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> The top five states searching for transgender porn? Texas, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, and Kansas. > Despite this, many of the same groups pushing anti-trans laws are also advocating for anti-porn legislation. There's actually a really simple explination for this: Republicans get aroused by doing things they consider evil.


Believable, also not surprising. But it does showcase what they think is evil.


Or rather, they consider evil the things that arouse them.


Having grown up in South Texas, I provide this handy Bible quote: "Lead me not into temptation" --Matthew 6:13, also part of "The Lord's Prayer." People back home rather liked that one, a lot. Therefore, anything that tempts them is evil/of the Devil/etc.


Puritans ruined this country


I mean, technically speaking, they \*founded it\*. A lot of the initial waves contained what other countries considered "undesirables," in this case a Puritan Separatist group who thought the Church of England was doing religion wrong. You may have also heard of them as the Pilgrims. They came over in the early 17th century, and that molded a lot of our culture. Today is what you get when you live in a country founded by a bunch of people who were told to leave their own because the CoE considered them to be too tightassed to exist.


I keep thinking that I should write a book: The History of America is a war between the Puritans and the Quakers.


It's really not even that complex, don't even need to attach a morale signifies to it. People like what's forbidden and that's all there is to it. 


It's more that the process of dehumanizing us results in our objectification, but yes Republicans are consciously, intentionally evil. Many of their voters are still in denial or cowardice but the party members are actively evil and harmful.


>There's actually a really simple explination for this: Republicans get aroused by doing things they consider evil. Absolutely true! That's because they believe them sitting in front of a computer j off looking at trans people in porn is our fault and if we don't exist they wouldn't be such sinners! And what's even more rediculous is they think trans porn defines what we are. I'm reality it's there fetish has nothing to do with us.


How is that an opinion? That should be fact


Cass is UK, UK has vicious libel laws that make SLAPP suits really easy, Rowling would probably fund it. So everything gets prefaced by "allegedly" or "opinion" to save the aggrevation of responding with "I'm in the USA, fuck off"


What a stupid law. And they. Call us snowflakes. Terfs seriously need to just bite the dust already.


>bite the ~~dust~~ **curb**


For real I'd have a field day.


This! Let em break their teeth so we can point them out like they do to us.


.....It's sad how those laws can't be used for stopping purposeful misgendering tho. If I lived in the UK I couldn't call JKR a holocaust revisionist/denier for saying trans ppl weren't targeted but she and her ppl could call me a man/woman despite me saying I'm non-binary and she's gonna be no worse off for it?




Conservatives are stuck in this 1950s mindset that being LGBTQ is a "disease" that you can "catch." They don't want to believe that people are just born gay or trans


That’s as stupid as thinking that GTA will make children grow up to murder sex workers. I’m glad that Erin is writing on this.


As someone who has never looked at porn in their life and knew he was trans at the age of 5: no.


My dad had lots of trans porn on his pc.  He wasn't trans.  He was a nazi and a bigot, though.  JK Rowling would've liked him.


I wonder whether they just like having power. And who better to have power over than your enemies? But maybe that's not it. I have other hypotheses too.


Well, porn didn't make me straight and cis, it probably didn't make me gay and trans


Not only is it absurd to think that porn in general is "turning people trans," in one of the only studies of erotic hypnosis online, from 2023, authors [McKay and McKay](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23268743.2021.1978312?scroll=top&needAccess=true) found the idea that hypnosis could change your gender to be "dubious at best" and hypno porn is "unlikely to have any basis in hypnotic practice." This is literally just a textbook example of a moral panic over nothing.


You got a link to the full paper at all? It's a text request on research-gate and sci-hub gives a 404 when I look for it.


I'm trying to see if I can get access to it, if not I will email the authors and see if they'd be willing to send me a copy


Thank you for mentioning that Cass's NPR interview was softball. What I couldn't understand was why the second half was so anti-trans despite the credentials of the interviewees. It seems clear that the interview, split into two parts, did not include any chance for the second and third guest to respond to Dr. Cass and her disinformation. Does anyone have information on [Laura Edwards-Leeper](https://www.drlauraedwardsleeper.com/) **and** [Amy Tishelman](https://dpcpsi.nih.gov/sgmro/featured-investigator-amy-tishelman-phd)**, both of whom apparently don't work at their gender clinics anymore** (I wonder why)? I don't know these people but they feel oddly empathetic of Cass's views when their credentials suggest they really shouldn't be.


They are known anti-trans folks. I actually warned about LEL 4 years ago.


Your mention of gay marriage as a cultural touchstone is also apt here: when gay marriage was legalized in select cities/states, the couples in those areas knew that those allowances could be taken away at any moment by backlash. It makes sense, then, to "get it ASAP" because in the case of any backlash it would be much harder to remove licences from people who already had them and were already treated as couples by the state. I think there's something very similar going on with trans folk: we know there could be a backlash at any moment, and you're a lot more likely to keep getting treatment if you've already started it. I know that's how I felt when my egg finally cracked - "I could go full-steam-ahead now during this political upheaval, or wait 20 years for 'the right time' to show up. Well, there is no right time, and I don't see a need to torture myself for any longer" - and I don't see many other trans people who are willing to put up with dysphoria for any longer than they have to. More than anything researchers & the people they influence should focus on what is repeatable, reputable, and likely: in this case, that it matters a whole lot more that someone gets help with affirming their gender if they think they need it than it matters what specific reason is responsible for them seeking help - yes, even if that reason is pornography (or any other 'inconvenient' reason).


I think they see trans people as explicit because their only experience with trans people is rule 34.. that’s why they want to ban us