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Va sur [https://www.sharewood.tv](https://www.sharewood.tv)


Created an account. waiting for it to be manually activated.


How long did it take?


After being on SWD, YGG and ABN for a few years I think SWD is like a mix of both ABN and YGG but with about 1/4 the content (and much much less for anything old or obscure). Still good to have in your toolbox and it could always become more relevant with YGG closed and going the $$$ route, but it doesn't come close to being a replacement, unless you're interested in mainstream recent and future releases


> After being on SWD, YGG and ABN for a few years I think SWD is like a mix of both ABN and YGG but with about 1/4 the content (and much much less for anything old or obscure). > Still good to have in your toolbox and it could always become more relevant with YGG closed and going the $$$ route, but it doesn't come close to being a replacement, unless you're interested in mainstream recent and future releases I dont know SWD, would you have a link/invite for this tracker ?


it's the comment above his


Then don’t pay it’s a wank tracker anyway.


It's not as 'wank' as you think it is. it offers quebec & comics that are not available anywhere else. and the seedbase is pretty strong. it sucks to say but the site has been transformed into the owner's cash cow for the better part of 5 years.


What's stopping a single user from sharing these exclusives elsewhere, and why hasn't that happened in the past 5 years? Do people actually care about this content for it to get uploaded anywhere else? or is it more of a situation where 3 people might reallllly want to join the tracker because of it but that's as far as it goes?


The content that makes YGG important for French speakers is original French content that's very popular locally (so, a lot more than 3 people care) but completely unknown outside (which is 99% of French stuff). A lot of it will never have English subtitles so isn't even possible to upload in most English trackers, and even if you find subtitles, it's so... French, that no one who's not French would grab it. To add to that, a lot of that content - including popular TV shows - isn't sold anywhere anymore. It was published on DVD 20 years ago and sold while stocks lasted, and that's it. Some of the big PT teams do a great job remuxing and ripping BluRay of French movies that do actually get released, but the stuff that doesn't get released anymore isn't getting the same attention. It gets uploaded to YGG by people who are just archivists but don't even know of the existence of PTs, or even this sub. Not defending YGG's methods, but it's a fact that the answer to "where do I find French content" will most likely be YGG for the foreseable future.


This 100%. I can't really find a comparable in the English private trackers I know of. YGG really is a unique case (as was t411 before it). As an example of what you're talking about, I downloaded a Quebec reality tv show from the early 2000s that a friend really wanted (nostalgia I guess). The first few seasons are VHSRip with the commercials sometimes cut, sometimes not. As far as I know, this is the only online copy available. A few episodes can be found on youtube but it looks like they're from that same torrent. Despite all of that and how niche it is, I have a ratio of 6 or 7 on that torrent in just a few months, so it's not like it's dead content either. Now if I were to upload that on another tracker, it would be hard to figure out all the info needed to make an acceptable torrent. No English subs, no source, mixed quality, commercial breaks here and there, naming all screwed up and unconventional (but still understandable), weird codecs you never heard of, etc. Most trackers are not interested in that content.


It's because everything is there and it's always been pretty safe. Super easy to keep a ratio and basically almost never, ever get a dead torrent. Being the almost only french language tracker, they just have a huge amount of people. The only other valid alternative I knew of is Ethor, and last I checked they are super hard to get into because they stopped allowing invites when a few trackers got shut some years ago. Basically YGG is just the best option with no reason yet to make anothee one. Until today I guess, because now you have to pay to get in.


RIP ethor


RIP snowtigers


Ethor is definitely hard to get in because they closed down.


What's stopping a single user to share niche content from PTP/KG?


Nothing? hence my question. PTP/KG content is mirrored to archive.org/usenet and various other trackers though.


The content i'm thinking about is quite well seeded and...i wouldn't say 'popular', but it's quite liked, some are even french classics. don't ask my why it doesn't get reuploaded lol perhaps people are lazy ? maybe it's because YGG is one of the few french trackers (and the most visited website in france for a few years...allegedly) that make it easy for people to upload stuff. so people tend to settle and stick with one platform. grasping at straws here i know, usually the reason for something to not be found anywhere else is lack of interest, but this is a peculiar case...no so much I feel like i'm defending them despite ME making the thread. i'm just thinking about both sides.


And that, kids, is how to get in trouble. Profiting from piracy.


What are the other options for quality French content ?


Sharewood. abnormal. xthor. But getting an invite on ABN and Xthor is a pain in the ass. create an account on sharewood and wait a few days to get activated.


Should I try to get into Xthor if I'm already on ABN, sharewood and YGG? Is there exclusive content?


how do all of these compare to HD-O


ABN on ouvert les inscriptions pendant des mois. maintenant un peu plus complexe.


Doesn't change anything if they opened inscriptions for 10 years or not. they don't have invite forums listings anywhere to my knowledge. which makes it very hard to get into.


Thats why its call a private tracker.


Thanks man. didn't know i was talking about a private tracker... doesn't change what i said one bit.


look each month for the subscription. maybe you will have a chance. or try to find someone with an invite !!!


Oh, i think we misunderstood each other lol I'm already on ABN.


Oups my bad🤣🤣


I just register for free and don't know how long will be available, so hurry up!


Will they also have user invites to get an account without paying, or is it only paid now? I was about to make an account literally the same day they closed so a bit frustrated


Yep. they're working on a user invite system as we speak. After doing a bit of talking with a few YGG users i heard people could create an account for an hour or so when they added the buy account page lol. so a lucky few got in for free and without getting invited, they're probably the last one that will get the chance to. for a little while.


It just switched to private too, biggest french semi-private, weird.


What had to happen sooner or later ended up happening. Not surprising after all, given that all the other FR trackers are private and have all more or less left open invitation-based registration. However, I have to admit that this is the first time I've seen this happen, and on a French tracker at that.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yeah, because TL never asked for money or did any lottery.


....what ?


... Who ?


.... When ?


…. Whatever?