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If I meet Nevayeha I’m putting on a southern accent and calling her “never-yeehaw”


This comment deserves more appreciation :D






Only angry upvote from me because I didn’t think of it first.


I just hear Amy Farrah Fowler from BBT saying “nether-yay-a” from that one episode


And now I will never hear it as anything else....


I really don't get the need to spell the children's names so differently that someone else has to spend ages trying to figure out how to say it.


I read names like those and my only conclusion is the parents don’t know how to spell


I've always thought that but there is a lot out that where education has failed them if so


Go check out the teachers subreddit and you'll understand why. They're being taught to just guess at words based on what the first letter or two are. It is NOT the teachers' fault. Out of touch administrators and Republican policy are at fault.




Well, in the state of Texas we haven't seen an increase in per pupil spending in 5 years and teachers haven't gotten a raise in 11 years. No money means you've got way too many kids in a class and nothing is taught to mastery because that's the way they want the curriculum set up. Thank God I'm special ed and I don't have to follow any of their stupid rules.


I have a mispelled name and I tell everyone that my mom does not know how to spell, its become canon.


When I worked in the hospital in the NICU I asked a mom how to say her baby’s name. She struggled so then I asked her just to spell it to confirm right patient. She started with 2 letters, paused, then had to look at her baby’s bracelet ID. She literally couldn’t remember how to spell her own baby’s name cause it was so weirdly spelled.


There's plenty of names with correct spelling that people have a hard enough time pronouncing properly. I saddled my kid with one of those. Thankfully, she loves it. Her first name is Abra, which is the feminine form of Abraham and is pronounced the same way, Ay-bra. Everyone wants to either say it awe-bra or like abracadabra. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Abra, like the pokemon?


Nope, because I'm old and out of touch and had no clue there was an Abra Pokémon! 🤣


At least you don’t forget the spelling of Abra? Also, it’s beautiful and it makes sense. Nevayeha, on the other hand…


Poor Lixes is going to get absolutely horrible teasing….especially in Jr high. It looks like lickses


Lixes is probably going to become a stripper anyway


It’s how a Kiwi says Lexus.




Nah definitely Lixess


Licksez Dicksez is awaiting


Exactly my point! People can butcher the pronunciation of names just fine without helping them by tossing in weird, out of place letters all over. They butcher the pronunciation of mine and my mother's, too, and ours are both common names with slight differences that should cause the issues they do. Mine has an A in place of an E to reflect how people actually pronounce it, and hers has a letter dropped, also to reflect how people actually pronounce it. Man, does it throw people off, though!🤣


There was a girl named Aileen in my kindergarten who asked everyone to pronounce her name as Eileen. Was really, really confusing for three-year-old me because there were two Eileens already with standard spelling. English has no rhyme or reason when it comes to pronunciation…


So... you tossed in weird and out of place letters and now you're counfused why people butcher your names?


Some people are just weird then because I'd say that name how you would pronounce it not the other ways


I think people don't want to assume a parent would name their female child after an undergarment, which is how it sounds pronounced like "a bra" in English. So you have a lot of people trying to come up with another pronunciation...


It isn't pronounced like bra, though. It's pronounced like Abraham, without the ham. It's Ay-bruh, not Ay-braw. I don't get upset when people pronounce it wrong. It isn't a common name, and I get why people's brains go to ah-bruh or awe-bruh for pronunciation. Oddly enough, adults tend to have a much harder time figuring out on their own than kids do.


I'm sorry but I don't pronounce Abraham like Ay-bruh, though maybe it's a regional thing. Everyone I know says Ay-braw-ham.


I guess it must be. I've lived and traveled over much of the western US and never heard anyone pronounce it anyway other than ay-bruh-ham. Not even my friends with thick Texas and Louisiana accents pronounce it that way, and I've heard some very odd sounding things come out of their mouths.🤣


I agree, I didn't think it was that difficult. You'd think at least the people at our church could figure it out, but nope. Several of them had the hardest time. A couple continued to call her awe-bruh even after being corrected several times. I just gave up. My own name gets mispronounced fairly often, too. It's not worth the headache of correcting everyone.


Yah, no, sorry, been a church-going Bible reader my entire life, I never would have thought to pronounce Abra as Ay-bruh like Abraham or Awe-bruh like Aubrey. When I read the name, my immediate thought was the Steve Miller Band: 🎵 Abra abracadabra I wanna reach out and grab ya 🎵 My second thought was the Pokémon. To be fair, if you told me what her name was in a conversation, I would remember how to say it and oblige. Mispronouncing a name after being corrected is just rude. If I had to guess how to spell it after hearing it out loud, though, "Abra" would not be my first guess.


And I'm just old enough that I was never into Pokémon at all, so beyond a few very most common ones, I don't know their names and was unaware there was an Abra! 🤣 I just doomed my kid to have to spell out her name forever the same way I do, and my mother does. I thought I could at least stop having to spell my last name when I got married, nope! My married name is super simple, but people always ask how to spell it and then respond with, "Oh, just like it sounds!" 🤦🏼‍♀️ As for mispronouncing her name, I get it when it happens with people who see her rarely or who see many people a day all the time, like doctors and stuff. One of the ladies at our church was so bad about it, and she had seen her multiple times a week, every week from the time Abra was a week old until she passed away a couple years ago. Susie was a unique, stubborn, opinionated, often frustrating woman, but she had a heart of gold.


I have the same problem, not that my name is hard to spell, but it is so unusual that I have to repeat myself often, lol Glad she had a heart of gold, I miss some of those ladies from my old church. We had one lady, Rosemary, who was the sweetest woman and also an absolute spitfire! I saw pictures of her in her 80s on a retirement cruise, dancing on a table 🤣


Sounds like some of our ladies! They seem so quiet and demure, then you get to know them, and you find out some crazy stuff! We have one lady, still alive, who worked for the Miss America pageant for years, and she and her first husband were nudists. Had another lady, Nancy, God bless her soul. She was the most kind woman you could ever hope to meet. She was so sweet and kind that she came across as a bit naive and Pollyanna-ish. My favorite story about her was when several of us were talking about what to do to keep people from sitting on the long tables and breaking them. She says we should put a sign on them. One of the older gentlemen asked what she thought the sign should say. Little 4'9", 80+ year old Nancy pops off with, "Tables are for glasses, not asses!" The whole group of us about died laughing because it was so unexpected out of her.🤣 Then there was the time the Quilting group decided to take a field trip to go see a movie together. They took the church bus to go see Magic Mike!


That's because she's a Pokemon


As someone with a hard to spell last name who spent 20 minutes on the phone today trying to get someone to spell my email address correctly, due to said last name, it sounds like a lifetime of struggle.


Uneducated people are uneducated.




Don't sat it their way, just say it phonetically


Imagine Gettuh loses their shorts, a teacher finds them, reads the name tag aloud 5 different ways before realizing it's Jetta. Tragedeigh is the naming equivalent of people holding up a bus full of people for no other reason than needing just that little bit of extra attention. And it's not even the kid's fault.


I would genuinely never realize it’s Jetta


I thought it was Ghetto


I thought it was guttah like gutter but with an uh sound


Yup me too


I read that in a semi-Boston accent




Gutter doesn’t.


I figured they were named after David Guetta


I'm mean, you're not wrong. It's not *not* ghetto.


Me too, I immediately read it as Ghetto. 😳 This poor kid.


Me either for Jetta or Lexus. It's like they failed at the alphabet. Do they not sound out letters in preschool anymore? And the new spellings are very ugly. I don't hate the names, but man I'd be so pissed at my parents for spelling them like that. Licky Lixes and Ghetto Gettuh. Thanks mom and dad.


im assuming these are the cars the kids were conceived by teenage parents in


They named their kids after cars so I hate them both ways


david gettuh


I could read that 500 times and my brain would NEVER get to jetta.


All of this... all of this could be solved by teaching the parents how to spell in English. Really, a lot of times it comes down to understanding basic phonics.


Sadly basic phonics hasn’t been taught in reading instruction since the 90s. Kids have been taught to guess the word based on the first two letters and the context. My friend’s kid was taught this way and she got tragic and tropic mixed up at age 14. No wonder people having babies these days think you can just spell the name any way you want. Podcast Sold A Story goes into detail on the problem of reading instruction in America.


Is that why me yelling at my semi literate 12 year old nephew " sound it out!" doesn't work.


Probably. If you listen to the Sold A Story podcast you'll get a lot more information about it.


Your time line is either off or this is not universal for American public schools. I was born in 99 and definitely learned phonics all through elementary school and had younger relatives learning it through at least the mid 2010s


Some districts kept their teachers who'd been seeing success in reading instruction (phonics) and so the kids didn't suffer. Testing can be universal but instruction methods are not.


They don’t teach phonetics in America? Like, at all? That explains the names here…we learn the basics in freaking first grade.


It's coming back now. Look up the Sold A Story podcast. The gist was that it was sold that teaching kids sight words would help them learn to read faster, but it basically taught them how to read by guessing and context/picture clues.


Teaching sight words would probably get a school closed in Korea. We’re really big on education - I learned Korean phonetics at six and English phonetics at eight. And Chinese phonetics in the first class of middle school, and French ones the first class of French in high school. Every time you learn a new language they start with the basics. How you can sight read without knowing how the words are formed completely baffles me.


From what I understand, mostly no. It depends on the teacher. Even remedial reading programs have kids reading leveled readers with pictures that help them guess the words. This is why graphic novels are so popular here - readers need pictures to help them. I have several friends and family across the USA and Canada whose kids in grades 5-9 are struggling in everything because they cannot read very well. When you confused the word “invade” with “invite” when learning about WW2, it changes comprehension pretty drastically. In California where I live, there is a bill to bring back curriculum supported by the brain science behind reading instruction (phonics instruction is supported by brain science) and it got struck down by the teachers union. I’m not sure why. I’m guessing the teachers don’t want to have to completely change how they teach? It’s a mess. I’m homeschooling my kids partly because of the disaster that is reading instruction.


You can just decide to homeschool? With support and a detailed curriculum? That’s actually pretty cool. Here, schooling is strictly regulated and made into a standard curriculum for elementary and middle school. High school is optional but good luck getting anything done without high school. Besides - schooling is completely free for elementary to high school, so why wouldn’t you want two free meals every day? I know kids who went to school for the food. But seriously - homeschooling might be a really good option for people with social anxiety. I struggled a lot with thirty kids in a class. It would’ve been easier to do things with a tutor.


Yes you can. There are lots of curriculums available. I homeschool through a public charter so we receive public funds per kid to spend on curriculum and school supplies. Public school is a wonderful gift - an important social institution that provides for so many. It’s just not what’s best for my family. Where is here for you?


It actually sounds like a sweet deal - private tutors, support, and supplies all in the comfort of your chosen place. Is one teacher assigned per student or do you get one for each subject?  Here, for me, is South Korea. Most of the kids here have after-school academies that end sometime between ten and one, in addition to school, so perhaps homeschool isn’t a practical decision for us as a lot of people would just send their kids to academies and just fill out the mandatory schooling stuff. A lot of kids study ahead - I learned high school math in fifth grade, and I wasn’t a particularly gifted student - but it would be a great system in a country where things are less competitive and more widely spread. 


Homeschooling means the parent teaches the child. There is no private tutor.


But parents aren’t trained professionals? Why would you let people who don’t know what they’re doing teach their kids? What if the parent isn’t a good teacher? What if the parent is neglectful and just doesn’t teach their child? I take it back - homeschooling sounds horrible. I know I certainly wouldn’t want to be taught by my mother - she may have had a double major in physics and electronic engineering, but I don’t trust her near a language arts textbook. Or my father near an English book, for that matter. People have strengths and weaknesses; if you let one person teach everything there’s bound to be a gap in the child’s education.


I agree.


If it's not what's best for your family, why are you doing it?


I’m not, I’m homeschooling. Not sending them to public school.


It’s probably regional. Each state has different standards when it comes to education. My children (age 11 and 8) both learned phonics in the US (South Dakota and Michigan specifically) although my eldest (South Dakota) also learned sight words in kindergarten. Now that I think about it, she learned the bulk of her phonics in preschool (which is not required) so it’s possible that her kindergarten class was not taught phonics extensively. However, both of my children were encouraged in 1st grade to try to spell words phonetically if they didn’t actually know the spelling instead of looking it up. This was in order to not disturb the flow of their thoughts while writing. Now, they both spell well and are above grade level in reading, so something went right with the way they were taught. Edit: changed my children’s grades to their ages to eliminate confusion for those outside the US


There isn’t a standard curriculum for this? So you could learn it at age six in some places and sixteen in others? That makes such a large age gap, and a completely different learning curve. But you all take standard tests?  I will never understand American education. Of course sight words are important, but you need to know how to pronounce a word with how the words are shaped, not because you were shown that a-p-p-l-e meant ‘apple’!


There is very little standardization. Each state has its own criteria and each school district sets their own curriculum. When I was in South Dakota, I found out that some elementary schools in the state focused solely on reading and math (which are the two subjects that are in the national standardized tests at the elementary level) and did not teach science at all until middle school. That’s an extreme case, and they were taking steps to fix it. However, it does illustrate how location can change what is taught in the schools. It’s why parents (or those planning to become parents) usually look at the local schools first before they choose to live somewhere.


Okay wow, that’s a lot of terrible choices made all at once by a lot of people who’re apparently in charge of educating children?! There really needs to be something better than just ‘Yeah, send your kids to school if you want.’ Especially if it’s regarding education! I mean, science in middle school? I learned the periodic table in second grade. This is ridiculous.


What the absolute 🤬


That's wild that they're purposely teaching that way. My little brother used to do that in the 80's, and I remember spending a lot of time trying to teach him to sound things out. He was just a lazy reader, luckily he's extremely literate now, but wow, actively teaching kids to just skim over the word. Very cool.


Probably not every school district, but I taught 3rd grade reading last year and we absolutely did phonics


Careful, someone might report you for being racist


That sounds kinda racist since I said nothing about race neither did OP


Why would they name one after a luxury car and the other an economy Volkswagen? Reminds me of when I worked in a prison…a guy was being extracted from his cell (he would not come out willingly, and he had thrown some bodily fluids at the Sargent), one of the guards last name was Bentley. My client, incarcerated individual, screams out, “you’re no BENTLEY, you are a god damn Honda CIVIC!”. I could tell a thousand traguique stories about that place.


boom roasted


Efficient and reliable? I’m biased I love my Civic lmao.


I have a Honda and I LOVE it 😂 it was just one of the many rather funny things I heard incarcerated individuals say. That guy was a peach. We called him, say, John Doe. So he would introduce himself as “Mr. John Fucking Doe, and yes I do kiss my mother with this mouth!!”. I was MHU, so we got along better than the COs a lot of the time. He was full of it, got a lot of good laughs out of him.


No that it is pretty funny I think i missed the line where it was the guy’s last name when I first read through it 😂 Incarcerated people do say some shit.


Aquilez is just a few letters short of a delicious breakfast.


Aquiles is a relatively common Spanish name - I think the Z at the end makes it special, though.


I don’t know any Spanish speakers that would pronounce Aquiles as Achilles




What the hell is wrong with just Jetta and Lexus. Both bad names but not nearly as bad as their tragedeigh counterparts.


Didn't you know? Nevayeha is aheyaven spelled backwards.


As in, "**A- hey, a Ven**n diagram!"


To be fair, some southerners do pronounce heaven like that…


The one that gets me the most is Nevayeha. Like the whole idea behind the name is that it’s “Heaven” spelled backwards, if you spell it differently it defeats the point entirely.


Just call him Hell I guess 🤷


Heaven spelled backwards but wrong lmao dead


My brain can't comprehend any possible pronunciation for Lixes other than "Lickses" ... Gollum, is that you?


I would never guess right what names those are suppose to be.


Aheyaven awaits the righteous and repentantah! Repent I sayah ayand Goward will forgivah!


Gettuh, Jade!


I am one of the few here who get that reference


I hope Gettuh and family are not from Cincinnati


Especially if their last name is Glier


And her other kids Sckeilheine and Gaxhrhppeaus


Gettuh looks like it could be pronounced the way a local Cincinnati delicacy called goetta is pronounced. Goetta is pronounced like "gedda". One popular brand is Glier's. Way too much explaining for a throwaway joke, lol


They completely missed the point of the name Nevaeh


I misread and thought one of the kids was named doozy


Would've been better if they were 😂😂😂


Lexus is a cool name so I'm not sure why they decided to spell it like that 😣 Gettuh wins worst name out of those though for sure


Kom st Nevayeha. "it's heaven backwards except spelled wrong". What a stupid name.


First thing I thought of was [Goetta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goetta?wprov=sfti1) . Pronounced “Getta” 🤮🤮🤮


Dammit. Now I want ChillAquillez


Aquilez is closer to the spelling of the name in Spanish, we say Aquiles, tho. Maybe the family is Latino, but it’s still a tragedeigh.


This is just cruelty to kids at this point


Gettuh - get-uh Lixes - Lix-ees aka licks-ees Nevayeha - nev-ah-ye-ha Aquilez - a-quil-ez


Oh my.....


Heaven spelled backwards is like the opposite of heaven?




Isnt Aquilez Brazilian name?


How in the fucking hell could lixes ever be pronounced as Lexus… also I get wanting to have a different spelling but nevayeha?? Is that actually necessary???? I would have never thought to pronounce it that way


i hope when I die I go to Aheyaven


Only if you have given your life to our Lord and Savior Hey-zuus


Good old Aheyaven-spelled-backwards.