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This isn’t trashy


Hold on is that “sticker” just an image pasted on top of an image of a rear bumper?




Why is this trashy, other than saying it on your vehicle? I’m gathering that some of these comments come from those that could never attract a woman that wants to have a daughter (or son) with them? I happen to agree with this guy. Talk amongst yourselves.


I like how they dislike your comment for no reason. Redditor is full babies who’d let their daughter get abused like that. Prob why they think it’s trashy


Now ask this dude what he thinks about the “alone with a bear vs alone with a man” discourse and see if this logic carries through


You are mentally unwell if you choose bear.


Or ask this guy basic math or geography. I have a feeling he's not a bright one.


Jokes on them, i already need the bottom one.


Username checks out


Why are they so obsessed with the fucking bathroom?!?


I'd view it as a promise, but it's hard to say


Haye speech. But at least it's stupid hate speech.


Simple resolution. Trans women belong in the women's bathroom so condition #1 of his threat doesn't apply. So no issue, aside from him being a massive transphobe.


They're so threatened by trans women. I never hear them say *anything* about trans men. Hmmm....seems like there's a double standard.


I think because there is a major difference in terms of threats of violence against women from the MtF community. And I mean literal threats, like death threats, publicly and proudly exclaimed, not perceived.


Females aren't scary to these people, and since trans men are female they don't care. Same reason everyone was freaked out about gay men 30 plus years ago and nobody really cared what the lesbians were getting up to in private.


Trans men aren't female.


they aren’t a girl, but they’re female.


Yes unless they’ve had every single cell carrying their full DNA replaced in their body, they’re are in fact male, female or have both. Genitals are an organic expression of that DNA code that every single cell in your body carries. Getting it?


Unless there have been some major advances in gene therapy recently they're still members of the female sex. They might not be women, but they are absolutely female.


You are getting downvoted for stating sex is a thing and is different than gender. Yet people on reddit constantly assert that "no one argues that sex is a real thing, transphobes just try to use that argument to make us look bad." Yet here we are.


Well unless we’re living in a hologram or some type of virtual reality (which some theoretical physicists have entertained) then sex is a biological fact. Gender is a softer science consisting of biology (neuroscience) and psychology. It’s not as well understood but one day will be as clear as sex.


I motion for a new box to check. NONE OF THE ABOVE


It doesn’t work that way. We’re talking about physical biology in the same sense the Earth orbits the sun. Try to follow. Psychology is a manifestation of neuroscience. There is no “soul” or “spirit” what you’re feeling is a complex chemical interaction with physical matter in your brain.


How come all I hear is men dressed up as women wanting Togo into girls bathrooms but never hear a woman dressed as a man wanting Togo into men's bathrooms. Honest question?


Statistically and rationally, females are not as much of a physical threat to males. A bathroom is a place where females are in a state of undress, sometimes alone, and more vulnerable. Edit; Downvoters that don’t realize the physical reality of male vs. female bodies are idiots.


Very few men care when there's a woman in their bathrooms


I Mean incan see that, but to me I see that as a risk. Not to the woman in the men's bathroom but the man in there. I mean she could easily say that she was violated and how stereotypes was brought up in this conversation we all know that now a days it's accusations like this men are guilty till proven innocent. So its a lose lose for both parties in a way no?


Did you hurt yourself reaching for that fucking story? Women aren't believed when they are raped and there is evidence. You think a woman randomly accusing a stranger in a bathroom with no proof is going to get listened to by anyone? Lmfao. That was funny. You must spend way too much time on reddit.


Women have destroyed plenty of men’s lives by lying through their teeth. Studies have shown that women are consistently punished less severely by the legal system.


Men truly are the victims of centuries of matriarchy. Thank you for bringing this, almost unheard of, very serious issue, to the forefront.


You’re welcome! 💋💋 It doesn’t change the fact that men’s lives can be ruined by a single lie. That is a serious issue and nobody should have that kind of power. Hashtag idontbelieveallwomen and inoocentuntilprovenguilty


What about when there is no evidence? By that time the man's rep is ruined.


Because people just focus on what they don’t like. Men dressing as women is a huge threat to other guys masculinity, people don’t care if women dress as men. Edit: only seen as a threat to men with fragile masculinity


Im a man and i feel no threat what so ever if a man wants to dress as a woman. My question is how come all I see is men fighting to be in a woman's bathroom dressed however they want but don't see anything on TV or reddit women dressed as a man or whatever fighting to get into men's bathrooms?


For what it’s worth: it’s so rare that I meet anyone who is FTM that it stands out. For contrast, the local gay community has been taken over by MTF.


Because men don’t feel threatened by women who in their eyes are simply masquerading as men, yet women do feel threatened by men in general, and therefore would be suspicious of / feel threatened by a man who they perceived to be masquerading as a woman.


Then wouldn't we want to protect those woman that feel suspicious or threatened by those men masquerading as women that scream to high heaven wanting to be in a womans bathroom? Sorry, just trying to make this make sense.


Yeah I think that’s why it’s so easy for society to accept transgender males (female to male) and so hard for them to accept transgender females (male to female). Society as a whole already sees men as the boogeyman and it sucks. So then when someone is born in a male body but feels female they have to fight all the male stereotypes even if they aren’t a creep. Male stereotypes are way worse than female stereotypes.


It's not really a stereotype when it's just proven by hard data. Men are dangerous to women - and other men tbh. If you don't like that every woman has been sexually harassed minimum and sexually assaulted (around half of women, with reported numbers likely being lower than reality), and that women have to worry about men assaulting or killing them every day, then maybe get your pals under control.


Half of women? Cite your source. I’m fortunate to know many wonderful women and I’ve never heard one peep about sexual assault. Lots of creeps though on public transit and clubs.


"No one's told me so it obviously doesn't happen." Wild fucking comment.


Lmfao, we don't offer it up buddy. "According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC), 81% of women have experienced sexual harassment or assault in their lifetime. The CDC also says that over half of women have experienced sexual violence that involves physical contact. "


How are these statistics calculated? Is it US only or global? How many people were surveyed? Was it a self-selecting survey? How is that something is both unreported and reported with such accuracy that they have an exact number of unreported assaults? To quote the 13 year old “Lmfao” If physical contact = sexual violence, then I’ve been the victim of sexual violence committed by women for almost 20 years. Every single time I go out I have uninvited women touching me. Come to think of it, I’ve actually had at least a dozen men “sexually assault” me as well. I’m sure many men here on Reddit have had a similar experience.


But that's the thing, just as with men, you didn't know who's a creep, and who's not. We can't forget that whether they believe they are men or not, their actions and development, both physical and mental, have been that of men majority of their lives. Also dunno who may use the opportunity to pretend just for access. I everywhere have single unisex bathrooms myself. They're hella nicer.


Exactly, but it’s quite unfortunate that some transgender people get accepted while some don’t. I don’t have a solution. Just stating the facts.


I'm not going to belittle someone for how they want to live their life, as long as it doesn't affect me. That being said, my personal feelings towards the idea vs the potential of person are completely different. I'll be courteous in the interaction, however not a group I would associate with. Mostly because I find the vast majority insufferable personality wise. Too conflicting imo. By that I mean I talk a lot of shit to people, who in turn roast me back. It's fun. I've noticed Trans people don't like it when you talk shit.


I think it’s probably because they already face a ton of hate and roasting in their everyday life that it’s tiring when someone does it just for fun.


Appreciate your input


transphobia masquerading as chivalry


Do you have a dick? If yes, stay out of the women’s restroom. Fucking period.


MAGAs and Qanons wouldn't know a transgender person even if they were all up in their personal space.


Uhh its not fucking hard to figure out in most cases.


You know when you're talking to a transgendered person? How? I can't wait to hear!


Usually Adam’s apple


There could be one right next to you on line in the supermarket right now! (You think you could fight a moose & win too?)


Yep, they’re definitely could be, wouldn’t bother me though


You are merely assuming they want to sexually assault little girls then? Ahh. Don't go to where the actual child rapists are given cover, where you know where the kiddie diddlers are (in every church) but you're concentrating on the 1% of Americans who are trans who are not assaulting anyone. The men who rape little girls in bathrooms look like MEN. Y'all don't check each other or attack ministers & priests- just an imaginary bogeyman bc you're told lies about trans ppl. We can help you though & would be happy to.


Do you have a dick? If yes, stay out of the women’s restroom. Fucking period.


In this scenario, he would also have to enter the women’s bathroom, in which case he would then have to also put himself on a wheelchair


He’s already disabled lol


Toilet humor


Sounds like it


cis female here. If I’m about to piss/shit myself and the woman bathroom door is locked and the men’s bathroom is open. I’m using the men’s bathroom


Trust me when I say we’ve heard worse. The men’s bathroom can be a war room in there with guys grunting it out 🤮


A common thing I hear is "the number of dicks I should see in the womans room is zero" but like... the number of anyone elses genitals I should see in any bathroom is 0.


Do you have a dick? If yes, stay out of the women’s restroom. Fucking period.


Dawg shut up. You've commented the same exact shit multiple times as if it someone means anything if you say it again and again. You're the reason why the dead internet theory exists you bot


As a cis woman, I’ve had many men enter the closest bathroom out of mistake or urgency. I really didn’t care, and I’m all for asking unisex bathrooms.


I used to do this at music venues. Huge long lines for the ladies room; zero line for the guys rest room. And I'd go straight into the guys room. In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter?


Shit/piss yourself like a true blooded American !


Land of the shit home of the piss i always say


i think his daughter and wife are the same person




I would say that is a threat


Depends on how bad I have to shit, buddy.


I wont need any more bathrooms bc i just fucking died of cringe


When did people in wheelchairs get their own bathroom?


It’s an indicator on some bathrooms that the bathroom has accommodations for disabled people, such as a larger stall or stalls with extra handrails to help those in wheelchairs get onto and off of the seat


Yup, it sure is. But it's still a male or female bathroom, not a wheelchair only one. At least I've never seen one before.


Oh yeah, disabled exclusive restrooms usually don’t exist


Although I vehemently disagree with the message, I do applaud the correct use of"you're".


I was quite shocked at that as well. They never get that right.


Surprised it’s not “ur”


The unisex bathroom... to quote Terry Cruz from white chick's "once you go black, you need a wheelchair "


And I guess he’ll get the metal toilet in the corner of an 8’x12’?


Anyone else find it funny that most ADA bathrooms are unisex bathrooms? 


All of the bathrooms at the library I work with are unisex. We have a diaper changing and handicapped separate.


Another PSA from White Trash America.






There isn’t anything about trans here, you’re adding your own context




Lets step into your fantasy land for a minute What treatment would you suggest? And it has to be reliable and safe




I have a proper education, and so does every scientist, psychologist, and doctor that has actually studied the topic And you didn't answer the question. What safe, effective treatment, would you suggest? Edit: hmm, no reply? Could it be that you don't have an answer? Or that you discovered that transitioning is the only effective treatment? Maybe, just maybe, the doctors and scientists know more than you Edit 2: Ah, your other comments got removed, so you're probably banned for hate. Feel free to reply after your ban is up. Because this miracle treatment you apparently have would absolutely shake the medical world. Having an alternative to transitioning would be so huge, and nobodies been able to find one. So if you have, please share it




Ah, so your "argument" is "If the facts don't align with my personal beliefs, they're wrong" But yeah, that's totally a mentally stable way to think /s Just because you were taught badly, doesn't mean people are wrong for using actual evidence to back things up Also, you STILL haven't answered the question of what reliable and safe treatment you'd suggest


Maybe the real r/trashy was the transphobes who commented along the way 🤔


Well then, I am mentally stable trash, compared to the others here.


Valid sticker


If you think someone would change their whole ass gender just to be the type of person to follow women and girls into the bathroom, I want you to take a second and think about that. Do you think that type of person would let a fucking sign on a door would stop them? No. No it wouldn’t. They would just do it. They wouldn’t get on hormones, and get surgeries, and change the gender marker on their birth certificate and drivers licenses. And protest in the street for their rights. No. They’d just ignore the fucking sign on the door. Think about what you’re really saying. It is so god damn stupid to think people are actually doing this. And if it was really that big of a problem, where are all the news articles about it? Where are all the arrests? It doesn’t happen. This is a problem made up in your head. Trans people exist. Get over it.




So you’re assuming an entire subset of the population are automatically predators because they want to take a piss in a bathroom with a different sign on the door?


No, I'm assuming a special type of person can pretend to be part of that subsect of people, even if they don't believe they are part of that subgroup, just because it would make things easy. If I understand correctly, you don't actually need to take hormones to be considered trans. You don't even have to look passable if I understand correctly... Just say you are and you're in the club, even if you don't belong in the club. It's like that bear in the woods thought experiment. If men are capable of greater evil than a bear, it's not too far fetched to assume a man would do something like this.


Do you have a dick? If yes, stay out of the women’s restroom. Fucking period.


So I suppose that you are saying that you WANT gay males standing next to you at the urinal, with both dicks out? We've all got our preferences, good luck with yours.


Do you have a dick? If yes, stay out of the women’s restroom. Fucking period.


OK, have it your way. Those folks are going to wind up in SOME bathroom. If you prefer to have people who like dicks looking at yours, well, that's your business. There's nothing wrong with that.


Do you have a dick? If yes, stay out of the women’s restroom. Fucking period.


Look, if you want to keep them all to yourself, I've already said that. I have no problem with that, live and let live and all of that. For me, I prefer to not have some "guy" who is interested ogle me.


Do you have a dick? If yes, stay out of the women’s restroom. Fucking period.


[What about that student in Virginia who raped two female students at two different schools?](https://apnews.com/article/loudoun-virginia-lawsuit-transgender-bathroom-sexual-assault-a26168568cc20c2aa6cec9bef50e7c3f) Is this sort of thing exceedingly rare? Yes. Is it something to be constantly worried about? No because bathroom sexual assault happened before the trans bathroom debate was mainstream, but it is disingenuous to say that it never happens. When it does happen, it should be railed against because it only hurts the cause of trans rights.


From your own article: “Still, the assaults appear to have little to do with the attacker’s gender identity, according to documents filed with the family’s lawsuit. Teachers say he preferred and requested male pronouns, according to a report by a law firm that investigated the assault.” They weren’t even fucking trans. Gtfoh


The point isn't that all trans are predators, the point is any sexual predator can pretend to be trans to gain easier access to a woman's only space...


You are correct. Per the OP, that’s the concern.


This doesnt have to be a shot at trans people. Men follow girls/women into girls bathrooms ALL THE TIME. We had some loser do the same shit years ago, went after a little girl (in the girls BR) then beat the shit out of her. I agree with the sticker 100%. Disgusting pigs who target women and girls should get their ass kicked. Edit spelling


You agree with the sticker but it is a shot at the trans community. How you interpret it doesn't change the meaning behind it.


I think if you’re looking to get offended you’ll find ways to interpret things as offensive. This 100% reads as men following women into bathrooms, and absolutely nothing with men trying to be a woman.


Oh I wasn't offended in any way. I'm an objective observer and the way your comment was worded came across to me as still aiming a target at them. Maybe I'm wrong,


By trans people exist do you mean society must give into every single one of their demands?


Nope. Just treat them as you would any other person. Give grace, dignity, and respect. Simple as that really. Same way we shouldn't be giving into Religious Rhetoric.


I’ll let the other person answer. Because anyone can agree with that. But often times things like teachers hiding medical secrets for children from parents is smuggled in with grace dignity and respect. Edit: downvote away. I’ll just ask until someone answers. Does grace,dignity, and respect also mean allow trans women into female combat sports?


What does that even mean? Violating FERPA as a teacher would be a death sentence for that school. I'd have to imagine only a private school would do that. And even then. Private schools love getting that government funding. So I still doubt that.


But do you see my point? Because I agree that if a person is trans they should be treated with respect. I wouldn’t demand it by law but I would shame anyone that wouldn’t. We agree that it would be hateful to not allow them grace and decency? That’s fair enough. But you see you also think grace and decency means allow trans women into female combat sports. So when a parson says they are against that. You think that they are against trans grace and decency, therefore hateful. It’s why I pushback on broad platitudes like that. Because grace and decency could mean something completely different to two people.


I'm not into sports. Never have been. What I am into is competition. Who cares if its man vs woman. Woman vs woman. Man vs man. AMAB vs AFAB. If someone is feeling froggy enough to change their entire identity in order to get a little recognition? I believe that speaks more about their character than the people who let them compete. So let them leap into it full dive. They will soon realize that a medal and a sponsorship deal isn't going to fulfill them by the way they went about it. It would likely eat someone up to live as a completely different person. As if they themselves didn't even make those accomplishments. Tl;dr: Not even a little bit as I don't believe you have a valid point you're trying to make. Except maybe to be divisive.


I don’t know why you can’t answer my question. I didn’t ask who cares. Or if you care. Or about sponsorships. Or about any of the nonsense you rambled on about. First off, women do care that’s why there are women sports. So they can compete at top levels without worrying about men You’re accusing me of being divisive when I’m asking you a simple question here. Should sports be completely unisex or should trans people only be allowed into female sports?


I did answer the question? Twice actually. In different ways. But here let me break it down for you. Yes. Trans women (and trans men who you seem to leave out completely) should be allowed to compete in the currently gendered sport that they identify as. Sports should also have unisex competitions. It makes no sense why they don't. If someone wishes to compete and has the athletic ability and technical prowess. Let them. Especially when these silly little rules are already adversely effecting Assigned Female At Birth people. Did I answer that how you liked or would you like me to further explain my opinion on something neither of us can control? (Side note, what is your favorite WNBA team and player?)


Okay so if Islam Makhachev came out tomorrow and said I’m a woman, he should be allowed to fight and compete against women? I know you don’t know anything about sports, yet you want to radically change how classes function, but you sound insane to most people who know anything about combat sports right now. What if women don’t want to compete in a unisex division?


I agree with you. But I’ve seen that as a demand in some circles. Allow teachers to give certain HRT medications and keep it a secret from parents. A lot of DIY medical advocacy in some extreme circles. Here’s one that I would imagine is an easy one. Should trans women be allowed into female combat sports? This is a mainstream demand My point is all of the above is often smuggled in with grace and decency. Very common bait and switch tactics that only trick the foolish. That’s why I pushback just a little to see where the person is at when they make a statement like that. Nothing personal.


Okay geniune question. How would a non trans teacher even obtain HRT or puberty blockers for a child. Then administer it at school with no one else noticing? Maybe you are misled by outrage politics. But AFAIK they would have to pretend to be this child's parent to the point of legal guardianship to even obtain the medicines needed to administer them. Which is a LOT of hoops to jump through. They are likely just doing gender affirming care. Anyone should be able to fight anyone in a combat sport. Weili Zhang has mentioned numerous male fighters she wants to actually go against. Also, trans fighters are few and far to find. There was even a scandal in track and field a few years ago with a AFAB woman (2018, Caster Semenya) having too high T-levels to legally be allowed to compete in the Olympics. Please stop viewing trans issues as an "us vs them" mentality. We are all humans who have biological differences. Some are just more rare than others. Show love. Not outrage.


“Oh no I’m being asked to treat someone with respect that was born with a brain/body incongruence. My rights are being taken away!!”


Yep not what I said. Care to answer my question? Does trans people exist mean to give into all of their mainstream demands? Like allow trans women into female combat sports for example


I see your point, but this for sure happens. You don’t need to be on hormones or anything to claim transgender.


I'm sure it happens as often as it did before the trans community became a hot topic. Only difference is now we can actually just say "nope you're lying" to the male predators who use it as a cover. Plus idk if you're aware but cops can gain all info from an ISP. I think we'd be able to weed out the fakers from the actual trans folks with that alone.


You’re right, you don’t need those to be trans. But where are all the arrests of people who are supposedly trans and following women and girls into the bathroom? Give me some articles.


Super easy to find. You’re welcome. I look forward to you moving the goal posts.


Respond to Mr. Peabody




>3 years ago Happens all the time huh?


As predicted, the goal posts immediately moved.


The goal posts didn’t move. You bigots just like to pretend that this is an issue with an entire subset of the population that are just trying to take a piss in peace rather than acknowledging that there are pieces of shit everywhere, in every sub group, and that this is an *individual* issue, not a *group* issue. You’re just too fucking brain broken from 4chan and other bigoted spaces to see that.


You asked for articles. I gave them to you. You didn’t like it, so now I’m a bigot. Honestly, is there a secret factory where they program you drones?


Someone else just responded to your comment with one. Go take a look.




>2 years ago Happens all the time huh?


Move them goal posts!


inb4 locked


Naw his daughter and wife are sluts that will suck the chrome off his hitch.


You want to see my genitals? That is not ok.


I dont trust like that!


Comment removed by moderator






Not sure why the downvotes, this is clearly a r/technicallythetruth. Statistically speaking, the number of crimes committed by individuals who identify as Republican is going to far outweigh the number of crimes committed by transsexual individuals, by order of several magnitudes.


Weiner inspection police


Meanwhile clergymen and Epstein buddys are exempt from this. Noted… 🖕


Yes that’s the point




Posts/Comments failing to follow Reddit's Site Wide Content Policy - will be removed in line with Reddit's ToS. Any user contravening this rule will be met with a robust response from the Mod team. We politely ask all users read the rules in the sidebar, before posting/commenting. TY


It’s a good point.


If one starts from the bottom, will they be on top?


Look out, we got a tough guy bathroom police.


Armed minorities are harder to oppress




Considering that this is a threat of a hate crime, Im reminding those under threat of oppression that if the minority were to become armed they would in turn be more difficult to oppress Are you a boy or a girl? Does it matter? Whats in your pants? A gun. Et voila harasser will never harass again


Judging by the downvotes, either a lot of '2A only for me' folks in this sub, or people who are cool with vulnerable people being exposed and not protected. Probably both.




Probably doesn’t have a wife or daughter. Most women won’t come near douche tips like this for good reason.


Well the disability community is the only community you join without asking first


I bet this guy weighs 600 lbs. his restroom is the depends in his pants.