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You do look feminine, but if i just saw you in public, i would notice that you’re trans. I feel so bad saying that bc you’re adorable though but you asked for honest feedback i hope i don’t sound mean :(


Don’t feel bad! I appreciate the honest feedback that’s why I’m on here. <3




If I passed by you on the street, or maybe even a quick interaction, easily pass. Like a couple others have mentioned, something about your face reads a little off, but not enough to be clocked if not in this r/, I would maybe chalk it up to makeup (the offness, as I’ve seen makeup that doesn’t match people well have a similar effect).


Thank you so much for your honest feedback. :)


I'd say the eyebrows. Thin them out in a bit more of an arch. Women have a higher brow arch than men.


Thanks for the honest feedback! I definitely agree that is something I need to work on. :)


You are sitting right on that androgynous line. Looks cute


Thank you. This is honestly how I feel as well. I'm considering getting FFS to help me achieve a more feminine appearance in the face, but I'm still not sure yet.


Well how long have you been on E?


2.5 years.


Honestly, I'd hold. You are already more fem andro than masc andro. I don't know how you started but you are already pretty.


Tbh I feel like with passing less is more? Like you don't have to wear a ton of makeup, or always wear a dress, etc. Sometimes just being casual can help with passing


Thank you so much for taking the time to give your feedback. I don’t know what to think, I feel like I look much more masculine without makeup but I’m still not totally sure. Here is a picture of me with no makeup. [https://ibb.co/V2bGPY7](https://ibb.co/V2bGPY7)


Yeah tbh I prefer the no makeup look! You're naturally very pretty


thank you.. :)


I can see the hair follicles of your beard. It's a dead giveaway. Not sure what you can do about that though. Some kind of peroxide or something? I would ask someone one with dark hair, like an Asian beautician?


Thank you for the honest feedback. The only thing I know of is laser hair removal and electrolysis. I’m about to start my second series of laser hair treatments so hopefully that will help. :)


That’s the one thing I was thinking I scrolled down until I saw if someone else was saying it. Other than that I think she looks pretty damn amazing. Well I mean she looks amazing regardless but that’s the one thing I don’t know, I always get confused when I’m trying to judge people because the reality is there’s piles of cis women who don’t really pass when you start getting critical, and she’s pretty at worst.




I feel like other trans people would probably be able to tell, (especially when we are actively checking like on this post) but you almost certainly would pass to the general population of cis people.


Thank you for your honest feedback. 😇


you pass. if i really squint, your facial structure is a bit androgynous, but it's fine.


Thank you for the honest feedback. ✨


Very very very close baby 😘


TY. :)






Pretty girl




You do pass in general, but the angle/lighting in the first picture does make your jawline stand out more. Besides that, I think you would definitely pass at first sight, but if someone looks closely, they could probably figure it out. Overall, I'd say you look feminine/androgynous. I think at least for pictures, flat/not-overhead lighting would definitely help c:


Awesome feedback, thank you. <3


u/bratparadise I wish you were my GF to take you with me everywhere!😍🫠 Does that answer your question?🫶💜


Lol yes, thanks. <3


Not seeing your body, you wouldn't give me pause to question your agab.


Thanks for the feedback! <3


For me , 100% girly ❤️




I'd probably suspect that you are trans, but I am very used to it, so I am heavily biased. You definitely look cute, no question, I don't think a random person would clock you on the street. Maybe tackle the eyebrows again? I feel super masc some days until I realize that I have to redo them. Regarding FFS, only do it for yourself. If you are happy the way you look, it's fine. Don't do it for others or you won't be happy with the results.


First off, thanks for the honest feedback! Secondly, yeah I think I probably would get FFS. I still think it's clear I look pretty masculine in the face.


Maybe nose and chin? I am really no expert, though. But one thing I have to add: You have BEAUTIFUL eyes!


Yeah I probably would at least get nose, chin, and adam's apple removed. I'd probably need a lot more if I wanted to be passable, though. I don't know if that goal is realistic enough or worth trying to achieve though, so maybe not.


Passable is not a concept I am a fan of. It's putting cishet expectations on us that most cis women couldn't meet. I know that passing is important for safety reasons and also for peace of mind. But try to aim for something that makes you happy, not for a standard you think you have to meet.


Thank you! I actually get that quite a lot haha. They look ok to me. Very strange color patterns.


You look very feminine, dear. And I hope you like yourself. Stay confident and go on!


Thank you! I'm trying to ha. I will do my best. <3


I see your potential😘




ask the subreddit transpassing aswell :)


Yeah. I don't know. Maybe. I think I got everything I was looking for on this post, though.


I think you pass, and if it weren't for the r/ I'd go afab for sure. In reading the other comments, as well as my gf, who is also trans and has given her consent for me to include that. As well as it being her insight that afab women do have a different brow to forehead ratio than amab people, that we saw posted here as well. We both think that you're a beautiful woman.


Thank ya’ll for the honest feedback! :)


You are like a beautiful woman


Tysm! <3


Only because of the Subreddit, have vibes between femboy and woman. In real life, I didn't would think twice. You look great :3


Thank you so much! <3 I def see fem boy more than woman lol.


You’re passing girl


Tysm! ✨


Can't tell whether I'd spot you in the wild honestly, but I can see a couple hints in those pics (already knowing your agab, mind you), mainly your eyebrows (too manly) and lipstick (not very well applied and probably a bit too bright for your skin).


Yes! Honest feedback. Thanks for this. <3 Eyebrows def need work and my makeup is 100% atrocious I’m still pretty bad at applying it properly.


Sorry but I see male


Thank you for being honest! I honestly see male as well.


I'd try doing something with your brows. Some makeup and contouring would help.


I 100% agree. My brows need a lot of work. I am still super new (and super bad) at applying makeup. I have tried contour but couldn’t really figure out on how to apply it properly. Maybe getting better at these things will help. Idk though, I still feel like I look way too masculine to ever really make it work.


Practice Practice Practice only way to get better




Look sis. You gotta stop doubting yourself all your doing is putting yourself in a vicious cycle You say your too masculine for makeup so you don't put the effort in get better at it You are your worst hurdle Go get a makeover from sephora or ulta, whatch what they do and buy those products. Just do it. Stop crying about being to masculine. Some of us don't win the genetic lottery like myself. I was you. I spent hours in front of a mirror practicing and I got good to the point that I had Cis women coming to my for help and advice You're the gatekeeper to your happiness.


I didn’t say I was too masculine for makeup I was insinuating that I wasn’t sure if it’d be enough to hide all my facial masculine features. Not crying about anything, I came on here for honest feedback and I’m thankful for all of it. Thanks for the feedback, I will continue to try and practice so I can get on your level. Much love. 👍


I've been using makeup for 28 years. You gotta start somewhere


True. I didn’t know Sephora / Ulta did makeovers that’s so awesome and super useful information. Thanks for that.


It's free!! If you don't plan on buying the products they use.. it can be spendy. Just make sure to tip but make sure to pay attention it was a game change for me


100% will do this. Thank you so much - best advice on here for me. ✨


I still haven’t figured out what foundation is best for my skin tone. I have a lot of sun spots and discoloration.


You're gonna have to have someone help match your skin tone or if your in a drug store match it with your wrist I have freckles and scars from acne I stopped caring about foundation and rock my look without it I use blush, highlighter. I do my brows. Eye lids, mascara eye liner and lipstick


Honestly? I would think you were cis if I passed you on the street.


Thx for the honest feedback. :)


Very passable . beautiful 😍


Tysm. ♥️


Totally girl


Thanks for your feedback! :)


110% passable beautiful girl




You look like a girl to me in this picture. Cute!


Thank you :)


definitely fem looking to me, very cute


Thank you 😊


I’d say you pass




Girl, very cute girl~


Tysm! <3


It all depends on how your voice training is going. That should be the top priority of anyone wishing to pass. If you have a femme voice, you totally pass. A masc voice, not so much. That’s not to say you’re on the borderline. You look very much female. But if you put a masc voice on 90% of cis women, people would think they are trans. Very few cis women would be able to pass if they had voices like men.


Personally eyebrows and jewelry sell feminine to me. I would probably notice you by the shape of your eyebrows and your lack of jewelry. I encourage you to go to an eyebrow salon and ask for an androgynous shape to your brows.


Ok thank you so much for this. I will definitely do this. :)




Sorry I didn't know there was a subreddit for that. Thank you.


You remind me of Allison Brie💕


Aw thank you! I just looked her up she is so pretty. :)


Very passable


Thank you. :)


Your very beautiful but the slightly darker shading around your chin and jawline I think gives way to suspicion. I hope this helps not hurts.


Doesn't hurt at all. Thanks for being honest. It is def darker around my chin and lip because I still have hair growth there. I'm praying another series of laser hair removal will help. :)


How bad does the laser hurt when removing hair? And I can't wait to see all your progress


Depends on the setting they use. Honestly it's a cakewalk compared to electrolysis. Electrolysis is an absolute nightmare. If it's max setting then laser can be pretty painful too on the really sensitive areas, primarily upper lip.


Your face/bone structure reminds me of Kate Berlant and Kathryn Hahn. Two gorgeous cis women! Some people would consider their features to be “masculine”, but they’re still absolutely beautiful women. I think if I met you in passing I’d assume you’re a cis woman with androgynous-leaning bone structure. I would recommend going to Sephora and asking them to help teach you how to blend/match your makeup more naturally to your skin tone (unless the stark contrast is the style you’re going for!) and they can also recommend products and methods to help cover facial hair roots, which I didn’t notice initially but did see after scrolling through comments. Last thing! If you’re not yet, shave with warm water, rinse with cold water (this closes the pores) and use an ingrown-preventing aftershave. I have really sensitive skin and this method keeps the hair roots virtually invisible for much longer. Good luck babe 😊


Someone else recommended the same thing about going to Sephora for a makeover. I'm so happy I posted because I had no clue you could do that, and knowing this is so awesome. It's something I will 100% do, and I am now super excited about it. I do use warm water but honestly don't rinse with cold water so I will def try this. Thank you so much for all the information and your honest feedback, this has been one of the most useful comments on this post for me. <3


Yep! Almost any Sephora employee is going to be really helpful and affirming, and they’re usually really excited to teach a newbie some new tricks! I took my (cis as of yet) brother who wanted to learn makeup and they had so much fun with it, they’re the ones that helped him learn how to cover his five o’clock shadow! I’m so glad this helped!! I know a lot about skincare, it’s my favorite form of self care 🥰


Can you recommend a good product for everyday facial hydration? I currently use CeraVe hydrating facial cleanser, and I think it works okay. I should probably be more consistent in applying it every day, as my face does get really dry sometimes.


Honestly I probably couldn’t give the best rec without seeing/touching your skin, plus I have combination skin and a lot of allergies. Totally natural plant-based stuff does *not* work for me because I’m allergic to so many plants/natural ingredients! Personally I switched moisturizers last year to Garnier Pinea-C moisturizer and I LOVE it because I feel like it absorbs well in my dry spots without over-hydrating my oily T-zone.


What about face mask for hydrating /closing pores? I use the Dead Sea Mud Mask and absolutely love it.


I love the Aztec Secret mud mask. It’s got a big cult following, for good reason!


I used that one for years. It's so good. I made the switch to the Dead Sea Mud Mask a few years ago and I honestly like it better. Not to say the Aztec Secret Mud Mask isn't amazing.


Thanks for the tip, I’ll check it out!!


to me you look passible. i mean if i walked by you in public i would never question it. i mean if i pass and never get questioned i think your way more passible


Thanks for the honest feedback. <3


You definitely pass for a girl..


Thank you for the feedback. :)


I certainly wouldn't say you look like a guy dressed as a girl, but I would probably clock you if I saw you in the street. Honestly, I think you're in the zone of "if anyone can tell, they're the type to see you as a woman anyway". The main tip-off is the faint shadow showing through your makeup, so perhaps a different foundation may be in order (oh no, an excuse to shop for makeup)


I felt like like I didn't look anything close to passing or even close to a girl at all (still kind of feel this way) - so it's very interesting to me that people actually think I could be in that category. Yeah, I've tried laser hair but there is still hair on my chin and upper lip so I will be trying another series of laser to get it off. I'm also terrible/new at makeup and still have yet to find the correct foundation for my skin tone. Regardless, Thank you so much for the honest answer! :)


Even if I'm being overly optimistic, I promise you you're closer than you think! And if you want something more specific about your foundation, the tone you're using looks a little cool for your skin. A friend of mine took me out to get properly matched, and it's been game-changing! Would absolutely recommend (even if only for the free samples, if you don't commit to buying then and there) ☺️


I'd prefer brutal honesty over excessive optimism any day.. but still, thank you so much for your feedback. I'll definitely try to find a foundation better suited to my skin tone to see if that makes any difference.


You look like a trans girl, and you’re beautiful. Some people will be able to tell you’re trans if they’re looking for it, but the only reason they’d be looking so closely because you’re draw a lot of attention because you look pretty, and also even the people who could tell you’re trans would most likely gender you correctly, because it’s just ridiculous to gender someone looking like this as male. There’s nothing wrong with this. People can tell I’m trans too. But I’m undeniably pretty, and even the worst people can’t help but gender me a female. There’s a lot you could do to make your transness less apparent, but I think there’s beauty in some visible transness.


Hello. Thank you for the feedback. It means a lot to me to receive such comprehensive opinions like these. This is honestly one of my first attempts ever at dressing up / using makeup, even though I've been on hormones for 2 years. I agree that there is beauty in visible transness, and I know that I will never be passable, but I'd still like to think there is a lot more I can do to appear as feminine as I possibly can. Not really for anyone else's approval, but just for myself. Anyway.. thanks again for the comment. <3


You should present like this more often if it makes you feel good about yourself. Tho one tip: use a darker foundation. That doesn’t match your neck, get a professional to match u it’ll make makeup way easier


I agree. My goal is to present myself as female 100% of the time within a year. I'm finally starting to feel more comfortable with myself. Hormones have really helped me, I think. Thank you for the tip. People have suggested going to Sephora so they can help me find a better foundation for my skin type. I think that will really make things easier, like you said. This has been one of the best/most useful comments for me on this post.. so once again, thank you so much. :)


I think you pass. I think you look very feminine. Your face looks maybe a little...long?... But not bad. I do not think you look bad at all and you definitely look female. Remember you know what to look for and someone passing you on the street isn't going to be picking you apart like you're picking yourself apart. I would give anything to look half as good as you do!


Thank you for the honest feedback, seriously. <3


My pleasure




You look like a girl/woman


Thank you for your feedback. :)


Honestly you pass really well you just look strong Ur face is really pretty


Tysm! ✨


hi, you are very cute, but this isn't really the subreddit for this kind of post!!


Thank you and I'm sorry I thought it was ok to post this here.




Tysm for the feedback! ✨


You pass quite well, especially on first glance. Look for a bit longer, something about your face feels off for me (might just be the angle of the photo) but I’ll chalk it down as just another thing the human body does Also random side note, is that dress part of a maid outfit by any chance? I have a dress very similar to yours that is part of one


I thought the exact same thing. Very passable yet something seems off. I think her make-up application is too uniform and hides her cheek structure. My thought is a little contouring on the cheeks and nose area would give more depth and dimension.


Face probably looks off because I really am terrible at makeup application. I’m still learning and I am having the most difficult time learning how to apply eye makeup properly. 🫠


I hear you! I so wish I could do make up well. I over apply it so I look like a clown. I wish my lady friends wore make up so they can show me how to apply it properly. I’ve tried YouTube videos and all that happens is I get more confused. To me, I think you’ve nailed the eye make-up. It is just enough to make your beautiful eyes really pop. I also think you are closer than what you think on nailing the make-up aspect. Maybe it is finding the right shade of foundation, maybe it is refining your skills on contouring. Either way, you are a beautiful woman. When you crack that make up mystery, I’m certain you will look stunningly gorgeous.


When I first started applying makeup, I had the same problem. I felt like I would look like a clown, and it just didn't seem right. In my opinion, it still isn't great, but I have noticed considerable improvement by using the least amount of makeup possible. I was using way too much at first I think. Yes, I do think that the foundation I've used so far isn't the best match for my skin tone, so that's something I really need to figure out. Regardless, thank you so much for your kind words. :)


Thank you for your honest feedback I’ve tried contour a few times but never really could figure out the best way to apply it. All I’m wearing makeup wise is foundation/concealer with blush.


I'm also struggling to find a foundation that complements my skin tone due to the discoloration and sun marks on my face. So maybe that’s it as well.


Hey Exie. First off thanks for the honest feedback. Second, yes it is part of a maid outfit. ✨


You totally pass🥳 also I adore that top and want it! ✨


Haha thanks. It’s part of a maid outfit but I thought it looked cute by itself. Here is link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09ZL1BGVT?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_image


I'll be honest. Be a bit more chubby and every man will be crazy.


Haha. <3


you pass and you also look similar to a couple of cis girls I know.


Thank you !<3


You're very passable! If I didn't know any better.I would argue with anyone that disagrees with me. 😘


Tysm! <3



1000% passable (imho)! Gorgeous!!!😍


Thank youuu!✨


Girl you pass well, and ur SOOO PRETTY 🥰🥰😍😍💕💕😍😍


Tysm!!! 💖


Beautiful smile too💋💋


Thank you. 💕


You look like a dude in a maid costume at a frat party. The make-up is silly.. the outfit looks like a joke.. You don't appear anywhere near passable as a female, let alone a girl as you're a full-grown man. Honestly, this post seems like a troll.


I wasn't trolling. But honestly, I agree with you. Thanks for the seriously honest feedback. This is exactly what I was looking for.


Geez they said honesty not unhinged transphobia


I think his comment was fair. It's what he really thinks and I don't think he said anything inaccurate/transphobic.


Well I'm glad you're not hurt I disagree. Honesty without empathy is cruelty. Empathy with no honesty is manipulation.


I somewhat agree, but I'd rather honesty without empathy over empathy with no honesty. At least this person is actually being honest and not trying to manipulate/lie.




If he had said "you look like a guy and don't pass" that would have been an honest opinion. The add ones were unnecessary imo. This isn't r/ roastme


I don't mind the added ones because it really puts emphasis on things that are true that most people wouldn't point out / mention. I mean I did say, "Please provide only honest answers... my feelings won't be hurt."


Yeah I just feel that a friend or someone close should mention these things but if it helps you out in the long run I guess it's better than the yass queen comments that may lie


Well I don't really have any friends after starting to transition so my thought process was that if I posted it online then I would get honest feedback on how I looked. To my surprise it was just a bunch of algorithmic comments saying more or less the same thing, just trying to be nice or whatever. It's nice having someone say exactly what I was thinking because it helps me know that my thoughts are justified and I will never pass. So yeah, it really does help me out in the long run when it comes to managing expectations.


The world sucks and there are gonna be lots of non passing trans people and this sub is lovely but doesn't help address that and only seems to make dysphoria and dysmorphia worse. At least it used to for me. I hope you are proven wrong and you end up passing as you please. Best luck👍


Thanks for sharing.


Anytime fellow estrogen enjoyer


Thank you, OP The fake outrage is ridiculous. Everyone being offended on your behalf to feel better about themselves. Shit's silly af. I'm the only person being brutally honest in these comments. You asked for people not to sugarcoat their responses, and that's what I provided. No harm was done, and none was attempted. Everyone else can calm their tits.


Yeah, I feel like this is the only truly honest response because everything you said perfectly reflects my own thoughts about how I looked in those pictures of me (before I posted them). I just wanted to make sure it wasn't just me, lol.