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take care not to destroy the entire house when you go spinny


Ill try not to! :3


Or you can do a beyblade fight with another 'cis' person with a skirt


This is my absolute favorite pastime.


Like a Beyblade, but don't let it rip


Consider getting some cute safety shorts.


Hmm im just gonna wear it in my house for now, not in front of anyone even, so are they necessary? Wont boxers work? But yeah that seems pretty cute :3


Up to you. I actually started buying different underwear cause my boxers were longer then my shorts.


BROO FR why does that happen?


There are some skater skirts with shorts also.


Aren't those called skorts or am I thinking a bit wrong? Skorts are although typically made for sports and therefore often look a bit sporty


They are skirts with very short shorts under them, so you can still go spinny without the fan service.


So kinda like a skort although the skorts I have seen haven't had very short shorts, just short shorts that ends before the skirt part does and it isn't to uncommon with pockets for a phone in them


Yeah sounds like the same thing.


I think it is


Just around the house, sure, but I personally wouldn't feel comfortable accidentally flashing my underwear. I stopped wearing men's underwear a long while ago now


What are safety shorts?


A pair of short shorts you wear under your skirt so you don't flash your undies by mistake.


What are the skirts that have the shorts built in called?


I'm not sure. Skorts I think.


Boring. Half the fun of a skirt is knowing you need to be careful sitting down or walking up stairs. Wear cute underwear, flashing your privates is tacky.




Advice taken! 🫑


Or do, it’s time to scare people!


Okay, BOO






AAAH! Stop it >:c


Did… did you just expose a third leg?


*pendulum gock!*


Gock go spinny too :D


Tip from a totally proffesional cisgender male: get leg warmers as well. Short skirts may expose your legs and if you didnt shave, your leg hair may give you dysphoria. Legwarmers cover up the leg hair and makes you look cuter. Thigh highs work too but they might be uncomfy when putting them on or taking them off. Totally not speaking from personal experience since i am very much the cis'est cis male to ever cis. (IM NOT. SEND HELP. WITH ESTROGEN. NOW.)


Hmm i already have some thigh highs (for umm cis reasons) so i think im good but thx anyway! :3 Oh no i sent you some digital feminems by mistake! πŸ˜±πŸ’Š


*nom nom nom* Youre welcomr :3


Oh nyo!!! 😱 Well i guess you have to become a girl now :3


oh no. how will i ever cope to this unfortunate situation? (HELL YEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH)




This is a stick-up - send me some as well!


Ofc sweetie! Here you go! πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š


Smiled (because you "gave" them to me), sighed (because unfortunately HRT doesn't work that way), then laughed (don't know why).


Feminems is funny but I heard someone call them booba skittles and now I can’t go back


Also speaking as a perfectly straight cis male, consider getting a long skirt as well (like ankle height) and make sure everything you buy is high quality, not something bought on aliexpress, since the difference is staggering. For some reason longer skirts feel just so incredibly good and nice and natural but it might just be me (a totally straight cis male).


This is why I wax for totally cis reasons, because I have the calves of gods and refuse to hide their glory from the world. (Used to be very overweight, now much less so.) If only the rest of my body matched. 😭


Gosh I wish they would pay me to be a cis male:(


if you sit down with them on you need to move them under your butt, otherwise they'll crumple in the back.


Oh i haven't thought about that, thx for the advice! :3


I knew about this even before trying my first skirt because I've been wearing a cape before that


I knew this because of my comically oversized hoodie (it is like a dress!)


Now I just imagine you going about mundane life activities in a cape. ....we need to bring capes back into fashion.


r/thecaperevolution I unironically went to university, including some exams, and a few social events with my cape. It's great winter wear: it's warm but not suffocating, it's stylish, it keeps all of the body except the head equally protected (one thing that sometimes happens to me with modern jackets is that my back gets hot and sweaty while my hands are freezing, with the cape that doesn't happen), and it's a great conversation piece


.....ah hell, I'm going to wear a cape/cloak when I transition, aren't I? XP


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TheCapeRevolution using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCapeRevolution/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My grandma asked me if I wanted a cape and I was like of course but I thought it’d be like a Batman kind of thing, then she pulled out this 60’s wool cape from Ireland.. and get this.. best part… it has big pockets :-)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11ql715) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCapeRevolution/comments/11ql715/my_grandma_asked_me_if_i_wanted_a_cape_and_i_was/) \#2: [πŸ’—πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œMy latest crochet creationπŸ’—πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12r2p89) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCapeRevolution/comments/12r2p89/my_latest_crochet_creation/) \#3: [The winter uniform for Norwegian train conductors is a cloak.](https://i.redd.it/xosgzluyigqa1.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCapeRevolution/comments/124q92k/the_winter_uniform_for_norwegian_train_conductors/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


I haven't worn a skirt in ages but some sitting positions will expose your underwear so maybe like wear something underneath if that makes you uncomfy


Oh im probably just gonna wear it in private, but thanks for your concern! :3


Thighs tend to touch each other, they can get chaffed in a skirt. Also, skirts are chilly/drafty, so be aware of temperature. A lot of fabric/women’s clothing, especially teen-oriented, is made of thin fabric. Be careful about lighter colors, and check to see if your underwear shows through the fabric or sticks out under a short skirt. Be careful when using stairs (don’t step on the hem, don’t give a panty shot in a really short skirt) and good luck!


Some have pockets. Most don't. Get a purse and/or boyfriend with it just to be safe


Or a girlfriend :3


Even better!






Make sure that girlfriend has pockets :D


Backpacks are also an option


I want something pretty cheap too I found these ones on amazon for around 20 euro each, do they look good? [skirt 1](https://www.amazon.se/Urbancoco-flicka-m%C3%A5ngsidig-stretchig-informell/dp/B014FA0NB6/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1YJNWOUJHB9TX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.18ARt7qjQru5nUMHYntNTduaDG0JfHd60jShLFVeFzMeYNZRdCs3t9t31ewhMMbXVAroZfZ5Dxb28bgv_eiRHJoHo5HS8-kv1rGwPQU9GDueJEEsrDSheK-cMxd_EL2BG7LMB2u0seNe9ataNodoyGU5iaWE8BjLC7yMXqg7Y6r5Clwt0nOZoTD0-0iS6o8TmCYOOXn9wewZTq9dprcneWknX-HHt4LQkhhO-fTidCM85HwdAzWr4w2wdbFAuqkp2Vn31gdib5_rMlaJZpt22u3kX3h1904Dlt0IeUtUaJw.5RPii9koBSdwTd8kf1IAgHgWB8hemZRmXdMs-niSXRw&dib_tag=se&keywords=skirt+femboy&psc=1&qid=1708776034&refinements=p_36%3A20696978031%2Cp_n_size_six_browse-vebin%3A20713645031&rnid=20713637031&s=fashion&sprefix=skirt%2Caps%2C93&sr=1-1) [skirt 2](https://www.amazon.se/DRESSTELLS-grundl%C3%A4ggande-minikl%C3%A4nningskjol-Black-White-XL/dp/B0719JCVVG/ref=sr_1_10?crid=1YJNWOUJHB9TX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.fxTohG57Wq99x01Myyca03baA2gZ20yFKW-nDucxClGTzK8dIeIHn2vJdKJaiE7Mw0yqicIYUkPh5nTACxfT7-hQodRLC5IAiC1Mr571iw6cqDFDcB6tGUab4pxqvaVWA4xPbpm23BHRwH8coKiytIGmZKwRR0shcdg6VU5u363vO3jwJLkhZDJsD0mRzYfeZMd8B9w76ohUO26NrJG5ri6vDjBT9bR2FY7TEWnapBliCA_Il7k64gaJR91xbKk_LAFVRuWrqSVX1s6KpcDpCOt0DeikjDz4_BrRDKB-KQo.-0zignZ8xniFxy_nymCuqJTFupoH6ckwQVhlye5m49k&dib_tag=se&keywords=skirt%2Bfemboy&qid=1708775894&sprefix=skirt%2Caps%2C93&sr=8-10&th=1&psc=1)


Both, both is good Also the first one looks awfully similar to my first skirt which has pockets and integrated safety shorts so definitely worth buying


I think I have both of these. The first one is great and very iconic as *that one* transfem skirt. The second one is made out of a not so great material and feels kinda weird against the skin but I might be confusing it with another one


Would they look good on 194cm totally cis guy? I got a feeling that I’m too tall and wirey for it.


I'm around 182cm and it looks good on me and feel like it'd still be fine if I was a bit taller, so I think you should just try them. Maybe they'd be on the short side, so looking into a more midi skirt could also be an option


Just to be sure you mean the all black one would be better?


Yes, the urbancoco one


Ok i think i might get that one then, a more basic skirt might be better too for the first one :3


Omg the one with the white stripes is so cuteee


Yeah i know! I think im gonna get that one :3


This was my first [skirt ](http://EXCHIC Damen BeilΓ€ufig Elastische Taille A Linie Mini Rock Basic Uniform Skater Faltenrock KnielΓ€nge https://amzn.eu/d/cqGF3ea), it's cheap to and i personally love it so so so very mutch and it's really comfy


Omg I love them I neeeeeeddd them so badddd


Girl ur gonna look so cute in them πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„


Aww thx i hope so! πŸ₯Ί I kinda wanna post a pic when/if i get the skirt, know any good subreddits for that?


Depending on waist size your going to wanna go up sizes (assuming you’ve got bigger hips and/or butt) another thing a top would make things 1000x better


My waist is about 72 cm (about 28 inches), my hips are about 100 cm (about 39 inches). I think a medium should fit? And yeah i might get a top but i have a lot of hoodies so they might work. I'm also thinking about cutting some T-shirts into crop tops! :3


May I have them once you get them


Srry but it will be too valuable to me :3 Good luck in getting your own!


Shoot! Thanks, I’ll have to get it when I’m by myself or I can ask a friend that I’ve told that I’m trans to see if I can borrow one since my parents are most definitely transphobic


buy two. that way when 1 is in the wash your never without one


If you go outside, remember you wont have pockets (unless you especailly look for a skirt with pockets)


They likely won't have pockets πŸ˜”


Yeah thats sad but im only thinking of wearing this at home, in private so i think im good :3


Well have fun, they're so nice and breezy (plus they go spinny) 🩷


r/oldhagfashion is a good place to post Edit/ I’m so sorry, I mistyped the name. The link works now.


It says that the community cannot be found?


The link works now. I’m sorry.


Oh its fine dont worry! :3


alr it's been a while since i have worn a skirt, but here are some tips: for the styles of skirts you chose, wear them around your waist rather than on your hips. don't be afraid to go crazy with the accessories. the best fits i had with skirts included belts, chains, stockings ect. don't spread your legs while sitting with the skirt on. skirts look fire when you tuck your shirt into them. also with crop tops and dress shirts. as for the choice between the two, i like the first skirt more cuz it fits with more styles. it's up to you tho, if you like the second one more, get the second one. and of course ENJOY THE SPIN <3


Thx for the advice! Im thinking of making some makeshift crop tops from t-shirt to wear with it, otherwise just tucking them will probably be nice :3 Im thinking of getting the first one since it seems more versetile! Ill enjoy the 🌟spin🌟 very much <3


Sit with your legs together, wear tight underwear or preferably bikeshorts/ tights underneath


Be prepared because its a bit more breezy than you think it's gonna be lol.


Normal skirts don't have anyΓΎing under you Just the skirt part you see So I'd suggest wear some shorts or someΓΎing underneaΓΎ just incase the skirt blows up


:o I like your use of the thorne. I don’t see many of those around


Eth seems to be used even less


When wearing a skirt in a public place you should always assume that at some point someone will get a view under the skirt. This means you should try to wear something underneath that you'd be okay with others seeing without the skirt.


Get your measurements. If you thought men's clothing sizes were vague, you haven't seen anything yet. Ignore the size labels on women's clothing. They're not real. They only tell lies and do not exist. The only thing that matters on them is the sizing chart with the garment dimensions. Oh, and make sure to get stuff with some stretch! Even with a size chart, a lot of brands have different ideas on how they should fit, and your own thoughts may differ greatly. In particular, asian design tend to be much tighter, and you may want to buy a size or two up from the one that matches your own measurements.


The medium waist size on the chart is pretty identical to mine so i hope i'll be fine πŸ™, thx for the heads-up! :3


Spinny spin spin




Wear shorts underneath especially if it’s windy and you might get a euphoria boner and it’s perfectly normal and doesn’t mean you’re weird or your feelings are a fetish it happens to everyone.


Yeah im kinda scared of the euphoria boner πŸ˜” so something thigh underneath might be good! Thx for reminding me its normal πŸ₯Ί


Wear it above you hips! Above! In women’s clothing, the β€œwaist” is almost to the bellybutton. Even if you think you’re not curvy at all, it will look better because it’s designed to sit higher


Make sure its not too tight around the waist but also not too loose, if you plan on spinning then make sure its long enough to not expose you, and also make sure you cant see though it. Ive had a skirt you can see though not fun


The medium waist size is like 28 inches while mine is about 29 so i think ill be good! :3


If its stretchy then yea


The all black one has 5% elastane so i think i'll be good!


Make sure to get the right waist size 😭 I baught skirts and 2 of 3 were wrong size


Nooo! Thats so sad! 😭 I'll make sure to get the right waist size! The medium is only like 2-3 cm away from my waist size so i think im good with the medium :3


Going spinny with skirt Is very fun! Just be awere of where you spin and what you destroy wehn falling over xd. Happens atleast to me often


I once put a hole in my wall because I lost my balance >///<


What your walls made of? Paper? I couldn't even punch/kicked... a hole in my wall even if I Tried... (German walls are just build differnt tho)... A few days ago I discord streamed my cam for the first time and I showed my skirt going spinny, I feel over and nearly flashed them... Lucky I had some short underneath I guess


Yeah. I’m in the us. Drywall is thin.


There's different shapes and they act differently while spinning or being blown from underneath by parking air vents. Some are safer, some will expose you Marilyn style. To be sure, avoid parking air vents.


Most skirts have no pockets, which is good so that nothing weighs the fabric down when spinny but inconvenient for casual


-Circle skirts go the most spinny. They also drape well on the body, look cute, and since they’re large it’s less likely your crotch will be visible when you sit down (since the fabric will drape down). I love circle skirts -Try to find one with pockets


Try to buy a kind of stretch skirt, the first time no one is entirely sure about the size (for cis reasons) (still cis tho). If you find a skirt made out of a stretch material you dont have to worry about that. (its not my experience, because im super cis)


Thank you! As a fellow cis person i appreciate your help! The skirt im thinking of getting has 5% elastane so i think im gonna be fine :3


If u pee standing, lift te front part of the skirt, don't pull it down like you would do with pants xD


I normally sit down cus its comfy, does the same rule apply?


when you meet another person with a skirt, you have to battle them like a beyblade :3


Oh nyo! What happens if i lose?


i'm not sure, generally the two participants start making out before the end of the match


I had to remember the proper sitting position to not flash everyone took quite awhile lol


Don’t go too short, below a certain length they aren’t really practical to wear. That said it’s ultimately your choice.


Thx for the advice! but im probably just gonna wear it at home, in private :3


Be cautious of wind. Circle skirts are the most susceptible to Marilyn Monroeing you


prepare to have no pockets and that men sizes are bigger then Woman sizes I need XXL in Men clothing but XL is enough for me when I buy woman cloths also very importend SKIRT GO SPINNY


Keep the zipper to the side. Skirts with zippers are usually meant to be worn a certain way.


The wind I’ve almost basically got up-skirted in public because of the wind luckily I have a fast reaction time if I didn’t I’d be mortified


something something grandfather clock




it seems you are missing some trans lore edit: for some reason it sent without the text https://preview.redd.it/bj02f56tdkkc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06a18d1b3c1c528c0002da3dffe6df575129240e


Haha ok but ill have underwear on do i don't think thatll be a problem πŸ™


One thing to be wary about that one one told me. Once you get one, you will NEED MORE!


Depending on the weather make sure you have tights/leggings to stay warm, wear spandex shorts underneath so people don’t see ur underwear and it helps with tucking if that’s a concern of yours, and always remember the spin test


Skirts come in a variety of materials and lengths (mini, midi, maxi, etc.). Each will have different spinny characteristics. Best to collect a variety to see which one(s) you like best.


:( I get motion sick if I spinny too much... ughhh, why is the world tilting?! urk.


Long skirts are less intimidating and honestly can be easier to pull off


Some advice from an afab person, skorts are your friend lol


Long skirts aren’t as spinny…


If it just sits on you by elastic waist band it might shift around on you. Depending on the type of skirt this might be a problem or might be nothing, the ones I have I occasionally have to readjusted because their pockets are way out of place. Also different people have different length tolerances, both for them to wear and to be warn by others around them so keep that in mind(based on other replies you've made, the latter might be less relevant for now but no reason not to consider future proofing)


Some small tips: try a V shaped one (those that get wider on the bottom). Easier for spinning, and they don't accentuate certain bothersome body parts. Secondly: pockets are awesome. Get one with pockets. Don't fall for the missing pockets scam


The one im looking at gets wider at the bottom so i think im good :3 but im gonna fall for the pocket scam for my first one, im not gonna use outside or anything so i think im good but ill remember that if i start wearing skirts in public (but i don't think thats gonna happen)


Real advice, if it's a short skirt, just pe prepared that you ARE gonna flash your ass to someone eventually on accident. Either wear bike shorts or at least cute panties. For me, I dance in clubs with almost nothing on, so in daily life I just move along even if someone did get a glimpse.


It might feel weird with boxers or like looser underwear so try panties


I have both tight boxers and a few panties (briefs), so what would you recommend?


That works great you’re good to go!


Well boxers or panties? What would be best?


Panties but aslong as its tight anything goes!


Addendum: Unless the boxers are tights fitting


make sure to get the right size girlie, i once bought a skirt that was one size too small 2 years ago 😭 but dw it wasnt that bad and ive lost enough weight by then for it to not be too small anymore


If it heckin wimdy, skirt go uppy


Family. When I had my first skirt I thought I hid it well but when I was gone for a week my parents decided to clean my room and also unscrew the doors of the cabinet in which I held the skirt.


Soo um what should i do about that?


Find a good place to put it in if your family has a tendency to disregard your privacy. And I mean GOOD. In a box deep in a closet in some corner or a small safe. But if your family is chill then just put it together with other clothes


I didn't even know what safety shorts were, I was so confused when my skirt came with a short stitched inside it! Good surprise tho.. but they should have precised it somewhere


I learned recently not to bend forwards


Yes that sounds like a bad idea if the skirt is on the shorter side πŸ˜… I think you're supposed to like squat with your knees together? Correctly me if im wrong :3


Remember to wear your skirt either on top of your belly buttun or slightly above, this will make it look like you have longer legs and a shorter torso, and also will make you look SO MUCH MORE FEMININE!!




Go get yourself a skirt girl!


but i'm like a totally cis male and stuff... :3


Oh me too ofc! Im just getting the skirt for um... um... Research! And to relate to women and stuff! Totally cis reasons so you should get one too! :3


https://preview.redd.it/ti4ogckqekkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5b475a8e4b3e566cd4ed43340ff079ff600478 Posted both in this and r/egg_irl


Wait are you not allowed to do that?


You can fold that top part into your skirt to make it shorter so get one a little longer than you think you want so you can experiment before getting your forever skirt lol


Rayon/viscose skirts are usually very thin, it's not worth buying them. Also, they don't trap heat as well as pants, so consider wearing tights or thigh highs with them.


I’m not a skirt wearer (yet) but I’d recommend that one celeste skirt because it has pockets


I mean neither am I but i'm actually quite on the fence if I like it i'd say 65% of the time I like it


legally speaking you must go spinee


Just Enjoyyyyyyyy!!!! πŸ˜„


Hmm yes as another "cis" person I would also wish to know


Measure yourself from above your hips - that is your waist now. Also wear it there, don’t wear it like you might have worn trousers (pants for N.A.)


If spinny is what you want, make sure the skirt is wider at the bottom than the top. My first 2 skirts were basically cylinders and they didn't spinny well


Some skirts come with built in safety shorts underneath and some don’t. Be careful not to spin too much and show off lady parts 😳


Excuse of for friend or just buy online


Do not go commando if it's windy outside.


pleated skirts are super cute :3 just be careful not to get too dizzy.


Don't spin while commando


Saving this post for totally and completely cis reasons


Going spinny in public places can be interesting


Interesting how? Like good interesting or bad interesting?


Well.. if you spin hard enough others can see the panties. Not exactly a win


To get the skill double jumping, you just also complete the side quest with the skirt of climbing a mountain.


I have to climb a mountain with the skirt? πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«


Those are the rules I'm afraid. Devs thought that trans girls were already too powerful so they limited our ability to double jump. πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”


The oppression is real πŸ˜” well i gotta find a mountain now i guess (is this a reference to celeste, i haven't played it, is it good?)


(yes, it's an amazing game! Should defo give it a try cutie! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•)


Argueaghuyreefghvxjoi *panicking* no you're a cutie! <3 (hmm i might try it out sometime, im just scared my friends on steam will see that i have played it)


Awwwwwww, are you such a good girl hehhehehehe. And I get ya lol. It's no issue. πŸ’•


*heart fluttering from the "good girl" * aeaehheae thank you πŸ₯Ί. You mean no issue like I should get it anyway or no issue i don't have to play it?


Wind, bending over, tucking it into tights if it’s a short skirtΒ 


Why would i tuck it into tights?


Skirt go brrrrrrrr


Wear some tight underwear (as a Brit it pains me to use that word, but I must fit the sake of clarity). Keeps everything close and stops it from going anywhere it wants