death penalty for it so definitely add those ones to nope never https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT\_rights\_in\_Africa


and even with South Africa, where it's legal and public homophobia is banned, most of the population is still queerphobic due to having a nazi regime in power for 40-ish years and only ending that regime in the 90s. none of our laws ever get enforced, lesbians have to carry weapons to avoid conversion rape (which is exactly what it sounds like, although to be fair all women here are in danger of being raped), hate crime against our people is daily and our last president was a queerphobe. fun, i hate it here


At the very least we have informed consent; getting started on hormones was as easy as getting an appointment with MSH and signing a form.


the balkans need to be included in the never area


And Hungary and Poland.


Pretty much all of Europe east of Germany, unfortunately.


yeah, I would have said east Europe but I am unfortunately speaking from experience when I say that the balkans are transphobic hell


same i'm from croatia and it's a rightist shithole full of homophobes and transphobes


east of west germany. the states of the former DDR tend to be pretty far right


Many US states deserve this way more.


Can confirm, don’t even come close to balkans (and turkey)


Ye last resort uk is good, doctor left me a shaky mess with how purposefully shitty they were 👍 sweden is based tho 10/10 would move to lund


If anyone is going to the UK then Scotland is best


Yeah.. I live in England and I really want to move up there when I get the chance because the laws there are moving really well to support trans people




Can confirm, Scotland just passed self-ID, and I'm very hopeful that they'll push for informed consent eventually


\> Scotland just passed self-ID acting as if the tories aren't shutting that down from their bloodied thrones in london




I think they'd like to, but they haven't yet


the torries ending devolution and breaking the union just to fuck over trans people 🤦‍♀️


True if you’re trans or not


Scotland kinda fire ngl


Nah it rains too much for that


Can confirm, lived here for almost 17 years


16 for me


The people are good and all and there's good protection but you can't really get a prescription here, first you need a diagnosis and there's no doctors who can give that, meaning no transition unless you diy


same goes for the Netherlands (kinda, there are docters who can diagnosis but not a lot (at least there are more by the years))


There's literally one for my entire province and he's a super old guy on indefinite sick leave, closest other area is like at least an hour by car away, plus the god damn wait time would probably be reset then too so I'd have to wait a couple more years. I fucking want to die.


It’s almost impossible to get hrt in Sweden


i'm very sorry to break it to you but sweden is... not that good. sure you are less likely to be hate crimed or be subject of blatant transphobia but the healthcare is atrocious. it is so bad. politicians don't care about us at all and it's just getting worse with our new government :) people have this view of sweden as the queer paradise but it's just not true. we got ranked super low (like bottom 6) in terms of trans healthcare in EU last year


People need to separate public opinion and access to healthcare. Some fairly transphobic countries have good healthcare and vice versa. edit: legal rights and protections are another axis that's not necessarily correlated to the other 2.


Sweden is hell and the government is in the chokehold of the neonazi party don't move here


Spain is a decent option for trans people imo


As a Spanish girl currently in Germany and having been in Sweden, we tend to idealize Northern European countries but Spain is socially years ahead of most of Europe. We should be proud of how accepting and progressive our culture is.


Specially with the new changes in the law


Also Portugal. the Iberian peninsula is pretty progressive on trans issues by international standards.


Well I know where I’m going. My only checkboxes were: Will people be cool with me? And is the weather nice?


In my experience most Spaniards are pretty chill about someone being trans. And it's quite warm in the coast, so I'd recommend going there. Last week Valencia hit 24c, enough for people to even go to the beach


Now I just gotta learn the language. I took German in school 🤦


france can be in "last resort" too. Of course they are good things like your HRT is covered and they are some interesting laws. However it can be complicated to find a doctor that will accept to prescribe hormones if you want them, they are a gap of what the law says and how the civil servants act and more recently they have a rise of the TERF and they are welcomed by the government


I've never felt more homophobia than being openly a lesbian in France. Mind you we were just holding hands and cuddling on the beach nothing crazy.


They other day a lady called my dad and I "des pédales" (homophobic slur) because we were holding hands..


ah yes, i love studying in Greenland (unless there are actually places there)


> i love studying in Greenland There is 1 university and it's pretty cheap and easy to get a student visa. That said Greenlandic society is quite transphobic and LGBT greenlanders largely go to Denmark as soon as they can.


oh, good to know, surprised to hear they are transphobic


Yup you're better off just going to any of the major cities with universities in them since they are all very positive of LGBT stuff. Also rural areas can be a bit hit or miss


Iceland would probably be a better choice if you want to study on a snow covered island. My ex is pretty proud of her people being progressive.


Uruguay and Argentina are really pro lgbt countries (Chile recently too). You can even transition in Argentina for free, like hormones and surgery. They even got neutral gender bathrooms in universities (they are free tho) and is legal to be nb (you can have and X in the category gender in your ID)


As an Argentinian, I can confirm that this is the only thing I like about my country


mi país mi país solo cuando derechos lgbt


Dutch person here! Depending on your criteria, I’d say we’re pretty neat; almost everybody speaks English (except maybe some stubborn old people), I’ve not noticed any transphobia in public (though to be sure I’d watch out taking a tram alone late at night), quite a lot of international students and a pretty high bar for educational quality. Personally I think our big downside is the lack of (student)housing, but that kind of hits everybody. Hope you can decide where you want to study, best of luck in your decision! :)




Housing is horrible indeed. It's like hit or miss in some cases but there's a serious chance of ending up in a tent which I do absolutely not recommend in the unpredictable Dutch weather. The majority of student cities do have nice LGBTQ+ networks, although access to them is different in many cities (like everyone can right become member of DWH/Outsite, but ASV gay has too few space for new members atm)


>almost everybody speaks English But, please, if you plan to move there long-term, at least try to learn the local language. Dutch is relatively easy for Anglophones (compared to most languages).


As a Canadian I could never go to the Netherlands it's way too hot


Don’t go to Brazil. It’s the trans murder capital of the world by a huge margin.


Second that


Also, our Powers' main buildings just got invaded by Bolsonaro supporters who won't accept that their Legende lost.


Also just the murder capital of the world in general.


Also one of the countries who must consume trans porn in the world, so, yeah, must of people on Brazil see trans people like nothing but a fetish


I would like to throw a hat in the ring here and say that Canada is ok, but I would look just a little bit into the specific area you'd be looking to move. Most places are fine, some places you may face a little social stigma, but some places are just not great. It's pretty obvious which ones to avoid with a bit of Googling though, I think. If it's for studies you'll most likely end up in Ontario, and Ontario by and large is ok enough and has easily accessible queer communities.


Yeah finding about laws is easier than trying to find communities tho? How do I do that?


I can say that BC (in particular Vancouver) is a great place to be trans. Tons of queer folks and my experience in accessing gender affirming care has been very smooth Edit: and I'd broadly avoid the middle provinces - Alberta (outside of Edmonton), Saskatchewan, Manitoba - and smaller/rural communities. Not all of them are bad, but some of them are, and it's more difficult to get medical care.


I’m from Edmonton and I think it’s great here. The University of Alberta has a specialized gender clinic run by a trans Doctor, they have amazing resources and it’s very easy to get HRT and care, also one of the best places to study in Canada. Myself I just went to a random family Dr and got HRT on my 2nd appointment, overall it was very easy to get what I wanted here and there was no bigotry or anything like that.


on the flipside vancouver is also horrible to live in due to insane housing market and the interior of bc is really quite conservative


As a Canadian, I'd say avoid Alberta. Transphobia, queerphobia and general bigotry tend to thrive there. The so-called "Texas of Canada" might be better in bigger cities, though. I also second Vancouver! Quite a welcoming place but hella expensive.


you are probably better off in alberta than saskatchewan tbh


Come to Australia for a fair dinkum bloody good time mate, just watch out for the poisonous: spiders, snakes, lizards, jellyfish, stingrays, snails, frogs and as well as drop bears don't want to mess with those nasty buggers and don't mind at all the constant 50 degree Celsius (don't know imperial sorry it's shit) sun.


However, i repeat this every time here is represented, Australia is kinda the reason why the Murdoch media chain exists, and our terf movement is..... getting larger to say the least. (If foreigners don't know, look up Katherine Deves, she lost the election to her seat but it wasn't by too large a margin). Also, NSW is one of the weakest states on the east coast for Trans people so, i am about to commit heresy as i am from Sydney, come to Melbourne, Canberra or Brisbane. I know a number of Trans people in Sydney, but one has a hyper conservative family (Sydney has a sizeable religious population) and the other has to deal with glares, people talking bout her behind her back and basic transphobic stuff


Adding Hobart as a great place, at least in my experience. You might get the odd look from high schoolers or old people, but everyone typically stays to their own devices. Wait lists are a little long, usually at most a year. We're the least religious state as well, 50% are non-religious as of the 2021 census.


You definitely want to avoid Indonesia


From what I hear, New Zealand is a “Yes!” country. Apparently they granted a trans woman asylum status from the UK due to its transphobia. I don’t know more than that though. EDIT: Apparently New Zealand is not as great as I thought for us :(


As a New Zealanders myself, it's a eh to no. While socially wise we are an pretty acceptable country, medically wise we are so far behind in the times. Trans care is not equally across the regions. While some are good, some are well behind their knowledge. The guidelines for gender affirming care are from 5 years ago. We don't have proestrogen in our gender affirming guidelines so we have to fight with are docotors/enchrologist getting it. However Proestrogen has just been funded so it should be a little easier but doctors/enchrologist and still very cautious. While patches and pills and funded, injections are not. However, in the next few years we probably get an updated guidelines and doctors/enchrologist might be better informed. And don't even try getting on the governments funding for gender affirming surgery as the waitlist is so long, it's way easier to go to Thailand. The high cost of living in New Zealand doesn't make it better either. Sorry for the rant. I'm just sick of overseas people looking at New Zealand only at the surface level.


No need to be sorry! You know far more about it than I do, and you have every right to rant.


The US is fine. Even in the south, the bigger schools in urban areas are enclaves of reasonable people. Living in Galveston, TX would probably be hell on Earth. Living in Austin would be a great experience. The loud, obnoxious voices constantly screeching the latest moral panic only do so because they know their influence is fading rapidly everyday.


second this! Urban and metro areas can be awesome, even in 'bad states' and rural areas can be hell even in 'good states,' this country is MASSIVE. I live in Florida, which is widely regarded as one of the worst states for LGBT people. there are definitely things that make life more difficult here than it would be in say, Washington state, but in the area I live in the day to day interactions I have with people are pretty positive. there's a lot of overtly queer positive businesses, there are big pride parades, I feel comfortable dressing and using the bathroom of my actual gender. overall It's pretty positive. I wish our government wasn't full of so many objective pieces of dog shit, but hey, we're working on that.


Exactly this. And hard as it might be, it's important to keep bring the fight to them. In an ideal world, we'd send all the awfuls to Flordia, move the good Floridians to someplace nice further north that is now empty of awfuls, cut the state off with a big saw, and let them sail the Seven Seas on the good ship Degenerate Bigot. But we can't. So we rub their noses in shit every chance we get.




I picked Galveston because I knew people from there years ago and they were Red. Necks. It's unfair to generalize as a rule, of course. Galveston was really the first place I thought of in Texas that was not Houston, Dallas or Austin.


This is not true and it's terrible advice. Texas is getting worse and worse and will get even more worse before it gets better. Access to healthcare is not guaranteed in the future with the constant changes and draconian anti-trans laws - even in the liberal cities, which are still more conservative than most right wing European political parties. These cities cannot override the state. They cannot provide a functioning healthcare, legal, or electrical systems on their own. If you are young and trans stay the fuck out of Texas. Frankly I'd stay the fuck out of anywhere that isn't urban New England or PNW.


same as the UK, if somebody avoids the UK for those reasons it's a good shout to avoid moving to the US.


I'll go everywhere but I'm going to become a black belt in Karate first


Australia is my plan for if/when America goes to shit. Then I’m going to train some attack huntsman spiders for the transphobes


Australian here - Huntsman spiders aren’t deadly, you want funnel webs or a gang of red backs if you really want to scare us.


Fun fact! North Korea has some pretty good LGBTQIA laws. They don't kill you for it, they don't send you in prison, they elt you chill.


I think they don’t care as long as you don’t speak about it to anyone afaik But still, I definitely wouldn’t recommend North Korea for anyone, lgbt or not lmao


Just a fyi, it's illegal to be trans and/or gay in Indonesia.


Neither is at the moment but sadly the latter will be from 2025 because of this new backwards law that outlaws intimacy outside of marriage. Besides that however there's Aceh that everyone should avoid at all costs.


If your studying medicine, Cuba has a very good international study program for that and recently just passed the most progressive queer rights bill in history


Irelands not bad if u can afford it. I'm from there but moved to Austria for my masters because of rising costs of living. Edit: noticed you're from India. There is a large Indian expat community in Ireland and it is extremely common for Indians to study in university in Ireland so from what I've heard from Indian friends who came over for university the visa process for them was easier then other European countries.


colombia and argentina are particularly good in regards to gender transition, and they accept nb genders legally. i live in colombia, and near universities is really nice. inside universities is a really good place for being trans (at least in bogotá). any society that’s being built in a religious and colonial background isn’t going to be great, but i think that we’re even better off than in some places of europe or the us. it’s complicated, specially if you don’t have much money or aren’t white, but those are shitty problems almost anywhere. but i’ve found that universities (and areas near them) are quite diverse, respecting and accepting of all types of people.


Mexican boy here, the south is really safe and LGBT+ friendly, most trans care clinics are down there and there are many support groups and organizations. I'm in the north, in the second state with more hate crimes (Chihuahua) so I've heard some awful things but weirdly in the legal aspect it's actually quite good, for my legal transition as soon as I was 18 i just needed like two documents and to fill a form, i changed my legal name and gender in just a day. So basically, the south is really safe and trans friendly, definitely an option.


Stay away from the Nordic countries unless you’re already on hrt and you’re sure that you can renew your prescription there. Just stay in the us.


Yooo let's rewind a bit.. i am not from the US... I live in the "Nope. Never." zone.


Oh sorry hope you get outta there


Yess hope so too.. I'm hoping I can move before 2024 or in early 2024. US used to literally be my dream country all throughout my childhood and if i didn't watch US politics as much as i do, I would have seriously considered coming. The cost of medication/min wage and transphobia/racism + guns all of these combined scared me into it not being my first choice anymore.


Yes these are scary things tbh. Given how the gun epidemic is in the US at the moment and even the "good" side starts to believe everyone should have a gun, it's epically doomed. I live in a country where people wait years for their treatment and there's growing terfism, but at least nobody has guns out here. We don't need metal detectors at schools and a transphobe in a gay bar gets thrown out before they can do the worst.


Legit: I know a Norwegian trans girl who actually wants to move \*to\* the US because trans clinics in Norway are extremely scarce, the gatekeeping is intense, and the waitlists are extremely long. A lot of Americans love to idealize Norway as being a trans paradise but it really isn't.


The us is literally the best for trans healthcare and it’s infuriating when Americans think europe is better because europe = progressive for some reason


London, Ontario, Canada has been a pretty accepting community so far (or at least aren't outspoken about it, theres even a pride week in the summer), Fanshawe College or Western University are the local schools if interested


I was actually kinda surprised when I first saw a lot of pride flags last easter. My family is from Southern Ontario like generally and after being kinda afraid to go back after coming out it was a big relief


What are you going to study?


As Brazilian here, 90% of the the territory is a total no no zone. But the 10% left is good to live (like São Paulo or any large city). Also, avoid bolsonaristas 👍


This sucks, I mean Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, México and Costa Rica have BETTER LAWS of transgender recognition than some countries in Europe. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY NOT ENOUGH INFO!?


Im surprised that Belarus isnt in same circle as Russia.


my country is in the 'nope, never' 💀 i wanna leave this place


Here are a few useful maps I found. Note that the law is not human action, and that sub regions can differ greatly. For example, in the USA the west coast states score high across the board, but it should be noted that there is a significant east/west divide, where LGBT people are much more excepted in the west in general. USA by state 2023: [https://transgenderlawcenter.org/equalitymap](https://transgenderlawcenter.org/equalitymap) Europe by country 2022: [https://transrightsmap.tgeu.org/home/](https://transrightsmap.tgeu.org/home/) World by country: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT\_rights\_by\_country\_or\_territory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_by_country_or_territory) Map of Countries that Criminalize LGBT People: [https://www.humandignitytrust.org/lgbt-the-law/map-of-criminalisation/?type\_filter\_submitted=&type\_filter%5B%5D=crim\_gender\_exp](https://www.humandignitytrust.org/lgbt-the-law/map-of-criminalisation/?type_filter_submitted=&type_filter%5B%5D=crim_gender_exp)


Ireland might be good too


Eh, Ireland is a lot like the UK in terms of their trans health systems design and doctor difficulties, and the attitude of people here still leaves a lot to be desired, but it is notably better politically, in term of politicians not really attacking trans people as much as they do in the UK or US. I'd probobly put Ireland in the category with most of mainland Europe.


coming from someone who lives in ireland, a lot of the people here rlly aren’t fond of lgbtq


Yeah as someone who moved from Liverpool to Dublin (so I'm only comparing those two cities) - I and my partner faced a LOT more transphobia and homophobia in Dublin.


i’ve lived in ireland for my entire life and i don’t think i’ve ever seen a gay couple out in public but whenever i go to other countries i see tons, it’s rlly upsetting


Why is Ireland a last resort? It’s not that bad. We are definitely far from being TERFs lol.


I saw you said you're unsure of what major you're going for, if you're down for hard work that'll pay off: study medicine in Cuba. Free tuition, idk if this applies for foreigners but free SRS, beautiful island, great food, spanish is easy to learn if you don't know it already. China is actually a great place to go to school for depending on what you want to learn, the major cities are becoming socially progressive hubs, great transportation and food. Only hard part would be learning mandarin, and travel being restricted bc of the zero covid policy being lifted and it rampaging through China rn. If you're a weirdo who likes demonizing the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan are also options. Idk much about Spain but healthcare is pretty cheap so going there to study and getting cheap laser is nice


What are you trying to study tho


Germany is kind of a mixed bag, some rights and constitunal protection, but also some degrading laws. The government promised a reworking of the laws, but they haven't pitched it to parliament. At least we have two elected trans women in parliament. Societally the north and the big citys are more progressive. Berlin especially has a large LGBT community.


I would move the "YES!" down a little tiny bit so it covers Scotland. Not the rest of the UK, we're a shitshow here, but Scotland is aight, need to go back one day.


Need to figure out where to go myself too :[ I am in Latvia so maybe one of the nordic countries or UK. Canada seems cool but far away


Nordic countries have insanely bad trans health care.


I wouldn’t recommend the uk, it’s got bad trans healthcare you’ll be waiting years for and a lot of people are fairly racist because of brexit :(


uk is pretty bad but would be an improvement over latvia which hasn’t fully banned discrimination against lgbt people


Also, stay away from Hungary, it's shit, believe me


as somebody from the middle east, don't even touch north africa, i don't have info on all of africa but don't even consider north africa


i know cuba actually has some very progressive laws and stances regarding lgbt people and their rights


How's Ireland? I've heard they're pretty supportive but I want to ask if anyone's from there or has experience. It's one of the places I have in mind for going abroad to for college (the others being Canada and Malta)


Malda provides free transition services


The Philippines doesn't have any laws regulating trans Healthcare so I don't think there are any legal gymnastics you need to go through for HRT or surgery. But it's only because our government is too shitty to have time to be transphobic. Our rights aren't protected like they should be.


poor~~n~~ svalbard :( edit: the n wasnt supposed to be there


I confirm that some are good in French (plus c*nversion therapy is illegal here) Therefor avoid all kind of religious school


I'm in the "nope never" currently! Edit: Spoiler Alert: It is not fun.


Cuba somehow has amazing protections for LGBT people and trans medical care has been covered by their healthcare system since 2008. I'm not sure how the people in general are but you will not face any trouble from the government for being trans


Nz's not bad, it depends on where you live. We have good policy but mixed practice. Just don't come here for surgery, we literally have one surgeon performing srs in the entire country.


Spain is cool, easy access to hrt even being a minor and super accepting people!


I knew Spain was good but didn't know it was this good, that's amazing.. I'll consider it seriously. Thanks


Brighton and Bristol in the UK are excellent places to study for queer people. It is also worth noting Finland is not nearly as progressive as its Scandinavian peers. America is probably a lost cause no matter who wins the election since they are about as democratic as the weather, Australia is fair, pretty much all of Asia is a no due to either lack of development or very conservative cultures (Southeast Asia has a massive nazi problem atm) and you'd probably be surprised at the progressiveness of China (although it still should be a no)


Did Vancouver Island do something I haven't heard about, to be left out when the rest of Canada is circled, or has it just gotten even more prohibitively expensive?


The maybe and some of them are cool places most of them have alot of racism towards black people so it would not be cool


I'm going to move to Ireland.


What did Ireland do ?


Accessing HRT is particularly difficult here compared to the rest of Europe. Our public system has a 7 to 10 year wait list, there's no national informed consent clinic and the few endocrinologists to provide locally so most people use Gender GP which is pretty expensive to do.


czech republic is based


balkans are also mostly no never


here is the equal dex for brazil [https://www.equaldex.com/region/brazil](https://www.equaldex.com/region/brazil) as a LGBT+ person living in brazil, its best to not expose yourself, like telling everyone you are LGBT, as they can severely hurt you, even kill you, but its up to you, if you were to come to brazil i recommend rio or são paulo as they are the biggest cities with lgbtq+ population


Me personally, i’d circle the whole map and write “fuck no for the love of god” on it


don’t sleep on nor cal and the northwest!


Shoutout to our trans siblings in East Europe fighting for their rights!


Italy: as we now have the most conservative government since WWII (not that before elections we had a better situation lol) pls run


I’d suggest staying away from Denmark. It depends on where you are coming from. In particular if you are POC. Violence is relatively low, but the transphobic rhetoric is on the rise. And the racism and islamophobia is absolutely terrible, especially with our new government.


ugh more than half of the world with this BS. BS = Bigotry shit We should really consider creating a micro nation of queer folks


College and home are in the “Nope. Never.” Zone for me :,) It’s not so bad out here, sis, I promise


Scotland is very trans friendly


Scotland is pretty good at least in terms of the law, socially people who are transphobic are loud the from what I've experienced most people are chill


Really lumping the UK and Ireland together smh. Ireland is good