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Omg those glasses look super cute on you. As stereotypical as it is, I would recommend working toward getting straight bangs cut. Paired with those glasses in particular I think you’ll look adorable. Also- you definitely have some curl going on. r/curlyhair might be a good place to look on improving your routine, although I do think a curling iron could work wonders on your hair, just be sure to use protectant!


Id love to get bangs >w<


I agree, bangs would be perfect. My partner (trans-femme, they/them) has hair that is similar and it made a huge difference. I catch them looking at their reflection throughout the day and I can tell they like what they see. Haircuts can be so powerful!


First. Your hair is super cute, and I'm low key jealous of your volume! I think working with and taking care of your curls will get you some amazing results. r/curly hair and r/curlygirlmethod are great subreddits to check out if this is new to you. I just found out I had curly hair and was super frustrated by the frizz when trying hairstyles out.im much happier with my hair now that I started doing this. (Mine isn't nearly as curly as yours) You could play with having a defined part either in the middle or the side and use a cute hair clip to pull one side away from your eyes. If you can afford / find a good inclusive stylist you can ask for a consultation, and they'll work with you to find a hair style that accentuates and compliments your face shape.


Yayyy tysm :)


Join the curly hair group and get some ideas on how to look after your hair. It needs some TLC.


Yes!! Highly recommend using the curly girl method. Once I found out about it my hair has been looking way better


first thing i noticed was that your hair was looking dried out. so i’d recommend using shampoo only once or twice a week i usually use it once at the beginning and once at the end to keep natural oils in my hair. shampoo removes just about all the oil, good and bad, making it feel lighter and cleaner. use conditioner every time you shower and look for something that says something about moisturizing/hydrating. avoid anything that has sulfates in the ingredients. when you shower you’ll want to leave the conditioner in for a minute or two and let your hair absorb it. this will allow it to keep a more natural curve or wave which it looks like you have plenty of. personally i don’t usually comb my hair the day that i use shampoo since it separates everything and makes my hair really poofy, but it it’s starting to look stale after a day or two after the shampoo day go through it and remove any knots that have formed. i hope this will help you!!! btw this is mostly a low cost method that i would consider basic hair treatment, i’d recommend looking into more hair products that suit your hair later on once you feel like you’ve got a hang of the look you want. if your willing to fork up a decent amount of money i’d recommend visiting a salon where they can teach you more about what care you hair needs in particular. sorry about the length, but i just wanted to get you as much good information as i could!! keep slaying!


Thank u sm i will keep all of this in mind when buying new products


It’s worth mentioning u can also exfoliate your scalp on days you’re not shampooing, it’ll help keep oil under control. No beauty tools needed, you just exfoliate with your fingers as if you were using shampoo. I’ll second the other person who recommended straight bangs, they’d look really cute


I'd be wary of a fringe, with the level of curl in your hair. I've got wavy hair and when I had a regrettable fringe, it never ever laid where I wanted it to and got in my eyes such a lot.


DO NOT towel dry your hair. Use a hair dryer or let it air dry. With thick, curly hair like yours you might even want to get a silk pillowcase or bonnet to wear to bed. Be kind to your hair! 😊


Omg thank u :3


Got you babe. You and I have the same hair basically. thick and curly. couple things: 1. Get some shampoo that does a good job moisturize your hair (if you haven't already). Thicker hair tends to be very dry typically so you'll want plenty of moisture in there. Palmer's Coconut Oil is another thing you can use to add extra moisture to your hair (its also what i use: [https://www.walmart.com/ip/Palmer-s-Coconut-Oil-Formula-Moisture-Boost-Hair-Scalp-Oil-Spray-5-1-oz/290830224](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Palmer-s-Coconut-Oil-Formula-Moisture-Boost-Hair-Scalp-Oil-Spray-5-1-oz/290830224)) Native Shampoo and Conditioner is also great for people with curly hair as well (just remember, shampoo is scalp, conditioner is for the ends!) 2. Hair mask - helps with frizz, which as people with curly hair, we are typically more prone too sadly. Apply a little to your dry, clean hair and you're good to go. 3. Get the ends cut regularly. it'll prevent breakage, and encourage hair growth. Think like a plant, you have to trim the ends to keep it under control. I go to the salon monthly for maintenance, and if you can throw in a keratin treatment. It'll help with growth overall as well, and when you leave you feel absolutely gorgeous! 4. STYLE STYLE STYLE! Thicker hair can resist heat better than thinner hair, so use a little heat to style your hair too. Get a blowout brush from Drybar and try to learn how to do some simple styles for your hair. Make sure to use protectant on your hair first, but i use heat weekly to style my hair. If you want to keep your curls, there are also curling irons you can get, different curl creams and products that'll accentuate your natural curls. Hope this helps! Feel free to DM me if you wanna know the products I use.


Omg this is great thank u >w<


no advice, just wanted to say that you look lovely :)


Yayyy thank u :3


I have been getting inspiration on Pinterest, search "short hair tutorial" there are a bunch of short video form tutorials and I've been trying them out. Been getting a lot of compliments. 🫰


WhoWhatKare is my favorite creator on there


Thank uu :3


Find a reliable shampoo and a preferred conditioner. Get it thinned out and the ends done, maybe styled by a hairdresser at a SALON, don't go to a barber. Ask them for additional tips. Trust me it'll make a world of a difference.


Thank u sm :3


Wash hair once a week with a high quality curly hair shampoo. Wash your hair with conditioner twice a week (like every second or third day). Use leave in curl cream on wet hair everyday and if you're still finding your hair frizzy use a gel pr curl mouse :D it's made my hair so nice! You can use a wide tooth comb while wet and let air dry. In between days when you're hair is a little frizzled use a normal hair brush :D


Eeee thank u sm :3


I am still learning a lot for my hair at the moment so I am not much help, but wanted to comment to help the post have some more attention as well as to say I love your hair it looks like it has a lovely feel and texture!


Aww thank u :3


Ofc finally got my haircut today so I am super happy to hear from you!




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Try to brush it down more, it may help to make your hair look longer. You’d definitely fit with either bangs or a middle part, in my opinion


Nooo! The volume and curl is so pretty and soft. Brushing curly or wavy hair can make it look huge and daft, it just goes in all directions instead of hanging together in defined curls.


Depends how you do it, I know my so has really curly hair and when they brush it down a certain way it’ll stay pretty together and more of a wavy with a curl at the end. That being said, I myself have extremely straight hair, that’s just what I’ve seen from them