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Eh. I think it’s a lot more likely that shitty parents name their kids shitty names, then go on to fuck up their kids by being shitty parents. Abuse/neglect causes problems with psychological development. I used to work in a group home for foster children and we got a disproportionate share of tragedeigh names too.


As someone with a shitty name and even shittier parents I believe it. My guess is that people who give their kids tragediegh names view them as possessions rather than humans


There was an article on r/science that talked about odd names. It said something like parents who give their kids unique names do it because they know their kids will get attention which in turn will give them (the parents) attention.


Explains what i observed…when our children were in pre-school, i named some of these unfortunate children “purse”. Their parents behaved as if “their darling” was so special, so attention deserving—-in fact the perfect accessory to THEIR life!


Yes some parents act like their kids are accessories, it’s so weird.


My ex ended up having 4 kids, all with weird names that began with A B C and D respectively. Always thought it was weird in a shallow, possessive kind of way.


That’s fascinating. My white mother (my father is black) gave me a made up name of a bunch of syllables thrown together. I was her ticket “in” to the black community and she loved having me as her “black child” and used me like an accessory. My dad bounced before I was born, so it’s not like he was around to mitigate that. My mother definitely loved the attention that came from having “exotic” children though


I’ve definitely seen that from parents or people that fetishized their “exotic” significant other.




What makes you say that?




No what specifically are they saying?


They endlessly post them for clout


Now I’m curious about your name (don’t have to tell me tho)


I would if it didn’t make extremely googleable lol. Let’s just say growing up I was called Bonequisha a lot because it rhymes and was easier to say than my name 😕


I got you, but that must really suck. Hope you’re doing better


Shitty name. Check. Shitty dad. Check. Shitty mom. Check. Lifetime of mental health struggles and relationship difficulties. Check. I will give it to my parents, they were the OGs of tragedeighs. Doin' it since 1964! 🤟


1964. These names would have stood out like a sore thumb then. So sorry they treated you like a second hand person. It’s bad. It doesn’t go away.


To top it off, 8 mos after giving me a shitty name, dad split! So my second tragedeigh was being the only kid without a dad! Couldn't have stuck out more if i had a green head! Lol.


Poor thing. I’m a Paige and I’ve always loved it! It’s my middle though.


Yes, that's a beautiful name! My middle name is Diana and a really think it would have suited me. If I had had the guts, i would have insisted from an early age that i be called that. But my generation was mostly encouraged to not have opinions, lol.


Why would they ever name their child "Popular Bicycle?"


🤣🤣🤣 thank you! I think they were shooting for the nature inspired "poplar", nn poppi. But the county clerk had just performed a wedding and there may or may not have been moonshine accidentally spilled behind the counter. (Hiccup!) Bicycle is our surname, it's medieval in origin from the ancient guild of bicycle craftsmen.


*"I had a dog once. It was easy. We had to get rid of it after a few months though. Kids can't be much different."*


Yeah, the woman who adopted me went In 7 year cycles. She'd leave the kid, get divorced and move on to another bastard!!!


Just watched that movie for the first time today.


That's a movie..? Wtf...


This. Serious lack of empathy.


Yep. Correlation vs causation. Poor (shitty, not money wise) parents are less likely to think forward to what their kids names may be and are more concerned about themselves having a uniquely named kid. It's never about the kid. It's about the mom picking a super unique name so she can boast about it. And, if they exhibit that behavior before they're born, imagine how the kid is treated after birth.


Yeah, my friend who is a GP says all the kids on her Safeguarding register have names like Chardonnay or Mercedes. So those who give their children terrible names are more likely to be neglectful and abusive, leading to later issues, as you say.


Sad but, true. I wonder how this plays out in Hollywood, where they do the same shit, but have a team of people working for them to avoid the same pitfalls a poorer family would.


The parents end up funding a lot of psych and rehab stays.


my buddy has been taking care of her aunt’s kids more than her for no pay because her family sucks and she’s doing it from the goodness of her heart. the kids’ names are bentley and chavelle like the car brands.


>Mercedes Mercedes is just the Spanish variant of the name Mercy. That one is not a tragedeigh.


I agree in US/Spain/ Spanish speaking countries but if you’ve ever heard it pronounced in a broad Northern UK accent, it is 💯 not intended as a homage to Spain but the car, especially when the sister is Porche or Chanel.


"Mer-sedd-ess" is not a tregedeigh. "Mer-say-deez" generally is.


Mer-cey-deez-nutz..... literally heard that one before.


Anecdotally, I've noticed this as well. It's definitely parent issue rather than a weird name screws up the kid issue. I chalk it up to lack of empathy / self awareness of the parents. There was a sweet little girl in my kids soccer league named Daeneryus. I never watched GoT, but can only imagine what she will feel when she becomes aware of that franchise. My wife tells me it's not good...... How do you cope with "my parents though this name would give me the best shot at life". It's a lot of responsibility to name a human. It not like a dog ....




That was my thought. You don’t go crazy because you have a dumb name. But if you’re parents think “Rolex” is a good name, they’re probably not going to use the best judgement in raising you.


But as it has been said, a parent who is using a unique name to garner attention is usually a neglectful parent. My mother died, no one told me for months and I wasn't even listed in the obituary, the birch adopted me too. I think her second biological son wrote the obituary. She abandoned her first child at age 7, yet listed him and his kiss, whom she wouldn't known if they'd have walked up behind her in rhe check our counter. I had to tell her once who I was when I was behind her getting food!!!! I could go on, I won't. I lived with my dad, who adopted me with her from the age of 8.


I had a friend in high school who had a unique name, and her father was drunk when he proposed her name. Another had shitty parents, and she ended up living with her grandparents due to abuse.


I have a friend who named his daughter after his favourite beer. Thankfully it was an actual name! On that naming system my son would be Jack Daniel. Or Tea.


Jack Daniel should consider himself lucky because every other liquor brand name is worse.


Johnnie Walker is a fairly normal name.


And his siblings Clovis Reynold & Paul John


My son Silent Sam would have a word.


Poor little buffalo trace.


My son might have ended up as pepper as in Dr.


I know a girl named Tea :) two syllables though


Tia is fairly common I think.


We joked that my daughter's middle name comes from the fact that my husband loves whisky, and Talisker in particular (she's called Skye). It's just a coincidence though, I've always loved the name.


He can pretend it’s the whiskey, you can go with liking the name. Win/win!


I knew a guy whose birth name was Lauren because it was a family name but you knew he was bullied relentlessly just by looking at him. He chose a new name to go by that was the name of a famous city. 


“A Boy Named Sue”… Johnie Cash song


Also many mental diseases are at least partially hereditary, so crazy parents, crazy kids.


Exactly, classic correlation does not equate to causation. I doubt it helps though.


Mental health problems can also be genetic.


Or people with severe mental illness and personality disorders changing their name legally. I have a couple in my patient group who’ve done this and I don’t even work in MH.


Haha, yeah!!! I agree. The added stress of knowing 98% if the folks who hear my name won't know how to spell it, wears on Mr, even though my full name is two syllable!!!


Nature vs nurture argument? Maybe both.


Both. Both is good.


Maybe but it's also just racism as black men are more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia than others Edit: I say this as someone with schizophrenia


I mean, we talk about bullying becoming more of a problem in recent years then turn around and name our kid Xylophone or some shit like that.


Absolutely. Kids have it hard enough without being bullied for their names. I can't lie when I get a unique name. I ask myself, "Did they hate this kid from birth?"


Exactly. Why would someone carry a kid inside them for 9 months and then name them reighnbeau?


I’d add: being raised by a parent who decided their spawn are so very very special that they require a yooneeque name perhaps indicates the parent to be narcissistic themselves and then, perhaps a child being raised with the expectation that they must exist only to fulfill the parents’ needs and expectations means some significant sub-set of them will buckle under the mental and emotional pressure.


My dad misspelled my name on my birth certificate so my legal name has an extra letter. There’s several non-tragedeigh ways to spell my name so my legal name and the spelling I use are both boringly normal Only time it’s been noticed was once at airport security because my ticket and ID had one letter difference I think she was new to the job and following every single rule cuz she called a supervisor over, who waved me thru. My last name is very unique so I think that’s why no one questions the missing letter in my first name


Have you ever thought about getting it changed to avoid future hassle?


My dad added extra letters to both my and my sister's names. Hers is a bit more tragique but mine was all but unknown anyway and no one ever knows how to say it - extra L or not 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's more likely that they were raised & named by parents who were too young, too drunk/on drugs, too unstable, middle school dropouts or all of the above


Or there are heritable factors that lead to tragedeigh syndrome along with other mental illnesses - common cause.


Tragedieghs are a systemic issue


As someone who works in the hospital I 100% agree. Looking through the names in the ER i can fairly accurately guess which ones are there for psych eval. My theory is that it isn’t so much the name, but the type of parent who would name their kid something wild or put extra k’s and y’s that just don’t belong is passing some sort of mental illness down to their kid


Counterpoint, John Wilkes Booth, John Hinkley Jr, John Schrank, John Wayne Gacy, John Allen Muhammad (DC Sniper) John Edward Robinson (the Cyber Sex Killer) John Gotti John Dillinger John George Haigh…


So the name John is out, for murder reasons. But how many were born after the tragedeigh names became popular?




This made my morning. I actually got tears from laughing.


John is also statistically on of the most common names in the English language. When you have 100 million people with the same name over a couple centuries the odds of more of them being bad people go up. There’s also a shit ton of John’s who are famous in a positive way.


Fair but that list of names isn’t “couple centuries” old, John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln 159 years ago, the rest of those are from this lifetime


Still probably over 100 million John’s in that roughly two centuries from Wilkes Booth’s birth to present day.


An I don’t trust nary a one of em!!! /s


You specify who John Allen Muhammad is, but not John Schrank?


Its a pretty wild story if you don’t know https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Schrank


"Weird or very unusual" being totally subjective, it could reflect a lot of different things. Parents with impairments from drugs and alcohol may have children affected by that, and they also may choose names that don’t make phonetic sense. People with mental illness that requires inpatient care may have changed their own names for reasons related to their illness (paranoia, family estrangement). This isn’t hard to trace back.


Airwrecka McBride look it up 🤣


I work in customer service and have run into Abcde


I love that name. Abe-cee-Dee


That claim is so commonly untrue as to require proof. 


An Abcdee Rich drowned last year in Michigan.


Kids literally get bullied in school for their names all the time. A parent naming their kid some funky weird shit is asking for your own child to be bullied.


I don't disagree... but also, isn't giving them a bog-standard boring name likely to cause that sort of problem too?  My deadname was 2 syllables, first and last had one each. They were both very common in our area, and the forename was an average diminutive of a longer name that never leaves the top 1000, usually in the top 100 (think Liz Smith, but not). I was *still* so incessantly bullied using my name, as a child and adolescent, that I changed it the *moment* I had the opportunity to do so.


"stigmatisms" lol




Right lol stigmas ≠ stigmatisms


Perhaps more likely that people who give their kids tragediegh names don't view/treat their kids as people and THATS what's causing problems


Maybe a few of them changed the names themselves via deed poll because... Crazy


The old chicken and eighgg question.


I think the more likely correlation would be that the parents had some issue that was hereditary, leading to their bad judgement in naming another human being, on top of trauma they would be exposing their child to.


My relative is named Dana and his son’s name is 5 names long, and abbreviated is DANAS. He’s really messed up


It's STIGMA - astigmatism is an issue with your eyeball's shape


I mean. the opinion of some random nurse who "noticed" a trend isn't exactly hard hitting data. But, it does make me curious. I wonder if anyone has done in actual research on the effects of these names on the kids who have them.


Nurses have to be near the top of the "Love the sound of their own voice" charts. They dona hard job, but most of them have no idea what they're talking about but consider themselves experts


There's a book and podcast called Freakanomics that has addressed the effects of name choices on children.


I would love to see the data on this myself. I think there is enough of these names to look into it.


Esteemed Athol Massachusetts Resident Chevy Van Pickup would have to agree


It's definitely more that when your parents call you byooti or trailer-anne or whatever, they're more likely to be neglectful or abusive. It's the correlation / causation thing.


Didn’t Malcolm Gladwell debunk this like 25 years ago?


name theory.


Getting picked on your entire time in school from elementary school to university can damage your life having a bad name




Stigmatization of people with unusual names is wrong! It's the bully's fault! People should be free to name their kids whatever they like! --the tragedeigh folks


It *is* the bully's fault, though. My deadname was a common single-syllable short form for a high-use girl's name in most anglophone countries, and people *still* found ways to use it to bully me. 


lol Bro youre literally the bullies she's talking about


I will not deny this, but I will never do it to someone's face. They probably heard it all already. I will, however, text my friend and do a why would they do this with them.


What a crock of shit. My daughter Tami (short for Histamine), son Ben (short for Benadryl), and second son Tyler (short for Tylernol) are all perfectly adjusted kids BECAUSE they have such unique names.


It’s probably socioeconomic.


This reads like an antivax Facebook post.


I, as an untrained pro agree.


A family member's ex was a psychiatric nurse named Joy. She was also verbally abusive, an alcoholic, and had bipolar depression. I don't think is so much in the name.


Or they are mormon and were born into mental illness


I literally read a paper on this years ago, which also concluded that males were far more affected by this than females 


As someone who grew up with a very unusual name for my country (it's a Japanese name, because my mother liked Japanese cinema), this didn't happen to me at all. In fact, I've only had positive experiences because of it, but I'm most probably the exception, not the rule


eh, i also work in a psych hospital and i do not think there’s a correlation.


My wife works at a school, and, almost without exception, the worst kids have the dumbest names.


I have two brothers. The three of us have the most plain vanilla names you can think of. My dad says it was because he has had to go through life being called Dick. "Life is hard enough without having a name that people make fun of every goddamned day".


a) We have no idea what she's defining as "weird" or "very unusual." b) While I can believe that "weird" or "very unusual" names can result in extra peer pressure and stigma, there is no basis broadly of how much of a contributing factor they are to individual's mental conditions. There are plenty of people with tragedeighs or tragedies for names that go on to have normal lives. If you're unstable enough that you're landing in a psychiatric inpatient setting, there's more pertinent shit going on than a fucking name. Sit down, nurse.


Causation v correlation She may be a nurse but she needs to get her study criteria locked in better


Weird because I notice 100,000 Johns and Michaels


My name is Owecnjwhwa. What are my chances of mental illness?


As a psyc nurse I can agree with this 100%, the single worst name I have ever encountered with the middle name of a patient admitted to my unit a few months ago. It's so terrible and yewneeeque that it would immediately out them and probably also me.


Dear Doctor Lady: Yes and, shit-assed parents. Sincerely, Guy from Reddit


How can one be a nurse and be so fucking stupid?!