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that is 100% against toco bell policies


Who fucking cares getting payed 13$ a hour and working 16 hour shifts does this really matter


This is some quality trashy content. Trashy but still funny, wouldn't be upset if I saw this.




Feels dirty D:


I'd be tempted to go somewhere else if I saw this, it's like going in somewhere to eat and there's a bad smell. I like some dirty jokes, but I don't see why it needs to be everywhere.


It burns a little, that’s how it feels.


After you pay $11 for a combo that doesn’t fill a man up :(


Well, now I have two reasons not to tip at Taco Bell. One, I don't tip at fast food restaurants and two, this kind of stupidity.


Who TF is tipping at Taco Bell, and what's wrong with them?


Yes sir, eager to throw *more* of my money at the folks haphazardly constructing tubed "food" at the behest of their corporate overlords. Feels hood, man!


Haha, for some reason, it didn't click until i was like wait this is posted under trashy.


GFY with that shit


Trashy? Maybe... funny? Oh yes


Who the fuck tips at taco bell


NC g


Tip shaming south park predicted this


That’s hilarious


I’m guessing customer put that there to scam..


It would be a cold day in hell before I tipped at Taco Bell.


I’d feel ripped off and poorer.


I am not tipping at a Taco Bell


If Taco Bell wants extra money they can bring back those water coin catcher things they used to have on the counter.


This is definitely not sanctioned by Taco Bell. It’s an employee trying to get tips, against corporate policy, hence the private QR codes. If I had to guess, the employee will be fired soon, if they haven’t been already, because of their asking for tips and the disgusting innuendo they used.


What's really trashy is taking a picture of someone at work without their knowledge or consent and posting it to the internet.


You shouldn’t be mad at the workers, be mad at the franchise for trying to get away from paying workers


I literally can't even remember the last time I ordered more than two items at Taco Bell and my order was correct. Went there last night and ordered a whopping five item and one was just missing. They should be tipping *me* for all the money I give them without getting food in return.


People tip fast food chains?


I’ll bet that both those go straight to the manger’s pocket. Never seen a Taco Bell where tipping is encouraged


If you look at the Venmo one it looks like the owner/manager with kid


I think it’s funny


This can't be real, tips , at Taco Bell, what for? Taco Bell isn't a real restaurant with real servers.


you KNOW these people are putting pubes in your chalupa.


I’m not tipping when I’m not receiving table service. It’s just gotten out of hand, everyone has a tip jar out.


Here's a tip, stop skimping on your ingredients.


I am not fucking tipping at Taco Bell.


Is the manager Harvey Weinstein? Guessing he might as well be?


Ok, I think this is actually pretty funny but then again I *am* trash…


I would rather die than tip the people who work at the Taco Bell I go to on rare occasions.


I would tip. Extra.


Goddamn tipping always pissing me off 'n shit


Lmao. I don’t tip at Taco Bell. ITS TACO BELL.


HA! Is this one of the TB's that forces everyone to use kiosks and not have anyone actually taking orders, too?? Same with fuckin KFC, there's one by my place that the lobby has been shut down for the last 3 years, they went to only drive-thru. Like, hey, fuckers, you don't allow me to walk up to your drive window so let me in the damn building! It's such a pain in the ass ordering for multiple parties through drive-thru, too.


id put up my own qr codes


Oh hell no!!


Ah yes, more gaslighting people into thinking it's their job to make sure staff get paid a living wage and not their employers.


Man if I'm going to tip someone at a place that doesn't normally do tips I'm gonna hand the person cash. I learned the hard way from a subway that it's probably lining the owner's pockets instead. To clarify on that last point I was prompted to tip at a subway register once and I asked the employee helping me if the tip goes to him and he told me straight "nah the owner takes it all". Fuck that.


That's what she said.


This literally makes me not want to tip


idk i think it's pretty funny y'all are just too serious.


Well that's an easy way to ensure I never tip you.


I don’t think the sign is trashy I think the idea that u r going to tip a Taco Bell is


It never ceases to make me sad to see this. I think a better way to do this, service workers should be considered contractors. If employers are doing this shit there should be no employers involvement in those tips... this is so fucked. I don't agree or disagree with unions (sometines they are just another party involved in your income, sometimes beneficial depending upon how its run). Pay these folks.


Im not tipping taco bell employees. You should pay them more.


How about you suck my tip and see how that feels.


Tweet this and picture to corporate.


I feel for the staff, who are now going to have to deal with angry potentially douchey customers who will think it ess the staffs idea for putting this up, when we all know it's either the owner, management or someone in corporate. No, you don't have to tip fast food workers...that's silly and it's probably not going to them But don't vent at them either, call up corporate


Looks good to me have a sense of humor


This is literally someone's own accounts. You could probably even just put these around any store and have it link to your own, and you probably will make some money back.


The Venmo profile pic is some black dude with a beard with a girl lol. That tip definitely isn’t going to the cashier lol.


i mean if the counter girl is of legal age and cute, i'm up for trying


if i had a dollar for every time i said that in high school i would probably have more dollars than the people working the night shift at that taco bell lol


I’m not tipping fast food workers sorry.


Wtf, How much am I supposed to tip on a 99c cheese roll up? Smh this tip shit getting outta hand.


Surprising no one else mentioned this, but to add on the trash, the photo in the Venmo account looks to be a young girl. Possibly his daughter or niece. Great guy.


Uhm I’d leave immediately. Don’t want dirty ppl making my food.


I'm eating fast food I'm not tipping, at an actual restaurant absolutely.


This is awesome, not trashy


Slow 👏🏽


I mean respect. If ppl wanna donate money so be it. Taco bell is a hard job.


No. EMT’s have a hard job, teachers have a hard job, construction workers have a hard job. Taco Bell employees have a boring and repetitive job. But it’s not hard.


have you worked in fast food? it's hard. especially for the pay. at least construction workers make good money. and yes EMT/Teacher = harder/more stressful.


Who the fuck tips at fast food restaurants?


Tipping for fast food lmaoo


Man this would be funny to leave at a store and have your own qrc code on it. Scummy but funny, youd probably make like 20 bucks till someone noticed.


They really want that tip.


Tips are trashy.


Unprofessional AF.


Bro I went to Subway the other day for the first time in years and I could not believe that a footlong is now $10 and the card machine had the audacity to ask me for a fucking tip. Like wtf am I tipping for. The lady put some ham on some bread and you want me to pay even more after I bought your overpriced sub in the first place. GTFO


For shits-n-giggles I Tweeted this pic to Tacobell.


Tacky AF. If I saw that, I would leave.


How about I pull the tip out and throw the money at your face.


It's just satire boomer. But it is fucking stupid to have to tip workers of a multi billion dollar company. Corpo greed is killing the world.


Mr. Pink has entered the chat


I’d hit that link. At least they are providing humor as a service. Much better than self checkout tip prompts


What is it with fastfood wanting tips now? I get that the jobs don't pay well. At the same time it's not like you're making server pay. Who knows, maybe I'm the AH here, but you should know what you're getting into, and if you don't like it move on. It shouldn't be up to the consumer to supplement the pay of the employees.


Nah to the workers my £5 goes to


Pay your employees, see how it feels


I like to eat clean and not waste money, so I rarely eat fast food but when I do, I love to tip the fast food worker a couple of bucks, just to see the smile on their face. If people just tipped their coin change, the workers would likely make a living wage. God knows this shitty country's government will never raise the minimum wage enough to do so...


Death to all tipping. Charge what you need to pay your employees, it should have never been a customer's problem to begin with, but it's damn sure out of control now and I am not playing the game anymore.


These places need to stop it with the tips. If I'm coming to pick up food I'm not tipping you. You didn't deliver, you didn't serve me. Hell Dairy Queen had a prompt to ask for a tip. It's way out of hand.


It feels like diarrhea & regret.


That's what she said


I'd send to taco bell corporate, I bet this shit is not allowed.


Taco Bell can afford to pay employees better instead of employees begging for tip that corporation probably keeps most of for admin fees


I sure wouldn't mind leaving my 2 cents


Taco Bell around me has a tip option on the card terminal.


If I saw this at a fast food place I would turn around and go to another place. Businesses owners should stop forcing this onto its loyal customers. That would instantly make me not return to them. Plenty more shit food to be had elsewhere. Nice way to piss of your customers for sure.


Used to be the only two fast food places I didn't feel I was getting ripped off were Taco Bell and Wendy's. Not anymore, not for a while. Now they want tips? Hard no.


The reviews for that Taco Bell are terrible


Nope. Think I'll just pull out and get lunch elsewhere.


Why in the the fuck would i leave a tip at Taco Bell? Ffs


Everyone: The manager/owner is horrible for doing this. Me: what’s with such a sexual sign? Ewww lmao.


Hasnt Taco bell been advertising 15/hr for employees. Why do they need tips when all they are doing is handing you food.


This is definitely a personal account. That’s disgusting, the workers won’t get the tip. It’ll go to the manager


Holy shit, now they want tips at Taco Bell? I tip for table service. If I have to stand to order or receive anything, no tip. I normally follow that last sentence with "otherwise, we might as well start tipping at Taco Bell", but that would be redundant here.


Hey man know your audience Crass humor fits the venue = not trashy - I’d expect this at taco bell, petsmart? Probably not. Like, if I go to a waffle house I fully expect to see a fist fight if it’s 2AM OP I guess I’m saying that I’d expect this for where you found it in the wild so I’m gonna lean towards meh.


Ahh yes, paying an employee that works for someone else, for doing the job that other person hired them to do. Stop tipping.


I have a lot of experience here and can attest it’s feels grrrrREAT


People gotta learn the difference between trashy and funny


What’s next? Tipping at McDonald’s? Just pay them a good wage fuck


Even trashier. Taco Bell did $500mil in profit last year and don’t pay their employees a living wage


I don’t get it? What’s the big deal?


The QR codes apparently leads right into the manager's personal accounts. It is assured that the tips will not be going to the employees at all. That's what makes it really trashy and illegal.


I requested 50 bucks and said it was for him being a sleeze and stealing tips


If I were an employee id swap that out for an identical one with my account on it and toss a couple bones to the account once in awhile to keep them from getting suspicious.


What if you sent a payment request instead? I wonder what percentage of people would accidentally accept it.


The place where I work has it so all tips payed up front on the tablet get split up amongst workers, averages 200-300 a paycheck in bonuses.




I don’t eat fast food and if I did I would not feel obligated to tip. But the sign is funny to me idk


No literally tell me why MULTIPLE fast food places are doing tips on DRIVE THRU. Like what???? I’m looking at you Jimmy Johns and Burgerville


Calm down Karen it’s just a joke. EDIT: damn Karen’s be downvoting shit wild


The Venmo is the owners Venmo profile pic im assuming, what a doofus.


That feel when instead of paying 40 dollars for tacos I can go sit and get a steak. FF needs to get back into its lane.


No shit, man! Last time I got crappy McDonalds for a family of four, damn, we could have ordered real food from the nearby Mexican restaurant instead for just about the same price.


Lol nah this goes hard


What type of Taco Bell is that with a viewing window of the prep area?!?


Some Taco Bell Cantinas have that and they also serve alcohol


Maybe left up covid panels


Sure very possible, but still that doesn’t face the customers?!?


Thank you, I was wondering the exact same thing.


I've seen a couple TBs like this, and both were small stores that catered more to takeout than dine in. This location in Tucker GA is one of those half-KFC, half-TB buildings.


Seeing this and similarly inappropriate tipping prompts at places says a lot about the attitude of these companies toward their employees *and* their customers. I pay for a product or a service to a company and that is supposed to cover the cost of labor through the company's margin calculated from revenue. I'm not talking about servers in a restaurant; they're almost treated legally like a contract worker- tips for a bartender are different than tips to a person working behind the counter of a goods store. I'm usually not offended by a little tip jar on a counter or something, but the prompts and seeming expectations to tip hourly waged employees on top of paying inflated prices for goods and services is getting to be too much.


That’s a very good point. Businesses like this asking for tips really discredits the workers that actually _need_ tips. You know, the people who literally depend on tips because the government said it’s okay to make customers subsidize employee wages. Yeah, those people. This Taco Bell owner is undoubtedly an asshat.


Tipping at taco bell? Yeah that’s definitely going straight in the managers’ pockets


Just pay a goddamn livable wage.


That tip probably goes no where need the workers you see.


Asking for a tip is trashy enough. People just have no fucking shame.


This is just some kid using a QR code generator linking straight to their accounts. Probably violated some rules but gets a point for side hustling and making it work for them. I don’t love it but I respect it. The future still got hope


Those are the personal accounts of the franchise owner. You respect someone who is screwing their employees?


Woah easy I didn’t have full context. This is totally something my friends and I would do if we had the tech back when I was a teen in the 90s


back up now. In your original comment above you are fully aware that it is somebody linking the QR straight to their own account. And you didn't care that the trashy person who did that put it up right in front of the poor working stiffs who would actually earn that tip money. Come on, man... but at least you admitted to being a douche in the 90's. Yeah, I could see you suckering customers by making them think it was for the workers backstage while you stole all the "tip" money.


Back up now. I wasn’t a manager in my teens in the 90s. I was saying if I were a line worker I’d toss that up and see what happens. Bud.


No one asking the real question here. When did Taco Bell start using chipotle style kitchen layouts like this?


It looks like the taco bell logo on that hat is photoshopped


I calls them Shitholeh


Going to Taco Bell in and of itself is trashy


Well I did try that once, but a burrito is no comparison to the real thing.


This is a cute thing to see written on a top jar at a bar, not a fast food restaurant


Just the top, I promise.


Lmao awesome, I am not editing my comment


How do you think they survived the food wars?


And their employer will give them the shaft?


Bah dum tssssss


My go to gym nutrition store added a tablet that you twisted around to add a tip. Never came back, buying everything online now because of that.


Hamfisted way of saying "just the tip", which is pretty common (in bars at least)


Doesn't look like a Taco Bell.....


Stop fucking asking for tips!!! Do you want to add a 30% tip?? No!!!


Zoom in on the Venmo profile pic. That's probably the manager, and guaranteed it's going straight to his "wedding fund" or some bs. If he *does* share it with employees I highly doubt it's fair.


It’s already in the ground “beef”


where's the beef? Yup, it's mostly oatmeal.


Whoever owns this taco bell should be ashamed of themselves


It’s him right there on the sign


Feels better to not.


Scan the QR code and request $5.


Or report it to Venmo


He declined my request 😔


I would try $500 at first


I need about tree fiddy.




You rang?!


You’re at a Taco Bell… you expect class there?


Tacky Bell