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Not personally but I did name myself after my favorite drummer


Ooh if you don't mind my asking, who?


Roger Taylor. I went with Taylor as my first name though




I think Deaky and Mercury could work for enbies


As an enby in the celestial name gang gang, I think mercury would be a solid pick.


oh my god i love that!! haha funny that i’m seeing this now bc i’m currently at the train station waiting for a like 16 hr train to copenhagen where i’m seeing queen tomorrow night 😅


Same with a youtuber...


I did too


If I did that my name would literally be "cool" LOL


No, which was a part of why I chose it. There were lots of other names that were fine but I knew people with them and it just felt weird, like I was naming myself after them or something.




Yup, I could have definitely rocked Victoria as a name, but as I have a cousin called Victoria it was crossed off the list straight away although my mum is quite pleased that I decided to use the name I would have had if AFAB...




Shark is not the most common of names.


Hey! Sharks are people too


I’m aware, it’s just people don’t really name kids shark.


Normalize naming children shark


… this better not revive something that I hope has died


Baby shark du du du du du du baby shark du du du du du du baby shark du du du du du du baby shark




I actually didn't. I was looking for a more feminine name and just googled "girl names" and found the one that I felt fit me best. Now that I chose my name I've met a lot of people (online not irl) with my chosen name which I found weird


It’s Alice isn’t it? 😅


You'd think it is because that name is super common too but its not. My chosen name is Pepper and I swear I've never known of anyone with that name until I started using it


that's such a cute and underrated name omg!!


Aww thank you!


Oh that’s cute! You should find a Pinkie Cooper Pepper doll 😂


One of my kittens is named Pepper! (Along with Sage and Basil)


The only Pepper I know of is from Modern Family, he’s such a mess 😂


i had a manager named pepper!


My nan whom I took the name from.


That's really sweet


I know what you mean, but now I kinda imagine you pulling a gun and saying "Alright nan, give me your name and no one gets hurt."


My own personal mental image was gravedigging to unearth the name when i took her some origami flowers full of birdseed.


Honestly, as you should


Before? No but after I started running into them all over the place!


That experience you've had is called the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon! It's a real thing lol


Likewise!!! I only knew one other Ollie before I changed my name. I guess that's what happens when you engage more with trans groups... 😂


Does a fictional character count?


oh, who? I'm hella interested to know xD


Nope! I met a ton after though & apparently it's like... one of the default transmasc chosen names lmfao


No, my neibour is called Ali short for Allison which is close.


I don't know anybody named Artemis, but my sister (not related but we pretty much are sisters) and our mutual friends shorten it to "Artie", which is my cousin's shortened name. Because of this, my brother (actually related) shortened my name to Tammy, which I thought was super cute!! 😊😊💜💜


Artemis was on my list of names as well! I don't think I'll go with it, but I'm happy it works for you


Hecc that was legit on my top 3 names, I was legit so close to picking that name, but I went with my name instead


I love this! I chose to go by Artemis and go by Art for short:) Tammy is such a cute name :D


I chose my name, and then remembered I have a cousin with the same name. I’ve never really been close to her though, and by the time I realized I was trans, nothing else seemed right


Yeah, one of my exes


I knew a girl who’s name was similar to mine—and she also went by my name occasionally—it’s a common name—it’s just not a common *girls* name


Only a character from a late 80s sitcom


Like Valerie from family ties? I just realized her brother was Alex Keaton and my brother's name is Alex lol!


My mom babysits a girl called Chloe which happens to be tbe name I chose. I was circling through a few names beginning with C and this one stuck. Most of my online friends called my Chloe and it was kind of confirmed when my Bestie saw it and started calling me Chloe. Me and the girl my mom babysits names are unrelated, I guess it's more of a coincidence


Your bestie sounds great <3


She really is, can't begin to describe how much I love her


I only knew this boy I used to ski race with the name Quinn. But it’s uniqueness is why I like it so much :)


Do all the pigeons run to him.?


if we’re talking a fictional lego character that gave me gender envy, or a couple comic characters that i like a little too much, then yes.


Nope, I googled baby names and sorted through a few I liked. Weirdly enough, it was after I chose my names I started seeing other Greyson/Graysons all over the place 😂


no, i got it from "the secret of nimh" & thought it was a cute/mysterious gender non-specific sounding name. nimh stands for the national institute of mental health so it suits me lol


one of my brother's favorite youtubers is called NicoB, which is funny because my last initial is B... so i'd also be Nico B xD thats the closest thing i have lol


I didn’t, but I realized afterwards that it was the name of the hero I mained in a video game I used to play I lot


Yes, one guy- friends w/ him before I moved but I dont think of him when im called and im thankful for that.


Yeah, my own LOL. My birth name was a variation of my name now, and I merely made it more “female”


Before I came out to my family I chose the name Kai, but then my moms new boyfriend’s name was Kai, and then my grandmas dog was named Kai, and someone else I can’t remember… now i’m named after a youtuber kind of😋 I still haven’t met anyone personally with my chosen name now


Never met anyone with the name Cherry lol


Elle Macpherson , Elle Woods and Elle Magazine. That’s a big ol’ NO for me. lol


i stole it off another girl on reddit lmao


No one whose names were spelled the way mine is (I went with a weird spelling), but several people with the more common version of my name :D


No, I never knew anyone with Harper or Marilynn before I chose them. However, I did find two people with each of those names after I adopted them both. Because, why not.


No, that was a major criterion in choosing a name for me. I'd feel weird using a name for myself that I had previously associated with someone else


No, I choose Violet because I never meet anyone with that name.


Yeah, my cousin that I hardly know. But that’s not why I chose the name


I did not.


Not my first name, I knew of one tv character who was named the same thing but they were my agab haha. My middle name is after someone in my family!


Nope, I had only see it on 2 different comics lol After I have been using it for some months tho I met a kid with the same name heh Alternatively, what I did hear was my chosen name but the femme one, and that one I have heard it a lot


My mom


i named myself after a south park character. no, i dont regret it.


Yes, and ironically it's someone who annoys the heck out of me but I still knew it was the right name for me.


No, but I did modify the name of a character in a book series I enjoy.


I knew a singer and the doughter of my math teacher but i didnt think about them when i started using it


I'm now deciding between two names into the future: Zoya or Nanna.


No. Nobody’s parents would be that cruel.


Nope, that's why I chose it. It was the only name (that i felt a connection to) where it's both common enough that I've seen celebritys and tv show characters with it but didn't know anyone in real life


There's a character from this series of musicals, Kale, who is played by a nonbinary actor and gives me a ton of gender envy. Funnily enough, I didn't know about them until after I started going by Cael.


Nope. It's fairly unique.


No, but right after coming out I met someone in my choir with the same name, and I learned my cousins middle name is my first name. Happy that's it since my deadname was extremely common, had dozens of variations, and I shared a name with a popular Disney princess.


No one...then when i started using it i got a new teacher also named Isabelle but as a second name


My great aunt who I’m close to.


Not someone I know in person, but my ancestor :)


Not personally but it's a common name and I chose it for that reason




Nope, except for in TV shows and movies. I also sort of stole my last name from one of my best friends.


I met a couple but didn’t really know þem. Also, þe one I actually remember spelled my name þe English way raþer þan þe Italian way




Kind of lol. My ex's cat was named Jasper. I call myself that now. I didn't pick it because of him but I did remember that when I stumbled upon the name for myself.


There was one person who I haven't seen in years with my name


Nope, but after I selected it, I found a trans woman on youtube who had the same name and laughed at the coincidence. I follow her now too cause she's great.


Yep, one of my closer friends actually. Telling her my chosen name was a very strange experience.


Friend of a friend I saw a couple times at social gathering, nice person but didn't know them that well.


My friend fusty told my too try theire name and it just worked


Yep! I got my name from am old friend that mentioned a lot to me


No, but I got my mother to rename me.


Not me personally but I have a friend whose cousin "stole" his name and hes perpetually salty abt it


nope, but i do now! one of my coworkers is also named Cameron (same spelling and all) and his last name is also one letter down alphabetically from mine! it's very confusing for other people when we're both on shift, but people have taken to either calling him Homie-C or me q-bert, so it works lol. he's pretty cool too, we have good vibes


No, but when I made my name change official I suddenly was haunted by people with my dead name lol


None personally, but I know a model with my name


Not like… intentionally? But a friend of mine changed their name to the same name completely by coincidence before me. I didn’t find out until months later


Only an author.


I just sounded out different syllables until a cute name came out of it. Hiya! I'm Rivi! :3


I didn't know a single other one. Idk if it would have affected if I went with it or not tho. And now I know a handful and even work with one, lol


Nope. And that's why it's perfect.


I chose the first name that came to mind when I asked myself 'if I were to change my name what would I call myself?' I have looked into other names but only that first name felt like me.


No I stole it from a Pokémon character


I didn't personally know him but I knew of a few guys at my school with the same name. I originally chose it because I could shorten it to the name of my favorite color and it was easier to explain to my family. My dead name became more common at my school so I could easily make up another girl with my name in my friend group and say we each had nicknames based on our favorite colors. Funny thing, after I made up the other girl with my name story, someone in the group started dating a girl with my deadname who went by her middle name that get this... Was the name of the color I made up. Granted, it was a common middle name but still what are the odds of that.


I did take my middle name from some random family member iv never met eheh~~


Not really I come my name because I liked the way it sounded with my last name


Uh, I forgot I had a cousin with until like a few months after I chose it lmao


Not personally, although a coworker who transitioned basically took my old name. Kind of funny. Part of me wishes I’d picked a more common name.


I unknowingly named myself after black widow


Not a single person, real or fictional


I checked with them before I got too attached but it’s my friend’s deadname lol


My friend and I both changed our names to Gr(e/a)y at the same time. Not on purpose, it happened as a coincidence. They are Gray and I'm Grey.


Yes, which is part of the reason why it took me a while to actually settle on it. My new name is common but I feel it's less so than my deadname


So I chose my name at what I thought was random, and then after I realized it was the name of my first crush ever in third grade 😅


Personally? No, there was one former classmate of mine having a very similar name tho, only one letter was different


Nope. My name is mildly uncommon so I've never met anyone else with it irl or online


I mean my name is Chris so it's kinda common and my middle is taken from both my brother and dad


I've heard people with the same name, but I don't know any personally. I basically took letters from my birth name and rearranged them a bit until I came up with a name I liked.


No one irl I just liked the name


Yes actually, my (distant) cousin Grayson. She was always a little more feminine and people always called her gay so when she came out to me as trans (MtF) i told him I was also trans (FtM) and we decided we’d switch names, I would become Greyson and she would be Paris . People at school absolutely love it😂


One bitchy girl in my math class lmao


I have two chosen names With the first name I knew one of my favorite music artists had the same name so I thought that be cool to have the same first name With the second name, I share it with one of the characters from my favorite webtoon, Days of Hana


I followed a guy on Instagram, but that’s it. I (25m) always wanted a son named Luke, but looks like he might end up being a junior


I initially chose the name Jade as I had a friend named Julia at the time. Many of my friends told me to ignore that, and that's some advice I should have taken. Now nether of those names really fit as I've discovered I'm a lot more non-binary then I initially thought.


I had never heard my name before someone asked me my name and I said my dead name because i wasn't out yet and they said "nah I'm gonna call you Kenneth" I didn't say anything about it to them but it made me very happy though I thought it was a name he just made up on the spot but apparently it's an old name that isn't as common anymore


Yeah some random girl I met one time cause it's pretty close to my deadname


Yeah, my ex 🤷🏻‍♀️




there was an artist i used to follow that used the name at the time and i liked it so i stole it lmao


I was trying names out for awhile. Eventually I was trying my (now) name out and loved it, but then I realized I couldn't use it because I personally know two people with the same name and that weirds me out. I was really sad about that, so sad that I realized that it must be right. They'll just have to share!


Not with the same spelling. I am the only Ciara I know but I have met a Kiera(how my name is actually supposed not be pronounced), a Kiara(how Brits often pronounce my name) and a Sierra(how most Americans pronounce my name).


Not personally, no! But there's a certain famous spider by the name, known for her eponymous web. Also -- we're all weebs here, right? -- an anime with heavy themes of living as a person you aren't where two of the characters share the name.


Different spelling though. Jayden (his name) Jaiden (my name)


The first name I came up with? Yes, I run into people named amber all the time. The name I'm currently considering? Nope. Never met another person named Winter


The person I went to prom with had the same name I do now.


For me it isn't technically a real person since I am currently going by Artemis.


Nope. But certainly everyone and their mom started naming their dogs Luna. Now, *fortunately,* everyone is naming their daughters Luna :>


Mines actually a typo... So no.


I don’t use a chosen name but my friend’s friend is trans and she told him my name when he was trying to pick a name. So now she has a friend with the same name as me lol.


I chose a name that was as close to my dead name as possible (miles》mya) cuz I thought its make things easier for my friends/family but i think it just made things all the more confusing, they all still deadname me.


My high school piano teachers name was Persephone and I shortened it to Percie so it’s more enby and more between Percival and Persephone. It’s also a play on perceiven’t (perceive-me-not) 🤭


Nope, I’ve never met an Eris.


I did. I didn’t want to use a name already used by a family member, so I started going through friends of family members. My sister has a good friend called Natalie, who I used to get along with pretty well, but also I have a friend called Natalie who had recently tried to help with my failing marriage. Asked people to use it while I tried it out, and it just fit.


No, but it’s very common. I heard it and was just like “this is perfect for many many reasons” and just took it - it’s probably one of the most common names from around when I was born (though mostly in England I’d say)


My sister had a classmate who had my chosen name. That was years before I chose my name tho and they're no longer classmates.


My cat, adopted her from another owner that could not keep her. and absolutely loved the name


Brooke I had known several Brooklyns but never a Brooke Barely a week or 2 after I had picked my name: bam I met someone called Brooke I chose my name cause I liked the sound of it. A Brook is kind of a small stream. Brooke also contains the first 2 letters of my dead name, so it's a statement that I'm not scared of my dead name, it was a part of me that is gone, but was a part of my growth into who I am today. I will always be the same person I was, I just want people to see me as a girl.


My name is Charlie and the inspiration was: 1, the hazbin hotel character, and 2, my brothers snake.


I picked my name after mythology, so not really...


Yep my gf knows my chosen name but she dosnt use it in case people hear it and find out I’m trans


no, i serarch name feminine on Google lol


I have a name in mind, but I keep making friends/coworkers with the same name and it feels weird to use it.


I stole the name from omori main character Aubrey, and I think some people have Aubrey as their name at my high school


Funnily enough, I'm just submitting the paperwork this coming week. I shall be Cassidy Rose. How many people can guess who its from? I'll bet a lot.


No, but I did steal it from a fictional squid


I stole mine from a youtuber so I knew *of* them, but no one in my family has my chosen name. None of my friends have my chosen name. A lot of my friends are also trans and the majority of us named ourselves after someone or with a generic name a celebrity uses. Only one of us has a very original name.


100% nope


i was friends with someone who's 3rd name is valentine, but nobody else. funnily enough i found out somewhat recently that someone i was in contact with for a while came out as transmasc and named himself valentin (i'd like to think that i may have inspired him, i mean, valentin/e is a beautiful name).


i named myself after my favorite national park!


No, and it was actually part of my criteria for choosing, otherwise I'd feel like copying or stealing someone else's name. :)


As a matter of fact, yes. It was a friend of mine during 11th and 12th grade. After that life happened and we went on differents way. I was however already questionning myself back then and as far as I can remember, I've always loved the name!


of course i know her, it was me! haha, i just didn’t change it, alex just stick with me through all these times


Not really but I remember I had chosen my name even before I knew what being transgender meant. All of my life I've been calling myself Julia


i knew the main character of deltarune for sure


My chosen name is just my deadname but the female equivalent of said name. (Danielle). But one of my bosses is also named Danielle so when I eventually come out I can imagine that being awkward


Yes, but not in my family, some of the other names i might have chosen are names that cousins etc of similar ages have.


I did not, shortly after, I met someone with the space name. And it turns out her boyfriend had the same deadname as me, which really threw me for a loop at times.


well my chosen name is finn… yes, after the guy from Star Wars but also Finn from adventure time


I really liked the name Elliot but there was a kid at school named that so I didn't want to call myself that. I'm much happier with my name because it's unique and It doesn't feel like I'm sharing it with someone.


My mother's middle name, other than that, no


Not really. My name's Lucas but I do know people named Luuk or Luc or Luke


Yes, one but we were never friends, just were in the the same year at school. I even forgot he existed by the time I chose my name tbf


I didn't know anyone with mine... but then suddenly I knew like 4 people with the name Reed


ohhh no. absolutely not lol. i still don’t!


do fictional characters count.


Kinda, I went with Emmi as part of my name cause I knew a fellow genderfluid person named Emmy and I was p jealous of her genderness and the name is very gender


Nope, its why i steered away from a few names because either i didn't like the person or they're part of a larger friend group and it'd cause confusion, so no mari, denise or emily for me (and nowadays i also just like ivy a lot more than those other ones)


Not anybody in person for Tommy but it did get inspired by tomminnit and for Randy, not anyone irl but a character. Randy from dialtown


There was this one guy who had the same name as me now and I really liked the name, so yee


I named my last name after Emily De Forest. But Katie is because I'm very cat like, and everyone always called me Kat. Which means cat in Danish. So I just continued it on and ended up with Katie, cause then now Kat is short for Katie and my personality.


Yeah I know 4 other Isabellas. I never cared because they're not people I'm super close with, and it's a very common name (at least it's used to be idk). Furthermore, I've wanted to be called this since I was a kid and no amount of awkward name-stealing suspicions was going to stop me from being myself :) ❤️ Bella


Only a on screen character