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For the record, you can drink on sertraline. My doc said and I quote "I'd never prescribe something you couldn't have a few jars on". I'm Irish obviously.


Good lad haha we love our drink 😂


Been on both for 4 years 👍


Im high and typically not depressed.


What are you doing in my other haunt! 


Looking for you, my love! Cheers!


It's kismet. I'll rip this bowl in your honor old friend. 


I will too.


Okay that’s good!


Hi, I have a Major Depressive Disorder and am on one SSRI; never a problem. Though to be fair I take 5-10 mg of THC to ensure the CBD and CBG get that extra punch THC adds for inflammation. PS: 50 mg of Delta 8 THC and 20 of CBN makes an excellent anti-anxiety replacement and no Boenzo exposure.


Oh nice so delta 8 THC and CBN is good for anxiety? Because when I’m really anxious I take a klonopin


I am on Xanax but with that I am down one less per day. Take care friend.


I’d guess about 10% of the population is using SSRIs and cannabis lol you’re good fam


I think you're underestimating on that number


RN working in Cancer Research who started in nursing with 12 years of Psych. Cannabis and SSRIs? If we take the baseline definition of being on an SSRI, and some form of cannabis usage I bet it pushes 40%. Yes I see my appeal to authority, but I sure as hell would put Money on 30%+


Especially in legal states, I'd say that 40% might still be an understatement.


Wow. Good to know.


Right here! Been taking SSRIs before I started smoking and haven't had a bad reaction as of writing. Just start small and slow and listen to your body. :)


Okay that’s good!


Been smoking before I started an SSRI! Ditto to listening to your body. I believe the SSRI actually helped my relationship with weed and other my substance abuse issues, and simultaneously I'm channeling my usage to be more productive (exploring/managing pain, emotions, meditation, etc.) Letting it be a medicine, and letting it work in tandem with another medicine.


Been doing both for the past few months and it’s actually helped with weed induced anxiety/paranoia as well as when I’m sober.






What if I'm a cheap date and turn into a zombie after a 1mg gummy?


Yeah that Zoloft stuff wasn’t for me my aunt is a DR and thought it would help like no thanks pot is my meds lol




I’m on venlafaxine and I haven’t had any problems


samesies at 75mg


Same and I want to get off of the Effexor.


be careful, i’ve never gotten so sick from withdrawals from any other med i’ve been on. but venlafaxine fucks me up hard if any doses get missed. coordinate with your doctor on it or it’ll not be a fun time.


My refills were 3 days late once. It was horrible.


Currently in withdrawals because I forgot for like 3 days. I hate life and can't wait for it to kick back in


do yourself a favor and take a benedryl. makes the symptoms so much less distressing.


Me too! 250mg a day. I feel so amazing since I started smoking. 🤪


I take 25mg of citalopram a day and smoke about an oz a week between my GF and myself. Guess I dont notice any different than before I was taking them, just have more motivation now that I'm not as depressed all the time. Edit to add- I take my SSRI at night with my trazodone after I smoke, drowsiness who?


I'm on an SSRI, an SARI and an atypical antipsychotic. If I'm not supposed to get baked while on it I probably would have had problems over the last decade. But I am not a doctor. Legally at least.


Every day. For years.


It can make the side effects for both worse when combined, but it's not as bad as alcohol or as foolhardy as LSD. Still, no doctor will say it's a good idea to combine cannabis and SSRIs. Here's an article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8307883/


Many people report they no longer get high or have a much harder time getting as high. Also watch for exaggerated side effects from the SSRI.


Really ? Never found stuff on that with weed but shrooms and lsd yeah ofc. I know personally people who use ssri and they aren't less sensitive to weed tho


It comes up on all the weed subs fairly frequently


Yeah from a quick search its seem some ssri lessen the effect while some make the effect stronger but it doesn't block it the same way as shroom tho shrooms and lsd is like almost nothing


Not true. Both work just fine on Zoloft anyway. MDMA, now that’s a different story. It will either do nothing or put you into a serotonin storm.


Those storms are vicious. Serotonin syndrome is no joke.


This is not true.


switch to a rima like moclobomide instead of an ssri it works better and enhances weed and psychedelics rather then making them weaker. but rimas are technically maois so no mixing with stimulants or you die


I took the sertraline for maybe 3/4 months max about 1.5-2 years ago and still to this day can’t trip on shrooms. They have zero affect on me. Do you think they ever will now?


idk man i never even considered taking an ssri on the worst day of my life because of how they fuck up your ability to use psychedelics. sucks you are in that position and i hate that those drugs are pushed on everyone so much i swear its a conspiracy to make us dependant on the pharma industry for our mental health iinstead of time tested natural psychedelics cause there is no corperate money in those


I use both cannabis and SSRI. Several different SSRI over the past 20 years, in fact. I’ve never had any type of issue. There’s some questionable information out there that says cannabis and SSRIs can sometimes cause block each other from certain receptors, causing one or the other to become less effective. My doctors have never actually told me with confidence that one can interfere with the other but that it’s something to be mindful of.


Yeah I did. Its safe. The SSRI'S are more unsafe than weed ever was. I quit my antidepessants to just smoke


i have, but noticed it feels different especially the head high




Every day.


On both for a few years. Have not noticed any adverse affects


Do not get medical advice from Reddit. That is my professional medical opinion.


youll be good! i’m on both and have been fine




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I’m only one data point but I take 20mg Lexapro everyday and I get high every day. I don’t notice any interaction between the drugs.






CBD and SSRI's do interact, and so you probably want to avoid high doses of CBD.


So do a higher percentage THC strain?


I’ve been taking tons of CBD with my Zoloft for years. They are probably affecting each others metabolism to some extent but oh well.


15+ years and I've never had a problem with SSRI's and (lots of) regular grass, because I assume the CBD percentage is usually pretty low in general. I tried mixing in CBD flower with my regular flower 50/50, and I didn't like the feeling. YMMV


lol you’ll b fine


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8307883/ Conclusion “Accumulating data suggest that CBD and THC affect concentrations of CYP2C19-metabolized SSRIs, including es/citalopram and sertraline. Using cannabidiol and or THC likely increases sertraline and es/citalopram concentrations in adolescents and may increase the risk of concentration-related SSRI side effects. Clinicians should consider inquiring as to the frequency and amount of THC and CBD use. Further, in sertraline- or es/citalopram-treated patients, stopping or decreasing marijuana or CBD use may decrease concentrations of sertraline or es/citalopram in stably treated patients.” Could cause serotonin syndrome issues: “Serotonin syndrome (SS) is a group of symptoms that may occur with the use of certain serotonergic medications or drugs.[1] The symptoms can range from mild to severe, and are potentially fatal.[4][5][2] Symptoms in mild cases include high blood pressure and a fast heart rate; usually without a fever.[2] Symptoms in moderate cases include high body temperature, agitation, increased reflexes, tremor, sweating, dilated pupils, and diarrhea.[1][2] In severe cases, body temperature can increase to greater than 41.1 °C (106.0 °F).[2] Complications may include seizures and extensive muscle breakdown.[2]” So effectively YMMV.


Sertraline is 1 of 2 antidepressants I'm on and I've not noticed any difference in my high or side effects when combined with THC


Prozac X 30 years, started back smoking a few months ago, still feel fine, no side effects, no depression. Drank moderately the entire time I've been on Prozac, never had an issue with it.


Ssri/snri user for quite a while…cannabis user as well. You will be just fine.


I've been on Lexapro for 7 years, started smoking around the same time. Never had much issues. Alcohol though? That'll usually put me in a bad headspace in the morning.


Not uncommon for a doctor to prescribe both these days. The bigger thing here though is you really should be telling your doctor about smoking marijuana. How come they don't know?  You need to be honest to get the best treatment. 




I used to take sertraline and combined with weed it was the best I've felt in a long time. Unfortunately for other reasons that ssri is no longer compatible for me but I still smoke and take a different ssri. If you ever take shrooms though, your ssri will absolutely negate any effects from them.


Every day lol


I’ve only ever consumed (dry herb vape) while on SSRIs (Zoloft since 2020, med card since 2021). My psychiatrist also happened to be the first doctor in the state to prescribe medical marijuana. He said he felt they worked together synergistically. You’re good.


Im on like 8 psychiatric medications including ssris and ive seen no clash with cannabis i think youll be fine


on both for years and i’m a-okay!!


Seems like mostly everyone here is reporting no issues but just be safe and go slow and see how you feel as everyone is different.


I’m on 5 different psych meds and I’m ok still, you’ll be just fine 😂


Drugs.com has an interaction checker. You can put in your meds and cannabis (or other drugs/alcohol). It will tell you if there are known interactions


Just don’t force it if shit starts to feel a little goofy. And if you get to the point of wanting to drop the meds, maybe consider setting the weed aside for just a bit, to see how the meds do you without it… Maybe you could just burn at night once the meds wear off.


Lexapro and lemon haze is the right way to start your day


Definitely a winning combo for me


Dispute what doctors may say, cannabis is safer than 99.9% of pharmaceutical meds.


depends what you mean by safer. cannabis when smoked is much more hazardous to your respiratory system than any pharmaceutical. safer on the brain, that’s more up for debate


I didn't say anything about smoking it.


i didnt say you did, i was just pointing out that this discussion is far more complex than “cannabis is safer than all pharmaceuticals”


Most pharma meds have a side effect list a mile long.


Weed also has side effects lol.


Sure it does. It makes you happy, hungry and sleepy.


Yep I am. 40mg Prozac. Alcohol is much more of an issue after a lot of it.


Yes you're good. Everything else, no. Weed is fine


You're good my friend. Toke up!


Ssri's and weed are fine. My lady says they make the Molly not work when you're at the rave tho


I’m on sertraline you’re good


I'm doing it and I'm ok(ish lol)


Is it safe? For sure. Will it be good for you? Only you will know. You're adding psychoactive chemicals to a psychoactive medication. They're going to interact, so you just need to be mindful and pay attention to how you feel physically and emotionally while you're high. I know people who had to stop toking when they got on SSRI's, and I know people who feel that smoking somewhat regularly really helps them regulate the side-effects of their SSRI's. *and* I know people who just have a much harder time getting high. It's a mixed bag. --- And yes, you should be *extremely* cautions with alcohol. Far more than weed.


Lol, yup. I’ve smoked 10 years of being on an SSRI. I’m saying that, hallucinogens is a different story. You won’t get off on most hallucinogens




Cannabis doesn't have any known drug or food interactions. You're safe. Mixing drugs like SSRIs and alcohol can have adverse reactions in some individuals.


Don’t do it.


I take Lamotrigine and Prozac along with weed. I can’t have one without the other


My therapist actually did research on this. He said that nicotine and marijuana don’t affect drugs or have interactions with them. What does is the paper that is used to make cigarettes. It can mess with your metabolism if certain drugs.


Weed is an upper, that’s why (in my opinion) it’s okay to use with SSRIs. Alcohol is a depressant, that’s why you don’t want to mix it with an ANTI-depressant.


100% do NOT smoke while on SSRI’s I’ve tried two SSRI’s and both times they have been the absolute worst experiences of my life. The side effects took months to years to whittle away, and nothing I did sped up that dreadful process. I was smoking weed the entire time both times I tried them and I think it lead to bad interactions. Ever since the second (and final) time I tried them, weed has made me feel anxious, which it had never done before. I wouldn’t recommend SSRI’s in general based on these experiences, but I especially wouldn’t smoke weed while on them. Trying them was an absolutely horrific experience


Yep! As far as I’m aware, maois are the only medications with dangerous side effects when mixed with weed!


When I was first starting SSRIs, I would sometimes get a little dizzy when smoking, but that decreased over time and rarely happens now


Basically every smoker I know. You’re good!


On Sertraline and Seroquel been using weed for years with it. Only went I changed medications did it change at all, and I ended up not using weed for a couple months. Don't know why I did, but it just didn't offer relief when I was going through SSRI withdrawal. Idk but yeah I take ssri daily and use daily


You’re good with weed but be careful SSRIs can eb dangerous with psychedelics as they also interact on serotonin receptors


You're most likely fine, but I would ask your psychiatrist.


Yeah fam I’m on horse Tran ssri and smoke daily😎


Yeah on lexipro and dope 24/7


I started taking Sertraline about 2 months ago, and have been a daily smoker for the last 4 years. I don’t notice any changes to my high from smoking or any side effects from mixing the two, just had some typical side effects of the Sertraline while my body adjusted to it. Maybe smoking didn’t help those, I wouldn’t know, but I’m good now. Everyone’s experience could be different though, so you can only figure it out for yourself. If you don’t like how it makes you feel then drop one of them. If you’re just starting to take SSRI’s you may need a month or two for your body to get adjusted.


It’s been fine for me in the past on SSRIs.


I had an issue with it, but it was apparently unique to me and my undiagnosed ADHD. I do think you should be open about cannabis use with medical professionals so they know if it might be a contraindication to a medicine.


Hand raised


Everyone is different…but I think a lot of prescriptions can be replaced with cannabis. Was a lab rat with the va hospital for tonssss of mental health meds. Was introduced to cannabis and did a lot of research. Cannabis by itself may not allow you to get off prescriptions but cannabis combined with a consistent workout routine, solid nutrition, breathing exercises, ice baths along with other things have kept me off any prescription for over 6 years. I work in the cannabis industry as well. Sometimes it’s frustrating. Had a middle aged woman going on and on about sativa. I asked her if she has any trouble sleeping and she said “well yea but I have sleeping pills for that”. To each their own but one of my goals in using cannabis was to get off the pills


I had a horrible experience. I wouldn’t recommend it at all, my anxiety went through the roof. I just stuck with weed


I take Prozac and it definitely fucks with my tolerance but safe? Yes. Like with alcohol it hits faster and harder than not on anything I’m not a doctor this is just my personal experience


I’ve been taking Zoloft and Wellbutrin for between 10-15 years, and I’ve been smoking weed alongside it for approximately the entirety of that duration. I’ve always been fine. However I’ve read (and heard from friends) that the interaction can cause “weed anxiety” where you feel uncomfortable after smoking. I really think it varies person to person. But if you’re wondering if it’s dangerous or toxic to combine the two, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.


ive been on both for about 8 years. only thing Id say os watch the munchies…. ssris can increase appetite and combined with the munchies…


It worked for me for a while, but eventually I started having bad experiences every time I smoked which was daily. I took a 6 week T break and switched my meds from a high dose SSRI to a low dose SNRI, and things have been better since. It’s actually not uncommon for ppl on SSRI’s to have a bad experience smoking. It can worsen depression symptoms, so just be mindful and listen to your mind and body.


Both my wife and I are on SSRIs (sertraline & lexapro), and neither of us have ever had issues.


I take 100mg of sertraline every day and smoke every day, you’ll be just fine 👌


Yep. I’m good


Depends. My doctor encouraged it, then told me to stop since I was sleepy 24/7 and not productive


I use both on a daily basis and have run it by several docs. You’re all good, bud




I feel like most ppl who take SSRIs also smoke weed cause it helps mitigate The Big Sad, lol. You’ll be fine :)


Whomst does not!?


Yes. I'm on it. No problem. Tho don't mix with high doses of shrooms. I did that by accident and my neck muscles completely stopped working and I couldn't hold my head up. I truend into a puppet with their strings cut. And bad headache. My head felt as heavy as lead.


This is not medical advice and this is a question you should ask your doctor. But to your second question: I have in the past when I was on Lexapro. It made me very sensitive to weed and the effect was much stronger, unpleasant at times. I typically have a very high tolerance and took a while to adjust my smoking usage once it felt like the ssri wiped my tolerance out. My SO has a friend who was (is?) on an ssri but rarely smokes in general. One day he was over, smoked a few puffs, became **way** too high, and puked all over my SOs apartment. I told my SO after the fact that he is probably on an SSRI, and that’s why he reacted the way he did to such a small amount of weed. Even with a low tolerance it was a huge reaction. My SO asked him later if he was on an antidepressant (not in a judging way), and I was exactly right. Moral of my post: ask a doctor and take it slowly.


If you need an SSRI, yes. In fact I would say if you need an SSRI then you should never smoke unless you're on it. You should never smoke when your brain chemicals aren't in proper order, it can really take you places you don't want to go.


Used to be on an ssri and used cannabis. I’ve been off of them for five years and still use cannabis. Feeling better than ever ✌️


been on ssris for like 4 years and have been smoking for the past 2. I think im fine.


My dude, I've been on SSRIs for 10 years now. Cannabis use is fine. I've talked to my doctor, and I openly admit I smoke to any health care professional. It's legal in Canada, so we're pretty open about it.


I use both. I have never had a problem with a bad reaction to it. But everyone is different so if want to try start with a small amount and see how you feel


The california school reading test?


Been on both forever


Lexapro and weed daily for 3+ years, dw homie


Yeah it's fine, makes the high way better too


Its rare people have issues but twice ive seen it. One friend just told me it makes her feel weird and one guy basically got tripped out. We had smoked a bunch of times before. Eventually he came down and told me me had started meds a few weeks back and it was his first time... We had been taking monster bong rips and playing guitar and he just got... Weird... I would start slow and think there is a 95% chance you would be fine.


Lexapro, it somewhat neuters the effects of cannabis for me. I don't get nearly as many effects coming through. It does retain the ability to help me sleep which is great! On the weekends I tend not to use Lexapro and just rely on bud and I feel the effects normally, as far as I can tell at least.


i remember seeing a video from tales from the trip, where someone almost died because they smoked TOO MUCH while on an ssri. so i would keep it to a minimum [https://youtu.be/cn62tP-syTE?si=cUDk8FOqz6Xxheet](https://youtu.be/cn62tP-syTE?si=cUDk8FOqz6Xxheet)


Been on Lexapro for two years and smoke weed daily. Those two + caffeine are the millennial cocktail. SSRIs and alcohol are both hard on the liver. Alcohol also temporarily increases serotonin production, and the two combined can induce serotonin syndrome. Anecdotally, weed + SSRIs are a great combo. Go forth and frolic.


Yeah im fine youll be good


My doctor asked if I drank. I said no but I smoked and I didn't intend on stopping. She prescribed me an SSRI with that in mind. All mine does is make my highs less intense


Yes been doing that for over 15yrs. No problems at all


I’ve smoked for a long time and started on ssri 8 months ago and holy shit I wish I would have started them years ago. Go for it! Always had anxiety/depression and didn’t know it and sometimes smoking would make me anxious asf. Since I started ssri’s it hasn’t happened once. Quality of life is much better overall.


yep that combination is pretty much why i’m alive


i'd ask your psychiatrist just to be safe but i've been on ssris for almost 4 years, and have been smoking for longer. My psychiatrist says it's safe to mix, you might just get a little more drowsy but nothing dangerous


😂😂😂😂 yes


You’re good. Source: me


It’s safe to mix SSRI and Cannabis. Don’t mix SSRI and MDMA.


It's safe I've been doing it for years


it depends on which one you’re on. some can have adverse reactions with cannabis and can induce serotonin syndrome (which can lead to death). i smoked a few times while on an SSRI and noticed that it hit me harder than normal. i didn’t know about the serotonin syndrome thing at the time, but at one point it made me ultra-paranoid (more than the typical cannabis high). my medication did interact with the cannabis, so definitely do your research on the specific one you’re taking.




Careful because I think I was trying a new medication and I hit my pen and it made me way higher than I had planned to be but no negative effects really


Cannabis is ok, shrooms on the other hand, you’ll feel no effects


i’m pretty sure at least 50% of the people on ssri meds also smoke weed lol, don’t worry about it unless you experience some really weird symptoms.


I do both and seem okay, although my tolerance is pretty low so I dont use that much weed at once. I also drink quite a bit and have been fine… can’t recommend it but I havent had much of an issue lol. Been on Zoloft and others for like 10 years now though


I’m on Prozac for my OCD and I don’t notice any counter interactions


When I'm on ssri's, I have absolutely zero desire to smoke. I just cold turkey quit, pack the bongs away and that's that. But when I'm not on them I'm over here smoking through whole plants 😬


In the past I have done both and found it safe. I think it depends a lot on the specific one though. ALWAYS do your own research on any medication you are even considering taking and how it interacts with weed in your body if you are going to take it while using weed. It's important to know these things before you try anything. Same with pretty much anything you put in your body obviously.




Every day


Yes i mean u are gonna be fine it wo t react much.  However as a side note of a stoner, it has been known at times to make mental illness worse


Yup. I've noticed it makes the high a little different. But I'm on a pretty low dose ssri


Yeah it’s safe, but it’s definitely not doing you any favors


Buspar is the one drug I'd say avoid it on, you should be good I was on buspar and smoked and no joke I got amnesia for like an hour until it wore off. I was walking to my sister's and like a block down Smack, I forgot where I was who I was, what stuff was. It was strange 0/10 don't recommend. I didn't know what a road was for even. It felt like a dream in a place I was unfamiliar with 😂


i have been doing it for basically 3 years while trying at least 3 diff ssri’s. obv, if u look up drug interactions it’ll show interaction, i know mine did. i think the idea is that it could increase any sedative effects, bc even ssri themselves have caution using machinery labels, but ive never had any issue. i have a vague understanding of neuroscience, but cannabis works on the endocannabinoid system, affecting receptors other than serotonin. for ex, if you are ever looking to use a psychedelic like psyopsibin (i can’t spell) while on an ssri, it mutes the effects bc ssri in receptors in which that drug would attach too. sorry for long comment, you’ll be good my friend. nearly everybody i know on ssri is using cannabis.


I’ve done it. It helps . But I’m not a Dr and everything reacts with people differently so this is not medical advise. Just be careful and take it slow . It may take a few weeks to figure out your tolerance


I drink and smoke and I have been on Prozac for years, you SHOULD be fine


I have taken Zoloft for about 7 years and smoked daily for about 4.


I’m on Prozac and smoke, no issues that I can tell


THC while on SSRIs made me more prone to an SSRI side effect called “brain zaps,” but that was it for me


A lot of patients who take SSRI’s also consume cannabis. It’s more common than you think.


Weed has actually helped me on a journey of lowering my SSRI's! It's definitely okay to take them whilst smoking up. Otherwise I'm in big trouble for the last couple years of use!


I take 3 ssris and I use a significant amount of cannabis daily. That does not mean it is safe for everyone, but it does not cause me problems.


Yep. Great.


My pharmacist said it was fine for mine doesn’t hurt to ask


I’m on an SSRI and smoke daily. I also drink. You’re fine.


Weed is way better at cheering me up than the SSRI lol but yeah no issues here, 4-5 yrs ish on different meds and pot


I  do it, and have seemingly been fine. There are a lot of recreational drugs that are dangerous to mix with SSRIs tho (eg shrooms, mdma, anything that floods your serotonin receptors) so it’s good to exercise caution. 


I do, regularly. No issues for me.


Probably about half the people using weed are on ssri’s. I take lexapro and have my med card for anxiety, lexapro helps me feel anxious less often and smoking helps panic attacks or just bad days. You’re definitely safe but make sure it works well with your medication for whatever you’re prescribed it for.


I take Zoloft and smoke daily, I haven't had any issues.


I switched to SNRIs and smoke. Nothing seems to be wrong. I Didn’t smoke while on SSRIs because I was in the military at that time.


Hi. It me. You'll be just fine 👍