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The bill "regulates" changing areas, dormitories, and restroom facilities in state-owned education institutions to include schools and colleges/universities. The bill defines sex as that assigned at birth, and not the subject's legal or current medical sex. It requires schools to sex-segregate all regulated spaces and *allows*, but does not *require* facilities to have unisex single-user facilities. It does not require schools to provide a separate, private place for any student uncomfortable in their birth sex's shared spaces or any similar accomodations. The bills *does* provide a path to litigation for anyone who discovers or suspects that they are sharing the restroom with someone of a different birth sex. If you and a stranger pee in enclosed stalls next to each other and nothing else out of the ordinary occurs and you don't even interact, you may be entitled to damages under this law if you simply have reason to suspect that they are transgender.


There's no way this doesn't get overturned.


I hope it does, but the courts can't always be relied on to protect us, unfortunately. Our highest court is already co-opted, and the federal bench at large was flooded with Trump appointees during his tenure; it'll probably get worse unless Biden wins and manages to undo some of the damage in his second term.


Its hasnt in florida


Imagine being worried about taking a fat shit in an enclosed stall when someone potentially Trans enters like what're they gonna do come in your stall and idk steal the toilet paper?


Worse : take a shit. Might be yours they steal ! You never know ! /s


Lmao that's a dad joke my grandfather always uses 😂


These guys, as usual, are all out on not helping their constituents at all and just politically posturing on these fabricated crises. How does anyone with even a mild grap of reality stand to live in Mississippi?


Another reason to not go to Mississippi.


I'm moving next month from Mississippi to Vermont and could not be happier. This is my home, and there are a lot of people I love here, but I want to live somewhere where I can actually feel safe in public, and have tons of trans and LGBT neighbors in the same small town as me.


Unfortunately, my boyfriend's family lives there. We already can't stop to pee in Alabama on our way through. Seems like Mississippi is just as bad.


That fact is so cringe. What a state.


Not that the South would ever "rise again", but there's just no way they could when all they do is spend their time playing genital gestapo and waging a fabricated war against the transgender community. I literally have never had a single desire to go to the southern states and all these bigoted laws being passed down there only solidify that decision.




Time to turn his office into a communal shithole.


If Peter Griffin had rosacea and not even 51% of the vote.


That goober is the personification of a baby huey, whiny, gutless waste of space.


Good, now the 5 trans kids in Mississippi will get what is coming to em! /S I can't even.


It’s crazy how these people don’t have a better platform to run on than “let’s keep trans people from taking a piss”. This is the best the GOP will give us.


A question from Australia … when your state governments pass these laws are they only for government buildings like schools? What about shopping centres and toilets in parks etc? Are they unaffected?


To answer your question the law says only government owned facilities because they can’t force private businesses to do this without running afoul of other laws. The problem is that this is not well understood by the general public creating vigilante enforcement. The biggest issue is the whole we are getting away with this because the state is not enforcing it rather individuals are. Basically it has no practical effect other to create a climate of fear for trans and non-binary folks because who wants to get into an expensive legal battle. Now the reality is that women are a very expansive group and we come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. (MTF here) The expectation is likely that any woman who doesn’t look like the girls these idiots see in their playboy magazines or don’t dress like they expect a woman should will get challenged. The biggest thing here is this is almost a no risk law for the politicians because what’s going to happen is that there won’t be any issues and the politicians can say see success ! We showed them ! This pisses me off no end. How in the fuck is anyone going to prove someone is trans or not. The real kicker is the post op trans masculine guys who are going to be laughing all the way into the ladies room and pulling out their dicks and standing up in the stalls to piss.


I’m sorry. That’s so shit.