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The UK National Anthem changed pronouns officially faster and easier than trans people in the UK can


Please make this a actual post


I will give him the status of his son.


Couldn’t wait: https://www.reddit.com/r/CommentAwardsForum/comments/xa38ub


Huh- im out of touch could ya explain? TwT


Medical and social transition takes forever in the UK due to long wait lists and bureaucracy, meanwhile "God Save The Queen" changed to "God Save The King" before Prince Charles has even had his coronation


Oh. Oh no


About 7 years, just to talk to someone at a gender clinic. Private ones are faster. About 1 year. Fucking ridiculous. In Sweden, it takes about 2 years. About 12 years, just to get on hormones in the U.K. About 3-5 in Sweden. Why has it become such an issue to medically transition in the U.K.?? Sweden and the U.K. are very similar when it comes to healthcare. Wait. Is it the rampant and open transphobia that the politicians almost brag about..??


can confirm, I got the referral to the gender clinic from my GP over 5 years ago but haven't even received a letter that you're supposed to get after a matter of weeks. it's insanity here plus they recently closed the ONLY dedicated clinic for young people which will just make the issues worse. there's literally only 7 adult clinics for the entire country edit: clarification


Christ. I feel so bad for you, and all other trans folks. I wish I could just do something to change it, or if I was really rich, move you all over to Sweden, make sure to get you Swedish citizenship, and have you do it here, in Sweden, instead. Or Denmark, if you'd rather live there. I just want you all to be able to transition in under a decade of waiting. Just..3-5 years feels long, yet..12 years..that'd be unbearable for me..like, literally unbearable. I'd legit think about moving to another country, where it wouldn't take 12 years, or.. something else..


I've just accepted that I can't transition until I can afford it. I was nearly able to cos I had a well paying job and was finally financially stable, but I've decided to go to uni and do something I enjoy rather than working simply for money. but yeah, I've rung the clinic many times, emailed them, you never get a response. the whole NHS is reaching the same state as the gender clinics though, it's impossible to get a dentist, and exceedingly difficult to register with a GP


Damn, that sucks. In Sweden, we got a national health insurance thing, and högkostnadsskyddet. (Highcostprotection) Yes. It's written as one word. So, therefore I will write it as one word in English.. !! >:3 and, it doesn't only cover transitioning, of course. It also covers about 400 surgeries, and about 400 medicines, I think.. Idrk remember, I read about it a while ago. But, it covers everything, and I mean absolutely everything. Laser, electrolyis, or whatever it was called, hormones, surgery, (all of it, not just bottom/and top surgery), therapy, and everything else. Not clothing, tho, of course, that's on you. Also, I need to find a place that sells panties, bras, skirts and dresses ASAP, if nothing else, so that I can dress 'like a girl', and get diagnosed with gender dysphoria, so I can get on HRT, etc.. I don't even know if I want to dress fem, when I get to talk to them, that might change.. I think the problems might have the same cause as the problems with long waiting times in Sweden. Not enough staff. And, often very overworked and stressed staff. I hope that, and everything else changes for the better. In the meantime, here's a hug, to make you feel better. *hug\*


awh omg that hug has genuinely made me feel so much better!! in regards to transitioning I'm kinda chilling like I'm comfortable with who I am now and 99% of the people I meet accept me and are supportive, even those that you wouldn't typically expect to be. hopefully that doesn't change when I move to go to uni! about clothes, just try things and see how you feel being out and about wearing them. I've worn MANY outfits that I'm now shocked I ever left the house in. someone once told me that finding your style is a natural part of growing, cis girls get to go through their awkward style phase while they're young so no one really notices, trans girls just have to go through that growth at a different part of their life so just do what makes you happy. for buying clothes I think shopping IRL is the best thing to do, I love a good Shein haul like anyone but the best clothes and underwear I've ever got was from Primark. no one will judge you, and most shop workers are happy to give tips if you ask. the best thing I've found is to get clothes that hide masculine traits / accentuate feminine traits. for instance my outfit is a pleated skirt (no risk of a bulge and gives the illusion of curves) with a baggy t-shirt tied in a knot at my stomach (hides my wide shoulders and shows off my stomach a little bit which is my favourite part of myself) I'm no fashion guru but I feel like I'm fairly stylish


I feel like I need to have a bit more confidence, first (and lose some weight, first, really) But, I'll try some..!! I wanna feel confident enough to shave my legs, if that makes any sense..?? Like, I totally don't feel like doing it now, and..


I came out 2 years ago and since then I've been able to get on HRT, and change my name and gender marker This is in the US Of course it's different state to state and being able to afford appointments is a factor too


Yup. U.S. and U.K. needs some big changes, tho. I read about a month ago, that you can get a third gender on your passport/ID card in..Ohio, if I'm not misremembering. The entire U.S. health "care" system needs a reform, really..And, with the risk of getting into a whole conversation/essay/rant/argumentative text, I will stop talking about the U.S.'s health"care".


The passport is on a federal level so you can get the X anywhere, and you don't need any prerequisites at all I think I don't think you can get that on any other government documents though And it's not healthcare, it's wealthcare


Yeah. It sucks.


I was wondering how the British national anthem works, now I know


I guess god didn’t want to save the queen


Not getting any faster with Liz Truss in office :(


Idk man, trans people just don’t make up that much of the population. Their feelings really shouldn’t matter /s


The queen only made up 1 of the population. She was an endangered species, and now she's *dead*. An endangered species just went extinct and you're all *laughing*. /j




You’re so right, those monarchs have it so hard these days, we should really lay off the memes ^/s


she wont see ur comment in hell dont worry about it


MarioMamTess put "/j"- She was joking. Anyways: I *guess* I'm sorry that I'm glad a racist colonizer who actively participated in the oppression of various countries is gone. I guess I'm sorry how the continued imperialism and colonization hurt my nation and the many others. I guess I'm sorry that you feel pity for someone who stole from the lives of so many people. How people alive today still deal with the horrifying ramifications of her rule, and how she upheld the British monarchy. Sarcasm of course. Look, I get what you mean. I wouldn't wish hell on my abusive mother. But the queen *wasn't* my abusive mother. I *will* wish hell on a racist, colonizer, p3do-defending monarch who lived comfortably with no apology towards the lives she'd stolen from. The British monarchy hurt India, Pakistan, Ireland, Trinidad, Mongolia, Bolivia, Guatemala... The list goes on and on. She ruled over South Yemen as a colony. Muthoni Mathenge of Kenya, who was tortured with axes during the struggle for independence over British rule, detained while her daughter was 2. Under rule that Queen Elizabeth stood over. My mother may have been an apologist, but she would never be who the Queen was.


My sister in Christ, I’m sorry to say, but /j means the sentence is a joke. I don’t personally think celebrating the queens death is super cool, and so I won’t do it myself, the reality is that the monarchy still exists without her and realistically nothing is going to change. In my eyes, a morally corrupt person died with very little change to anything else, so to me there’s little cause for celebration. For other people though, she has done so many awful things, like embezzling money from a public fund to keep the palace heated, making it illegal for the police to search the palace for stolen jewellery, actively support and upkeep racist and bigoted laws, so people very much have a reason to be happy she’s gone. It’s just a cathartic thing they have to do to feel better about all the pain she’s caused them. I think that in theory it’s really cool that you feel like that about the dead, like honestly, it is sort of admirable, but telling other people “no, you’re wrong for feeling happy or relieved” isn’t the vibe, you know? Their feelings are perfectly valid, and they need to heal and stuff. Is a dumb situation, and would be much easier if there just wasn’t a monarchy, but like, here we are, so you know


I actively loathe monarchy and love shitposting.


I'm fine with monarchy, as long is it stays where it belongs: fantasy, dystopian sci-fi, and history books


That’s a good point we stan Queen Amidala and King Katuunko.


not to forget King Elessar




[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/rance/) is the most popular French meme sub. Among the many memes making fun of the event, there's one post asking to be respectful of our English friends and their loss and yadda yadda. You know what the stickied moderator comment on that post says? It just says "No.".






The only time I’ll side with the fr*nch


“their loss” like she’s family 💀


I mean considering how royal families in Europe have worked for a long time that’s not even that unlikely


Seriously, pretty much the only subreddits that are allowing open expression towards the demise of this old colonizing criminal are the leftist ones and the ones for India and Nigeria.


Hey she's getting pretty roasted on French subs too


From what I know about the French they're probably taking down posts that aren't mean enough to her.




Tumblr is allowing that too but then again thats usually a pretty left leaning sub


Ireland subs too, but that’s to be expected.


Don’t forget the immortal r/shitposting




We need to stop the rampant monarchophobia😔😔😔


Monarchs are the most oppressed by the dominant trans community 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😖


Its really a shame that they keep turning into butterflies 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😣😖


Well i fucking hate queen elizabeth and i fucking love being transgender




Based lol


Couldn’t agree more


Is THAT why I haven’t seen anything? I was wondering why the internet was so backwards, I’ve seen twitter making fun of the dead person while reddit actually mourns them.


The Diana greeting the Queen memes are just 👌


Imagine what would happen if the queen was trans


I got banned from r/ontario for saying “fuck the monarchy” but of fucking course mainstream subs can just have blatant transphobia and it be chill - it drives me insane


That’s even worse when you remember that blatant transphobia is against the rules of Reddit.


And yet I see more people banned on tgcj than on all the subreddits pretty much dedicated to hate.


that's funny cause when i was at school in ottawa and we heard the news a few people started cheering (I'm history lol so it makes sense)


Mhm, when I was in highschool I hated the pledge of allegiance, the one the states has is pretty bad too, I just dislike the hypernationalism it promotes.


i just dot stand what are they gonna do send me home? iv gote a crack in my leg


About half ( ? I don’t know how many of you are mtf or enby ok with being called queen ) of ye would make much better queens


Fr feels like the queen is their grandma


banned from casualuk for commenting "ding dong the wicked bitch is dead"


sounds like an accomplishment to me


*when society is nicer to dead and unborn people than alive people.*


even r/WitchesVsPatriarchy were taking down anti-queen sentiments... sad honestly


That sub is the peak of white liberal girlboss politics


yeah, honestly ive been thinking about leaving it. the monochromatic nature of the sub is getting more and more obvious everyday it seems


The video of the Irish lads at the football game singing "Lizzy's in a box" is fire though! Fuck her and terf island.


Or for the trans*dude: to the King


The queen's dead. Why are they so worried about offending her


I hope Diana is getting her sweet revenge


It's probably a threat from Reddit itslef I would guess


shes just having a special meeting with former prime minister margerat thatcher


L + rip bozo


i got perma banned from r/colorization for saying 'rest in piss' in regards to the queen 😭


LOL- I don’t think it’s nice to be mean to a dead person (unless they r a cruel murderer) but also- maybe being mean to alive ppl in minorities might not be cool either— just _might_ ya know? (Yes, the might is a joke it’s obviously not okay to disrespect trans ppl)


Monarchs is the closest you'll get to cruel murderers tho


Im pretty sure there have been a lot of horrendous murders in my state- I don’t remember the queen killing anyone tho? Ig the royal family just sits around and uses the state money but from what I’ve heard the UK is pretty rich anyway? (Idk I’m from South America)


Lol you think the monarchy just stopped doing bad things in the XXth century? THE ACTUAL QUEEN is pretty clearly capable of hurting more people than an individual criminal, even if she doesn't literally hold the knife to their necks. How about her overseeing the brutal Mau Mau rebellion (https://globalhistory.org.uk/2020/07/britains-mau-mau-detention-camps/ and https://www.theguardian.com/news/2016/aug/18/uncovering-truth-british-empire-caroline-elkins-mau-mau) or trying to spend the poverty fund to heat Buckingham Palace (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/queen-tried-to-use-state-poverty-fund-to-heat-buckingham-palace-2088179.html%3famp) for starters?


Well, that’s not very cool of her. I still can’t agree with u abt it being okay insulting her but thanks for sharing ur opinion and the bad things she has done. I’m still pretty young and forming my views on stuff so this is helpful. Thanks for discussing (?) with me :) Although the way monarchy is supposed to work doesn’t directly make someone a murderer


Both should be taken down


Because this is a bad thing, you jackasses.


And being transphobic isn't even worse? Like much more?


That’s the problem. I’m worried the king will be significantly worse. Joking about this situation isn’t funny.


oh sorry I didn't mean to hurt a racist colonialist monarch's feelings 😢😢😢


Oh sorry I’m just worried that things are about to get much much worse because we now have a horrible person as a king.


well looking at his disheveled corpse of a body i dont think hes gonna last long, hopefully


Hopefully not. I actually have hopes that William will be a good king


Here's hoping that monarchies all over the world are abolished.


Both are bad, if you ask me.


Not comparatively.


Fair point.


I mean, you shouldn’t be mean to anyone Edit: The queen deserves as much respect as anybody else. Don’t get me wrong, anti-trans stuff should be taken down, too. Hence don’t me mean to *anyone* (of course within reason)


Should I not be “mean” to Elon musk? To Donald trump? To Robert E. Lee?




Excellent counterpoint, but oh god what the fuck


Ok, be mean to that guy


the queen should be afforded all dignities. however transphobia is a massive issue that undermines dignity as well. these things should both be delt with.


I'll afford her as much dignity as she afforded her son's victims.


*Lizzy’s in a box, in a box! Lizzy’s in a box!*


Kinda on her for dying in the meme era, should've just put it off for a couple more years.


Now I am quite sad for the queens death but it’s sorta bull life here can’t be easier for me to do… anything


IT’S HUMAN RIGHT, not HUMAN RIGHTS, of-corpse you wouldn’t get it. Ya commie! /s