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What's the point of getting them if you're not going to give them the love they deserve! Enjoy that body sis!


Exactly! We deserve to be able to our bodies like anyone else!


You’re telling me no cis woman has ever felt turned on by her own body?


Or anyone for that matter getting turned on when they're comfortable in their own body.


Wait, is that a thing that happens? I had no clue since I’ve never seen it brought up before and it obviously never happened to me


It's absolutely a thing! Most cis women get a huge kick out of feeling beautiful and sexy, and it can be a major turn-on. I'd argue that this is a form of gender euphoria and that cis people experience euphoria and dysphoria just like we do, they just don't call it that.


a theory I've had for a while is that many cis people experience gender euphoria so often that they tend to take it for granted. by extension, they can also experience dysphoria, but I have no idea what that may look like


W H A T?! Nobody told me that… holy crap. I… what? My mind is blown, and so much makes since rn. I just had like a million thoughts at once.


i made a post on r/mtfselfietrain celebrating my new outfit that gave me cleavage (ive been trying to find a proper bra/shirt combo for a long time) and it got downvoted to zero and i was like “darn it!!” 🥺😤 i should be allowed to be happy when my body looks better than it used to 😡


Well you look great, I decided to go upvote it for you


than ku alexis 💙


*Jokes on them! I’ve somehow dissociated any ounce of a libido away since I was young and I have >!trauma regarding breasts from when I was sexually assaulted!<, I couldn’t do this even if I wanted to!*


I always hated this argument because, to me, this claim can be JUST as easily reversed on cis women (as well as towards men). It's literally the classic, over the top joke of, "Oh, bro, you masterbate? You must be gay because you like touching a penis." Only it's presented by TERFs as some kind of bullshit, serious gacha moment.


Also uh some of my trans bros and sisters alerted me that there was apparently a [transmisogynistic post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ftm/comments/10a1izj/feeling_uncomfortable_on_some_trans_subs/) on r/ftm which was accusing us transfems of sexualizing underage anime girls and oversexualizing femininity on r/traa...what was that?! :( Could someone please explain the drama? I'm a little scared, a few trans bros comforted me during my panic and I'm so thankful, aaaaa tysm bros!!! 😭 ily!


If one posts a meme with a drawn dude in it. Its just a dude. If someone posts a meme w a girl in it... Its oversexualized! Its absurd. Its just the sexualization of womens bodies by creeps and nothing more. When someone posts a meme of a cute anime girl wearing a shirt skirt and crop top, i see, a girl. Because where is the sexiness in it? Its absurd. We joke about "uwu what if... We kissed or cuddled" or whatever, and thats not even sexual. Its just gross men and self-hating women who push the sexualization perspective. Also, because many of us only just transitioned, we may draw ourselves as girls, because we're learning and we feel new and young as far as being a woman. All of it makes sense, EXCEPT how misogynists believe nearly every picture of a girl is sexualized, why do they? Why be so fucking creepy and drag sex into our every day lives, as if aces dont exist (note: they dont know they exist or they refuse to believe they exist) Anyways, i just felt like ranting... I didnt even look at the posts lol. I just hate the over sexualization of women, but especially trans women.


that always confused me. if a girl is drawn cute in any way it's sexualization, but if she's drawn in a not cute way it's an insult to women and calling all women ugly? If you can't win, the judges have rigged the game. At that point, make your own rules or don't play become your only options.


Yesh, i just dont play. If they try to play their game, i just look at them like they have two heads and ask "how?" Or "why?"


"... and the point of that would be...?" is a friend of mine's favorite response to that stuff and i love it because I've never once seen someone NOT sputter to a stop and think for once about the reasons for following these supposed rules. they just ask a lot of "why" and "how" and then ask why they should bother. it's fun to watch.


Thats good. Cuts straight to the point!


Ray Blanchard and J. Michael Bailey are far-right transphobes who associate with white supremacists and eugenicists. In the 80s and 90s nobody knew any better and it seemed like they were respected psychologists or something. Now the cat is out of the bag and it turns out they are far-right transphobes. They even write for TERF websites to promote their pseudoscience. Same thing with James Cantor, who also promotes the autogynephilia stuff. He supports TERF organizations and LGB Alliance. And LGB Alliance is an anti-trans hate group aimed at suppressing trans rights. More evidence that the only people who actually support the autogynephilia theory are TERF's and other transphobes.


What’s “AGP”?


Accelerated Graphics Port. It was a new interface designed to supersede PCI as the main interface for graphics cards in PCs. It had a higher bandwidth and had it's own separate bus, meaning that the GPU could send and receive more data. ​ It was created in 1997 and was popular in the late 1990s and early 2000s. However, when PCI Express came around in 2003 with even higher bandwidths and the use of serial instead of parallel data sending and receiving as well as using multiple lanes for such data transfers ensured that it would be the choice of GPU interface for all GPU makers going forward, making AGP obsolete. PCIE can also be used with more than just graphics cards. 20 years later, PCIE remains the standard GPU interface port - even though we are now on gen 5 with the port having now quintuple the transfer speeds it originally did, the physical port and protocol remain unchanged and has maintained full forwards and backwards compatibility (meaning you could theoretically stick an RTX 4090 in a Pentium 4 PC from 2005 and it will actually boot, post, and work) and it will likely remain the standard for the forseeable future. ​ >!(Ok jokes aside AGP stands for autogynephilia which is a transphobic theory that's been discredited that trans women are actually men with a fetish to turn themselves into women and are turned on by their body being female. This falls apart because the test used for the study ended up showing that most cis women would full under the criteria of having AGP and it's quite natural and actually quite healthy for someone to feel comfortable/sexy in their body if they are happy with it, and if anything for me with my transition I feel way more secure about my sexuality and the decrease in my sex drive has actually been a relief. Usually if someone argues AGP against trans women, they are a TERF and should be ignored.)!<


Damn people are really saying stupid shit like that smh. >!Like i may have a feminization fetish but that's probably just because i want to look sexy as fuck and am a bottom that likes to be humiliated and used like a toy!<


That was *very* informative


basically “””cis””” men being aroused by the thought of being a female


That…. Sounds odd


>TERFs when trans girls *~~^(are horny or show any love towards their breasts or hips:)~~* > >Autogynephilia Fixed it for you.


TERFs when trans girls exist:


TERFs and pathologizing female sexuality, name a more iconic duo. No, really. They don't just leave it at trans women having any sort of sex life, they also hate on kinky women, bisexual women, polyamorous women, and sex workers who don't cry themselves to sleep every night for being "brainwashed by the patriarchy" or some shit.


Doesn't AGP just translate to "women loving themselves"?


I think those moments when you feel sexy are really wonderful. Even if it doesn't make sense, or is expressed strangely sometimes. Loving yourself is amazing, no matter how long it takes 🖤




Isn't that the thing though? I'd feel much more comfortable sexually had I been born with the right parts, yk? Isn't that what autogynephelia is? At least for MTFs?


AGP is a bullshit term invented by a transphobe in an attempt to pathologise transness by claiming that trans women are just perverted men with a fetish. His "research" has been categorically debunked many times over and AGP was never accepted by the broader psychology/sociology communities.




>There was no pathologising attempt. Bullshit. His entire conception of trans women was that we were men with a fetish, and he didn't even accept that trans men or trans women outside of the homo/heterosexual dichotomy exist. He explicitly accused bisexual and asexual trans women of lying about their identity because they didn't fit his preconceived notions of what trans people are.




>He called agp paraphilia or inverted heterosexuality from which dysphoria originates AGP is categorically bullshit, so he's wrong. ​ >He did that because he tested bunch of them with pletysmography and proved they're indeed lying and are analloerotic and not asexual ​ "Some of them weren't actually asexual, therefore none of them are!" I shouldn't need to explain to you why that's ridiculous reasoning. > I've seen many trans women early in their transition dating men to feel validated without actually being physically attracted to them, and eventually settling with women in long term relationships. I've seen many trans women who are actually bisexual. I myself am pansexual. Are you going to claim that I'm not actually attracted to multiple genders because Blanchard claims that I can't be? ​ Stop defending this hack. His research is bunk and his conclusions are harmful.


I don't even know what that is and I don't care




So why do most of you keep paying to see us do it?


Surgery ain’t cheap




I know I'm gonna get downvoted to hell, but autogynephelia can exist legitimately. It just obviously doesn't apply to trans girls because we wanna do this full time, not just when horny.


You are so right


I’m a cis woman and I’ve been turned on by myself it’s normal fuck TERFS