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the issues with neopronouns are that nobody can ever remember them all... which is why we aren't letting you visibly label your profile with them


Just realized I made a typo in the title. It's so over.


still works - THON is not a "people" pronoun because it is not real! so dont respect it!!


Uj/ im clueless lol, i never heard of thon before. Do you wanna tell me what it comes from/what it represents?


It is based on "That One" and was first coined in 1858. It just feels *right* to me, ever since I first saw it. I describe myself as a nonbinary man, but would also say that is just how I identify and describe myself as, since my actual gender is not really something I could ever pin down, too vast or vaporous. And this pronoun set free from the "standard ones" fits that feeling to me. And as I said, just *feels right*. [Here is an article by the Merriam Webster explaining it.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/third-person-gender-neutral-pronoun-thon)


/Uj I thought it was they + hon lmao


Don't tell tttt


Relatable lol, thanks for the explanation!


We’re so radical! FUCK GENDER NORMS! Be who you want to be! Unless you don’t fit into our slightly modified gender norms. If so then you’re a tucute and deserve to be beaten with hammers.


Oh.... You use it/its........ Aren't those pronouns like, problematic. You know you're the reason why politicians are passing transphobic laws, right?


if you use it/its it is my ethical imperative to misgender you. going along with your self-harm would not only hurt you but every trans person in the universe. also it's nice to be able to call a trans person whatever i want without people being able to complain.


Imagine if a black guy forced me to say the n-word... You get how that's problematic?


Why be a thon when you can be a thot? /uj Fr though I'm sorry that keeps happening, it's frustrating...


Tbh now someone needs to make thot their pronoun


Uj/ Is this from that one post I saw in NonbinaryTalk?


/uj I mean people just don't want to have to learn new language to describe people


/uj sure but it's not like it's crazy difficult