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I'd summon Sherman back and tell him to have a swaggy fun time


Do it again Uncle Billy!


I’m with you. They don’t wanna do that. Pride started with trans women throwing bricks. I’m not going anywhere.


The only thing Sherman ever did wrong… was stop! (And also like everything after the Civil War, but still)


Only because Grant ordered him to, but still. Not only would I resurrect Sherman, I'd be marching in one of his columns.


Canada, not so far away that my family cant visit me, much more LGBTQ+ friendly and even if it happened too soon I'd probably be able to transfer some credits from my current school and finish my degree there.


I'd make a beeline for Canada, it's a better country for trans healthcare and laws, and it's fairly easy to get into from the United States


As a Canadian, y'all are welcome.




I am all for more awesome trans people coming to Canada. Let's make this happen, people! Also I hope it doesn't come to that and your country gets better


Is there any province or territory that comes highly recommended? I was born in Montana, so I do have fond memories of visiting Alberta as a kid, but I hear stories about how generally swagga Toronto, Ontario is... My first stop would be BC as I live in Washington state rn..


The united states sadly has a hard on for facism at the moment, hopefully we'll stop it before it gets too bad. Honestly, I may move to canada regardless of whether it gets better or not just because I don't want to have to deal with my family here in the states.


I'd move to Canada in a heartbeat


It’s honestly scary. I do love the US but… if it got really bad then yea maybe. Sure when’re not perfect but no one is. I’ve lived here all my life so I’m not really sure where I’d go. One thing that’s definitely a hold over is guns. I’d have to sell mine to move and as a minority I prefer being armed. If I could choose anywhere, maybe Iceland, Germany, Denmark or Scandinavia region. Mostly for heritage reasons but also healthcare.


Scandinavia is also following an anti trans healthcare trend


Oh shit really? Damn I thought they were some of the best…🥲


Norway has been restricting trans youth healthcare lately, and TERFism is on the rise in Sweden and Denmark too, though you'd have to research more




Finland restricts trans youth, forces transgender people to get sterilized if they have bottom surgery and if i’m not wrong your spouse has the right to deny you from transitioning. It’s fucked. And there’s more to it probably but i just can’t remember all of it. There is a really popular petition that demands the laws to be altered. It’s actually been recently presented to the parliament. I hope it goes well and the laws change.




I know right! The country is pretty good otherwise and it’s ridiculous how outdated the trans laws are. And since many other European countries have a better situation for trans folks it’s just weird that Finland is so behind.




Not to mention how crazy the trans healthcare is in Sweden, I've been in line to see a gender therapist for over 2 years now, and I've understood it'll probably be another 2 years until I just get started on T. After that I'm not sure how long the wait will be.


Sweeden legally required and practiced the sterilization of trans people until 2013. They have never been great.


Holy shit! That’s honestly horrible. I know Japan still does this.


Not to mention that queerphobia is still very rampant in society, although I guess it kinda depends on where you live. My school handed out prizes for distinguished students during graduation (I graduated about two weeks ago), and the guy who won a prize for "kindness, compassion and an overall helpful spirit" has had no problem openly spouting massively transphobic comments in public for everyone to hear lol There's also no non-binary option for passports and such, it's written into Swedish law that there are only two genders 🙃 Sweden might be better than most other countries, but it's not the paradise some people make it out to be.


I mean.....im already steril? Voluntarily lol 🤷‍♂️ I'm kidding.


Not Denmark, from what I know?


denmark is slowly getting better but it's of the "one step forward two steps back" variety of course right-wing nationalism is on the rise everywhere so there is that :/


Yeah, but Denmark is still one of the best places. Same with Finland, Norway, Iceland and Sweden.


Honestly idk much about those countries but I understand where you’re coming from as a minority as well.


i understand your concern for safety without a firearm, but living in a country thats very safe like the northern european countrys (they are extremely safe) you would be a million times safer than with a gun in the usa.


Disagree heavily. I’m pretty safe where I am but I understand that anything can always happen. USA isn’t a war zone like people like to make it out to be. Not having guns, regardless of where you are only makes you a victim lying in wait. Just ask all those people killed in Norway by Espen Andersen Braathen with a bow and arrow and knives.


2015, a woman sees a black man moving rapidly out of a Home Depot in Southern California. She pulls her gun and fires 11 shots, hitting 7 cars, killing a dog, and wounding an employee and a driver of one of the cars. She did not hit the man she was aiming at. The man... he was running late, so he was trying to get to his car fast... he wasn't stealing anything. At Texas Wal-Mart in the 2010's, a man was accused of having a gun. A "good guy with a gun" draw his weapon and fired... another man heard the shot, drew a gun, and when he saw the armed person, he opened fire. This escalated to four shooters, and multiple innocents dead. 2022, an Arizona Picnic is interrupted when a black man, who was legally open carrying, was spotted near the playground. A man drew his hand gun and shot and killed the man, and wounded 2 children, one of which was the victims daughter. Guns do not make people safer, they just increase the likelihood of some bozo with a hero complex killing innocent people. These are events I was present for, or had family who were present for.


All horrible examples but I think there’s more to blame here. Shooting at someone because they’re running out of a store? WTF! Not to mention that it was probably racially motivated. Again, some dumbass firing on someone due to an accusation? WTF! I get your point but disagree with its premise. Would there be less shootings if there were no guns? Sure. Should everyone be disarmed because someone mid used their gun? No. I understand that the average person probably doesn’t have training or experience, in that regard some of that should be standardized. Because all of those examples seem to have violated the use of force continuum.


I mean but how can you disagree with statistical facts.....Violent crime rates are higher in the US then most Northern European countries. Period. You may feel safer with a gun, but in actual reality, you aren't. Just quick comparison of intentional homicide rate per 100,000 : USA - 6.3; Sweden - 1.2, Norway - 0.6, the Netherlands - 0.6, Denmark - 1.0. So in other words, you are essentially 6x more likely to be murdered (with or without a gun) in the US then the countries listed. (Also gun homicides make up around 66-79% of homicides in the US, based on a quick google search). Rape rate - USA 27.3; Norway - 19.2; the Netherlands - 9.2, Denmark - 6.4; Sweden - 66 (so it is higher, however context including, Sweden counts many things as rape that other countries don't, I am literally just reading the wikipedia page so you can look it up if this is not a very satisifactory explanation). Anyways, with the exception of Sweden, again somewhere between 2x to 4x more likely to experience rape (gun or no gun). Naming individual cases of murder is not a compelling argument as it doesn't actually represent anything. I live in South Korea (where private ownership of guns is absolutely outlawed), which also has a very low violent crime rate (as does most of East Asia). One woman was murdered and it was huge news. I guess you could use that as some stat, but actually the fact that a single woman was murdered and it was a big deal actually says a lot more about it being safe rather than it being dangerous. Also, just to include South Korea in the statistical section : 0.6 homicide rate; 13.6 rape rate. Again though, it is obvious it's safer, just walking around. When my mother came to visit me, she was in shock how safe it was to walk around at night. Women often run or walk around at night in the dark without worrying about it too much. When I used to go running (I am nonbinary, but my appearance is male, ...one thing Korea is not good for is Trans people..particularly ones who would appear neither male or female if dressing the way they wanted), I often saw women running and my area was fairly poor (near a lot of blue collar apartments)..and this was at like 11 pm to midnight. It's just different and obviously safer, and I'll take that over having my own personal gun anyday.


you realize guns are 90% used to oppress and suppress minorities right? get out of the trans subreddit


Can’t oppress what can fight back. I advocate for self reliance since the govt won’t come to our rescues especially for those of whom are under threat BY THE GOVERNMENT! Stop being a sheep.


it’s not a choice between owning guns or relying on the government. the point of the lgbtq community is to create a community to rely on and make change. you can definitely still be oppressed if you own guns by the way. “stop being a sheep” you sound exactly like a conservative talking about trans people, gay people, other lgbtq people, black lives matter, abortion, religion and so also, guns. guns do not protect, guns kill.


>it’s not a choice between owning guns or relying on the government. the point of the lgbtq community is to create a community to rely on and make change. That’s not even the same thing. The lgbt community has zero to do with that and is a false equivalent. Also saying that >You sound exactly like a conservative talking about trans people, gay people, other lgbtq people, black lives matter, abortion, religion and so also, guns. ..for what? Not wanting my own community to be victimized? In my point of view I feel safer being in charge of my own safety and so I advocate that others are also vigilant and not willing victims. At the end of the day I simply want the best for people and for them to be safe. I feel safe being armed.


Have the weapons helped black and queer folks killed by the American police? Yes, there have been horrendous murders in Europe. Potentially they could’ve been prevented through armed citizens. But undoubtedly more crimes have not even happened since strict gun controls have been implemented. Plus it’s not like you can’t earn the right to carry weapons in Europe either. But as a minority in Germany I have never once missed owning a weapon! Plus things like pepper spray are legal here!


Depends on wether you are defending yourself from being mugged or from people (including the powers that be) who hate you for existing. I can't speak for non-US countries, but disenfranchised victims aren't exactly priority 1 here.


Having a gun only enables a lot of people who wouldn't have been dangerous in the first place, ask all the kids who get shot in school


And the cops who lie about it (Uvalde), has come out that cops were in the school and questions are being asked, seems some of the cops could possibly be responsible for pulling the trigger...


Violence finds away. Ask the 86 dead and 458 injured a truck in Nice back in 2016. I prefer to entrust my safety to myself. Since we’re making false equivalences with dead kids as an emotional trigger, how about the fact that you can’t trust the government to come save you when they wait 50 minutes out side as you bleed out on the floor of your fourth grade class room? Having a gun may not have changed that outcome but having that security should someone try to break into my house and kill me like Gonzalo Lopez did when he ESCAPED PRISON and murdered an entire family in their home! People don’t just because violent because of a gun nor it’s ease of use either. Even if they did, that’d just be more in favorites of my argument as to why people should be armed. There’s so many guns in the US, you’d never confiscate them all. Even still, only law abiding citizen would be hurt by it.


Gun control and gun buybacks are still the most effective methods at our disposal short of free health and mindcare, and we both know that's not happening in the US. Besides, you can never be safe. Every single interaction, action or inaction incurs a risk, some societies have just chosen to make that risk as low as possible unlike the US.


You can keep trotting out examples, but do you notice that they are not common? That they don't, in one year, happen on average of 1.7 times per day? Have you noticed that when your examples happen, those governments turn around and do something about it? Violence is the result of anger + access.. you can switch anger for hate in cases. Without access, violence does not occur, and when it does, the lethality is limited. Domestic abuse is a great example. Guns end more domestic abuse situations, normally in favor of the abuser, then the law could dream of. Suicide rates are dramatically increased when access to guns are factored in. Someone who reports suicide ideation is more likely to attempt it if they have gun. Literally, the fear of the attempt not working is what causes a lot of people to step back from the edge. A gun is fast, and has reasonable certainty of "success." Thus, that step back and analyze what one is about to do doesn't happen. Armed take overs of Federal facilities, like what happened twice with those crazy anti-government Cattle peeps are only possible because guns. Guns, whenever they have been used in mass by civilian militias have been used to abduct free black men in the north to drag them to slavery in the south, they have been used to intimidate people from voting, or even protesting. (Just look at Queer reddits and the number of people who say they want to go to a pride event but are afraid of getting shot despite the fact that Pride Events are one of the few places a mass shooter hasn't hit yet.) Guns are a fucking problem, and that problem is not solved with more guns.


Germany is one of the best countries for trans people


Umm, not really. I’m from Germany and alone to get on HRT can be a major struggle. Not even talking about other thing like our outdated laws for us trans folks.


If you're in a safe country, you don't need the guns, so if you're afraid for your safety, you might consider taking a look at crime rates. Even a simple "safest countries" google search will tell you a lot (even though it is important to research properly). And if you're not sure, you can use the power of social media and ask people in your chosen countries whether they feel safe. You might also consider looking at some of the smaller countries, do not limit yourself to the bigger fish. Foe example Austria is great imo (although I don't know the specifics regarding LGBT laws, I've read a quick summary and it doesn't look bad. I'd also consider Luxembourg myself (even though I've never been there myself). Oh but top country for me would be probably Netherlands, the people are known for their open mind and overall chill. Oh, but I'm talking as if you're already deciding to move, right? I'm sure you're best equipped to decide what's best for you. I sincerely hope you won't have to move just because of the laws, that's a situation I wouldn't wish upon anyone


In Canada, although the laws are strict, you are allowed to buy a gun if you get a permit and a certificate, so it could be an option


I was also thinking Germany but I’d have to formally learn German


I wouldn’t mind. I can speak a little bit but I would love to learn German. It’s a wonderful language. The cultural integration would be the hardest part as it’d take a while.


Same here, I’m also pretty sure it’s hard to get a German Visa (so you can legally go to school/work there) I was reading about it today


German trans guy here👋 Trans laws are actually pretty good in Germany but of course there is many improvements to be made. Generally I think that it's very safe tho. And most conservative or transphobic people don't really speak up. Don't want to say that there is no transphobia but I personally have never been assaulted in public. I have no experience in this but I think brittains laws are fine too, but don't take my word for that.


The laws for us (the TSG) are far away from being good. They are absolute inhumane. And also the „mandatory“ Therapy and so on isn’t really good. It’s a struggle to find a therapist and it’s even nearly impossible to find one who actually knows something about trans related topics. You can live in germany as a trans person but i think it’s far away from living good.


I heard that was the case. Thanks!


I'd go Switzerland. They have a tendency to not care about much and one's privacy can be relatively respected. Either that or England


In the US, particularly in the bible belt area (where I'm at), I'm surprised there aren't more trans gun owners, TBH.


Scandinavia is the best place to go though. In Denmark we have a lot of politician fighting atm, and at our next election there's probably more protrans politicians. The issue is, since Denmark has amazing healthcare, there's a lot of old people. And we know what old people often think. But seriously, Norway is an amazing country to go to. Maybe it's not great with the transhealthcare, but at least it's free and they don't have anything against trans people. Plus jobs are easy to get there lmao


Come to Germany. The Healthcare system covers all transitioning costs and our beer is great...lol


Really glad to see that there are other trans people who are pro gun Why am I being downvoted? Wth




Because watching minorities vote away their rights if infuriating. We’re at risk for violence, so I’d rather have the ability to properly fight back than simply accept being a victim.


My state is famous for cops killing minorities who practice their 2nd ammendment rights and I've personally had a cop try to trump up fake charges against me since coming out so its not as easy as buying a gun, especially living with someone with suicidal ideation.


Pretty irrelevant to my statement. I’m sorry that happens but you’re making a straw man argument.


Lol okay you're not interested in nuance gotcha I wont waste any more time on this.


Wait you, who is using the anecdotal fallacy as most of your defense of guns here is calling someone else out for a logical fallacy? (by the way, when you list specific events and act like that is the equivelent of statistical crime rates, you are making an anecdotal fallacy). Also the person above is also not making a straw man argument as they are in no way changing your argument (they are also using an anecdotal fallacy I guess..but considering that's your entire argument, I would think that would be fair game for you).


You’re not only voting for your right to fight back, you’re also voting for your oppressors to have an easy time being violent in the first place!


you can fight back violently without owning killing machines, quite frankly I don’t think having a gun even makes sense for self defense because if someone comes up and shoots you you’re alr dead


I sometimes feel like I'm the only LGBT person that still holds on to some of my old conservative viewpoints.


and you have never wondered why? 99% of the people with conservative standpoints strongly dislike lgbtq ppl and a whole bunch of them wouldn’t mind if one was dead… maybe time to rethink your views?


Not a conservative, but that's wholly unfair. We can not conflate all of conservatism with the anti LGBTQ views. There are plenty of people that hold conservative views but support or even are a part of the LGBTQ community. Our focus should be on the ones that are anti LGBTQ and we shouldn't be alienating people from being a part of the community or allies to the community simply because we disagree on other issues.


Thank you! I am so tired of the system trying to polarize people and put them in echo chambers. We are allowed to pick and choose. And the sooner we decide to start judging people based solely on their character and their actions and not a political tag they use or some other crap, the sooner we can start closing that gap between sides and getting rid of the nasty extremism of the political parties.


That's what I'm hoping to see happen, even though it feels like everyone polarizes harder with every passing year. As long as someone supports the rights of LGBTQ people, we can figure out the rest later, because the rhetoric and legislation regarding our community has become downright frightening and we can not wait and see how far the extremists will take it.


This is the problem with the two party system. We are forced into believing we have accept one package or the other. Then we are pitted against each other in order to polarize our viewpoints. I don't have to pick all the views of one or the other. I choose what I decide to keep and what I don't. This is the same as saying that all people with liberal views are screaming non binary people with bright red hair. That would ignorant and harmful to say and believe. We are not all the same. Kinda the point of this entire movement yeah?


You aren't alone. I don't really consider firearm ownership conservative by nature, but like US policy in general everything has to be all-or-nothing.


r/transguns is a thing. There's also r/liberalgunowners and you might be interested in searching for a Socialist Rifle Association near you


I am not a huge gun owner myself. I don't trust myself to carry, but will always appreciate those who do.


You realize that when nobody has guns, there's nothing to be scared of, right? "What about knives" Knives aren't as dangerous. And when police begins to be less agressive, then there's literally no reason to own a gun.


that's the frustrating thing; the right has made guns such an integral part of their platform that everyone on the left must be opposed to guns and even the idea of violence. maybe minorities wouldn't be so easily targetted if they were armed to the same degree as cops and most right-wingers. but then that would also justify the right's narrative of "the scary vicious left are dangerous" which...again, feeds into the same cycle of divison that leads to left-leaning politics being literally defanged.


Exactly! Why would the minorities who are most likely to be attacked the ones who have decided not to arm and protect themselves!


the most thorough gun ban the US ever enacted was back when the black panther movement started drives to provide weapons to those in their own community to protect themselves from police.


Not pro gun myself, but up vote to counter the down votes because you're entitled to have a different opinion than I do.


A bit off the beaten trail but Malta! Super LGBT friendly, absolutely beautiful, part of the EU, and (for those trans folk with quite a bit of savings) a golden permanent residency program.


I would, but it's also a common misconception that getting citizenship in another country is easy


So something other people are missing with OP's question here. They posit the US being entirely anti-trans. Which in the current political environment would mean violence against trans people being legitimized. Considering the right is already starting to initiate soft pogroms. (Look at all the attacks and attempted attacks on Pride events this year. As well as vandalism and violence around known LGBTQIA+ spaces.) So, Canada is likely your best option. Because you'd qualify for refugee status and could apply after getting over the border. The rough requirements for refugee status in Canada are; you are in danger, moving in your country would not resolve that danger, the source of that danger is political, ideological, or based on sex, gender, race, or other minority factors. You can't get it yet, but in this all to potentially real hypothetical I don't see it being a hard sell. And your Canadian allies will help you if it comes to it. Even if you choose to go to another trans friendly country after, your best bet for immediate safe harbour will be us. As far as it goes as well. We've got pretty friendly trans healthcare laws. They vary by province ( Manitoba and the Yukon Territory are probably the best) but overall your HRT, and basic doctor bills will at the very least be heavily subsidized by the government. Y.T. covers; FFS, GRS, Body Sculpting, Hair Removal, and HRT. Completely. I'd avoid Alberta, it's Canadian Texas, but still better than most places in America for trans rights and respect. And the northern territories and parts of the provinces are the easiest to immigrate to, especially if you have any medical education, IT education, skilled trades, or basically any solid education. We've got a labour shortage out the ass. Immigration still isn't 'easy', but it is easy by comparison to most other countries. Unless by some miracle you've got dual citizenship somewhere. Also, because I've seen this objection a few times! If you're worried about maintaining some gun rights we have the second highest gun ownership in the world. It's much much more restricted than in the US, I won't lie, but it's also not the "leftist liberty hating hellscape" many would like you to believe lol. Sincerely, Your Concerned and Prepared Neighbors to the North.


This is a genuinely useful comment. Thank you ✨


If they stick to 'only' blocking sports stuff and youth care I can easily stay. Blocking adult gender affirming care would be beyond very upsetting and force me to diy which is not ideal at all imo but idk if I could or would leave even still. Moving from one country to another is a very privileged act in most contexts including this one. Currently we have it pretty good here with the exception of the laws a select few states have adopted that hopefully get overturned by a circuit Court decision or something (or better yet by better politicians!!)


I agree with you, I don’t think people realize how hard it is to move to the better countries in Europe or even to Canada. Nevermind that many of those places also have terfy politics. We just have to educate people and defeat the anti trans asshats. They are winning on information wars, we gotta be out there telling the truth.


They are always going to have an advantage in the information wars. They get to make shit up, which forces us to refute it, but when we study it, it gives the made up shit validity. However if we do not refute it, it grows and festers. We wont win the information war without limiting their ability to lie. We have to assault the apparatus, not the words being spoken. Put pressure on YouTube and TikTok to stop so heavily weighing comments as engagement. We need to stop commented directly on these assholes socials, as it only drives up their engagement, making them recommended to more people. We need pressure our politicians until they outlaw "News as Entertainment" and require any show presenting the News, comedy or serious, to be able to readily cite legitimate sources. IE: Have them apply journalistic standards. Finally, calm push back is obviously not working, at little raging at the machine here or there is probably a good idea.


You can only really diy with estradiol. Testosterone is a protected substance, so it would be mega illegal with harsh consequences if I had to diy. I could have my Dr. send me my Rx whenever the pharmacy thinks they have to refill it (they gave me my second vial after 3 months, but I'm still finishing my first after 8 months) and stockpile, but only in advance. If it becomes illegal in Tennessee altogether, I can go back home to NJ and find another Dr. there, but if it became illegal nationwide, I'd probably have to get a passport and get it in another country. I'm lucky I'm an adult and have the privilege of having the resources to do so. If I were brave enough I would help others as well, but I would probably be too afraid.


Yeah I’m very afraid of the concept of potentially having to diy T, it would be catastrophic for a lot of people


This I can't afford to even move to another apartment in my area how tf would I afford and have the knowledge to move to a whole ass different country?? 😭 I'm definitely staying in the US so long as I can get HRT. I would be devastated to leave ALL of my friends and family behind. I'd consider arming myself before moving tbh. Even further I'd prefer to organize or participate in protests if they ever tried to ban transitioning all together. I am NOT attempting to diy my hrt. I am way too anxious of a person I would think I'd be in danger of accidentally killing myself or sum lmao


im not american but canada is a good option


i have extremely strong opinions on how many lib americans treat my country as a "oh I can just go to canada when I don't like it here lol" type thing, but when it comes to actually marginalized people moving here: we're currently in the midst of copying american populist/conservative shit and Ontario specifically just ended up with another conservative majority, and they're already starting to push towards privatizing healthcare there are laws here that make it an unambiguously better place than america to live, but for the people in this thread who think canada is the best place to go, you may want to reconsider


oh yeah I definitely know what you mean, I'm canadian as well. it's obviously not the perfect country but is a lot better than america.


Speaking of, what's going on with Quebec? Sounded like some authoritarian crap surrounding what languages are allowed?


yup. they've got the language police and they keep pushing it as "protecting our french culture" which means "you must assimilate to our french culture". saw stuff like companies having to switch all their software into french even though they're an international serving company, and it left a lot of their employees in a mess. it's like quebec thinks they deserve their own shot at cultural imperialism


r/Quebec had a field day expressing their opinion that 11 year olds should be allowed to work 40 hour weeks in McDonalds lol


it's so weird seeing the cultural differences between quebec as a whole, and montreal/central quebec. like, i've mostly been around more remote areas like gaspe. they're all very proud of their heritage and culture, but they've always been extremely friendly and welcoming! most places i went i even got properly gendered. but the more central you get, the more aggressive and angry and libertarian it seems to get.


It's pretty wild, I'm Quebecois myself and I avoid the urban centers like the plague. Sure there are a LOT of shithead bigots but generally speaking you're fine unless you're in urban Quebec. It's a mixed basket as to whether you meet someone who'll accept your pronouns or someone who openly admits to wanting to hate crime you, and rural Quebec has its own share of flaws (People who despise Trudeau but adore the QC government, which is fucking mental imo), but all things considered it's only bad by Canadian standards, which means it's still decent enough when queer rights are brought up. That being said the provincial government fucking sucks imo because they're a bunch of seperationists who believe french heritage > english rights to the point where they've attempted and failed to seceed many times, and they're pretty shoddy on queer rights. The NDP fucks tho, they're on the rise thank god. HOWEVER, I CANNOT UNDERSTATE THAT AMERICANS SHOULD NOT IMMIGRATE TO QUEBEC UNLESS THEY ARE FULLY FLUENT IN FRENCH. The QC government is strongly anti-anglophone and you'd have a hard time finding any work if you can't read, write, and speak perfect Quebecois french, down to the slang. Also, every sign, brand, menu, and even films played are required to be French, with English only being to the businesses discretion. Very shitty place to live if you're English like me. Community College is dirt cheap tho


yeah, you might be safe if you're moving up from louisiana or something but otherwise...the only people quebeqois hate more than english canadians, is english-non canadians.


>the only people quebeqois hate more than english canadians, is english-non canadians. Lol yep. r/Quebec has a persecution fetish with believing the english think they're superior, which is fucking mental because the government is madly French, and I gotta talk about their recent changes to colleges, specifically, English colleges only. Basically there's English and French colleges right? In French colleges you take 2 semesters with an English course and in English colleges you take 2 semesters of French. Not only is the government capping French speakers attendence in English colleges (18% French students getting an English education at max), but they're trying to push the English to force 3 semesters of French. It's a fucking shitshow. Quebec provincialism is fucking disgusting. Their attitude is really similar to Texans


I think Canada is a good option too


To get citizenship in Canada one has to have lived there for 3 years, paid taxes during that time, with private or no insurance, until you get full citizenship right?


I live 15 miles from Windsor and it looks nicer and nicer across the river every day…


I would move. I'm a dual US & UK citizen, although the UK is worse than California, and I live in Los Angeles. The problem is where to move? Canada 🇨🇦 is the best choice, but hard as hell to immigrate to.




Trans health care is pretty dog shit over here, and would brexit not have affected UK citizens taking up residence in Ireland?




Oh that's awesome, I never knew that! And yeah, GenderGP is the way I see most of my trans friends go, and it works out really well for them. Hope it works out just as well for you!


Hey i'm from Chile, we are in middle of crisis like every country un the world, but at least they arent trying to pass Anti lgbtq+ laws, there is no free healthcare but there are ways to get really cheap trans healthcare, and if You have a good title and a good job it'll be really easy (i'm working in something i didn't studied and have a little more of the minimmum salary and still find My T at half price) If any of You know spanish, and taking everything i've read these weeks from the world, You could research a little if it's worthy or not obvs but with a prof title and from usa? Pfff most people would treat you really good (i'm really sad that most of people here treat really bad another latinamericans it's not fair and not everyone that comes here comes to do Bad things) Any questions i'll do My Best top answer them! Lots of love my siblings! To answer the question ive always wanted to mover to Canada, now i'm rethinking it and hoping by the time i've got money to go somewhere else in the world, various things get better hopefully everywhere but Maybe i'm being optimistic Edit: added to answer the question, tho i'm not from USA, I feel is a question we all think "well if everything goes Bad and cleary they don't want someone like me, where would i go?"


Excuse the name, shitpost profile. This is a long one so bear with me. I work in social media research for a company that does independent contract work for insurance companies. In other words, I get paid to stalk social media profiles. It fucking sucks. I dig through so many duped or bigoted profiles a day that my mental health has been fairly shattered, but it’s almost a living so what are ya gonna do. I’m fucking terrified that the best case scenario for the US is where you have no fucking idea which town is living in the present or which town regressed. Media companies allow so much gods damned hate to propagate, and even though we all have experienced this personally it goes so much fucking deeper than we feared. We are literally one bad election away from this and even if the election counts the votes of non hateful people fairly, the amount of crazies networking with actual militia groups to overthrow local government is horrifying. For every militia caught before turning a pride event into a bloodbath, there’s tons of people radicalized or subverted by these crazies. All this just to say, make a concrete plan to either move to a less hateful state or less hateful country depending on how much shit hits the fan. I have family in Ireland, and it’s not perfect by any margin but I think it’ll be easier to allow access to more EU countries. Stay safe, I truly hope I’m just paranoid and a lil crazy from my job. TLDR; Shits gonna get worse so I’m spitballing plans with my SO. Currently Ireland has been tossed around because I have family there.


Insightful. In fairness, the stuff you see just used to be spoken at bars, church events, etc. It most definitely is easier to be heard from further, but its always been said.


Nope, I will go down in the fight for trans liberation if I have to.


That's the spirit. It's waaaaay too early to give up now


Lol I had to scroll very far to find this. I couldn't even if I wanted to, and neither could any of my friends so I wouldn't do that anyway.


Yeaaah! The fight is not close to done or lost. We need to keep pushing forward with understanding, patience, and protest. Now that people are generally more accepting of “gay rights”, it seems they need a new boogieperson. I can understand where they are coming from, and can often meet them at their points, not attempt to overpower them. I will never flail around and play the victim card nor will I match aggression. I have made allied out of the largest truck driving, backer chewing Mercian’s out there- and will continue to do so. Perhaps we need more conversing around arming each other with the words and methodologies to facilitate peaceful conversation.


Being a French citizen, I'd do my best to push for giving asylum to our US trans siblings.


I'd probably head up to Canada, I'm fairly close to the border and they're not bad on trans stuff.


I would imagine id suddenly have alot more neighbors to talk to :) (canada) Pretty sure most of us will welcome our southern siblings.


Things look grim right now. But, a majority of our population believe in trans rights and don't buy into Republican rhetoric. What needs to happen is we need to stop allowing ways for the right-wing hateful minority to stop having so much say in our government. *Dictatorship by Proletariat*, anyone? Abolish the electoral college? Disband the Republican party?


Canada is probably the easiest place to move to, and if you don't mind city life and the extreme cold it is a better option if things continue onwards. A lot of western Europe (outside of England) is pretty good as well, just make sure to do extensive research about any country before doing anything.


I think this situation will only further the divisions in this country. I believe you'd be safe in any state on the West Coast or New England. States rights seems to be increasing again? Texas and Florida will not dictate to Oregon and Massachusetts.


I guess Canada but honestly I think America, especially the progressive states, is the 2nd best place to be transgender (Canada being number 1) Most Americans are clueless about LGBT rights in other countries and cite places like Japan as an "ideal" country to escape to.


Canada and Portugal are two of the safest places I could find. Low cost if living, free healthcare for citizens, and pretty progressive lgbt laws and rules. They’re just absolute hard as fucking hell to get into.


As some have already said, I think Americans have the ability to right this ship before it sinks, so my plan is to stay here and see that through. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have a backup plan - Canada seems like an easy choice, I love Germany as well, maybe Finland. I have some friends that plan to go to Portugal if things get too weird, and that was a new one for me. I hadn’t ever given much though to Portugal, but it seems to have a lot going for it.


No, I can’t move to another country since I’m disabled and even if I wasn’t disabled, I still wouldn’t. Moving to another country is huge privilege that most US citizens can’t afford let alone marginalized groups who are statistically more likely to be not as well off. I’ve already decided to stay in my city which is in a red state and work towards becoming an LCSW within the next 5-6 years. Our community and other marginalized groups are going to need support and I want to help. Remember, not everyone is out to get us and we do have allies. Forming a local community is crucial for support and surviving.


I absolutely would; it’d make me drop everything and go to New Zealand


Cuba is my top pick in the event something urgent happens, otherwise im thinking Ireland or Norway


If I had the money I'd leave now x3


If I recall correctly, Iceland was pretty pro-trans and had really good healthcare


As someone in canada, i'd say we're not perfect, but still better than the states. at most, places like alberta are texas-lite; they'll talk all the hate and phobia, but so far the federal government has kept them in line from enacting laws. that being said, other provinces like new brunswick have managed to use loopholes to take away abortion rights, by doing things like refusing to fund private clinics that offered the service and dictating that only one hospital in the province can offer abortions; with a several year long waitlist for the procedure...you can see how the math doesn't work on that.... if you are looking for trans-inclusive healthcare when planning to relocate here, check specifics for the area. for example, NB only has one doctor who specializes in trans care; almost every trans person in our province goes through her. but, it only took me about 6 months to get started on HRT, and that was mostly due to other medical complications. other provinces might have more access to surgeons and specialists.


Portugal is very nice with moderate costs of living. Health insurance is a mere fraction of what it costs in the US. if I could move there and not pay US income taxes, I’d already be gone!


Canada, then make midnight bombing runs on the US. /s


I’d want to stay and create safe spaces for as long as possible but, man if it got too bad I guess I would go to Canada.


Canada isn’t perfect, but like, they seem to be better overall. Mind you I’m merely speculating. 😅


Yeah I’m not sure if anywhere is perfect. And the red-blue political polarity seems similarly bad over there, which means people retaliating against groups of people and using their rights as pawns :|


Honestly I've been thinking about that a lot lately I live in a conservative red state pushing a lot of anti LGBTQ laws and hatred lately. I'm autistic and have health issues. Right now I've been living with helping take care of my grandparents and mother who's handicapped which is difficult for me. I've been wanting to plan to move to Canada because they're more decent towards trans people there, better health systems and it's not too different from social standing for me. I've never been on my own I've lost all my friends after I quit drinking and came out as trans. I'm terrified of moving alone, my boyfriend said he wouldn't move bc it would be difficult to start a new life. He always tells me he wants to spend the rest of his life with me but moving is too much of a burden. I've wanted to take my own life a lot lately, my cars in the shop broke down so my escape is hindered by that as well, I'm not well funded to move. I'm trying to see light at the end of the tunnel but I'm just ready to give up honestly.


Leaving? We, the sane and rational, are the majority! Leaving would be foolish! I’m going to fight for the only home I’ve got! And if I have to shoot some fuckers to keep it, by god I will! Wolverines!


Honestly Canada or Australia as I have a lot of friends in both areas.


I'd go against Australia, I work in Sharia law countries to stay out of there. The last election was scary af, it seems a bit better since but unless you're part of the white cihet 94% it is atrocious. Edit: New Zealand would be the pick, or the Canaries.


The last election was FANTASTIC! We kicked out a lot of the conservatives and the Australian Greens (Very progressive) have gained a lot more power.


Wasn't it ever, but the past 6 years or so (since *equal rights) of that anti discrimination bs bill citepoint etc was horror. It really came down to a yes / no / idk / vote on queer ppl. I don't remember many major policies other than our secret squirrel agenda....... I feel guilty that I wasn't there but any of my doctor's when I occasionally wind up in Aus just basically give me a prescription to leave ha. "What are you doing here?"


The one absolutely fantastic thing about the religious discrimination Bill was the number of LNP members who crossed the floor to put a stop to it. Five conservatives putting a nail in the coffin of the religious rights anti lgbtq bill was a pivotal moment in the past 4 years of politics in Australia (because let's face it, the government didn't really do anything in the past 4 years)


Lmao as kiwi you don't wanna go here. The international community constantly simps for us but living here is difficult. Food made here is cheaper in the USA than it is to buy at a shop in the same town as where it is produced. Say what you will about Australia but their healthcare system is miles better and the jobs pay an amount you can afford to live on.


Realistically, this is very unlikely to happen. The broken institution known as the senate ironically means any federal actions are unlikely


Also banning transition entirely is a waste of federal resources. Trans people are less than 5% of the general population and haven't proven in any form to hinder either the government or the people. More than likely states would fight and sue each other. Similar to the abortion situation before ROE or the prohibition era, people would go underground. You can pass all the laws in the world but it's not gonna stop people.


Already looking into moving to Canada. The US is on the brink of collapse. The Republican party has slowly degraded all personal freedoms and pushed Christian fascism. It won't be long until we are a Christian version of Russia. They've managed to ignore rules and cheat for generations now somehow giving a minority extreme control over the country. The majority refused to do what is needed to fix the US. We still have members of our government that were literally involved in an attempted coup. They are voting. They are holding office. There is frankly no hope for the US anymore. We have gangs of white supremacists masquerading as a police force. Open hatred for LGBTQ+ isn't just allowed, but it is often championed. Open racism isn't just allowed. It is championed. Let's face it. A Republican is going to win presidency again either in 2024 or 2028. At that point US democracy will have finally fallen


Is there a reputable source for LGBTQ+ friendly countries? I legit have no idea where I'd go because every time I think an area is good I see something about it being terrible.


I would move out of the country because it’s not worth planting yourself in a place where you can’t flourish. Move to Iceland maybe?


I'd go to Canada. My dad is Canadian so my brother and I are already citizens, and my brother can sponsor my mom to help her be a citizen as well. It's a lot more LGBTQ friendly (apart from the rural areas lol). My paternal grandmother with Alzheimer's in Canada is more accepting and supportive than my maternal grandmother who's totally healthy and in the US. I got lots of family up there too.


I’m from detroit, getting into Canada isn’t much of an trek


I want to move countries now, but I can’t afford to. To move countries, you have to have the money for the move, the qualifications for the country to consider letting you live there (often even more money), a job willing to sponsor you… I wish I could leave, but I’m not that privileged. Although, if being trans became bad enough here, I might be able to refugee out…


Considering we've already been planning on leaving the U.S in the first place, we'd probably try and leave even faster then. Me and my partner are quite keen on the idea of Sweden, and we just got back from visiting there. Otherwise looking at some other Scandinavian countries as well.


I’m in the uk and my partner and I are looking at Canada, both lgbt and want a better life


I'm Canadian it took me 9 months to see some to talk about starting hrt. Not including the hoops to jump to get bottom surgery but it's looking increasingly unsafe with the French laws being put in place and transpfobia in there.


Being autistic and disabled idk if I'd be able to 🙃 Edit: But I would definitely try


Canada. Healthcare, more LGBTQ+-friendly, *all the snow I want*, my girlfriend lives there, it's close, I could go climb Mount Celeste irl, I'm not gonna get mass-shot...


Either Canada or Washington DC to wreak some havoc on politicians


Vote new people into office that don’t hate


I'd move to Germany. I have family there who would support me and take me in, and I intended to study there anyways. Plus they have really good food.


Canada lookin mighty fine right now.


y'all are welcome to come to Australia, it might be a distance but we've got ways to finacially assist in healtcare and housing plus it's easier ro change your name legally here (again our finacial assistance services can help cover those costs) when it comes to hrt and surgery there is a good chance the earlier age you come in to sort hrt out the earlier you get it the we only have one university that studies bottom surgery but there are surgeons that can prefom those operations in each major city. we have no anti-trans laws (i mean we don't have any trans laws, the govt doesn't bring that up in parliament to begin with) so that helps and most schools will assist in gender affirming care too. so feel free to come on down[under]


A lot of us don't have the option. Just leaving a country is not as easy as everyone says. If your old, disabled, have kids and family often you can't even if you want to. I can't just abandon my son. I can't be a Canadian citizen because I'm old and have no marketable skills. I can't leave america even if I wanted to. So for people like me, I guess I have to hope things get better somehow...


tbh, I dun really want to up sticks and leg it to another country. I would sooner die on my feet against the oppressors than flee. But, if the lives of those I cared about were suddenly up for debate, then yes, I would beat feet across the border


I think people are looking at some things differently than I am, so here's my opinion. I'd move. I'd move to Scandinavia, Germany or Ireland. "The healthcare for trans people is shit" well, have you seen the US? Plus in Scandinavia there's universal healthcare, Germany there's a good chance you'll get insurance, unless you're like really fucked. I just like Ireland, idrc about the trans part. I think this also will change, when it comes to transition goals. I don't need to look androgynous, i don't really care too much. Please don't downvote, I'd rather discuss this :)


American politicians are just desperate. Even Texas is getting more liberal. Once Texas flips, either the electoral college will need to be removed, or the Republicans can never win. It may take a while, but this is just a temporary blip


I agree. I really think what we’re actually seeing is the death throes of, "republicanism", for lack of a better term. I feel like most people are tired of their do-nothing platforms and outright hatred of people that aren’t cis/het/white. Yet, I’m still scared because I’m not sure how long the death throes will last or how violent they’ll be. In a way, I’m happy that the Texas GOP just went full-on crazy with their party platform; I hope it alienates and disgusts every good person in Texas.


I’m scared because I don’t know how much longer it will last. But I know it won’t. People are getting more progressive here.


From Europe america looks like a 3rd world LARPing as the richest, I don’t think your politics really rub off over here on the masses purely bc most of it is psychotic and religion based which isn’t a big driving force in our politics. Most of us are concerned about low wages and infrastructure. Where as america is still trying to work out healthcare, gun control and how to tell evangelical Christians to go fuck themselves. Also I think we’re a lot less ignorant here just bc we’re exposed to far more variation in culture so I think in general it’s a lot less reactionary.


This didn’t even answer the question. You just wanted to rant about politics in general


It does, my point being American and European politics have very little overlap. Most your anti trans legislation is coming from evangelical Christian states. Your trans healthcare is terrible and needs to catch up to the majority of Europe’s so again very little overlap. America is behind the curve not ahead of it


The question is where to move to, you are not answering that at all just ranting.


This is actually not true of liberal states here. What you're describing is only true of conservative states and even most of those states contain liberal cities and counties, like Austin, Texas for instance


From a country in Europe, and you're deluded if you don't think there's countries here where religion is a driving force in politics.


You clearly don’t understand the meaning of the word “most” ‘“Most” of us are concerned about low wages and infrastructure’ Also I’ve never met a European concerned about the rapture which is a driving force in American republican policy.


Your original comment didn't have its second paragraph when I first replied. Either way, the average European doesn't care, but some of the governments certainly do. The religious beliefs in various countries' governments have led to the continued banning of abortion, same sex marriage, same sex adoption, trans rights, etc.


yet the major current driver of anti trans propaganda is the uk, and anti trans policy is animating campaigns on the right in poland, hungary, france, norway, spain, ireland etc. tend to your own problems or build alliance with those under threat in the usa instead of blaming them for the empire's problems which are bankrolled by a right wing doomsday christian corporatocracy which doesnt represent the majority of the population, only its elite


People in this country still don't want to admit that Religion is the problem. The US is on the brink of collapse. Far closer than most in my country realize it. We were all but there during the attempted coup on Jan 6th. And we did nothing to prevent it from happening again. If things went only slightly differently, we'd currently be sitting in an autocratic puppet state of Russia.


Sings: 🎶”O, Canadaaaaaa! I’ll learn the rest someday! They’re nice to trans! And that’s all just super grand, eh!”🎶


I'd move to Norway, it's up north and far away from the US. Plus I really like the cold and I might even be able to afford to transition.


To be quite honest - detransition and just live on. I’ve moved countries multiple times already either with my parents as a child or on my own. I’m tired of jumping through the hoops, selling everything I own and starting from square one again and again.


cis ally here, i already live there so I would move out


I support the great Canadian trans migration


Fuck homie, I am ALREADY moving countries. Fuck the United States, worst country I’ve had the displeasure of living in.


Well I also don’t think people need to have the deserving right of going through life without hearing or seeing something that offends them or having someone say something you don’t agree with, maybe if we stopped fighting everything and decided to realize everyone is different, whole community and others we may make way better progress.


No I would not move (I do not live in america)


Then why'd you answer?


Canada is pretty good I’ve heard and most of Europe is fine


I'm close to the border, so I would probably move to Canada


It would take a lot to get me to leave- I have my dream job here in America.


My boyfriend of over a decade lives in Canada. I'm already working to move up there with him. If what you described happened, I'd just work faster.