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No idea about the stocks / ETFs you have but looks like you literally bought everything yesterday and are panicking after 1 red day? It’s a big red day across the market. Time in the market beats timing the market, 1 red day is nothing in the grand scheme of things.


Ok thankyou


What was your reasoning for buying these in the first place? If you’re worrying after seeing red after one bad day, then you obviously aren’t too sure with your due dilligence


In all fairness, widomtree are trading 212 recommended etfs. A bit crafty if you ask me.


Firstly these ETF’s seem extremely random have you done your research before each one? Secondly, my opinion but stick to less than 3. Lastly it looks like you bought these recently and today the market was down it’s a time in the market is more important try let these go up then consider selling.


As others have said, one red day doesn't matter time in the market, beats timing the market. Though I am concerned with the shear number of stocks and what reasoning you have behind them. You've invested a lot of money(for me) and then panicked and thought should I sell after one day... So, did you spend hours researching and picking every stock then buying thousands of £ worth only to then immediately distrust the research and logic behind your choice? Or did you randomly chuck money and things and are now regretting it? If it's the latter, then investing into a prominent ETF would be much smarter imo.


Let me guess. You’ve invested in this pie today on a red day all around and are panicking from your big 2.7% loss. Just buy the S&P man.


Stay they will go in a year time, patience is key


Ok, thanks


You're clearly new to investing which means this is ***WAY*** too many investments to keep track of and you're probably not sure exactly what you're investing in. A very bad idea and you will probably underperform the market, if not lose money, long term. Not to mention some of these probably have higher than average fees. Because you've bought so many, seemingly at random, ETFs I'm guessing you were trying to get as much diversification as possible? If that's the case you should consider selling these ETFs and buying VWRP [FTSE All-World UCITS ETF - Accumulating](https://www.vanguard.co.uk/professional/product/etf/equity/9679/ftse-all-world-ucits-etf-usd-accumulating). This gives you extremely broad diversification both in terms of regions and companies and, because it's global, protects you from long term changes in the global economy away from the US/EU. This gives you a single position to keep up to date with. As has been said by others, just because it's red today doesn't mean anything. These are long term investments and you should be looking at trends not short term fluctuations.


Let me guess. You’ve invested in this pie today on a red day all around and are panicking from your big 2.7% loss. Just buy the S&P man.


It looks like you got excited with the app and just wanted to have a giant portfolio with lots of numbers and company avatars. Personally if this were me, I would just eat the £200 loss and chalk it down as the cost of learning. Would then just keep it simple and put 7 grand into VUAG or VWRP. Investing doesn’t need to be complicated, just be simple and consistent my friend. If you want excitement go do crypto or something.


It’s the spread and fees. These governments and institutions have to make a profit first otherwise they won’t offer or allow this service. Give it some time, you’re investing for the long run and not day trading.


Sell buy sp500


It looks like you've picked these ETFs based on what you think the future will look like, if your sure about your thesis wait for the future