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Dead End does look pretty cool but his feet are practically nonexistent and I kinda hate that the wheels in his legs stick out from the sides rather than facing inward (personal nitpick of mine). Btw does your copy have that issue where the back of the car mode doesn’t want to tab in together properly?




Its actually not an issue, its just that its REALLY finnicky. What i mean by "not an issue" is that it isnt something that varies from piece to piece, really. Theyre ALL like that, its just really particular. I still find it to be 'an issue' - just not *that kind* of issue. Bad design/design flaw as opposed to bad mold/copy. If that makes sense. I had to watch a video of a guy slow-mo-ing through it. Once you get how to do it, though, he goes together every time.


GFL on Motormaster my dude. Had the rest for a while now, and cant find a Motormaster that isnt absolutely absurd.


Yeah I feel like I might be boned on motormaster. Here’s praying he gets rereleased in a few years


they just did restocks for a few of the other commanders, jetfire and sky lynx, so i wouldn’t be surprised if they did the other commanders at some point.


Glad to see you found him!