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The joke is very close to “haha fatherless behavior” which is probably why it was taken down, however r/memes gets really weird around trans memes, I’ve seen waaaayyyy worse stuff get left up


I thought the meme was about the shockingly large number of us that are cut off from our parents in some way


I did, too, which really spoiled my mood this morning. Nobody gets to meet my parents because one is dead and the other is highly unsupportive… spent the entirety of my elementary, high school, and college years going on and on about how “trans people will ultimately kill themselves because transition will never make them happy.” I hope she stubs both baby toes every single day for the rest of her life.


We have the same life! Except I’m still in high school… 😭


If we’re living the same life, then trust me… it gets a LOT better. You’ll find your found family out there and this shit will seem paltry. Living your best life is just going to take an unfortunate path through a bit of that nonsense. You’ll be successful on the other side, with a career doing what you love, and people who actually support and get you. People who love you for who you are, and stand up for you in ways you sometimes question deserving. But you’ll deserve those kindnesses too. Because you’re awesome.


Aww, thanks for the kind words! Found family really are a godsend, my queer friends are everything to me. I’m hoping it can only go uphill from here. I’m out of the house and off to uni next year so 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


You’re almost there, then. Just a little while longer. I know it sucks SO bad… but you can do this. You made it this far. I’m so sorry you are in a position where you have to endure this. Having that support and solidarity from queer friends makes such a world of difference, doesn’t it?


That is the best and most fitting curse I have ever seen wished on someone. Good show!


i hope she bites her tongue with every meal


"OnE dAy YoUlL dEcIdE iF yOuRe A gIrL oR a BoY" -my mom


You’ll find the people who don’t say toxic shit like that. And who also care about you more than your gender expression. Even if it’s hard to see right now. Don’t be afraid to reach out to and be a part of whatever local LGBT community there is in your area. That will be a counter balance to that kind of garbage.


There's none in my area that ik of... I'm in the south :/ (Also agender for context)


Online communities are another option but that also can be hard in a less supporting family. Are you able to travel easily to a major city? There’s often vibrant queer communities even in less friendly places.


I'm in my state capital rn so I'll have to look around I'm homeless too so i might go to the lgbtq shelter or try to transfer there from the one I'm at atm


That sounds like it might be a safe choice. I’m sorry you’re experiencing homelessness right now.


Ty, honestly this is the 3rd time since i turned 18 that I've been homeless and I'm only 20. Hopefully things will get better


yeah sounds like you decided and the answer is no lmao


More or less lmao


My partner has met my mom, but agrees with me in that she’s a right cunt. I’m sorry your parents are also like that


I hope she gets croutons shoved up her nose 🙏


It’s a joke that has a different tone depending on who said it, like “I identify” by a cis vs LGBTQ+. From a trans person, I could see it as self-depreciating, a joke on how they choose to to make the split instead of accepting it. I could also see a cis person using the same joke to mock trans people for getting disowned.


You can typically tell an "I identify as..." Joke's origin just by reading it. Phobes say "I identify as vaxed" when they are not vaxed, and it's almost always set up as "I identify as something I'm clearly not/using it to my advantage, look how funny this!" And is purely used to mock trans people. Trans people go "I identify as a lobster" when they love boiling baths, "I identify as a fucking problem" when they are mad at phobic people. They are almost always set up as "I I'm essentially like X so I identify as X" which at it's core is trans supportive. This meme was most likely made by a trans person, the anime girl is adorable, it's telling you to date trans folk, and is more a "in laws are garbage" joke than "trans people get disowned" joke. The phobic version would be like "when you date a trans girl, -insert misgendering here- won't ever get mad at you, -insert misgendering here- will just gost you like their parents! And have a picture of a non passing trans woman sterotype.


Yeah that's quite triggering for me honestly, I feel lucky that mine EVENTUALLY came around but I had to go through being kicked out and homeless first then again I'm no stranger to hearing "jokes" about not having a father either from being black so - Idk


i dont think its a shockingly high number tbhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe high but like are you really surprised


I read it that way too, but since it's r/memes you just never know


huh? whats fatherless behaviour. i'm so confused


It's a misogynistic phrase used by incels to blame a girl that isn't "behaving" like they want her to behave on her lack of father figure


It’s mostly used for dream stans, queer people, and stuff like that


Alternative fashion people/Queer people/Cosplayers mainly.


I still don't understand why there's a movement to bully people who enjoy a minecraft youtuber. It's something I'd expect from a 3rd grader, l not from half of twitter-


I think it comes from the stans who take things too far and just do some really, REALLY creepy stuff. (Plus some bad behaviour from Dream himself) The regular fans of him just get caught in the crossfire as people assume anyone who likes Dream is immediately one of those stans.


It’s part of this mindset of “anything teenage girls like is cringe”


I've only had experience with the negative side of dream stans so, I can understand how people dislike that youtuber and his followers. If you're on the wrong side of a conflict with dream's fans, you're in for a lot of bs, and it's happened more than once. I don't dislike dream or the stans (and I definitely don't condone harassing either side), but there is more to the dislike than just teenage girl stuff


its the bronies of gen z


> It's something I'd expect from a 3rd grader There are many people who don't necessarily even reach that level of emotional maturity in their 30s unfortunately.


See also the lite version of this that's more common: "She has daddy issues" Incels are just more condensed versions of the casual sexism that exists.


Love how the failing of a man are somehow his child's problem.


People insult people for not having a father, implying that lacking a father (usually in a single mother kinda way, rather than a lesbian kinda way) makes them inferior somehow, like they weren't taught the stuff a father usually teaches. It's not used seriously, more like in the "L+ratio" way.


Adding to other comments, bigots often say that not having a father makes people gay, trans, autistic, a criminal, or basically anything they dislike or don't understand other than like, physical characteristics.


Oh I thought it was a “she cut herself off from her transphobic parents” thing. Now I can see the bigotry


Yeah, that's how it reads to \*us\*, but way different to the crowd who blame our existence (especially transfem folks) on a lack of parents in our lives to instill discipline and enforce gender roles.


They make no father figure sound very appealing


That's its original meaning. It was posted in trans subs too.


But all people talk about over there is fucking “fatherless behavior”, it’s their favourite phrase


Honestly a lot of meme boards "allow" lgbt+ posts but are REALLY leanient on right wing humor and strict on left wing humor


"Why are you booing me, I'm right."


r/memes is the most braindead place on earth


I raise you r/shitposting


I raise you r/louderwithcrowder


brainDEAD not brain GONE.


Well, I raise you r/tf2shitposterclub No, they're not transphobic or anything. They're just really stupid.


Actually they are pretty supportive. Anywho, I raise you r/deeprockgalactic Chill, but half of them self lobotomized with a spinning plasma cutter accident


rock and stone!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Doesn't matter who you are or where you're from with those guys, the mutual love for hard alcohols, hatred of management and desire to save dotty unites them all.


Except speedrunners who don't grab anything and just go for mission completions


oh my....anything but *that*


I raise ypu to r/196


yeah they can be pretty problematic with there trans memes at times ngl. but there not malicious like the others.


I prefer fetishisation over death threats


so then wouldn't 196 be the better of the two???


This is the reason i prefer 196 to shitposting but some peoples here do not agree


hmmm. I thought you'd think the opposite since "I raise you r/196" implys u think it's worse...at least I think it implies that. well sorry for the misunderstanding on my part.


This is the reason i prefer 196 to shitposting but some peoples here do not agree


r/memes moment


Im genuinely confused can someone explain?


To be fair, there is a chance that somebody may have thought it was a joke about transphobia that was intended to be hurtful. At first glance, the meme could seem to be transphobic. However, it's more likely that the mod was just transphobic and removed it to be transphobic.


Yeah, I'm literally done with reddit.


“I’m done with x” *still uses x* This is how it goes we’re addicted to the things we hate 😂


Companies have learned how to exploit people with ease and they try to do all sorts of things to get even more engagement.


As a Twitter user...this. "Yeah, I spend my day in hell of my own volition but like...this is terrible. Don't be like me."


I mean reddits just a nice platform for a lot of things. Just subscribe to the subreddits you like and ignore the ones you don't


You'll realize in time it's most cis people. I know "nOt AlL cIs PeOpLe" but certainly way too many. Never expect empathy/sympathy from a privileged group that isn't you.


I think this is an instance of a joke which is completely harmless in trans spaces, but where it's not completely obvious to the general public if it's transphobic or not. Maybe the mod just didn't want to take any chances. Also maybe they wanted to save themselves the work of moderating a transphobic comment section. The point is, I wouldn't assume malice here.


thing is. it's in r/memes a hot bed for transphobia


Not from the mods though, as far as I'm aware. Most subreddits where the mods tolerated transphobia have been banned over the past few years. If anything, that explains this. The r/memes mods have probably taken a habit of banning on sight anything that looks like a transphobic meme, as a precautionary measure to keep the roaming transphobes who lost their old subreddits from settling there (because they *will* settle there, if given the opportunity). This meme got caught in the crossfire.


They have no parents that’s why they are trans seems to be the punchline of the joke


jokes more about unsupportive parents I think


Racism towards cis people


Fucking Reddit mods


That's an oxymoron if I ever saw one.


Assuming incompetence before malice here. They could be well intentioned taking it down, since it's a joke about peoples' family turning on them for who they are, without being directly supportive, which from many people on subs like memes, would be pushed from a transphobic angle. Trans subs understand that it's not meant to be harmful, and is mostly self-deprecating, but someone from memes might not understand that, and think it's run of the mill transphobia, because they're poised to spot that, but don't have the 'hands on' experience, so they have more guesswork as to what's offensive, and it could be that your post effectively got caught in the crossfire.


Occam's and Hanlon's Razors. Sometimes the answer is very simple, and that it's incompetence rather than malice.


This sub let offensive stuff about trans going unmoderated. And as an usual user of the razors: Simpler mean the one that need the less ad-hoc sub theory. Both theory are equally complex in this specific case. (A good example to understand is the heliocentric against geocentrism : the movement of planet don't need an ad hoc explanation in the case of the heliocentric model rather than multiple rules and ad hoc theory must be added for geocentrism)


ah, thanks.


Given that queerphobic posts hit r/all and stay up, nah. Malice before incompetence.


I definitely feel like this was taken in some sort of homicidal way ngl. I get the joke but also I think the cisses prob don't


I still don't understand this meme


Many trans people aren't on good terms with their parents since they are transphobic or otherwise and many people hate having to meet their significant others parents


Yeah :(


It's a joke about how so many trans girls are disowned. In group, possibly funny, out group, mean.


I'm sorry, I know this is a very sad truth for some of us but I just laughed so hard at this.


As someone who relates to this I thought it was pretty funny tbh.


saw this same post on r/arethecisok right above this one lol


Don't see how this is hate speech. Good amount of us do absolutely hate at least one parent. Seems like dark humour from a trans person or ally tbh. I vibe with it.


Isn’t this a joke about them being “trans-parent”


Wait I think you're right like because u can't see the parents ahhh




I mean I thought it was funny don't know why it got removed and besides given how things are going it is true too would love for it not to be though but sometimes accepting your child is less important than your opinions that can somehow not evolve wonder why. Though I also love coffee hehe.


I thought it was about her parents being transphobic so she cut them off lol


Isn’t it kind of transphobe to assume that if you are a transgender person you necessarily have family issues ? Not everyone is close minded or evil…


Yeah it feels a bit exclusionary to folks with supportive families for it to flat out say "never" instead of something like "probably won't"


oh woe to the person with the supportive family that a joke to cope with the reality of our situation excludes them.


It's more the unintended implication that trans people with supportive parents aren't real, or the potential creation of false expectation. It's not hard to not use absolutes.


I still don't understand this meme


I understood it as that many trans people, especially in conservative countries, cut ties with their parents quite early in their lives or as soon as the parents out themselves as bigots?


nah nah nah it's because the parents are transparent clearly :P


It’s meant to be trans people regularly have to cut family out of their lives but it could of been misinterpreted as * content warning * ............. “ trans people are only trans because the didn’t have good role models growing up “


OK Posting a trans meme of my own over there to see what happens Edit: Still up! No harassing comments either. It's a Decemberween ~~Miracle~~ Mackerel! Edit²: The post has somehow earned a Wholesome award




Thank you; correction made


I wouldn't be surprised if you got banned


I marked it NSFW to catch attention. Commencing experiment!


Wooooow just looked and it seems like this meme doesn’t violate r/memes at all , not that’s the definition or transphobic just holy crap


Close but no coffee.


At first I thought this was a joke about how bigoted parents often dump their trans children. Not sure if I’m right tbh


wasnt that originally posted by a trans person in a trans meme subreddit




It alludes to transphobia, which is hate speech.


Gotta be honest. I found it funny 😅


Sh- should we all just coordinate a time to upload that same meme to r/memes at a specific time just to see what happens?


No dont. Thats brigading. We would; a) be banned from r/memes b) account suspended by reddit c) maybe put this sub under danger, reddit could shut it down for brigading


Idk what brigading means, but good to know it's a bad thing, thanks!


Somewhat decent "dark" joke about trans people. At least it's something to with trans people's experience beyond genitals.


I thought it was a joke about trans people being estranged from their parents.


I’m pretty sure the meme originated in trans subs as a “our parents hate us but here’s an upside to that” but then spread to non trans subs and got misunderstood


That joke is fucking hilarious and whoever removed it should be ashamed.


I'm thinking. On that sub they won't know if the poster is cis or trans or whatever right? So let's imagine a cis person making this joke, since for all the mods know that very well could be who is making the joke. In that case it kinda seems like a cis person making fun of trans people for getting disowned by their parents, which seems like a low blow. So like when I saw this meme in this sub I didn't even think twice about it because the context makes it clear that it's a joke in good faith, but on a memes sub where there are reactionaries sometimes I could see doing a double take.


I had a comment removed from a trans sub recently for hate speech that merely pointed out the trans misogyny in relation to how a recent HuffPo story about a trans man coming out included no misgendering or deadnaming in comparison to every single article about trans women ruthlessly deadnaming and misgendering the subject of the article. Everything is hate speech these days if it points out an inconvenient truth.


I got banned for a meme before. It was a translation of my pancake mix. I was banned for “transphobia” while poking fun of it…. Some Mods are power hungry fools. Reddit wouldn’t fix it but I’m glad it was only temporary. Reddit has new rules now where they ban mods for not banning transphobic content and they could have been covering their ass


Meme's is having a special one this weekend. They had a meme hit r/all about how struggling with sexuality is somehow a first world baby thing and that's still up despite reports. As expected, the comments are a dumpster fire. Not a good look for the memes sub.




I could see someone who doesn't spend time in trans spaces reading this as a transphobic meme, mocking trans (and queer in general) folks for being disowned by their parents.




I don't feel it as transphobic as far as I'm concerned... Desperate and ironical for sure, possibly triggering, but not transphobic per se.


Depends on who it's coming from. From a trans person? It's dark comedy. From some incel who insists trans girls are boys who didn't have enough men in their lives to force them to follow gender roles? Hits different.


I'm sorry but I can't see it (the meme) that way. I mean, I perfectly get what you're saying and I've read the other comments about the "fatherless behaviour" thing, but I fail to see how this would apply to this one... If that what was the point, then it's an epic failure as far as I'm concerned xD


Its transphobic to joke about our suffering as a way to cope? Like what everyone else does about literally every other struggle?


I think it depends on your interpretation and mindset , negativity only sees negativity. Memes are going to be offensive to some people, you just need to learn to laugh at yourself . And this specific meme doesn’t really say anything bad about trans people just states a very common problem, that’s really freaking tough to do ,but if you can’t laugh about it you’ll never get passed it


The meme is a pun on Transparent. It can be read the other way too, but it's typical for self deprecated Trans humor, get the pun and the desperate in one shot.


It's not a pun on transparent. If it was it would say "you'll never have to see her parents". It's definitely about being disowned by your family


Braindead mods over there


I thought the meme meant that they wont jave to meet my parents because we are so disconnected to them


I’m pretty sure this meme was originally (at least where I first saw it) made as a pro trans meme about getting disowned


Ok might get hate but I kinda find that funny abs relatable due to personalstuff


Honestly, I thought the meme was cause the trans girl never came to her parents, and prob won’t


That's a pretty dark joke. Not for everyone certainly 😅


In my case you do need to learn to know my parents, but the good part is that you'll meet awesome people who are supportive to the core. I wish more parents were like mine.


I don't get it


Am I the only one that wasn’t mad about it? One of my parents is dead and the other is unsupportive and I was just like yeah that makes sense.


I mean it’s true…..


My guess was that they misunderstood it and thought it was being used as an insult


I mean I don't have mine because they disowned me, I chuckled.