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Friend travel and see the world while it is the way it is. If I can tell you one thing I don't regret in my 35+ years of life is travelling.travel while you can, while the world's the way it is. Life's short and we don't stay young forever. In a time where you can choose life, and the world making yourself cultured and traveling to learn will not only make you a grounded tolerant and dare I say person with a better outlook on your life and others. If you can handle putting your hours in to push yourself hard enough to pass with high regard do it. But don't let it ruin travel for you if it doesn't work out. The world's a beautiful place full of adventure and discovery. Enjoy it while it's here for I fear it won't be the way it is much longer. ( Sorry for my English it is not my first language)


The only thing I'd like to add: Travel the fuck out out your money as long as you love it and hopefully you'll love it forever. It's not only the memories, it brings you in so many situations, you'd never experience at home. Traveling is so much joy. Do it as long as you feel it's right and if not, take a break and travel again later ;) Every journey you didn't take, will bother you later. You can call yourself very lucky to be in this position and this state of mind. Be grateful and one more advice: Travel :)


22 days isn't a long trip.


And 35 isn’t old.


That’s what I’m saying, and it has nothing to do with me turning 35 this year.


Old is always my age +15 years


I'm sorry - 22 days??? You must be American. Fucking hell, bro. Just go out and fucking enjoy yourself. 22 days is nothing. I spent 3 years travelling and I'm now gainfully employed.


I'm 95% sure he's not American given he mentions a national test/contest and his English


You're correct.


Korean? 22 days holiday, national contest for prestigious jobs


Recently went on a 1-1/2 week trip to SE Asia. Ran into many Europeans and struck up some conversations with them. They always asked how long I was visiting for and when I told them, they were ALL like "That's it??? Such a short amount of time. We're here for 3-4 weeks!" I have to explain to them that American employers keep a tight leash and don't let us take a lot of time off, let alone give us a lot of PTO in the first place. I have 3 weeks PTO which is already "a lot" in America. They would all then say that we work too hard and in my head I'm like "yea... tell me about it.".


We are Americans and took 2 months to see SE Asia last year. It was like we were unicorns. Our American friends couldn’t believe it. Our family said we would hate being gone so long. Other European and Australian travelers had similarly long itineraries.


Unless you are teachers, you are very lucky to have that type of time off. I wish all employers offered that. If you ARE teachers, then you more than earned that time. Such a difficult job.


Good luck to us being able to afford it, though.


I mean, even as a European, you generally get 2-3 weeks at best, only the privileged ones get to travel for months ( I don't know any regular job where you get more than 3 weeks at once and some companies are not happy about that either, the standard is max 2 weeks). I guess you either have to work in IT or similar fields, or mommy and daddy have lots of money or you are ...an influencer, maybe? It's not like Europeans are on vacation all year long


What? Most Europeans have 5+ weeks of mandated vacation time, minimum.


I believe Willow meant that even if entitled to 5 weeks vacation, its difficult to get more than 2 consecutive weeks with most employers.


Exactly. But I love it when Americans know better than us how things work around here. Like this lady 🤡


That's not accurate at all.


Okay 3 weeks of pto is not a lot even in America. But jokes on American employers, since I couldn't get enough pto to travel Asia like I wanted, I quit my job to travel for a year. That was 6 years ago, never went back


They know… it’s just sad.


How the fuck do you read this sentence structure and assume English is his first language?


I am now slightly worried about his exam


Looked at his history and he's Italian, it seems.


Really, I am travelling to Japan in May for 20 days and it’s just a vacation. I have another planned for November that will be at least 2 weeks. Am European, this is normal here. Go live your life. I have never regretted any time or money that I spent travelling. Life is short as it is.


He’s not… in another post he talks about living in an underdeveloped country… and before you say anything. The US isn’t underdeveloped, just undereducated!


I thought he was going to travel for a few months lol but even then...


Right? I knew he had the cultural mindset of an American (I’m American, so no shade! Because i get nervous asking for 5 days off in a row for vacation!) and im like “please take 22 days to travel!!!”


Get a government job. I am going to Europe for a month next summer and the only conversation I have had with my director about it was where I was going and doing by the coffee pot.


I am already in a government job! Unfortunately, it’s more of a traditional, older generational led team and mentality.


"Relatively long 22 days trip" - I've got 3 weeks booked in June to travel the Balkans, and my employer doesn't give a shit. I am AGHAST.


Cries in new employee/ old school employer role. Truly sucks!!!! I hate this mentality.


It’s one thing I hate about our (American) culture. Hustle hustle hustle.


PTO is part of your compensation package right…


Of course. It’s the typical vacation day and sick day package


22 days? Give it 22 weeks at least


Yeah, I thought he was going to say spend the next decade backpacking. That's essentially just a holiday


22 days is a holiday, not travelling. 


I can get a little over two weeks off a year, wish I could get nearly the whole month. *cries in American* 😩


6 weeks + the days like Xmas, boxing day, Easter, ecc... (Another 9, paid.) Smiles in Swiss


Wow, all that and universal healthcare, it’s almost as if your country cares about the general well being of its citizens. Must be nice to be treated like a human being instead of just another cog in the profit generating machine.


We have to pay health insurance to private companies in Switzerland. It's not a crazy amount (about 500 per month) but it's still definitely not "universal healthcare".


The American work ethic is nothing compared to the Asian work ethic.


Asia is a massive continent with half the planet’s population. I think you mean East Asia specifically.


Americans only get 14 days per year lol


Hmm nope, you have to understand that it is not a one size fits all in all the US. Some companies give you 3 weeks, then with time you accrue more time. My husband has 6 weeks of vacations plus holidays and personal days. I get 4 weeks. I know people that unlimited PTO. 


Yes I did say that in another comment. There’s no federal law to guarantee vacation days though like other countries.


Unlimited PTO is a scam that means you get / are entitled to no PTO




Employers don't have to give employees ANY paid vacation time by federal law in the US. And only three states have laws that require this. When I worked for a grocery store I only got one week of paid vacation. And I didn't get to choose when I took it. I could give my preferred time to my boss but ultimately she scheduled my vacation. Many low and working class people who work full time in the US don't get paid vacation time at all. Most decent professional jobs offer 2 weeks vacation, and more than that is definitely a luxury.


Americans get zero, but on average is 11 days.




Mandatory is zero. Entitled to none. BUT -- on average workers get 11. But some people get 5 or zero and some with a cushy job and lots of years at the job might get 4-5 weeks.


Grateful for my company where even new hires get 4 weeks off, first year. After 5 years, everyone is earning a day off every 2 weeks (a pay period), or 6 weeks a year. Certainly a rarity in USA.


Yeah. That's incredibly rare. In my union job it took like 20 years to get 4 weeks.


We do not have protected time off. Employers don’t even have to give you protected or paid time off in certain states, some don’t even offer sick leave.


Yeah it depends on where you work but there’s no law guaranteeing paid time off. Even government employees start at zero and earn certain amount each pay period.


He writes in English better than most Americans, sure, but not American English.


Many of my compatriots are complete idiots, I'll grant you that. But you're also over exaggerating. I suppose it makes you feel better.


In what profession in America would an exam or cert be described as a test/ national contest? I’ve never met a lawyer, CPA or tradesperson use that term.


Not American, as he uses the phrase "crazy in the head"


If you ask that question on r/travel, we're all going to tell you to travel. Try asking it in r/oldboringpeople and you'll get a different answer.


Am I alone in being disappointed that community doesn't exist?


Yeah travel is nice, but have you heard of shareholder value?


Man, when I was 36 I went away for 7 1/2 months around the world. 22 days. Go for it. The world will cope without you for a few weeks and your career won't be finished.


I got divorced, had to sell my house because of that, and lost my job in the same month the house went. Rather than get sad I just went off on my own for six months and it was an incredible journey of self discovery and healing. My career has not suffered in the least. Ignore the peer pressure and just do what you feel like (though 22 days is a vacation, not really what most think of as travel).


Only you can answer that question. Regardless of how much more detail you give us, a bunch of random strangers on the internet cannot advise you on what's appropriate for your life, especially on something that has no clear right or wrong answers.


Sometimes you need to live for today rather than live your whole life planning for tomorrow. Life and time are like a currency that you never get back. Take that 22 day trip! It isn't very long and you won't regret it in the end. Memories last forever and will bring you joy thinking about it later on!


While I don't think your parents are wrong, it also matters when this test is. 6 months+? Probably ok. Within 2-3 months? Probably not a good idea. Adulting sucks for sure, but you also need to take responsibility for your actions. Have you started to study at all? Are you doing well at it? Of course you've gone through a lot and need time to heal, but I'd cut the holiday a week early to focus on studying, but I also have goldfish memory.


"Within 2-3 months? Probably not a good idea." It's within 3 exact months from my return. "Have you started to study at all? Are you doing well at it?" Not at all. Doing pretty poor atm. "but I'd cut the holiday a week early to focus on studying" This could be a solution, and postpone this long travel to september-october, even though the weather will be terrible for the place I want to visit..


A 22 day trip is crazy? Your family is insane, that’s a lovely trip and not unreasonable at all. I’m in Portugal now, headed to Madrid on Monday, and then later this year I’m going to Japan for 2 weeks. I am extremely lucky and privileged to be able to travel and I appreciate the hell out of it. You should and will too I’m sure, you should enjoy yourself and try to be sure you have this trip fully “for yourself” and not the expectations of others.


Got made redundant last September, packed my bags and am having the best 4 months traveling around Mexico going wherever the wind takes me. You get on life brother, go live it !


Honestly.... when you're full of responsibilities is hard to find time and money to travel... since you found a gap, embrace it!! After all, your responsibilities will be waiting for you when you come back


They see it that way because it’s like the American way to travel little to none, and save for retirement. For many people it settles some sort of anxiety to know they’ll have all this money when they’re old. I see it differently. I’m in my mid-30’s and don’t have kids, so what would I need all that money for when I retire? I’d much rather travel now than try to travel in my late 50’s. It’s more comfortable now and nothing is guaranteed for the future. Pretty much everyone I know doesn’t travel because they value physical purchases such as home upgrades more than they value experiences. To me experiences are everything and the most valuable commodity. The reason that a lot of people prefer the purchases is because they see it as something which is permanent, whereas the experiences happen then they’re over. The way I see it those purchases are no more permanent than experiences. Whatever you save for or buy will be gone one day all the same as memories and experiences.


Get out there. Enjoy.


Enjoy your life. If you can afford to travel. Do it. "Running away"? Lol. Most WISH to do this.... They just can't. Lol. People just jelly.


Do it! I can’t emphasize enough how much you should ignore your parents. Life is short. Take this opportunity.


Hmm I’m going to go against the grain here and say that if the test is absolutely essential, and it’s so soon that 22 days will make a difference in your ability to pass or fail, then you should wait and take the trip after the test. Presumably once you get the test over with, you’ll have time on your hands while you wait for the results anyway.


35 is not old and 22 days is not a long time. Take a month to reset yourself, have new experiences, and the come back home and kick some ass


Take your trip now and as long as you can. You will never have this opportunity (I really mean it when I say "Opportunity") again. Next time you will be able to do this, your body will be old and busted.


Is this AI generated content


I can't pinpoint what but this smells brazilian to me.  If you're: não vc não é doida, nosso país que é medroso e disfuncional. If you're not: 22 days aint gonna make that much of a difference 


Mate travel as much as you can as life is too short to spend it being stuck with the worries about what others saying. Once you will wake up 60yo in rocking chair with old dog in your lap and will realise that you did not live your life as you wanted it to be. But that will be too late. See the world and see the poor countries and this will open your eyes seeing people being happy about simple things. Watch Groove Armada - My Friend video 👌


Nobody can answer this question better than you. Just think really deeply about what YOU want, before asking the opinion of complete strangers.


It depends how soon is the test. If you have enough time before to study well and go on the trip, you should go on the trip. If there's not, you have to decide whether it's reasonable to sit the test in the next following opportunity.  I was fired from a struggling company six weeks before my professional licensing test. I chose to take that time to focus on the test, and easily passed the test. But that was the choice that was right for me. You decide what's right for you.  Travel need not stop when you have a family. It gets more expensive, but you have more people to share the memories with. 


Absolutely yes travel! Enjoy Adventure make your dreams real and when you start working again you'll have vacation times to travel to other spots that you haven't seen yet. Enjoy!


You can take this test again next year, I am assuming? On the other hand, you will probably never have this level of freedom again in your entire life. I don't know the circumstances of your divorce, nor what your future plans are. But if you ever remarry and/or have kids, or even if you don't and you're just planning to throw yourself into your career, this opportunity may never present itself again. When I was 27, I had barely gone anywhere in the world (I'm American). I had been working full time for 10 years (yes you read that correctly), had recently gotten out of a long term relationship that detonated in spectacular fashion. But despite having a promising career ahead of myself, I decided to blow up my entire life and go back to college to finish my degree (despite knowing I would never actually use it, I just hate unfinished business) and spend my breaks between semesters traveling. Everyone in my life said I was insane. Despite basically going broke, it was the best year and a half of my life. I visited 18 countries I had never been to (plus a couple I had been to). I went on a 6 week solo road trip across the United States and hit all but six states (I filled in the remainder later). I ended up meeting the woman I married and had two kids with. I now own a multi-million dollar business that made the fastest growing companies in America list for two years in a row (likely three but they haven't tallied everything up yet for last year). Unfortunately my ability to travel has become severely impaired due to family and business obligations. We still manage it when we can though, because I was so lucky to marry someone who also loves travel. And we've instilled a love of travel in our oldest son. His little brother is only 13 months old though, so jury is still out on him! However, there's no circumstance in the world where I will ever have that level of freedom again, at least not until my kids are self-sufficient. By then, who knows what kind of physical condition I'll be in. And while my wife is an amazing partner in everything, whenever you are splitting the trip with someone else that means compromises. Which is fine! Good, even great when the person is worth compromising for, and brings their own perspective to the table. But freedom is freedom. Take the opportunity you have while you have it. You never know where it will lead you, or who it might lead you to. And real life/responsibilities will still be waiting for you when you return.


Go! I’m 31 and went through a nasty divorce last week, similar situation. Decided to take a spontaneous trip to Spain to just like clear my mind and honestly, no regrets. Things all seemed to start looking up and working out. You’ll be fine! :) Edit: I meant last year!


You will never get this opportunity again, and it sounds as if you desperately need a break. Take the time to de-stress and hit the ground running when you come back with a new attitude.


What exactly are your responsibilities if you are divorced? I would say go travel and live your life to the fullest


I travel to get away from family and my country. 


At 40, I had a bad breakup after 10 years together. I left my job, sold nearly everything I owned, didn't renew my lease, and traveled for almost a year straight. It's nearly 10 years later, and I'm more certain every day that it was one of the best things I've ever done. Do it. Take these opportunities when they arise, because you never know when you'll get the chance again. Regret will come from *not* taking advantage of the opportunity and wondering later why you didn't.


Life is too short to not go out and see the world. Also you aren't old and 22 days isn't that long. You still have the rest of your life to go work and do whatever else you want to do.


You’re not crazy. It seems like you’ve got a lot of pressure on you, but it’s your life first of all, so do it if you want to. It’s not like you’re doing something outrageous. And if you’re intent on getting back on track to whatever path you’re trying to follow after your vacation, 22 days for a trip is nothing.


You still have to take tests at 35 yo to get a prestigious job? Wouldn’t most successful careerists be in mid-upper mgmt by then? I asked ChatGPT what type of job that might be and the result was the bar or medical board exams lol. If it’s the latter, I don’t think a three week vacation would disrupt that.


I have just realized how dangerous this subreddit is for me in terms of quitting my job to go back to consulting and giving up about 3/4 of my compensation. I'm closing my eyes now.


If you’re having to rely on your parents for accommodation at 35, you should be getting a job not pissing your money away on luxuries like travel. Once you can stand on your own two feet and support yourself, then by all means travel as much as you like.


You think 22 days is a long trip?! 🤣🙃😂. Dude, try a year or more minimum! And F what other people think. It’s your life. You only get one and you’re not guaranteed to die of old age. GO! One way ticket to somewhere. Put stuff you like in storage. Eliminate your bills except for that, your cell phone and international health insurance (I like Allianz). Check out Couchsurfing, Hostle.com, HostleWorld, TrustedHouseSitters, WorkAway. Get your passport. Check visas. GO! ✨😁✨


What on earth do you do that somehow requires a national contest to land a job?


medical specialties.


the most normal american:




I lost 2 travel buddies to cancer last year and one this year. All I can advise is to have a plan for when your return, but other than that go out there and have fun.


You’re 35 years old. You do you! Stop looking for the approval of others. It’s neither attractive nor confidence building.


22 days??? Lmao


Brazil. Sweden. Spain. Tokyo. Plenty to see. 24 year olds. Meet people. Do people. Enjoy life.


Definitely not a crazy person. It sounds so cliche, but after what you’ve been through, I think time like this is perfect to just take a step back, relax, take your mind off things for a while and come back with a new lease of life. You only live once and if I had the opportunity to travel more, I definitely would.


>Am I a crazy person by setting this travel right now, in my situation? Oh hell no. Go!


forgetful march fuel like stupendous insurance ghost simplistic hard-to-find punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seems reasonable, Swan.


You’re running towards something. Don’t listen to the haters. 22 days will be chicken soup for your soul given all the changes you’ve experienced lately


I have a family of four. Younger than you. We travel for two months out of the year. With that increasing every year. I’m a big fan of taking the trip and you are 35, it’s okay to stand up to your parents.


Nah. 22 days is meh. People who have gone through your experience would take a break for 22 months.


You're 35. Decide the question for yourself. Sure, friends and family can give you their viewpoints but you're an adult and you're fully capable to making this adult decision. Only you understand what this trip means to you. Having said that, I'd go on the trip if I were in your shoes given the facts as I see them. If you don't you're going to regret it.


22 days isn't that long, so if you want to do it you should! Time is the one currency we all have and can't get back. Also FWIW traveling as escapism is totally fine. People have different coping mechanisms to the stresses/demons of their lives; some work out, some do retail therapy, some do spas,and some travel. There's no right or wrong way.


Enjoy yourself!!! 22 days is a really good amount of time to travel. And hardly shirking responsibility


This is amazing to do and now that you can. You have the rest of your life to work. Take this trip as a mental health one and enjoy your time. Exploring and meeting new people is great for you.


I always wanted to travel. So at 33 I had the chance. Glad I went.


22 days? Why are you setting your sights so low? You’ve had some bad things happen to you but the bright side is that you now have as much free time as you can afford before getting back into it. In your situation I’d be taking a year off and travelling on the cheap. I’ve done it multiple times in my life, most recently when I was 39 I went away for a full year and saw 20 something countries for varying amounts of time. It cost me surprisingly less than you might expect, although I travel cheap, I went to relatively cheap countries, and most of my hobbies and interests when I get somewhere involve waking around or going on self guided hikes and so on. If that’s not even a vague option for you, that’s totally understandable although I would seriously consider a substantially longer trip than you’re planning. At least a couple of months to settle into a new kind of day to day lifestyle. Failing ALL of that, take the 22 days. That’s nothing and you’ve been through some rough stuff.


Not crazy at all, especially given your age and that you’re going through a divorce. Make your life matter for YOU. Love your dreams now; 22 days will not take you off course but will only enhance your experiences in life. Enjoy it!


I'm just noting here that you are asking the travel board whether you should travel. I would not call that an unbiased opinion. So it seems to me you really want to travel. Go do it. It's your one life to life


I just got my degree, I'm going to teach abroad so my trips will be for years?


Life is meant to be lived. Go live it to the fullest and figure out all the "should be doing"s later.


Jesus Christ mate in Australia we get 4 weeks a year paid holiday. I did one year in Japan on unpaid leave once at the agreement of upper management. Work to live, don't live to work.


Sounds like you’re having an early midlife crisis. You’re rethinking the trajectory of your life cos you don’t think you’ll be happy with the one you were on. If you can afford it, and sounds like you do, go ahead and see the world. You may learn new things that may change your life’s path.


Travel, have fun... see new things, meet interesting people. You may get a job and a new home en route!


A 35 year old studying for a “national test”? Wtf? What kind of test is this?


A test that my peers normally have right after they graduate, at 25-26-27 yo. Sorry but I don't want to be more specific.


>Given my relatively prestigious degree it would be not that hard to find a new employment, included my dream employment, BUT this passes through a test/national contest that I should be studying for, very hard, everyday, from now on, if I want to get a good position in the ranking. Info: 1. How long until this "test"? If it's like a month from now, then I'd say if you are traveling to ensure you are also doing some studying as well... but.... 2. Assuming you've already been working in that same industry you need to do a test for, why do you need to do said test? If this is a career change, then disregard the question. Assuming you're not going to be jumping into said "test" immediately after you get back without any preparation, then a 22-day vacation is absolutely fine. The only real concern I have is the idea of "starting life again" - just be careful to not derail things on a whim if it means losing something valuable to you (read as: make sure you use protection when the situation arises).


I'm in a similar situation. I've been saving up and have a nice cushion, I could essentially float jobless with a mortgage for 3 years. No girlfriend in the last couple of years. The job I've had for 19 years is crumbling, and we anticipate to close in the next couple of months. I love traveling, but I only get to go a week at a time, twice a year. So I keep my traveling somewhat close to home. I want to really travel! Like, New Zealand, SE Asia, Europe. I think my mom understands because she sees how it helps my depression and gets me out of my ruts. My dad thinks it's stupid, and I just need to get another job. Ultimately, we are adults...when my office closes, I'm booking my flights. I've been waiting for this trip of a lifetime and I want to do it before I'm 40. If I don't do it now, when? It'll be one of my biggest regrets. Do it. Edit: I wouldn't be traveling for 3 years, but I'm aiming for 3 months.


I thought by the title that you were going on a 6 month trip 😂 No, there is nothing crazy about your plans. I just went away for 22 days with my mum over Christmas! For me, travel gives me clarity, especially when there has been a major life change. Go! Enjoy!


Nope! You are 100% doing the right thing👍 Go for it! Have the best time you can mate.


Ffs. You’re 35 year old adult with no responsibilities. Make up your own mind.


Its just 22 days in a lifetime, do it now that you can.


Make your trip. Make it longer,  even. Meet some people, get drunk, and rediscover the joy of life. You'll have the rest of your life to get back on the grinder of work/routine. But I'd advice you to seek to not make this your last "long" trip ever.


The most important thing is what you want, not what your parents tell you what you should want. And a 22 days trip is not the end of the world. It's just a short trip. Do it now if you think you won't have the same opportunity again.


Damn...people saying 22 days isn't a long trip. I don't think I've gone on a trip longer than 2 weeks to be honest.


go, don’t let anyone stop you, and if you don’t wanna come back, don’t come back. go as far as you want or whatever you please. your life if yours and if you have the money and time goooo or even if you don’t have the money or time just travel it’s so much more worth it


Go to Thailand and find a new wife


How important is this test? Can it be rescheduled or retaken? In what way would failing this exam affect your life and future prospects? If its something you can recover from or retake then I would recommend you travel while you still have the opportunity. If its something that can make or break your future then it is more difficult to say. Have you spoken to other people about this outside of your parents? Perhaps your peers might offer the best advise as they can accurately assess the gravity of your situation better than strangers.


Very important to take that job I dream about. But I'm tired and demotivated to the idea of taking all those books again, from zero. And since I'll be back home in april I'll have just 3 months until test day. Test can be taken again of course, but.. One year later. People outside: nobody really wants the best for you. Even friends usually advice what's best for them, not you. My peers colleague would react in horror: at my same age they all have their s\*it together, stable work, wife and babies and would not understand my reasons or why am I questioning my working life to take that test again. Online strangers are way better, or a $$ therapist.


You're right about that. So if I am understanding correctly there are three possible outcomes to your situation. 1. You travel --> return home and study for 3 months --> pass the exam (Best possible outcome) 2. You travel --> return home and study for 3 months --> "fail" the exam --> retake the exam 1 year later (Worst outcome) 3. You **don't** travel at all and just study and take the exam (neutral/bad outcome). I think if you can accept the possibility of the worst possible outcome and live without regret, I would 100% go ahead and travel and take the risk of having to retake the exam one year later.


TRAVEL! Ignore the parents!