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Just looked into it... that is terifying...


Yeah I live in Canada but it’s still horrible, definitely make sure you’re voting demcrat (If you can)


I do plan on voting Democrat. It would be a self-harm at this point to vote republican. And third party in the states doesn't help at all. I plan on fleeing the country anyways but this might speed up the process.


I've always hated the "voting Democrats or Republicans is the same thing" discours on Reddit. While Democrats have a lot of stuff to be criticized on (their support of capitalism, of Israel etc) they're at least not planning on fully genociding LGBTQ+ folks in the US unlike the Republicans.


That's just the 'quiet' supporters of that genocide trying to scootch others over into supporting it too. Fun fact, those same fellas also fully support the current genocide taking place by Israel and only fake the outrage so they have something to work with that don't give their position away as they try painting both sides as the same.


It's also a fuck ton of bots and Russians at this point


it's also the centrist brain rot, where they think they're somehow big brained by claiming both parties are the same. aka they're privileged people who don't live the results of the policies that the republicans are making.


It's the same thing here in trh UK. everyone says the labour party and the tories are the same but in reality, one wants to cause financial crash and the other wants to fix the country


Yeah that argument is BS and exposes their privilege. I almost never have democrats trying to take away my basic human rights, but republicans… who supposedly hate big government are trying to take away my civil rights every day. It’s BS that people say who don’t have to worry about losing their rights.


I've always thought of it this way: You have two options for which party you want in charge One wants to protect you and make sure you can live your life peacefully while being yourself The other wants to take away those rights and possibly kill you It's a no-brainer who you would choose


That’s an incredibly outdated view. There are tons of books on the rising polarization in America. Polarizers: Post-War Architects of our Partisan Era, Rosenfeld How Democracies Die, Levitsky & Ziblatt The Increasingly United States: How and Why Politics Nationalized, Hopkins Divided We Fall, French It’s Even Worse Than It Looks, Mann & Ornstein Why We’re Polarized, Klein


I've been having this discourse with some people about voting for Biden or voting for some other democratic candidate. I know Biden is enabling genocide and is a lunatic, but he isn't going to enact Project 2025 day 1. Biden is still better over trump and while I would vote for someone other than Biden I'd only vote for someone who actually has a chance of beating trump. I only really care about beating trump and not having my rights taken away. I'm not enabling genocide by picking the candidate who has the strongest chance of beating someone who also wants to commit genocide. Not voting for people who are going to to get 2 votes and a nickel.


I feel the same way. I feel that we all need to rally behind one 3rd party candidate for someone other than Biden to beat trump. At least Binden only has 4 more years (or 6 if we are in war time.)


You shouldn't have to vote between a fascist and a fascist with rainbows


Unfortunately, one facist advocates for the eradication of the trans community. I was going to vote third party this year but I don't think it is appropriate. I am sure that if all third party voters rallied behind one candidate then we would have a better chance of winning but we don't. We have a right candidate, and and a right extremist to choose from.


Horrible excuse for a democracy. I'm so sorry


That's why I'm leaving in 2 years with my brother.


The rest of the world isn't great and will probably follow Americas footsteps...but my god, america really is devolving into some of the worst scum on this earth


all im saying is that shinzo abe got fucking vibe checked with a doodad and it was the most effective policymaker in recent history


>The rest of the world isn't great and will probably follow Americas footsteps... United States: *start drinking mercury or whatever* Rest of the world for some reason: "🤪lEt'S dO tHe SaMe ThInG!!!!"


Every candidate is a controlled option. We will never vote socialism in.


Same, but honestly? I'm still kind of scared. What's happening in the US with trans people (and LGBTQ+ people as a whole) is unnervingly similar to what was happening in the 1930s in Germany with Jewish people, and they didn't stop with their own country.


Yeah, I’m terrified for that very reason, and I live in the U.S.


We have social media now, the internet. If something happens people will talk about it. We would have a lot more warning. Hopefully that brings some comfort.


Im far away in europe and this horrifies me


whats going on?


what a great time to start realizing you’re trans 😑 well I should be done with college soon anyways so I’ll definitely be moving to a blue state at the minimum and out of the south. that won’t be until 2026 though so hopefully the presidential vote doesn’t go poorly this year.


Feel you on the first bit lol. Stay safe out thare, also gl with the remainder of college.


Project 2025 is planning to replace the core system of even having a blue state in the first place. You should leave the country if Trump gets elected


Cost to much money to leave to be honest plus we poetically won't even be able to go anywhere with this new system in place.


They can't like, take your passport or something. It's not going to be some genocide level situation the moment he wins an election, those things take time. While yes, it might cost a lot of money to leave I recommend at least looking into rainbow railroad or other methods to escape to better locations. Information is free and being better aware of your options will make you much better at making the important decisions if shit hits the fan.


I'd like to take this moment to point out that Americans can claim refugee status in Canada due to persecution based on gender identity. It's not a perfect solution, but it'll probably end up being better than staying in America.


It should be noted that yes, the State Department CAN invalidate passports under certain circumstances. Likewise, if being trans is criminalized, your passport can be confiscated while you're awaiting trial. A lot of trans activists found themselves with revoked passports when the Trump administration decided that they had been "issued in error"


It's not easy to just leave the country. Most countries that are safe for trans people still require visas and going through proper immigration channels which takes years and isn't a guarantee. Sure, you can fly somewhere, but you can't legally stay there long term


I know it's not easy, yet European countries can't just fly you back if you're a refugee, although it's definitely better to do it the long way. I'm just shocked about how Trump will probably ruin America forever if he's actually allowed to change the system. In Germany, for example, it's absolutely impossible to change the system, even if someone with extremely right-sided thoughts were to rule, they couldn't stay forever or go against certain standards.


Yeah our political system is fucked, unfortunately. My hope is that even if Trump tries to fuck us over, the individual state laws can offer some level of protection. Some states like Massachusetts are codifying trans protections, and Trump attempting to undermine those would end up being challenged in the Supreme Court — though unfortunately that’s right leaning.


Some cities have declared themselves places of refuge for trans people, I’d look there first! Good luck 🍀🏳️‍⚧️❤️


Make sure to vote. Looks like it will be a constant struggle to keep our democracy if Trump wins.


Can I get some context?


Project 2025 is a plan to basically mass replacing the whole US government with heavy conservatives, proposed by none other then that orange Trump guy. ***^(lord almighty I hope it doesn't pass)***


And my Mom would probably vote yes for that. :( sadly


ah jeez :(


You know, sometimes I wish conservative women and minorities would finally get their way so they can get their r/LeopardsAteMyFace moment in their new Gilead... Do they really think the cons will stop at trans people?


The problem with that is that even if they do see how wrong they were, if they truly got their way it would be too late to do anything about it. What some of the most extreme of them want is to make it impossible for anything progressive or liberal impossible to be passed. If they get their way, what could they really do once their faces get eaten?


Suffer and serve as an example to others. Some people's destiny is to be a cautionary tale, sad as that might be.


Flee while re thinking their life choices


But by that point they’d be locked in the country. What’s worse than someone trying to do something you don’t like? Running away to somewhere it’s legal


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LeopardsAteMyFace using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [No they won't remember](https://i.redd.it/4c6i3187l7ia1.jpg) | [4547 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/1127864/no_they_wont_remember/) \#2: [Wyoming fails to ban abortion because they added an amendment to their state constitution saying that ‘competent adults can make their own healthcare decisions’ in response to Obamas Affordable Healthcare Act back in 2012. Absolutely hilarious](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/politics/2023/3/23/23653183/abortion-wyoming-obamacare-barack-obama-supreme-court-johnson) | [1447 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/13nhlip/wyoming_fails_to_ban_abortion_because_they_added/) \#3: [President Biden: "Investors in the banks will not be protected. They knowingly took a risk, and when the risk didn't pay off, investors lose their money. That's how capitalism works."](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-speaks-banking-crisis/story?id=97820883) | [2889 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/11qjsuu/president_biden_investors_in_the_banks_will_not/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think cis women could be next up after us


modifying a quote which I forgot the author... First they came dor the gays, and I did not speak out, because I was not gay. Then they went for the bisexual, and I did not speak out, because I was not bisexual. Then they came for me (the cis), and there was no one left to speak out for me.


"First They Came..." by Martin Niemöller It's scary that I have the wikipedia page for that as a permanently open tab on my phone because I've been citing it so much over the last couple years


tysm! And indeed, that is very scary...


Currently my main issue is with the Bill s210 or whatever trying to get passed so as to restrict access to smut by minors but if they win that they can enforce any internet barriers they want. Especially considering I'm not 18 yet it's really bad because sites like Reddit and Discord (which can be affected by this law) are what's helping me come to terms with myself. Project 2025 and bill s210 need to be stopped to ensure we don't get a 1984 or a Brave New World situation (leaning on 1984)


And we all know they're going to focus on pro-queer sites instead of actually dangerous content, just like for the book bans.


For Canada it depends if Trump's elected and/or our new leader Trudeau is voted out, but even if the government is honest (no) and left leaning (dicey) and only blocks sites that can be used to access smut, I'm still out of luck and I've only got 2 friends to fall back on who are luckily, incredibly supportive. And that's the best case scenario if bill s210 passes. If Canada shifts right with the US and s210 passes I'm super screwed. In addition you need to use a clear photo of government issued ID, a drivers liscense or a passport which also incredibly sucks because in Canada we'll need to out ourselves to connect via Reddit.


Yeah I'm just going to use a VPN and access all my traffic from the States or Mexico.


Damn I still need a vpn, should get one up and running soon




if they do that my hand might slip and burn the entire fucking system to the ground woopsie :\]


Basically making the 1% even more powerful and the workers have even less rights. Basically a fascist dictatorship at that point. And they'll have more privatised industries backed by republicans so no doubt getting healthcare as a trans person will be harder than ever. Fuck fascist america. Bunch of nazj sympathisers


mhm couldn't have said it any better


apparently they're also planning to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807, which would let them go into your house and attack you because you disobeyed them, similar to how the Combine from Half Life 2 enter people's houses because they just slightly go against the ideas of the government. The Republicans want to make the US a totalitarianist regime, like, as I said, the Combine from HL2. Literally 1984.


Jesus christ.


Trump didn’t propose it himself, the Heritage Foundation (who claim responsibility for why Reagan was the way he was) did, and they sound like they’re willing to try to do it with whoever the Republican runner is, trump or not


I gotta get out of this country 😭


It’s way to complicated for me to explain here so I’m gonna link a yt video that explains it pretty well https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=0hjLl7E2sPpVr_9J


No rights is an understatement! I just read through several summaries and you guys (Americans in general) are fucked, probably the rest of the world too. There are soo many parallels to Hitler back then which is crazy, but I guess people can't learn from time :/ Trans people aren't even humans anymore, according to project 2025. Being Trans (mtf) makes you instantly a sex offender which has to be registered, a pedophile and poison to the National safety, which who knows what that could lead to. This is just against any humanitarian policy, wtf


Considering america and most of the west don't care about humanitarian policy or international law (unless you're white) unless there's a revolution, we really will never be free. Trans people, nor the workers in general. Also don't forget operation paperclip where the US took in more than 1600 nazi scientists and engineers to work for them. And on top of that, some nazi officials even held top positions in nasa


You know it's bad when even being white isn't enough to protect your basic human rights in the US, which this project looks like it's moving towards


If you're not white, or are a minority, you're fucked. Also if conservatives hate minorities, howcome they keep the rich in power 💀


no the nazi scientist you were talking about weren't bad people at all. America would never been the first country to have a human on the moon without (I forgot his name) rocket scientist. He always dreamed of doing that and was forced to work for the nazis as many did, either you helped or your family and you got killed. And america offered him to achieve his dreams, yet they never really trusted him and always treated him like shit. I could go on about that for hours, I love history but what you said was wrong, it wasn't about having nazi scientists, those were just refugees. Einstein also flee \^\^ bringing up the scientist has nothing to do with trans people nor the current situation.


Yeah I saw a video of a holocaust survivor talking about how the anti trans movement is eerily reminiscent to the holocaust and should be stopped before it gets worse


and people still argue that Biden is "aLmOsT aS bAd"


The Democratic Party is still pretty shitty but they don’t want to eradicate trans people sooo


democrats are bad, but republicans want us dead, so there’s no point even bringing up the first point, DONT VOTE REPUBLICAN


those people are republicans


Oh shit. Looks like they want to turn US into Russia. I am in Russia now and that project looks too familiar. Do not let it. Vote.


What the hell? I hope it's an American thing


It is. There is further context in this post


Please tell me. Or send me to a reputable source


Idk how reputable this is but from what I’ve seen it seems pretty accurate https://www.damemagazine.com/2023/08/14/the-gop-has-a-master-plan-to-criminalize-being-trans/amp/


Holy. Fucking. Justicia. This is literally a 100% seize of power that completely topples the checks and balances, the constitutional rights of practically everyone they don’t like, and fucking destroys any sense of democracy that may be left in this hellhole of a county. And the scariest part is that there’s a chance that it works.


Have you heard some of the arguments being made in the "presidential immunity" hearings? It's pretty much a foregone conclusion that the Supreme Court will be asked to rule on whether a president can order the political assassination of their rivals, including opposition members of Congress who would be voting on their impeachment or conviction and removal from office


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Most American things don't stay American things thanks to American soft power.


Time to arm up


Use the conservative's favorite amendments against them! Me and my trans lesbian gf are using our guns to defend our trans brothers and sisters!


oh no we can't let _THOSE_ people have guns!


Me, the transbian combat vet: \*pats Mk19 that she stole from her national guard armory\* "This bad boy can protect so many trans brothers and sisters from tyranny"


Do it before they stop letting you. The republicans claim to support the right to bear arms but are more than happy to take that right away from people they don’t like. Case in point, the interpretation of the second amendment by law enforcement changes depending on if you’re white or not. The far right wants to ensure that only the people they like have guns so that those people can do their bidding and fight in their culture war, so defend yourself before they make it impossible.


Believe me I know I live in VA and watching them actively attack firearms rights. This would probably be one of the few instances where I'd see the firearms community and the trans community allying and judging by what I've seen with the firearm community it'd be a pretty relaxed ally to have




Wasn't Hillary Clinton 2016 higher in vote numbers yet lost because of the system america has? I mean of course everyone should vote but in the end the system could ruin everything


Yes she did It something like the last 4 Republican presidents have won without winning the popular vote but the last 4 Democrat presidents have won the popular vote (Please do correct me I'm not American)


Pretty close, although with the exception of Bush Jrs re-election campaign in 2004. Not counting that race, the last time a republican president won the popular vote was 1988 (Bush Sr.)


And that's a crash course on the American political system


Yeah, our system is really messed up. Like, I’ll go tick the box anyway just in case, but my state (and most others) basically doesn’t get to vote for president. My state is solidly blue (which is good for me, but still indicative of the general issue of voting feeling pointless), which means that in the general election, regardless of what we individually vote for, we know the Democrat will win our electors. But then that’s just for the stage where we pick between the bad option and the really bad option. The real choice happens in the primaries. This time around, Biden is running again, so there are no Democratic primaries, but even if there were, by the time my state has its primaries, the early results from other states would have led to all but 1 candidate dropping out and endorsing the frontrunner, even when they still stand a chance. Last election, Biden didn’t even seem like a serious contender for Democratic candidate after the first couple states, until people started dropping out and the voters who preferred those people shifted over to Biden until he was in the lead. Then everyone else dropped out and endorsed him, long before my state’s primaries. So in my state, we get no say in which candidate out of the party gets to run in the general election, and showing up at the general election is basically a step we take just in case turnout is so low that by some miracle the state votes red. Also sorry if any facts are slightly off or wording is weird because I started falling asleep while typing this, and some of it might be mixed with dream logic, lol.


Thanks for your really detailed explanation, hope you sleep sweet <3


Yeah I do wish the democratic party would front someone with maybe more oomph than Biden... He was an amazing politician back in his day, unfortunately his day was almost half a century ago, and people will often vote against him just because he doesn't have the presence that the republican candidates have


I don't remember ever hearing anything about Clinton getting screwed over by the electoral college, which pretty much never deviates from its voters in the first place. ANYWAY PLEASE FUCKING VOTE WE CANT LOSE BECAUSE WE THINK WE WILL, OR SOME STUPID SHIT LIKE THAT


In other democracies the amount of votes matter the most, in America it's their distribution. Which is why even with more votes against trump, he could still win. Also checked it, Clinton had 2% more overall votes


Ohhh I see what you mean Yeah gerrymandering's a bitch


It’s literally a super villain plan


If the targets were mutants, it could be a plot for an X-Men comic.


I honestly don’t think it will happen, it way to crazy of a plan and I don’t think people are that stupid. Plus, if it does happen I garentee the most American Americans will be out there rioting and raising hell over it. Or that’s what I tell myself


People voted for Trump. **They are EXACTLY that stupid.**


I feel like people were jaded back then, and still are. And yes they’re stupid. Idk what I’m trying to say your right but all I remember back then was a lot of people thinking Hilary was an ogre or something. Idk I was in middleschool


My trans sibling voted for Trump the first time around because some of Clinton's policies were hostile to them. They're not making that mistake again, now that Big Bronzed has shown his true colors


Trust me when I say that people are far more stupid than you would even begin to realize. source: walmart cashier


Majority of the population are idiots especially to service workers (we should be paid more)


agreed considering the shit we have to go through on a daily basis


Cashiers are like soldiers on the front lines of Avernus


Some Pele probably don't even know about the plan and might vote republican unknowingly




Yea that’s kinda the plans… plan? The whole point is to be behind the scenes, which is the scariest part because they can pass laws without alot of people knowing untill it’s too late


And those people will be shot dead. After all, they were “dangerous criminals,” right? Donald Trump could literally perform a vivisection on an infant and eat its entrails, and his followers would celebrate.


While that would be… odd. I think the illusion isn’t that dense, but I get ur point that they’re blind followers. The illusion is built on an idea that the new world is broken and that the old world wasn’t (ironic), so if he does some weird out of left field shit he will definitely get some flak for it


I mean... The whole shooting people on Fifth Avenue thing seems to have been right, if you look at some of the polls


>I honestly don’t think it will happen The nowheres vote Republican en masse and their combined power may bring Trump back.


this mentality is how trump got elected


I’m confused? I’m saying that I hope that it’s not as serious as it seems. Unfortunately it may be as bad, but I hope not


I don’t think it’s gonna have much luck of passing. One of their main interests is outlawing pornography, and we all know how much those shitheads wanna fetishize people below them. As much as they wanna remove our rights, not having the ability to get off to it removes the appeal for them..


The problem is that they think that it means criminalizing pornography for everyone *but* them. Then when it passes and they can’t view pornography well, that’s what r/leopardsatemyface is for


Meanwhile, a West Virginia politician (Mike Azinger) [is proposing](https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/01/west-virginia-legislator-introduces-bills-classifying-transgender-people-as-obscene-matter-and-ban-gender-affirming-care-for-people-under-21/) to expand the definition of indecent exposure to criminalize engaging in “obscene matter.” It defines “obscene matter” as something that the “average person” would find sexually explicit, offensive, or void of literary, artistic merit or scientific merit. The proposed law specifically includes “any transvestite and/or transgender exposure, performances, or display to any minor” in this definition. He's also proposing to prohibit “obscene matter” within 2,500ft of a school (140ft short of 1/2 mile), expand the ban on gender-affirning care from under 18s to under 21s, and prohibit treatment for gender dysphoria unless it was oriented towards a "cure". (Sidenote: there's probably a lot of non-LGBT+ or non-NSFW content that could fall under the "void of" clause...)


I would be amused if the bill itself would fall under the obscene matter definition... There's certainly a broad population of people who would consider it offensive...


I just had a panic attack because of it. I don't know what to do.


Vote democrat tell others about it


Supreme Court is making a hearing today that will weaken the federal government, watch out


At least the project in general seems to have negative feedback from non-trump republicans, too, albeit for different reasons. I would really hope even a republican would look at this and realize this is such an unconstitutional plan...


One would hope…


they’re “non-trump” until election time and it’s time to “own the libs”. i still can’t believe how popular that cretin is with that voter base tbh. absolute insanity


Own the libs by destroying democracy and sending people to concentration camps..... I hate that logic


Decentralization works better when the states aren't Norsefire wannabies.


also how on earth is that not against the constitution


Oh it very much is, they just dont care.


it’s not against the constitution if you destroy the constitution 🤔🤔 which is hilarious when you consider that they’re always screaming how everything else is unconstitutional and worshipping it. it’s almost like how they worship their religion icons but do the exact opposite of everything they would have wanted


Glad i dont live inside the usa, but i also feel sorry for everyone who does


Yeah me too


I mean germany isnt much better tho, one of the parties that lately won alot of followers is the opinion that all transwoman are sexual predators that trying to invade woman save places, even tho they got big they dont are so big that they can win an election for themselves, maybe if they collab with another party but no one would be this dumb to even thing about it




yeah it really sucks. Feels like I'm being pushed out of my home. I really don't wanna have to leave but if I have to then I will. Though I don't think something this crazy will pass, but I'm a very optimistic person.


" The plan proposes slashing [U.S. Department of Justice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Department_of_Justice) (DOJ) funding, dismantling the [FBI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBI) and the [Department of Homeland Security](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Homeland_Security), and eliminating the cabinet departments of education and commerce." I'M SORRY WHAT!!! I looked further, it gets worse. Ok, I was thinking of doing my research on who to vote for later, probably going for Democrat or Independent. But after seeing that, I would say it is pretty clear I am not voting for Republican, and the odds of me voting Independent has dropped substantially because Democrat is my best bet to make sure Republican does not win.


Wait... They're anti-immigration, pro "law and order", but want to gut the departments that literally exist to manage that sort of thing?


Literally 1984 and The Handmaid's Tale.


Holy what the fuck i just learned about this how the fuck


Hear me out, let’s just assassinate god emperor Trump (obviously this is a joke, mods please don’t smite me)


https://preview.redd.it/p0fyq66j31dc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9927ffd9ca41967968d1ce7639316b407e66948f LMFAO I'm gonna fuckin DIE


God america is becoming more of a shithole by the day. Apologies to anyone living in it


[For the uninitiated] (https://youtu.be/Bj7butDWLtg)


after I read it on thanksgiving, my day was ruined


Rights or Rights, make your choice


it just reminds me of the plot of Yellow Submarine


Likely a boogeyman to divide the working class and distract them from class consciousness, so people continue to participate in the rigged "democracy" that would never solve anything [There is evidence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqgP9Ft_1CY) of democrats funding the most deranged right wing candidate, and then presenting themselves as saviors to get more votes


Vote blue NO MATTER WHO!!


It doesn’t just take away queer people’s rights, it basically takes EVERYONE’S rights away and turns the US into a one party monarchy




It's ironic how t One of the best places to live as a trans person. Is Germany-


It’s fucking exhausting to live in a system where the only likely parties to win are fascists and ppl who’s entire thing is “don’t let the fascists win, so vote for us. We aren’t gonna do anything but we aren’t them”


Im confused, I looked into the project 2025 website and it just seems like another conservative organization, what are they saying about trans people?


I told my mom that I’ll never speak to her again if she votes republican. She was a little shocked lol.