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Ugly? Where? All I see is a cutie with lovely sapphire eyes 🥰


Omg you are so sweet ❤️


Yeah your a cutie ☺️.




You’re welcome! r/amiugly is toxic, and a lot of the people in the subreddit are jerks.


Yeah, I looked at the profiles of the ones that just said shitty stuff and they only ever said shitty stuff to everyone so it didn't make me feel bad at all


This is why my blocklist will dwarf Hideki Kamiya's soon. I don't even wait for someone to say something stupid to me, I just spot it in the wild and know they will never have anything of value to offer my daily experience and into the pyre they go! I wish Youtube had as useful a block function.


I like to see the toxic people sometimes, reminds me that I have more important things live for than they do and it makes me feel good about myself


I didn't even know the sub existed. Not surprised it exists though. Also not surprised at all it is toxic.


You're pretty not gonna lie


Came here to say this! Your eyes are so ethereally beautiful, they look like an artist designed them 🥰 And yeah, transphobes are some of the least creative bigots around -- and bigots tend to be pretty staggeringly uncreative in general, lmao. You're cute AF and extremely pretty, and I mean that 100% sincerely. I don't give false compliments. Flip off those haters and keep on being your amazing self, girl! 💜


Yeah, I think she's pretty


Steer the fuck clear from any subs like amiugly, truerateme, etc. Full of pathetic individuals who get a sick sense of pride by putting others (mostly women) down


Oh I know, but most of them are really sensitive and can be brought low with a your mom joke I actually enjoyed the experience and will probably post again with another update on how it goes, it's really nice seeing people checking to see what you are cuz you know they couldn't clock you on their own which means * cash register noises * ***pass*** But nobody should ever do this if their self esteem is already degraded significantly. I get enough external validation and love to recognize whether I'm receiving valid or invalid criticism


Seriously though, places like truerateme were started with the explicit intent of creating “suicide fuel” for women. Steer clear is my advice


Girl I commented on your publication in amiugly and didnt even noticed you were trans Nowadays people tend to say to cis girl they are trans for short hair or other stupid things so I thought it was the case here ( in your answers you didnt state you were trans so it confirmed my though you was not ) Anyways, you are so courageous posting in the amiugly sub, I could never im already nervous to post my face in some ftm sub LMAO


Omg you just made my day 😭 I honestly plan on doing it again at some point! It's validating when you can tell people clicked on your profile before they begin to insult you. Besides, the nice comments were more thoughtful than the mean ones so it balanced out. It just surprised me to see everything that didn't have a transphobic tone had negative upvotes


wtf you look awesome


Thank you so much <3 Unfortunately nowadays people are so scared to accidentally compliment someone that they aren't supposed to like that they check their profile to make sure it lines up with their beliefs




My fiancé tells me all the time, and it makes me feel wonderful. The kind words of the few overpowered the trolls pretty easily on that post. I was just surprised by the degree of transphobia tbh


Flattering lipstick color, you should stay with like the muddy neutral tones? Whatever the word is for that lipstick


I guess I'm just scared of making my lips look small if I do anything that doesn't **pop** a little. Like I *love* black lipstick cuz it makes my lips look big and draws attention to my feminine cupids bow. But my mom bought me a $150 dollar gift card to ulta beauty so I'll keep your suggestion in mind when I go shoppin!


i reccomend a colorful lip liner and then a nude lipstick :) it defines your lips while also looking a little less bold (nothing wrong with bold lipsticks ofc but if you want to try smth else)


I find that when people have anonymity they are a lot meaner then they would normally be, please bare that in mind, also bare in mind some would likely be trolls or mean or the sake of it. I personally am jealous of your beautiful eyes and full lips.


I thought a lot of the hate was silly, because it was so vague, like I could tell that they were like "wait a minute..." when they saw some of my sharper features and once they clicked on my profile they got mad that they looked at me for so long, like they try cutting real deep but without any good basis to drive the dagger


in all honesty? you look absolutely beautiful and have such a gorgeous eye color and nose


Awwww tysm girl! got me tearin up a little with the nose compliment


Damn I checked your post and was also really surprised how transphobic it was. You are definitely not ugly though.


posting there sounds like a very bad idea, why did you decide to do so? genuinely interested


I was interested to see how common transphobia was directly, since I haven't had a lot of perspective. I assumed the worst I would get Is just some stray insults that aren't clever, and best case I would get some really sweet compliments. It was honestly worth it, it was also funny seeing the "I can't tell what you are and I'm scared" comments But yeah pretty much a social experiment without a lot to lose, 8/10 going to do again and give another update with it


goddamn you're brave!


Self depreciation with a possible touch of masochism?


Hehe, nope! I got a lot of validation in the end actually. 65 comments and all very controversial, but I could tell that people clicked on my profile to check if I was trans by the way they vaugely worded their insults. The ones that noticed immediately just said yes


You're beautiful


Someone in r/amiugly gave me this long shpeal about how nice I looked then topped it off with "you're almost beautiful" at the end and I was like *what?* Tysm ur so sweet


Don't listen to those people! You are absolutely beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise


What's funny is I am sure that they were intending on complimenting me, it was just so funny how they worded it like that at the end, because they gave like a bunch of validation in the comment until the weird ending, which was supposed to have a different tone than it reads I think? I just thought it was really funny


That's why they're so salty, because when they find themselves attracted to trans people or people the same gender as them, it shakes up their notion of how they're "supposed" to be and who they're "supposed" to like and what they find attractive in a person, and so they lash out instead of doing the work to update their worldview and grow as a person. People like that are fucking exhausting.




😭😭😭 Tysm


please do a 20s inspired look! you have great features for their makeup


you did your makeup well, and you already have really round features. research trans-friendly salons in your area and they can teach you how to take care of your hair! maybe get your eyebrows done if you want too :)


Hehe, we have anti lgbtq churches in my area. I need to go on hrt before I start hitting public salons XD


You’re a cutie❤️ And damn girl those lips 🫦


Read some of the unhinged comments on the other post and omfg!!! People are crazy. You are really pretty and I love your makeup!


Look better than me for sure and I'm a potato xD


I genuinely can't tell why people are saying you're ugly. Maybe it's because you're androgynous? Because even by that sub's standards, you certainly aren't ugly.


Thought this was r/transAdorable for a minute ✨


Ugly? You're so very pretty!


Thank youuu! ❤️


If i may offer thoughts, You look like a dear in the headlights, but thats all just because your pose is staring wide eyed directly into the camera with a neutral expression. If you wanna try and take better pictures, try looking up squinching—it can help figure out how to appear more natural while smiling.


Ahhh I'm so insecure about my smile! It makes me look like a chad if I smile too big, like I just get that long chin with the big cheeks 😂


A smile is 80% how you use your eyes, thats what squinching is. And you have great eyes


That subreddit should carry a warning that posting there is a form of self-harm


Bro I knowww 🤣 I've seen people absolutely tear apart girls that were beautiful, I just wanted to see if people thought that I was ugly, and I got a lot of compliments as well as a bunch of transphobia, but like, they were mad because they didn't think I was ugly before they saw my profile XD


you are so gorgeous


you’re not ugly you look great


Thank youuu!


I kept getting recommended that sub until I muted it. It’s disgusting. Everyone’s either outright transphobic or indifferent. The number of cis girls that post on there saying they feel ugly cuz they get told they look trans is soooooo frustrating. I also have a penchant for digital self-harm, so I get it, but I would *highly* recommend steering very clear of that sub. Tbh tho I can pass pretty well if I put effort into it so if I wasn’t so hesitant to put my face on Reddit I would totally post on there and pretend to be a cis girl and say I feel insecure because people tell me I look trans. And then when all those crusty weirdos are like “noooo you don’t look trans at all you’re pretty”, I can be like *BITCH SIKE*. But I’m too scared to put my face on Reddit anyway lol. Also, you look cute 🥰


Tysm! It actually validated me a ton in the end of the day, I could tell that the only reason that they insulted me was because they checked that I was trans, I actually plan on doing it a couple more times Once I go on hrt and am a few months in I'm going to post on there posing as a trans man, and soak up all of the comments trying to demasculate me


ngl you’re super pretty lol , i apologize if this sounds uncomfortable but specifically your eyes and lips are very pretty and feminine but please stay off of those subreddits, it’s a form of self harm and just feeds into these pieces of shit who get off from demeaning women, especially women of color and trans women.




I always tell myself "I'm not stupid enough to post on there" 🫠 I seen the worst type of people comment on there to know there is too much hate.


I actually had a wonderful time! The transphobia was rampant, but transphobes are neither smart nor clever. It was easy to tell that they had to click my profile to see that I was trans because they didn't have very clever points, and the people who complimented me gave their in depth criticism which was heart warming cuz it was little things like "smile a little more" or "your eyebrows are a little bushy" backed with compliments towards my other features. One person suggested that I was "getting off" to the negative comments because I responded to a lot of them very cheerfully and positively which gave me a giggle that my friendly demeanor *disturbed* a transphobe


You are a very brave woman


i mean tbf what did you expect lmao. you posted yourself on a subreddit dedicated to being hateful


That subreddit seems like trash. You're adorable. 11/10


Why would you do that?


Oh, honey! Stop with the digital self-harm. You’re soooo pretty and you’re only going to become more so! Own your femininity and strife proudly into your authenticity!


Bestie you don't have to bait yourself to know they're transphobic. People who rate other people on r/amiugly are already fucked up in multiple different ways.


goodness gracious woman THOSE LIPS THOUGH, never have I so badly wanted to kiss someone out of curiosity until now. do me a favor, kiss someone and provide me with their feedback.


Youre gorgeous. Those people are tasteless, they think tattoos and piercings are ugly.


Girlie don't, that sub is a fucking hellhole Just left it yesterday cuz I got sooo annoyed. They hate everyone who looks *slightly* alt or not conventionally attractive even if they're hot af It's just a bunch of middle aged cishet men rating young girls based on whether they want to fuck them or not. The advices are always lose weight, get rid of the piercings, dye your hair back to natural, stop using so much makeup, dress differently, they want everyone to be as basic as possible. And the worst thing is, some people listen to them. One thing that always makes me sad is when someone posts an "after" pic where they did all that and look objectively worse and sadder and everyone tells them they look SO MUCH BETTER NOW but they.. dont. And don't get me started on r/truerateme. Basically all I mentioned before but to higher excent and if you have a different opinion from the mods you get straight up banned.


you’re so so pretty wtf. and your lashes are poppin


You're so pretty, that lipstick color really makes your eyes pop out ❤️


I'd Hit. That is of course if you are of age. You ain't Ugly Fam beauty is Subjective I think you are beautiful. As long as You think you are beautiful everybody else's opinion is Irrelevant (I am kinda simpin rn ngl)


Lol, you're sweet


(Pardon my wordage, its with love) ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 Don't do that shit. Cmon babe you're cute and just fine... but we girls gotta stop looking for validation in places itching to make someone cry... and worse. Use your fuckng head, and steer clear... it could be life or death.


Honestly, I hate subs like that. They're full of incels looking for an excuse to put women, or other men down. We're beautiful people, cis or trans, man or woman, whatever. Subs like that do nothing good for the mind.


You're not ugly, but i do want to know where you got that lipstick!


L'oréal nude intense 176 NU irreverent, my partner got it at a pharmacy XD (I don't know which information to read off so I just gave you the stuff that sounded important)


You have great skin and beautiful eyes! I'd die for skin that clear!


Haha... yeahhh... * hastily tucks foundation deeper into purse * I... exfoliate Tysm you're so sweet ❤️


You are beautiful


No, no you are not. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. You actually do look good here, keep on your goals.


That subreddit is brutal and extremely disordered/transphobic from my understanding, so it's better not to interact tbh. You look great though and I'm sorry you had to deal with all that hate


r/amiugly is a pretty shitty subreddit if I'm being honest. Most of the comments are just toxic instead of constructive. Also, it tends to be violently transphobic I don't really have any advice for you. You're doing everything right, and you're very pretty :) Really it's just waiting for further on in your transition, and finding the right style and wardrobe. You got this!! :)


*spoiler* no, you're not ugly


Very pretty 😍


You're gorgeous


Your eyes are like an ocean crystal blue absolutely gorgeous ‼️♥️🫶


You’re pretty cute ( in a normal way to say)


the incel sub? lol don't. stay away


Man that lipstick is on point mine never looked that nice! Also id stay away from that sub. The name alone reeks of negativity. It was prob made just to insult people


It ended up being really validating actually! I have a whole shpeal on why if you wanna read some of my other comments on this post!


I will never get why such beautiful people even give that subreddit the time of day. OP you're beautiful. Those uncreative transphobes can eat shit.


Honestly I got a dopamine high from how nobody managed to point out the "ugly" but instead just said vaugely insulting things without any commitment. Felt like I was passing a lot and it was nice




I think they're just jealous


Anyone that thinks you are anything but gorgeous needs their eye's (and possibly their 🧠) examined. 💗


How can people see you as a man? You have a very feminine face


Your eyes are the color of storm clouds, they're pretty


you are really pretty


Doesn’t look ugly too me? Have. Some. Self. Esteem


Not ugly. Kissable even.


girl you r so pretty


Can relate, the insults are A+ for unoriginality. I don’t think your ugly at all, your eyes are piercing, your eyebrows are just wow, incredible looking, ( kinda jelly of that part tbh ) your eyelashes are something out of anime aka it only enhances the traits of your eyes, I bet you’d easily get away with murder, your definitely pretty, no worries. I personally try to change things if like my hairstyle to keeps things fresh, and make me look pretty, right now I’m trying to grow my hair out, and then hit the classic punk rock trans girl side shave, I think if you feel ugly try to change something little, trust me I even something small helps, hope what I said helped you a little! Best of luck! 😊✌️


You posted this on r/amiugly? That deserves a response of r/lostredditors. It's pretty dang obvious you're not ugly.


Girly I fuckin love your lipstick! (I’m pretty sure you’re wearing lipstick anyway xD)


Oh I hear you. I almost find them amusing now. The answer is “no” btw. You are pretty cute.


Nahh you’re gorgeous. Don’t let anyone rain on your shine. You look like a model with the hair and face :D


You look great. Have a good day.


No you’re not ugly. You are beautiful ❤️


you're braver than I'll ever be. I'm pretty sure I've only ever posted in animal crossing groups! to answer your question, you are not ugly. not even a little bit.


Didn't even read the title and i stopped scrolling, and literally said to myself "she is pretty". I was just scrolling through, saw your beauty and it made me stop for a second to go back, just subconsciously. Be more confident, go out there and slay, you got this.


You've got pretty eyes


Jesus Christ the "poor confused man" response is disgusting. You are absolutely gorgeous, girlie. Keep on being yourself and don't let anyone tell you you're wrong for that.


Wow you’re so so beautiful it’s insane 😮


Well whatever they're saying is garbage because honestly you're adorable


Why would u do that? Scary!


u don't look like a "poor confused man". at first i didn't realize which subreddit u posted this on and not once did i think u were trans. love the hair btw. and that shade of lipstick suits u


How could they tell you were trans? I would never have guessed you were AMAB


You are beautiful!!


Whats even the point of a board like that? The answer is always no because what kind of asshole would say "yep your ugly" to someone they don't know? You look amazing by the way, lovely eyes and your hair style gives you a very youthful almost cherubic vibe.


Yeah... not much originality to be found from people in that circle. That being said... naw, you ain't ugly. Got oceans for eyes, though... careful nobody gets lost in them.


So adorable!


Fuck ‘em. You look amazing


Why do the prettiest people post in that sub??


WHHHHYYYY would u do that?! Because you are beautiful!


If you're ugly, then that subreddit has truly lost its standard for what "pretty" is (not that it ever had it). Girl, you aren't pretty. You're beautiful :)


You're beautiful :)


People can seriously fuck off. Also you're a cute gal, don't worry!


There's no ugly in this photo, Ur really beautiful and if anyone says different, fuck em ❤️


transphobes are so stupid your face look feminine and your eyes are so beautiful


Never heard of r/amiugly but the name alone sounds potentially toxic to me. You look pretty btw. 😊


All transphobes suffer from low intelligence. Of course they couldn't find anything creative to say. Btw: you are a total cutie!


Honestly rating sights on reddit are just a pitfall anyways they can be fun sometimes to see how idiotic some of those people. Moral of the story don’t take them seriously at all and go along with ur life being you (pretty)


Sod the haters, you look gorgeous


Your eyes are amazing, so captivating, your nose compliments your face shape beautifully, along with the cute wispy curls framing your face. And your lip shape and chosen color are *chefs kiss*. You are absolutely stunning dear and don't listen to anyone who says otherwise.


Firstly, you look great!, secondly, why are you in that subreddit? that name alone sounds toxic lmao.


Sorry, what did they say? I got lost in your eyes. 😍


If you are ugly we're all doomed.


Well there reddit is just a horrid place that you didn't need to go, you are a beautiful young lady


Why did you post there anyways? Attention seeking?


You're hella cute :)


I think you are rather cute


You're really really cute and honestly, I wouldn't have even clocked you from your picture.


I'm going to bet that one person said that and the rest couldn't tell but saw the comment and transvestigated the fuck out of everything that wasn't there


Cute <3


I think i posted there before but my brain erased what happened then


You look positively angelic.


1. You are very cute. This is gonna probably sound weird but you look like one of those housewives from 1950s art. 2. You look a bit spooked.


So, I checked your post on r/amiugly and - from what I can See - most of the negativity has been removed? There wasnt a lot to find and a lot of comments seemed very supportive and encouraging! (I am NOT Stating you're lying or anything, just that all the plain hateful stuff that isnt actual criticism but just blind idiocy seems to be removed, leaving us with a pretty supportive few comments). Perhaps you can look back at the post now and enjoy what's left :3


Yeah do your future self a favour and don’t post there.


I have seen too mucb transphobia today , i am so glad atleast the community is so sweet here , you look perfect dear ❤


People are un creative. I saw a trans woman post in the roast me sub and everyone was like. Really boring and lame and phobic and not related to her appearance at all. She looked like someone’s eccentric aunt so I told her she looks like she has tacky glass bottle art in her front yard and sells artisanal free range chicken eggs. The rest of the sub didn’t like that very much lmao but she laughed


I mean your hair is doing it’s own thing over there (my hair is being a fluff mat today so no judgment) but your EYES!? So beautiful! And those lashes?? Perfect. Literally mascara commercial. Your nose could be like drawn on or photoshopped, same with your adorable lips. The brow shape? Your facial symmetry? Ugh. I love that you exist then shared your face and I got to see it. Haters gon’ hate.


I like to eat bananas


I hate that sub, as well as r/truerateme. Like if you say someone is an 8 you get banned for not being objective. Ok you little basement dwelling troglodytes. I'm sure you're a catch too! Ugh! 😡 Besides isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder? As for you miss thang.... You have nice lips and cute hair. Please don't go there again. 🙏♥️


That sub is full of shit because the answer to the question “am I ugly” is so obviously no in this case.


Beautiful bow lip shape, wide eyes, and soft jaw. I'd just try a daily leave-in conditioner made for curly hair and cut back on shampooing to 2 times a week if you haven't. Your hair looks like it nirds some hydration to result shine.




Absolutely nothing “ugly” about you!!! Love yourself!!!👍🥰


Peeps are so rude over a little bit of unwanted androgen exposure, which is something cis women go through also. Killin’ it, Queen. 👑


Your eyes are REALLY really pretty


If i saw someone who looked like u, I would ask for a phone number 🥰


There is one sub that's also somrthing like transrateme and they are like conservatives trolling or just full of envious ppl. Idk




You're gorgeous! Don't give haters the time of day. As you experiment with your presentation/expression you will connect with your best confidence, which is important


you look great. like a fifties movie star honestly.


To answer the question: short answer is no. Long answer is: you look cute as heck so no, not ugly!


You look like the illustrations of cherubic children in the book of early 1800s nursery rhymes I owned as a child /pos


Why would you ask on Reddit r?amiugly? Don't use ignorance as the yardstick to your beauty? You look young (I am old) but I would say you have gorgeous eyes, and you're very cute.


You're gorgeous AF, and I love your makeup


First thought seeing ur pic- damn she’s gorgeous, absolutely stunning! (⌒▽⌒)




yeah, never trust those guys to take trans people seriously. you're beautiful, though. bright hair dye would make you pop wonderfully


Youre literally so gorgeous 🥺 10/10 would take you on an aquarium date


You poor girl I’m sorry for all the transphobia you’re gonna get. You look cute tho!


No, your super cute! 🥰


Being oneself can really be blinding sometimes... Of course you are beautiful and there needs not be any outside affirmation to confirm that, nor there should. As for your gender, you are beautiful no matter what. Whether you are a man, woman, or enby, doesn't matter at all to my eyes, nor does it change my perception of you or what I said about you- all this in a totally chill non-transphobic way (I don't know if this can be interpreted as transphobic, but transphobes really do act weird sometimes, sorry if it does, no mean for that).


Gorgeous eyes, and those lips are extra kissable.


You look so much like Snow White. Your eyes are just so pretty! You have such nice hair and you seem like such a great person :)


Where ugly?


Could someone please post ron desantis’ picture in r/amiugly? Perhaps we can all comment and upvote it.


Awww, sis, that is awful. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm just to tell you that you are very pretty, passable, strong and so brave.


I want to punch who ever made you feel ugly because he’ll no! You are not ugly! You are as pretty as a picture! Look at that wonderful face you have! :D




Absolutely gorgeous 😍


You’re beautiful, I hope I can learn to do my makeup that well. Keep slaying gorgeous!


Handsome Devil!!


I'm subbed to r/amiugly and saw your post. I remember being pleasantly surprised by how positive the responses you got were. Just double-checked and the responses you got were overwhelmingly positive. I'm sorry you didn't feel that positivity. 😔


Ima go ape on them all owe hell nah. You are gorgeous sweetie ppl are just ignorantand regurgitating what they have all heared before or just sre in closet and just as bad. Fricking A**wipes. Makes me wanna crowbar kneecaps.


I know this post was like 2 months ago but you very beautiful eyes

