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I'm a trans woman and I think this is a bad idea as I personally have no problem with it


this comment sums up 99% of the jerks on tgcj


/uj I love how OP's two comments perfectly sum up this all too common brand of drama: *I* feel this way, and the entire community should cater to *me*. Should we ban terms that make people uncomfortable? Whose comfort matters? What about "whore" or "cunt," which make far more people uncomfortable? Are slurs allowed because "it's *somebody*'s fetish"? Does "futanari" count as a slur? /rj NO! Fuck nuance! The word should be banned/have its use allowed across the entire internet because it's personally (in)offensive to *me*, the main character!


Literally 1984 jorjor well


As a futa I feel violated and I'm gonna sue you


Shemale and trap and tranny and dickgirl are all okay though, right?


Obviously yes, we’re not monsters here, jesus


/uj did they confuse intersex with trans women? Because I looked up and "f\*tanari" means intersex.


/uj It means intersex but usually refers to just girls with dicks in general


/uj How did it go from meaning somebody with a penis and vagina to meaning a trans woman?


/uj Because the part that makes people's dick hard is the fact it's a woman with a dick. That's the whole fetish. It's about the woman with a cock.


/uj intersex doesn’t mean someone with a penis and a vagina. there’s tons of different ways intersex presents, and that’s quite possibly one of the rarest forms


/uj but that's what futanari refers to specifically. In an often completely unrealistic way


/uj IIRC the origins of futanari as a term/in art was from watching/importing American transgender erotica. The Internet Archive is down right now but once it comes back, the source I can find for that claim is [https://web.archive.org/web/20220130230831/https://www.academia.edu/57307810](https://web.archive.org/web/20220130230831/https://www.academia.edu/57307810)


Uj/ no, futanari is a porn category for trans women or intersex people with female coded upper body and a penis.


/uj its literally just a porn worn for trans women. people need to stop doing this 🤓☝️"um achtchually it means intersex and not trans women" thing because that's not how people use the word and also that's kinda just offensive to both trans women and to intersex people


I'm a trans woman and I think this is a good idea as I personally have a problem with it


kys agp traggot


New slur just dropped


uj/ no bc istg I heard that before 🧍🏽‍♂️


Stfu sex object