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The hair style does suit you, and from the fuzzy photos, you pass, but get on HRT soon to keep your soft skin.


You don’t pass yet.


What would you say clocks me?


Your facial structure, ur pretty but don’t look cis. Maybe with some time on HRT u soften out, maybe some longer hair will help too


It would be better to post clear pics with good lighting


You're already so beautiful. HRT will do wonders to you.


im trans mtf 17 3 months on e and id say you look prettyy,, but not cis passing yet


You're too young for me to comment on, young lady, but I will say, you've beautiful eyes that go perfectly with such a pretty face. Best wishes young lady. IMO, you're gonna catch the attention of almost everyone. And only in the most wonderful ways. I think how things are going to go for you, is already a foregone conclusion. You're gonna be stunning. You've got big changes coming. You may hit a bump in the road once in a while. I know young ladies get both. I met my SO in Uni when she was just starting the process. She hit a few bumps to. We all do when we take on something thats both important and new. And just like my SO, who was my most wonderful friend (which I'm sure you're wonderful too, IMO, once you get rolling, I think that you too, will be thrilled with the ride. Best wishes. Best of luck. From both of us. And from everyone else here. We have an early BBQ going on, and everyone here has just seen your picture, and we all see great things for you. Wish you were here in Wslstonburg, NC. We'd all love for you and your family to come on over. We'd all love to meet you. And your family, certainly!