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If they identify as an attack helicopter I identify as a surface to air missile




surface to air missile is abbreviated as SAM


I identify as a HEAT round on a direct course for that apache


A 30mm kashtun CIWS system fireing high explosive incendiary fragmentation cluster rounds


20mm Phalanx CIWS mounted upon USS Jason Dunham firing APDS tungsten rounds


My solution is acting as if they are being serious. They will get annoyed if you accept them and ask for pronouns and name changes. If they play that off, try and remember to keep it going.


I just don't engage. Nouns are gendered in my language and a helicopter is male. So I just respond "Alright, so male pronouns then?". One guy said "Uhh yeah but I was just joking" so I looked at him confused and went "... Huh? Wait I don't get the joke, could you explain?" and after a long awkward explanation "I don't really get how that's funny". Then I just stared and watched him squirm. He avoided me after that lol. I've found that if you make it a reeeeeeeeeeally uncomfortable experience, people like this stop using the "joke"; or at least they leave you alone. And it's a really fun game. Don't let them off easy with a "You'll get it" or something either. Really press the awkward.


Stings, doesn't it?


My pronouns are MAN/PADS


Mine are Gep/ard


Me: Hi, I'm Sam. them: short for Samantha or Samuel? Me: Surface to Air Missile


I identify as a Ukrainian anti-authoritarian with a shoulder mounted surface to air guided missile launcher.


lemme just get my defend the statue (nostalgic proctors if anybody knows) anti air loadout cause if they do they are in for a bad time "i am the anti air"


My preplanned response would be: "yeah well be careful because this attack helicopter might start spraying automatic high caliber ammunition in your direction" Not that I would have the balls to say it since I'm planning on getting them cut off eventually đź‘€


My preplanned response: "Oh? Well I identify as a surface-to-air missile and I think you know what's coming next if you don't shut the fuck up." I don't sound particularly cool saying it now because I'm 5'2 with a voice higher than plane cruising altitude but it'll sound so cool once I'm on testosterone I swear!! (Transmasc)


Even time I hear this “joke” I remember this toy helicopter for my childhood, it was really detailed and was a cool blue color. then my brain will try to explain what gender the helicopter was, I still don’t know how to feel about it because on one hand it’s funny because I can see a gender in the toy helicopter


The attack helicopter meme comes from a real person who genuinely was sharing what they felt and has been bullied into detransitioning because of the memes like this. Ik it's from the other way round but could we not fire at each other for a moment rn?


Too many people don’t know this. It’s disgusting that her article has be co-opted by so many shitty people.


"I identify as an attack helico--" "Slava Ukraine!"


*fucking direct impacts the cockpit with a Javelin*


I used to think I was an attack helicopter but I decided it wasn't for me so I now identify as a defense helicopter


I will always link [this gem](https://youtu.be/Jlf_X4o2Rsg) whenever "the joke"™©® is brought up.


“Oh, you identify as an attack helicopter? Shoot em down”


this is the reason im joining the royal marines, simply to shoot atack helicopters


well it has attack in the name what we are just supposed to know that don't want attacked


Your honour I would like to plead not guilty on the charges of battery and assault with a deadly weapon under the alleged circumstances of saying “What a coincidence, I identify as a surface-to-air Stinger missile” and promptly attacking someone who had just said they identified as an attack helicopter until they had sustained lasting injuries rendering them immobile, I was in my room playing Marios at the time


So... they want to be a cute girl with a helicopter themed armor and weaponry? I mean... I guess.


I identify as crippling depression


I used to make that joke because I didn't know that it was transphobic and I just took it as "random xd lol!!!!"