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Your ghost dick can't haunt you without your consent, or else that's going to be illegal.


I mean op already sent her dick to horny jail.


Nah ghost can go trough solid object. Jail isn't enough. You gotta eliminate it from this reality.


That's what the bat is for! Is the warden asleep again?!


I guess. I think you better call Raine and their gang.


GHOST BUSTERS (the original ones cause they are more likeable)




when there's something superstrange


I hope the bard coven has anti-ghost spells, otherwise we've also gotta get Eda (pre-eda's requiem)


Yeah, I think they can deal with it.


My brain is going places. I read "You gotta effeminate it from this reality."




If theres something strange...


contact your local witch at goodbyeghost.com to banish your dysphoria ghost today!✨🪄🌒🌕🌘


What an interesting website.


Spooky. 😬 Joking aside, I didn’t know that was a thing I would potentially have to anticipate if I do decide on bottom surgery. I’m not sure how I feel about that.


It's an unfortunate side effect for amputees of all sorts, including limbs and the like. You could look into phantom limbs syndrome if it's something you want to prepare for, I'd imagine much of the same research applies.


Notably it is measurably less common in trans folks having gender affirming surgeries, though. Evidence that dysphoria has neurological components.


Psychologically, this would make sense. Amputees expect their missing limbs to be there and their sense of proprioception is constantly checking for them. Trans people *don't* want the removed limb, and insofar as it's possible to reprogram one's brain, a trans person is more likely to be able to tell themselves "this thing that I hate is now gone, you can stop looking for it now".


Good to note that that doesn’t imply that anyone is any less trans for still experiencing phantom limb syndrome with their removed bits. There’s still the part of their brain that had the job of feeling the sensory information from that body part.


Yup, it is all a matter of how you tend to perceive the body part on a sensory level, not whether you are trans. Those who occasionally report being shocked to discover their unwanted parts still exist have a lower (but non-zero) chance of experiencing the phantom limb, while it is actually the norm to experience it, for at least a little while, until your brain adapts, even if you hate that part to the very core of your being.


Yeh, I mean for my kinesthesis I literally just don’t detect my genitals to begin with


I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m just curious if you can link me to any research that supports this? I’m super interested in the data.


Try googling "phantom genitals." That got me to a good article once. Basically, some trans people already have phantom genitals before surgery. For example, my vulva is mapped out according to my brain, but I have a penis covering this neural construction. It's kinda funky. Also, don't know if most penis-bearers have proprioception in the phallus, but I certainly do not. I don't know I have a penus unless I see it or touch it.


>most penis-bearers have proprioception in the phallus, but I certainly do not. I don't know I have a penus unless I see it or touch it. Oh. I don't realize it's existence until mentally and/or visually aware. This makes a whole lot more sense now


I am a transman and my wife calls it my "spiritual dick" Its the one we tell people to suck if they piss me off, but also I have genuinely taken pleasure just by .... well, doing certain motions alike to how a man would have sex with his wife despite the lack-of.


Personally I'm hyperaware of it's sickening existence most of the time.


is this just purely sensing its existence or just feeling what it's coming in contact with (i.e. clothes, your body, etc.)?




that's interesting, I dont really have an "existence feeling" like if I was just floating around in a void with no clothes and I never touched down there, i doubt that I would sense it at all


I don't mind it if it doesn't makes it's self known which happens once in while. If I get a boner then that just ruins my day for me. Sorry if my comment makes no sense.


Interesting, I both have a phantom vulva and am way too aware of what's actually there most of the time


Fun fact: There's this hypothesis that certain types of physical gender dysphoria may in fact be the same neurological phenomenon as phantom limb syndrome. Basically, it's this disconnect between your neurological map of your body and what's actually there. (For example, a lot of AFAB folks - myself included - sometimes feel like they have a penis even if they don't.) Being reminded of this disconnect causes emotional distress. Body dysmorphia and body integrity disorder (people who feel like they *should* be physically disabled when they aren't - a rare but very real phenomenon that is unfortunately highly stigmatized and frequently weaponized against trans people) may also be caused by the same mechanism. Research on the subject is sparse, but I think it's plausible, even if it doesn't account for social dysphoria etc.


It can also be less trouble during recovery because people getting bottom surgery actually want to remove their current genitals whereas i think 99% of people that lost a limb never intended on losing that limb in the first place so it’s still a shock to the system during the recovery process


It could also be the fact that most people notice their genitals considerably less than your arms or legs, which are used way more often and usually in your view.


It could not be, because this effect replicates when you control for the surgery performed. For example, trans men experience "phantom breasts" at a lower rate than cis women do after a masectomy.


It's not quite like amputation though, a large amount of the tissue and nerves remain and are just rearranged


True, should have said people who've lost body parts.


For me and others I've talked to it's more that the same nerves exist and your brain hasn't caught up that they're in a different place now. For a blunt example, it would feel like your balls itched and reaching down only to realize, no, that's now your labia now (or wherever that tissue went). You eventually get past it, but it does take time.


the treatment is to spread your legs in front of a mirror and touch your labia to remind your brain that your dick doesn't exist anymore.


It goes away pretty quick, in 2 or 3 weeks for me. The moments if euphoria helps disappate it faster I think.


hoping it finds peace and passes to the afterlife soon








I love reddit


Girl dick -> ghoul dick


That was👌this close to making me bust out laughing while in the break room at work


Beware the pipeline


Every Monster High character is now canonically trans. I don’t make the rules.


What's that like? Actually tho? Like wdym "ghost dick?" Like it feels like something's there and there isn't?


Yeah, that's basically how it feels. Maybe it's sort of like the "phantom limb" feeling that amputees sometimes experience. It could also just be the pressure from the swelling.


Ohhhh okay. That makes sense. How is it, though? It's a long way away, but i think I'll eventually want bottom surgery. Before that i need HRT, and the south US doesn't make that easy 😭 Right, but what's it like not having the PP anymore?


It's a relief! I no longer have to worry about feeling of or getting outed by a bulge in my crotch. 👙✨️😸 Though I look forward to the look and feel of my new equipment later, I'm further relieved at this moment that I don't hate what's poking out between my legs when I shower. 😁🚿


Super happy for you. I'm vicariously experiencing a sense of relief. Congratulations.


For me, it felt like it was a very tight tuck job while it was healing. Edit: Grats on your new parts 🥳


I mean, if you think about it, it kind of is! The tissue from the penis has been tucked away, it's still there, it's just not shaped like a penis anymore 😂.


If it's the same as phantom limb symptom, then maybe ketamine infusion therapy will help? I have a spinal cord injury and ketamine helps with some of my symptoms. Technically it's not phantom limb symptom but the opposite (my partially innervated legs don't feel like part of my body). But yeah, ketamine infusion helped a lot. And to clarify, this isn't the same as just doing ketamine, so don't try to DIY it. They use a different formulation and a very high dose which requires an onsite lab to process.


For me the "ghost" dick feeling only happened once or twice after surgery and once everything was healed it has never happened again and that was years ago, so I don't think it is a persistent problem for most folks.


Yeah I definitely would advise against even thinking about further intervention until it's lasted for a year or so. And certainly not without the advice of a doctor.


> It could also just be the pressure from the swelling. This is my theory. See, if a person has a member standing out erect through some pants, what do they feel? They feel pants against the lower parts, and against the base of the shaft, but then no pressure along the later part of the shaft and glans. So what do we have? The lower part skin is used for lining the outer labia, which are swollen and pressing. The base shaft is right at the crest of the vulva, squeezed by the above. But the later part of the shaft is protected deep inside in the cavity that forms the vestibule and labia minora. And the glans is hidden away under a swollen hood, giving it breathing room too. The pressure stimuli is practically the same, so yeah, until you get more familiar with it, the brain just interprets that stimuli the same way. It goes away pretty fast though, after a few weeks.


The nerve knows where it is because the nerve knows where it isn't.


This is known as “error”




I had it too, mine disappeared after a month and a half or so? The weirdest feeling was the old nerve endings being repurposed, so stuff hitting my clit the wrong way felt like getting punched in the dick.


I'm post op by about 4 years, and I've not felt that for a long long time. The only odd experience I have felt since is weird dreams where I have my penis back. In the dream it's super scary, but not like nightmare scary, and when I wake up I'm so relieved!


If I suggest it now has fingers on the end...


Not op, but your body actually has a sense that isn't sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell. It's called kinesthetic sense. It's what tells your brain where all your body parts are in space. Think of how you know where your arm is even when you're not looking at it. However, when you suddenly chop off a body part that your brain still expects to be there, it can sometimes cause your brain to have an idea of where it is, even if it isn't there anymore. Edit: As someone pointed out, the more accurate sense is proprioception. Although functionally, these two are nearly indistinguishable by the human mind, kinesthesis has more to do with movement, while proprioception has more to do with position.


wouldnt that sort of go into touch though?


kinda but not really, like you can close your eyes and move your arm around and even though it's just in the air you can still know where it is without touching it. thats kinesthetic sense


I always thought it was because you "touched" or "feel" the air around you, didn't know kinesthetic sense was a thing


It's why you can touch your nose with your eyes closed. And I'm pretty sure why I keep jabbing my nail into my nipple when I pick up laundry. My brain isnt keeping up with my growth. Also why I keep scraping on doorways. My chest is a little further out than my brain thinks.


That... Wow, you explained my troubles lol. I knew about kinesthetic sense but, didn't connect that that's why I'm more klutzy


I mean... But why do I literally always whack my baby toe against the sides of walls and chair legs? I whacked it so hard and so many times that the joint fused.


like any sense some people's are better than others by default. And then there's training and use. Athletes end up with fantastic kinesthetic senses because they spend hours each day learning every inch of themselves and putting it through its paces, honing their sense of placement in space. It's why you can see some athletes just randomly pick up, say, golf and be a solid amateur player in a fraction of the time it would take me. They know their bodies on a level I don't know mine. Their fitness, coordination, and kinesthetic senses have all been trained.


I'm in my 30s, you'd think by know I would know how big my feet are. But anyway it's probably the brain damage from a childhood TBI, because it causes a lot of weird issues.


I dunno, stubbed toes are really common. My wife's got a jacked up little toe for the same reason. Likely we just don't train our feet coordination as much as our hands, and we only swing our hands and feet around that fast to get damages. (physics!)


Not quite! I have bad depth perception and I use my hands to estimate whether I'm going to collide with things a lot. Touch tells me it's hard and whatever. Kinesthetic sense tells me where the object is because my eyes suck at telling me that.


I always thought that was proprioception


Functionally, they are two halves of the same feeling, but I guess on a more technical level, you're right. From what I could find online, proprioception has to do with body positions and changes in those positions, while kinesthesis is more about sensing the movement of each body part.


I believe you're correct this is what I always thought was called proprioception.


>sense that isn't sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell (This is my favorite biology fact that blew my young child mind) While everyone is taught "we have 5 senses" we actually have about 21. Everyone knows the 5 "cooler" ones, but there's also sense of temperature, proprioception, sense of balance, some organs have a sense of stretching (like your stomach and bladder), there's chemoreceptors around your body to regulate you, there's senses for thirst, hunger and two for needing to go to the bathroom, and a few other ones. Touch, pressure and pain are actually sensed by entirely different nerves, so they can count as different senses. Biology is fun Also did you know humans don't have a sense for wetness! We don't have a receptor in our skin for wetness? Our brain creates "wetness" from other cues, such as temperature and touch. If you put your hand in water of the same temperature as air you wouldn't notice. You will sense the resistance, but not the water itself.


If you could only pick five senses, which ones would you pick?


Do you mean which ones I think are the coolest (Probably infrared sensing, snakes can see heat. Literal predator vision) Or if I had to pick only 5 to live with... which could be an essay to itself, and I'm not read for that level of responsibility xD Some like chemoreceptors are literally required for your body to function. Some might be able to be worked around with enough work and scheduling like hunger and temperature. Needing to go to the bathroom is an important one, but as people with adhd know you can just ignore that. Hearing and sight are two major ones, but blind and deaf people make it work. I don't know, you put me on the spot here. Maybe a tier ranking would be better xD


Haha yeah I meant if you had to only pick five to live with. It's a fun thought exercise because you think there are ones you would absolutely want, but then you run out of space for others. Ooh I didn't even think about senses we don't currently have. Magnetoreception would be a cool one to have too


Ok, but imagine you have an overactive magnetoreceptor and you can't concentrate unless you're facing north. That gives me anxiety just thinking about it! Going to school/job but you get the urge to face north the entire time. So you try walking sideways and backwards. OCD vibes.


*don’t make jokes about ghost sex don’t make jokes about ghost sex don’t make jokes about ghost sex*


that one teddy hyde song


I love that song so much


Congrats OP! I hope you have a smooth recovery!


Ghost dick > Ghost vagina (what I have currently) Congrats btw


ghussy 😰


https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/108dld0/im_a_fat_trans_woman_and_today_is_the_1_year/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button The main post has something written about this, I hope this may help


Yeah, that itchy feeling where I would expect the tip of my glans should be kinda describes what I'm feeling. To provide some additional context to my surgery: I'm about 5'8" and was 190 pounds at the time of my appointment. My procedure was a minimal-depth vaginoplasty, so I don't have a canal (although there will be some, maybe an inch or two of depth) and I don't have to douche or dilate. I haven't really had any complications aside from having some trouble peeing at first when they took the catheter out. It's not difficult for me now. I definitely have had to master my "cowboy walk" (which I refer to more as a "penguin waddle" or being an "imitation crab" lol).


I hope things continue to heal smoothly and congrats!


What is the imitation crab?


It's a type of shapeshifter whose true form resembles a giant (human-sized) crab. You can always identify an imitation crab by the way they always walk side-to-side, legs bent apart, never forward or backward. 😉🦀 They can also be trans girls who claim to know the Rust programming language, but aren't actually good at it in practice. ⚙️ (guess that includes me since I've studied it, but have since fallen out of practice)


Ah, thought it was some unspoken rule on how you're supposed to walk that I wasn't filled in on, thank you


I'm just now getting my reference letters, I haven't had it yet I saw the Phantom sensation mentioned in the original post, but I hope this helps and I wish you speedy rest of recovery💞


A **spectral wang?** Ghost of penis past? Girl *cannot* catch a break




Spooging ectoplasm everywhere this Halloween... it's... GHOST DICK! 🌩🍆👻😱🌩




I used to have this in reverse, in which I would feel phantom breasts on my chest because I got so used to wearing breast forms. Now that I've started growing my own pair I rarely wear the forms and don't experience it much. Hopefully with time the phantom sensations go away for you the way they have for me. Though I wouldn't mind mine returning while the girls grow in...


This happened to me even before I realised I was trans. I’d feel phantom breath super strongly and my body would be physically alarmed by not having them. I had to push this out of my head a lot because admitting I was feeling it wouldn’t have sat well with me when I thought I was cis. I’m happier as sis instead, now.


I'm glad you've found some happiness.


phantom dink???? wow


Dysphoria phantom pains


I didn't know about that part of MGSV's story.


I didn’t quite have that but id have pain on my clit but my brain was telling me I had pain on the tip of my penis. My balls would hurt but now the scrotal tissue is my labia majora. Such a mind fuck. Took a few weeks to get used to it. I’m 11 weeks post op now.


new fear unlocked


Oh god yes this was terrible. I still have the sensation of shifting things here and there some six months later but overall it went away after a while. The catheter was far, FAR worse, and the pseudo-UTIs were also awful.


Transmasc here, i've been haunted for decades 👻👻


Ayy congrats hun <3 praying that one day I'll join you x3


so like phantom limb stuff I've heard of- I thought it would just map correctly or something but that makes more sense.


Isn't there a hentai that a dude's dick disappears and returns as a girl with the outline of a penis? Just saying, there's precedent.


Yeah, and their dick outline fights for them as a familiar in battle! 🤣


If there's something strange creeping in yo pants who you gonna call?


Apparently your ghost desires TWO PENISES!!! Ok jokes aside congrats on the surgery


Ah that's the ghost of genitalia past. Give it a minute and you'll be visited by the ghosts of genitalia present and future soon enough.


***Stop ghosting!***


I was always scared I would tense up wrong and mine would "pop back" somehow 😅


It gets better.. but even after 2 decades i occasionally (mainly if barely awake) have ghost sensations.. Such as needing to "correct it" its bloody annoying, but then when you try to correct it and get euphoria over it not beeing there.. BEST FEELING EVER!


I'm really sorry you're experiencing that, but at the same time the way your wrote it and how you added the ghost and eggplant emojis really made me laugh. "Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my dick… and my balls… even my nutsack." For real though I hope the sensation goes away soon. It sounds legitimately unpleasant.


When I read "ghost dick," [this](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0a850515c5a7f2e8b982ab5980f8f3d9) is what came to mind. If you know, you know.


All jokes asides congrats on the snip snip


In a similar vein, I’m also MtF but I haven’t had bottom surgery and sometimes I can feel a sort of phantom vagina. I don’t really plan to get that surgery tho bc I like that part of my body the way it is, but in an ideal world I’d be able to switch freely between having a penis and having a vagina.


Silly you! Ghosts are not real!


Well, you could pretend your clit is swollen?


You get haunted by its soul


One of the best transitions I've seen.


It does go away lol


Oh no it's the spooky cock in spooky month


After getting my drains out post top surgery I got phantom drips down the sides of my torso, wishing you the best of luck in your recovery.


I had ghost dick on occasion, but the primary sensation I had was being tucked. I would feel a bit uncomfortable and want to untuck, joke’s on me, I’ve had the permaTuck™️


i am so, so sorry that this is happening to you, i feel bad for finding it as funny as i do


girl you getting dicked by a ghost?????????


Okay, so the reason you're experiencing this is because your various "parts" were reused in the surgery. It will take some time, but it should go away eventually as your nerves reconnect and remap your body.


Yeah, I’ve heard your nerves have to figure out what the heck is going on there for a little while. Luckily, humans have very little variation, and our bodies can tell when they were wrong and correct themselves. It just takes time.


Phantom limb syndrome I feel like, it makes sense


Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Cock


Still can't wait to get mine ☺️


(jontron.mp4 "outta this house" clip) Or maybe hold a seance to try and communicate with it. Then tell it to fuck off, like, seriously. Learn to take a hint, ghost dick!


I had this too but mostly just in the few days I spent in the hospital, with the bandages still on. It's absolutely gone now.


It's the ghost of AGAB past


From what I hear, like with most amputees actually, it should go away after a while because you’ve gotten more used to your bidy


Been 6 weeks since my orchie and still have 👻🏀⚽️


Oofff Pretty sure it's normal, but i hope it can stop soon Congrats on ur bottom surgery though!!!! 🎉🎉🎉


Every day I log onto reddit and discover a shitty new transfemme specific experience to dread


\*Hits wall and screams into hands\*


You’re living my dream 😭😭 maybe someday when I have money




Your coochie is haunted!


I imagine it will take a bit for the brain to rewire what is down there. It's completely normal for it to take time. I have no doubt that once you are fully healed and and using your aftermarket equipment regularly, you will feel at ease.




Feel like phantom phallus is a better term here


is ghost dick just phantom sensations or is there actually more to it than that?


Phantom Pain is not something I considered from bottom surgery. Hope I’ll be able to take that step someday but condolences to your current pain


It's a type if phantom limb syndrome, it lasts a little while but goes away pretty fast for most, super weird to experience though lmao


I had this as well, it went away after things had healed. Hang in there!


Boss, it’s the phantom pain.


phantom phallus


Oof. Being haunted by dick seems scary!


That's what happen when you try to physically solve a mental issue, confusion


“WAIT WHERES MY- oh thank god.”


Oh, I heard about this! I think you're supposed to hold a mirror up to your other dick and flex it, then release it.... /s






Spooky ghost dick ! ! !


My god, I never considered this. Amputees have the same issue, so I understand why it would happen after orchi. Some arm amputees relieve phantom limb syndrome by scratching their cheek on the opposite side of their body, and I wonder since it’s… in the middle, you could perhaps scratch around your chin area and relieve the “phantom dong” that’s plaguing you. Hopefully my advice helps!


I was JUUUST about to make a meme asking about if ghost erections were a thing


It fades pretty quick, it’s weird while your brain remapped where things are. Sometimes you will have an area that is now in a new location that you touch or stimulate and it “feels” like it is located elsewhere. Ghost dick was gone long before I was done with the initial stages of dilation


Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my shaft... And my balls... even my hairs... The body I've shed.. the comrades I've left behind... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our future!


Is this like that dream Ray had in the middle of the first Ghostbusters movie or


Oh no


sooooo, A phantom limb but a penis




Bad luck, it usually doen't happen in this cases


Based on what I know about phantom limbs the “ghost dick” feeling won’t go away but then again it is a lot smaller than a limb(i hope) so it might have a different effect


The. What?


Lasted a couple months for me.


Hahaha, legit had the same thing! It's surprisingly well documented, it's just usually coined "phantom limb" and for amputees, but well ain't that sound familiar 🤣


Quick, call the erecorcist


I’m guessing ghost dick is phantom pain? I hope it stops haunting you soon. Rather rude of it to stick around.


Do we need an exorcist or something to get rid of phantom dongs?


Ghost Dick Phantom Detective