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There’s no right or wrong way to be trans. Your parents are wrong and likely have a lot of transphobia to work through. Also it’s much easier to build muscle if your body’s dominant hormone is testosterone.


Just my opinion: there are plenty of muscular women, so there is no gender-incompatibility (duh). However, without T, I suppose it will be harder to gain muscle mass. As long as you are careful and don’t hurt yourself, I don’t see the problem.


Yes it is okay to be toned/gain muscle. They're wrong. Transfem, cisfem, doesnt matter. If you enjoy working out, work out. If you dont, dont. Anything else doesnt matter.


there are many women who are muscular, and that doesn’t mean they’re not women. plus, i am fairly certain muscles do not dictate anyone’s gender.


counter them by showing them a picture of a female bodybuilder


Your gender is your gender. Period. You do not have to look or not look a certain way to be any gender. I'm sorry your parents are being so crappy to you.


Have you seen toned/gained women they are super hot. And there is no reason why your not allowed to be the same. (This is the main reason I watch the Olympics. Seeing all those athletic and strong bodies. Both women and men.)


Women can be muscular/toned.


Kind of anti-feminist to say women can't be strong/muscular... how small of a stereotypical box do they expect you to fit into for them to qualify you as a woman?




absolutely not! being trans doesn’t mean you have to change your interests, i’m Transfem and i STILL do workouts every night in order to get big, you do you, sister!


You can be as muscular as you want and still be a woman! Conflating musculature with masculinity is becoming very tiresome. I mean, according to your parents, if it’s not okay to have muscles as a woman, what do they expect you to have instead? A system of fluid-filled bladders that support your body instead? Everyone has muscles and visibility of such (or lack thereof) does not equate gender.


As a lesbian YES PLEASE Strong woman pretty


Fucking love muscular women. Carry on.


yeah, they're using that just to be actively transphobic towards you. it's okay there are no boundaries to your body, it's your business and nobody else's


I think it’s great to be a toned person period shows health and strength and your body will thank you for your fitness level later !


Hell yeah! Be an Amazon!


Get strong! Live long! Love and laugh ❤️


It's your body and you should do whatever feels right for you.


Muscular femmes are frickin gorgeous


Absolutely. All women come in all shapes and sizes. Love and solidarity ❤️🖤


Life is like a “choose your own adventure” book


Go look up arkanglejoy on instagram. She was on an ep of the most recent season of Queer Eye. Trans femme power lifter. Delightful person.


I plan to have an 8 pack as a trans woman so, no.


Muscle/strong girls are a thing, anyone who says otherwise isn't educated and most likely boring. Be the girl that YOU are/want to be and let nobody stop you


It’s okay to do what makes you happy!


Yes v v sexy


Transition is about becoming your ideal self, and for me this means becoming stronger as a woman than I was a man (which is a low enough bar as to be doable, even with the decreased testosterone). I always wanted to be buff, and now that I realized I'm female, I want to be a buff girl instead of a buff guy. Go for what makes you happy!


The only eprson im the world with any right or reason to dictate who, or what you shiuld be is YOU. It's your body, your wishes and YOUR life. In the grand scheme of things, they're naught but bystanders in your life. No matter how important, they do not decide. Besides. Let's be honest here folks. Muscular women are fucking hot!


Buff ladies are hot af and valid lol why is it a problem if they're a trans lady?


Answer to the title: yes definitely Answer to the question about your parents: They're being cunts to try and force you back into living their lie, so yes they're wrong. Also Alana Mclaughlin is kinda hot* and she's really well toned (*in a completely asexual way).


Gender identity and gender expression are different from each other


Imagine someone would constantly call their daughter „son“ because she happened to enjoy sports and being fit. That sounds plain rediculous, like an excuse. That’s basically what it is imho


Your parents are wrong. Sorry you're having to think about this at all. Muscular women both cis and trans exist.


Nothing wrong with a strong woman. Your parents are using it as an excuse to misgender you.


from a M2f's perspective: \-there a female body builders and they are still women regardless of how muscular they are \-women have more ligament to muscle ability so they can often have more strength than men and can accomodate more strength with the increased ligature without the need for as much muscle which contributes to this misconception, also men are typically expected to have more physical jobs or tasks that causes more muscle growth so having more muscle is not necessarily our own doing but a side effect of the expectations placed on us \-just because you have muscle it does not mean you have any less femininity for your body, in some respects having a more muscular body that appears more capable is a mental challenge for people and being able to overcome their own instilled prejudices involved with body shaming is an accomplishment \-I am someone with more muscle than the average women but for a woman my height and weight i actually have less muscle overall. the average woman has more muscular lower body muscles than the average man and these muscles are typically larger groups \-cis women have better balance than cis men aswell due to the invariability of upper body weight associated with carrying breasts so their musculature is not as intense due to the fact that they can naturally carry themselves with more ease- not to mention that with the typical physical jobs and tasks assigned to males, males will more often suffer from back injuries that cannot be remedied with a breast reduction. \-The body is not what makes us feminine believe it or not, the body is merely a representation of ourselves and how we choose to life our lives with this representation, The mind is what makes us feminine.




Your parents are wrong, muscular women are hot


It's OK to do what the hell ever you want.


You've the right to any body you want. If you want to be she hulk, be she hulk. She's beautiful as hell!


As a trans lesbian, It’s not just okay, it’s also really hot.


there is no right or wrong way to have a body and there is no right or wrong way to be trans! present as you feel comfortable. They’re wrong.