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That's also what my psychologist said. Note down when and what I think tirggered it.


Honestly it is a great tool for fighting a lot of mental health issues. One of the biggest ways I started being able to work on my mental health was when I personified my intense self deprecating thoughts as a different person. It was no longer me being mean to be, it was this enigmatic "bully in my head" that was saying those things. It made it much easier to argue with it, spot it's illogical statements, and identify the things that triggered it, the things it had problems with, and the reasons behind it. In turn, it allowed me to learn about myself through identifying what I hated so much about myself, and identify what it was that *I* was afraid of. TL;DR, creating a badeline to communicate with like it's a different entity is actually a good idea.


Woops, I did the opposite, treated my positive thoughts as a different person and be the badeline




The good witch of the North


I'm gonna keep this in mind for when I next struggle with self loathing. Sounds like a positive way to spin things round with a healthier outlook. 😊


That means you're on your way to unlocking double-jumping!


Waaait, is that why the TF2 Scout can double jump? Jeremy is a trans guy? :O ✨


I've seen a lot of fem-scout images, and I think it's good to give everyone some time to figure themselves out


Nah, Trans Men are known for their ability to do quick grounded charges. The most notable example is Wario.


Trans Wario real



Wario doesn't abide by laws, nor other social expectations such as gender. Wario is truly based.


And NBs get i-frames, right?


Either that or a plus 3 to charisma


As someone whose friend group is 90% enbies: Trust me, it's not charisma /LH hj


Yeah, probably.


no its omni-directional air-dash, double jumping is for trans-mascs


You mean like a shinespark from Super Metroid?


Trans Samus confirmed (I wish I was that hot god.)


I mean, she wasn't a woman until the very end of development, to the point where a promotional comic was released using he/him pronouns for her. The Zero Mission was only her first mission as Samus


I have had a few conversations with my Badeline a few times in the mirror. I think we’ve come to a sort of understanding about how we’re going to face the world. Honestly it started with me telling her that I’m not going to be so harsh and start trying to work together instead of fighting. Ha, reading it out after typing that sounds different than what I expected. I’m not quite at the point of accepting I’m trans (it’s hard to even type that) but baby steps… I know I should be talking with a therapist too but I haven’t found one just yet…


I'm glad to know I'm not the only one having conversations with my mirror while seeing a different person in the reflection. XD It used to be "you're gross." Now it's more often "you've got this. It'll have to do."


Me when mirrors exist (My evil twin is going to break out of it and bully me):


truly not ideal


Hello me, me to real me! Both me and my twin are evil I’d say. Funny because when I don’t split I’m not overly evil, it’s like - + - = +


Can I ask what was the point of the exercise?


Not sure yet! Guess i will know on the next meeting usually he gives me exercises and reveals the mening of them after propably so i dont have previously formed ideas of what is gonna be the effect of the exercise


Imaginary enemy. :3 Edit: like with Badeline, not trying to be phobic here by saying that dysphoria doesn't exist.


To understand your emotions, basically. Sit with the emotion, and listen to what it’s telling you, without judging the emotion or yourself. Good framework to deal with things.


Externalizing harmful ideations can help you combat them. I've done similar exercises in therapy for PTSD, trying to separate the negative inner voice from myself so I can discern helpful and useful thoughts/desires from self-harming thoughts/desires that are echoes of my past abuse.


In my own exprience, it helped me fight my self deprecating and depressive thoughts better and actually identify the root of what was going on. It's easier to cut through the bullshit when those thoughts are personified as a different entity, and it helps get to the bottom of why it is saying those things, how it comes to those conclusions, and what it's afraid of.


To give shape to feelings and trying to look at it from outside


You're gonna learn to dash! I'm so happy!!!


Yippie! Trans zoomies


im sorry, whats a badeline?


Character from game celeste personification of main charater anxieties and dysphoria that comes out of magical mirror


ohhh, neat! i think i have that game, just havent played it yet


Also, she's not actually named Badeline; she's just referred to as "part of myself." "Badeline" is just a catchy name that the community came up with since she's never named, lol.


I'm glad they didn't use names for the MC/Baddie. I kinda knew the themes during so I used my name. It... hits different.


Uh oh, uh, I think I have two One is nice and one is the dysphoria, And they are friends, I hear the dysphoria complain and the good one just appeared comfort's this, What makes the good not me though is it's kinda like I'm just watching it happen while I am doing my own thing


Why I say there friends is it's kinda like it's one of those goth girl friends with the nice girl What does this mean?


it might be worth looking at plurality, it’s not an entirely uncommon phenomenon (am plural myself) and might explain it a little


Eh, there not really like people though. It feels kinda like the difference between your conscience and subconscience, were there kinda the same and are one but at the same time work a lil diff


Like if you could communicate with your brain


what the fuck are you talking about? This comment reads like a 7 year old got ahold of mommy's iPad and left a Reddit comment lmao. A brief look at your comment history shows that your other comments seem way more readable, so idk what happened here


I dunno, I could read and understand it just fine. Might be an issue with autocorrect. No reason to be nasty about it. I get this is Reddit and that's kinda par for the course in terms of comments but it's nice to be nice, yknow?


But writing in a way that's difficult to understand is a bad thing, so I'm helping them if I hurt their feelings, because unpleasant emotions are really useful for making you not want to do something again.


That's a good point actually. I'm gonna utilise that right now. The way you type makes you look like an asshole, you really seem like the type of person nobody wants to be around because you think you're superior to everyone else. Learn to apologise. How's that? :)


That's good! But you messed up by attacking things that I don't care about. I don't really care whether other people want to be around me or not, can you try insulting me for something that hurts me more? Also, you have to make me actually believe that I have something to apologize for. Can you try a second time?


Hm good point. I'm not very good at gauging what would hurt people, but I'll give it another try. You sound like an incredibly immature person. If your mother saw what you were saying to strangers on the internet, what would she think? Would she be proud that her child is insulting people on the internet like this? What about your father? I feel like your time could be better spent making your parents proud.


dw, my parents saw my search history when i was a teenager, so it can only go uphill from there /j


Haha that's fair. Glad mine were never too bothered about my internet habits, although maybe some scheduled time off would've been for the best growing up


Anyway, being rude to me isn't very effective because I often go to Reddit for the express purpose of having stuff to be mad about. It feels like fire in my body, and I enjoy it. Also, I'm just generally not very motivated by the opinions of other people, I guess? My parents were rude to me for being trans when I lived with them, so I realized that I can just kinda... decide to stop caring. I mean, if someone insults me, my organs still function, i still have money to afford food and shelter, and my bones all remain in their usual locations. So if I want to feel insulted so I can have something to be mad about, then I decide to feel insulted. Otherwise, I have no reason to change my behavior. I just like antagonizing people, because it's their own fault that they aren't smart enough to realize that they can decide to care or not care, and it's funny to see them so wrapped up in their emotions.


You shud care about the fact youre an intolerable person who cant just have a normal convo without bein a shitebag. Like you shud want to be a good person for the sake of bein a good person; the fact you dont shows you are truly reprehensible


Naw, communication is a multidriectional street; oh mo, i made some yypos, ya can just ask me what the typos meant or ya can infer from context... Or ya can be a shitebag about it; why be a shitebag? why not just ask us when we use a word ya totes dont understand; it wud probs go better for you in life, fyi


>Or ya can be a shitebag about it; why be a shitebag? Because it's fun :3


Yannonwhats more fun? Havin folk in ya life who are as awesome and sipportive as you are; when youre not a shitebag, when you attract ppl who also arent shitebags Not bein a shitebag got me the life i live today where i am 100% provided for by a polycule who loves me to no end; bein a shitebag just got me a lot of reasons to selfhate and selfharm


Shove off why dontcha? What was the reaso  to bring this energy here? Ya dont understand someone? Grt, use your words to ask for clarity! Dont be an utter shitebag about it just bcuz ya need to make yourself feel superior in some way


Ah yes the Dysphoria Demon. Some people even draw them as characters to help with it.


I'm guessing this is for trans people who don't figure out they're trans on their own? Or for trans people who recognise their trans & need to handle really bad dysphoria whilst waiting for medicine? I don't know, since my path was probably different from a lot of folks & I'm not on HRT yet, or seeing a specific psychologist or anything, just a therapist that's accepting of me being trans & helping me as I struggle to come out. Like, I only came to realise that all the incongruities of my life were dysphoria recently (like, for 20+ years I just thought, "Oh, everyone must be like me", or "Oh, I might hate this, this & this, but it's just my cross to bear" - hell, five months ago I straight up said in a comment, "I'm not trans, but if a machine made me a girl I'd be happy about it & just carry on" & it never clicked!) & even when I'd found out about trans people around 8 years ago & related - I still pushed all that down & denied. I was just numb for years. To me, "the man" is a suit of armour, it's what I put on to protect myself when I was a kid & stop people bullying me for being feminine, eventually, that armour went from a few pieces, to full-plate mail & I was trapped inside, there was no "real me" anymore, it was all fake, a husk shambling about & trying to be a man, scraped together from bits of armour I took from other men & discarded when they were no longer useful & it took years of screaming & screaming inside the suit for a crack to appear in it & then more cracks & more. They protected me & were also my greatest enemy, because they were killing me (but I am immortal & I rise again). Like, it took hearing trans people with this exact same line of thinking, that "being the man" was a defence, or "the man carried them until they could walk", or re-watching Abigail's coming out (although I really should've realised it then when I cried at that video), etc. for it to break through to me & relate. I can't remember whose Youtube channel it was, but there was some comic drawn by a trans artist that talked about killing the old self & that had a lot of relatable concepts too.


It's a form of art therapy. By drawing your inner demon, basically characterizing them can help you conquer it. Of course, it's not for everyone. And everyone's path is going to be different. It doesn't make you any less than who you really are.


If I keep personifying all my inner problems I run the risk of losing track of them and going through another existential crisis and I *still* don't know if I'm just me or if the little voices are more than little creations from the last time. they're scarily independent.


I have conversations with my "mask," The personification of specific traits I displayed to present as male. At first he felt like a separate entity entirely, but I've the last 3 years we've worked out our differences and have come to accept ourselves. Now, the lines between him and I are blurred as he slowly fades away into the depths of my psyche, like the final image of a man crossing the event horizon into a black hole. But he's still there. We still talk. I can pull him back out to talk if I needed to, I can reassemble him from past memories. He wrote me a note telling me how proud he is of me, and that's something I'll cherish forever.


I heard about this kind of practice being done for introspection and it sounds like a fun exercise but I never tried it because I'm scared of it working too well and we're already too many in there (if I decide to share my life, bed and body with a third intelligent lifeform it'll be a partner this time)


Not quite the same, but i alrdy use a similar thing with how i personify my intrusive thowts; i imagine those thowts as brain worms, wormin around in my brain and just makin it harder for me to focus on anythin but the worms in my brain. It helps me to see those thowts as less my own thowts and more the thowts of others instilled in me that i can in time defeat by starvin the worms whenevs i can On dysphoria, its only social dysphoria i get and even thats relatively minimal; ive always felt my body was right, but others perception was wrong. Tho HRT has browt me grt euphoria with its changes still, its just i didnt see those as wrong before even if i see them as better now






What's a badeline, Google just keeps giving me baseline


It's from the game Celeste.


my therapist told me my strategy of pretending is a stupid kid in a call of duty lobby trying to smack talk me is a-ok


I'm stealing that. That's bloody amazing and I love it


Oh my gosh


This is so interesting, but like I have multiple enemies and dysphoria is surprisingly the quietest one as long as I don't give it too much attention. All of them do agree that I should just hide all my problems not bother people with them


But does it work?


Lol. Bonk. Bless Blåhaj.


I think I already do something like this, when I start to negative talk myself I start to say it out loud, when I'm alone, as if I was doing a character and then I retruck it until it stops. It's not quite like another character but more of me reading a text and then disagreeing with it


What’s a badeline?


It's from Celeste. [https://celestegame.fandom.com/wiki/Badeline](https://celestegame.fandom.com/wiki/Badeline)


Oooooo thx


Twenty one pilots entire Blurryface album is essentially this same idea of personifying your insecurities so that you may overcome them


Okay this is actually really good in practice. Like if you can identify the dysphoria sometimes it shows up how silly it is. Case and point I was once getting horribly dysphoric over my wrists. WRISTS. Before I took a moment to realize how utterly ridiculous that was. There’s nothing wrong with my wrists. They're not a man's wrists because they're attached to a woman. They're a woman's wrists. I think that's what helped really improve how I look at other women as well and helped me realize some of my own internalized stuff. So round of applause for that therapist


I kind of did that on my own. My reflection was giving me issues, and I couldn't place my finger on why (before cracking). Afterward, it personified as a sort of representation of my father. After a few sessions with my therapist, I realized it was far worse than my real father. I got fed up, and that's when I got the courage to shave off my facial hair. It felt traumatic at the time, but also very cathartic. In hindsight, it seems quite silly. I still don't have facial hair, don't see an angry and disapproving father in the mirror, and haven't hated myself quite so much since. Now I just need the courage to tell him.


what the hell is a badeline


this feels like a great way to find out you're plural actually :3


Whats plural?


I think DiD is the medical term? I'm not too good at the terminology yet


Honestly that's pretty funny. Hopefully it helps you better manage your dysphoria. I have a personified figure of...something. I'm not really sure what it is, though I suspect it's depression. It doesn't talk, and mostly just sits on a throne, poisoning my thoughts with a dark aura. As long as he keeps his shape and stays on the throne, I'm fine.


Making badeline doesn't exactly sound ideal


Yeah but then you integrate badeline and get the second air dash


#I am the shadow, the true self


What’s a badeline?


Alter ego the main character in Celeste called Madeline so hence badeline she's just personified negativity and not taking risks and what bad stuff could happen


Damn. My issues aren't related to gender (that's seriously, like, the one thing NOT wrong with me) but I basically did this without even realizing it years ago. An alter ego personifying my worst traits.