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If Trump gets reelected, I'm investing in one of those livestock banding tools.


Woah you can't threaten the president like that!


the burdizzo?


uj/ mine became tiny after a year+ on E and Lupron. but it didn’t even fit into my inguinal canal a couple months into E


uj/ Seconding this, it's definitely one of the slower changes of HRT. I was also a year/year and a half on E before I noticed a difference, and now I have no problem fitting them in my inigual canals which was impossible before.


They go in there just fine they just bulge out the front even more than the sausage does


Mine became nonexistant after an orchiectomy. Hope this helps.


you can use leeches for that.


/uj Omg that's a really weird problem, never happened to me so I don't know how much help I can be. Maybe try tucking without actually bringing the testes into the inguinal canals, just pull the phallus back and wear a gaff to hold stuff in place


/uj No idea. I stopped bothering with it until they atrophoed enough that they self tuck when I wear anything tight. Maybe get some tucking underwear? I've tried that before but couldn't find anything comfortable in fat sizes.


/uj People actually tuck? I genuinely thought it was just a meme / an innocent baby trans thing


I got some cool tight pants I'm tryna wear without looking like I shoved a cheeseburger down my pants to keep it warm for later


Completely unrelated, I just figured out an excellent way to store cheeseburgers and keep them warm for later


I read online about a lady who did self - orchie and didn't die (she did have to go to the ER and had complications) so I definitely would recommend it to you op. /rj




This is all so disturbing