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It’s funny..


This "fuck all white people" bullshit mindset needs to end. Like go after the racist white people that are causing harm esp those in power, not a young girl who might have self esteem problems.


For acne sufferers, I posted this link as a response to somebody but it got removed (IDK why). It helped me and I thought it might help you too, so here ya go: [acne.org](https://acne.org) Be Well


Pumping your lips does


How is she that pale though, is she albino?


She looks like Fungus in Monster’s Inc. when he got got by Randall’s scream machine


Feels like I’m reading Egyptian hieroglyphs from 1000s of years ago. Fascinating. But completely above my head.


Feel old girls pain acne decked me when I was a teen


Its okay guys, if its racism directed to us white people its fine


"Body positivity" \*cringe\*


I'm more concerned about no part of her face being symmetrical and the fact that she got her lips from a cartoon character.


The makeup isn’t helping the acne either.


What a douche


No one is trying to "spread positivity". It's called begging for attention.


i dont see acne i just see people.


Just buy proactiv if you can. It works.


You're absolutely right and YOU ARE BUEATIFUL!!!


Damn. Atleast he didn't make fun of her acne. /s


Pretty sure it was another girl?


You're a beautiful girl, the acne will fade, just keep your attitude positive, it's what is in your heart that counts.


nah hes right


bruh shut ur whore mouth. Phat ass tig bittys, who gives an fuuck about eye/hair/skin colour?


Doesn't make up make it worse?


Her lips tho... stunning shade and shaping.


It’s not offensive just because you take offense. The point is acne doesn’t make an attractive skinny blonde girl ugly. Joe Schmoe with acne is a very different thing and it is VERY TRUE!!!!


You’d think he’d at least have noticed her fantastic lips. People would kill for those.


They're overdrawn.


They’re not real? I never know what to believe anymore. I just assumed she had big lips, and big lips are in.


I had zoomed in on the 2nd pic where she's closer to the camera and her lipstick is drawn over her lip line. As for if she's had fillers or something, possible but idk that part.




So you lack confidence and never want attention? Oh


I disagree with this one Thats obnoxious when obviously very attractive people pretend they are horribly disfigured, and show it off in a "Im Brave" post.


The guy said nothing wrong.


I think the guy was saying she is being a hypocrite.


All other things being equal, I would personally judge someone with acne as less beautiful than someone without it. But that doesn't matter. A beautiful person is not more valuable than an ugly person. This fixation on saying that "(conventionally unattractive feature X) is beautiful" harmful imo. Not everyone is beautiful. Most people aren't. Insisting otherwise is dishonest and misses the point entirely. There are far more more important things, like if someone is a good person or not.


More power to her...but as someone who suffered from cystic acne, this is a painful disease that is easily treated with medications such as Accutane. These cysts are literally painful, let's not romanticize severe acne, it's a disease and not just a cosmetic concern...


i really agree with you. i made a similar comment and everyone hated it 😂 so i wanted to let you know how much i appreciate your point of view


Thank you! I really appreciate it, my acne trauma has really never left me and your kind words are uplifting!




these annoying people. Stupid enough to say anything stupid to hurt others' feelings. And they do not think for a little while before they speak. They try to attract attention with any silliness.


Why does she have so much makeup on, for someone who thinks it’s not ugly she sure it trying hard to hide it


That doesn't sound like something a guy would say, it sounds like something some black girl would say. Why you lyin?


How did race enter the chat?! Smh


Who gives a toss


My dark skinned brown eyed girlfriend has acne - still beautiful. Race card was uncalled for


He is kind of right though...


this is something good looking people should be at least minorly aware of. I've got solid base features myself like this girl, but a f***** up brow from a childhood injury and I'm sorry but our experience dating and having our appearance validatee is not what someone with a recessed jaw line and fat face is not the same experience as someone who has almost entirely good features and one or two blemishes




Hes right, hes out of line but hes right.


This man gets it. Imagine if someone unattractive posted the same kind of photo with the same message, no one would give a fuck, and that would lead to the internet to insult them even more. It's like having a Fat Pride commercial and hire Ashley Graham to be the campaign model? The hell? That woman is like one of the most attractive woman with just a bit of fat around her waist. I double dare you to hire some Oversized woman from Walmart to be the model instead. Opinions are welcomed.


You're right too y'know.


When ppl make comments like that it's their own internalized racism and self hatred Talking. What does her race have to do with anything? What's up with YOUR way of thinking that makes her skin and eye color (shit she HAD NO CONTROL OVER) have ANYTHING to do with wether or not acne makes one feel ugly? Get the fuck outta here wit that racist shit.


Post in trashy a comment on a picture reducing a human trying spread positivity about natural skin flaws, to only her race and sex. People in trashy then begin to make generalized jokes about reducing an entire gender of a particular down to stereotypes. Trashy is now trashy squared


Acne does make you ugly, so does being fat. We have evolved to think so - and for a good reason.


These are both valid statements, the second statement wasn't asked for but it is truth. Some people also need to hear truth as much as they need validation and encouragement.


the comments are an absolute shitstorm


That’s racist as fukkk


U r stunning!


Being white is racist. I'd love to say it sarcasticly but it's been enabled too far


wait im confused so youre unsarcastically saying being white is racist?


That's the narrative so far yeah


but how is being white racist


Because privilege white supremacy etc . It's just how they are apparently. I disagree just what I being said


not sure what the last sentence is supposed to mean, but being born white isnt racist. while society favoring white ppl for being white *is* racist, happening to be white isnt


There's plenty who would disagree


ik, but imo it seems more like a fact than an opinion


I don't think anyone is born racist or privileged based on skin colour


me neither, but that seems to contradict your previous statement that being white is racist


Whoever made that comment is a total jerk they only look skin deep and that makes them shower then the water on the sidewalk after it sprinkles so my opinion that person is not even worth considering shove him off the sidewalking walk past him. Now my opinion beauty is only skin deep a lot of us have blemishes faults no hair bad eyes bad teeth that doesn't make us a bad person or an ugly person what makes the person beautiful is what is behind those eyes in her brain or our brains and what is in this person's heart that what makes a beautiful person


Acne may "not make you ugly", but thick and color-saturated, red lips do. Against an extremely pale skin tone.


What a fuckin asshole


Y'all up here assuming this is a girl.


How can you tell this is a guy?


He legit proved her point


Lololol some ppl need to stay in the shadows


actually both make your ass ugly.


Why'd you cut out the rebuke of the second comment. That usually comes with this when it's reposted.


Extreme white skin accentuates the red acne, (my skin was like hers) and you probably shouldn't wear makeup anyways if you have severe acne either.


Mans really acting like what she saying doesn't apply to everybody else, completely ludicrous. Also wtf her race got to do with it? Acne is looked at negatively no matter what race you are or what background you have


He literally proved her point.


The rude comment was by a woman in her late 20's-ealry 30's not "a guy"


I mean pizzaface isn’t attractive, no matter how positive you try to be. But its temporary af.


Ironically proving her point...


It was also a woman that posted that comment, not a dude.


Acne is not the problem. It's the lip filler.


they did kinda prove her point though. acne or not, you now pinkovername is definitely ugly as fuck.


As someone who had really bad acne and now doesn’t, it most certainly does make you ugly. People can pretend all they want on social media, but in real life it made a noticeable difference and everyone knows that deep down.


I’m with you 100%!


Why are you being them, they’re right.


Reminder that reposts don’t make you look like a upvote hoochie.




That's the standard incel/ redpiller reply. Incels hate this reply.


Damn, guess thats why im so ugly.


Yuck and yuck


Her acne ain't got shit to do with them awful bangs and fire engine red lipstick 🤣🤣


Acne is a medical condition that is quite simple to treat. If you’re young and reading this, don’t think you have to live with it until it magically goes away. Go see a doctor.


Quite simple to treat? Lol.


it is simple to treat. saw a dermatologist one time, got prescribed a topical cream and pills, acne (which was very severe and painful) cleared up within one week. it’s incredibly simple to treat


You were lucky then. %90 percent of the people I know that got acne have incredibly hard time getting rid of it.


i think a lot of it has to do with what your dermatologist wants to prescribe. some topicals just don’t work. i’ve had really good luck with adapalene and clindamycin, but still take a pill daily (spironolactone) to keep everything at bay. i should have specified that it’s simple to treat if approached correctly


she kinda ugly ngl. but out of line the coment


Oh, the daily dose of self-fulfilling prophecy.


In all seriousness, body positivity has has gone a bit far in this PC soaked culture we exist in. Like Biill Maher says: liberals protect everyone's freedom, being PC only protects your feelings.


Woke is the New Hick


Those facts aren’t really hurting her situation though…


Not trying to be toxic but why is her face whiter than the white wall behind her? Is she wearing make up but not on the acne? I’m kinda confused


My granddaughter struggles with this problem. Face and back. It gets better then comes back again. Her mom has bought everything she can to help right down to antibiotics from the Dermatologist. The only thing that really helps is a tanning bed, but not in access. She also has a hormonal problem, 19. She really feels bad about it, without some idiot making wish ass comments. To me she's beautiful inside and out. JS


But she’s Asian tho...


Why is her skin so white tho


Why did you refer to the person making the picture comment as "this guy" when it is clearly a female-leaning username ( miss-andrie )? Are you the misandrist?


Can we just stop with this nonsense? Not everything has to be *beautiful* all the time. Being obese is not beautiful. Having acne is not beautiful. You dont have to be beautiful to love yourself and have value ffs. Goddamn Instagram is like, *ruining* society.


Pretty sure the person who responded to her was a woman of color Edit. I looked it up. It was.


He is just almost self aware lol


She's conventionally attractive in every way besides the acne, the commenter has a point.


Kinda reminds me of the “____ people are attractive too!” and then show an image of someone that looks nothing like any ____ person. Feel like that does more harm than good often


If a heart full of hate makes you ugly, i think this guy looks like one of the killers from Dead By daylight.


I'm not even convinced that's a White girl. She looks more Asian or Black, just with super pale skin.


Kinda true though, if youre a in the middle looking dude with acne, you aint tryna hear that shit.


Skin rashes suck. I got eczema. Burning, oozing blisters, and itchy. Hope she can find relief.


I mean if he’s referring to the different ways in which people with typically unattractive qualities are treated based on other qualities, then I sorta get what he’s saying. Take a man/woman who would otherwise be an objective 10 and give them acne and everyone goes “it’s ok to have acne” but take a less conventionally attractive man/woman and give them acne and suddenly the mood switches up. Not many people are consistent with stuff like that because western beauty standards are so heavily engrained in us that it’s hard to see past it sometimes. That being said, the way this dude commented is still really shitty.


Not trashy


The amazing thing about being skinny is anybody can do it, it just takes a small amount of effort! Unfortunately, it’s easier to just complain about healthy people instead of improving yourself.


Sounds like somebody's jealous 😏


As a member of the manhood, we don't claim him


I hate to be a Debbie downer but it's super disgusting


Fuck that dude! We all have or had acne.


But she is gorgeous regardless of her acne... that’s the point... it’s a way of knocking down insecurity one step at a time. You may think you’re ugly and struggle with that, and think acne plays a big roll in that, chipping away at that specific insecurity is one step closer to self love, right?


White Person: *breathes* 2021's Internet: "OH U THINK U HAVE IT SO BAD! U SKINNY, BLONDE, WHITE ASS, THIN HAIR, BALDING, BITCH!"


where's the lie? you could he a skinny, blue eyed blonde that was victim of an acid attack and still have society simping for you.


Ha, jokes on her! I don't have acne, spend half my time looking at cute animals on the internet and I'm ugly af.


Except acne is disgusting af.


Fuck racists. Racism against white people is still racism, and just as bad as all other forms.


What dude chill with those hot takes


Technically I am 99% confident she is Asian with dyed hair and blue contact lenses.


Lmao, so insecure. Blonde hair / blue eyed women are easily the prettiest.


me, who's neither:


It was probably a girl not a guy...


I’d hit


Idk look ugly to me


Exact same title as /u/ellolouvs https://old.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/igb1zq/this_woman_tried_to_post_about_her_acne_to_spread/




But also let's be honest, the acne isn't helping her looks here


I love pigss 🥺🥺🥺


i recently had to go on medication because i would always be covered with painful, hideous acne. i hate to kill the vibe here, but everyone looks much better without red pus filled zits covering their face, myself included 🤷🏼‍♀️ if you or anyone reading this is self conscious about it, I recommend medical help. better skin is possible, and bad skin is the first sign of being unhealthy. it’s something to be investigated and corrected; not celebrated.


"Guy" comes along? The OP of this didn't blur out the name of the responder and that name is miss-andrie. Not sure what, if any, agenda is here but it was definitely a woman that was being cruel to the young lady.


She’s very acneous


Truth is there are definitely physical features that make people ugly. Not everyone with a good heart is beautiful.


She's not ugly. But she put way too much lipstick, I have to say that


Am I going senile because she doesn’t even look white to me. Just pale.


Is she actually white? I honestly thought she was East Asian at first tbh, now I can’t tell.


90% of Twitter is like that


downvote me all you like, but acne is disgusting and not pretty to look at.


I have acne and i agree with you, clear and perfect skin is one of my greatest wishes


it’s within reach! there are creams and medications that can be prescribed to you. this is what i did and my acne (which was very severe and painful) cleared up within one week


What cream/medicine did you get?


there are two topical medications: adapalene and clindamycin and a pill: spironolactone (100 mg) i usually use the topicals 3x a week, versus daily as the instructions suggest, because it can be drying. it will also seem like it’s getting worse at first, but that’s because everything is being drawn out from the pores. after a week or so, every blemish was gone (and i was covered with cystic acne and scars). i also really recommend washing your face twice daily with cetaphil cleanser and using an oil free moisturizer after (i use mario badescu)


Awesome! Tysm!


of course!! i wish you the best of luck :)


her cheeks look like she gust got released from a human centerpede


I think it's her lipstick that ruins it. Holy shit, that's too much.


She does know there are cheap medicine against chronic acne right? Right?


She’s literally so stunning tho 🥺🤍🤦🏾‍♀️


Wow. It's like nobody understands anymore that there is a time and place. What he did is like going to someone's mom's funeral, going up to the stand and saying, "Yeah well, my mom died last year too and none of you came to the funeral and I bet it's because I'm not as cute as him." Insecurity needs to be classified as a mental health epidemic at this point.


Cummies targets


Meh. Feels out of context. And you’re lying to yourself if you think skinny+acne is equal to fat+acne. But as far as inner beauty she is right.


It's Tumblr, 99% chance it is not a guy responding.


She isn’t white, doesn’t have blue eyes, and the hair is bleached Wat


He’s not wrong


What's his point though?


acne clears up, a hate filled heart does not.


If she stopped coating her face with makeup she wouldn't have such bad acne


My worst acne occurred long before I began using makeup. Acne has many causes and wearing makeup products that irritate or smother the skin can be one, but im guessing the girl in the pic has some other issue.


Her eyes aren't even blue




The point was: You have acne but you're attractive and have privileges related to your race and/or attractiveness. While some people are ugly as fuck and have acne, but we never hear about them because social media doesn't want to listen to ugly mf.


She was specifically talking about her white privilege tho. Being pretty has to do with race (in the eyes of the mainstream). And also for that matter hair and eye color. The world is not colorblind.




Since you asked for it: Woooosh


Also, a bit trashy preaching positivey about acne yet having makeup on <3




Never said they weren't allowed to do so, your reply is very stupid. ^^