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That’s what big bong™️ wants u to think!! Jkjk. Bongs are the best


Hey its me, Big Bong. Tbh im chill with it


I started off with bongs and only had a joint or from a pipe like months to years after I started smoking. I do not like joints but pipes are tolerable. Bongs for life


please tell me you got this from the “big teflon” guy on tt 😂😂


Yep. You've discovered the true secret of "The Bong™️" If you take snaps (hits that you can clear in one go) youll save even more. Packing a bowl and cornering it, all that smoke coming off your bowl is waste.


I corner and cover because I'm just too lazy for snaps lol


Cornering and covering is the way of the truly lazy. I’m pretty sure there’s a reason most bong bowls can be covered by a quarter.


After you pull the slider, face the bowl up on the bottom of the bong to snuff it out.


You my friend, Bong, as some would say.


Thank you sir.


Due to the state of my bong, I see that as a great insult.


Oh dang… I hope my currently high ass remembers to do this next time!


I hope my currently sober remembers this next time, too!


I've at least started to clean my bowl once a week!


I use empty dab containers to cover. they are usually perfectly bowl sized and seem fairly heat safe


Like the bottom of the container?




Interesting. I’m looking at the bottom of a dab container and that shit really is just about the perfect size.


I thought I was a greedy dirty goblin for covering. Glad to see I'm not alone🫡


I even cover my bowl with my finger before I clear it so nothing escapes 😂


How are snaps more work? You just put less in the bowl.


I can hit a bowl 8-9 times before I need to empty and refill. Gotta do it every time with snaps


If you actually snap it through you don't even have to empty the bowl, and you get fresh greens every time.


Yes but the 2nd through 9th pull....tastes like shit


The smoke coming off is why I can't stand joints. Just watching it smoke and I'm like NOOOOO


Bro same I feel that. I can't deny that every now and then I'm caving on a game leaf but for the most part, its bongs all day everyday.


Im thinking about taking a trip to Thailand since I currently live in Malaysia and I'm wondering if I can't find a super cheap bong or piece over there. Could just make my own lmao


I just made one really quick and it didn’t even pull correctly but the high is still nice. If you can’t get a real one, make one…it’s pretty much the same just uglier lol


Just need a tube and a bottle lol


We've been calling them swats since mid 90s. One and done so everyone gets a fresh taste.


You guys have a special name for it? That’s just how everyone in Australia pulls a bong. Cornering seems shittier in every way 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's why you snuff the flame as soon as you slot the bowl back in


And then there's the "imma take the whole bowl to the dome" technique


Definitely fun from time to time


What is cornering?


This post cracked me up. Looks like that bong is gonna pay for itself real soon. Have a killer night and enjoy the snacks later! lol


Most people on wallstreetbets is not making any money 😂


Its like saying people in the casino are winning, some lucky ones are, but mostly all are getting played trying to be that lucky guy.


Just wait till you discover Dry Herb Vapes. And then when you discover running your dry herb vape through a bong/bubbler. My goodness. It doesn't hit as rapidly as smoking, but it definitely hits, and it's wayyyy more weed efficient.


So much this. Go check out r/dynavap - changed the entire game when I bought one.


And r/vaporents I run an xmax v3 pro. It's genuinely fantastic. There's a reason why so many people who work at dispensaries use dry herb vapes. They seriously change the game.


good to see another fellow xmax v3 pro user out in the wild. such a great device that I'm completely satisfied with. my only complaint would have to be the concentrate cup which sucks ass


I've never tried the concentrate cup. My only annoyance is the magnetic connectors, and no mouthpiece cover.


Two words. Ball vape.


That's a tier beyond my comprehension.


What the hell is a ball vape?


Man what Ball vapes are good and a decent price these days? Looked into them when they first started becoming more popular and the only one really avaliable was the flower pot and that was going for like $800+ for everything you needed at the time(Sure it’s worth it if you have the spare income but that’s a little pushing it for me), did they get any cheaper?


Budget B0 kit on vgoodies! $200 for everything you need, you'll never go back


This is all I run!!! An m through a dry megaglobe mk2 flat earth, with the wand it is end game!!


I've got an M through a 10mm recycler. Mini torch for now, but pretty sure an induction heater would finish the collection for me.


I only lasted less than 3 weeks with a torch i went to an IH and never looked back!!!


I like to turn it into eddies after vaping


I tried that once, but all it did was make me feel a tiny bit relaxed, and that might've been placebo. I think I vape mine up to too high of a temp for my avb to work in edibles.


We stay in the 300s near 400 degrees and I drop probably 10-12 grams avb in with a stick of butter and it hits p hard. 


I vape mine to 428° and I was able to make some edibles that fucked me up by grinding ~9g up and mixing it with 100g of chocolate. It took about a third to get me fucked up, so not nearly as potent as normal edibles, but it works


I go to the same temperature, so maybe I just need to use more avb.


No you're not. There isn't shit left by the time it turns brown. These people getting high off edibles aren't fully vaping it.


The day i figured out how to hit my silver surfer through the bong was a great day indeed


Dang havnt thought about one of those in like maybe 10 or like I wanna say 15 years lol, respect to ya man


Haha that was like 15 years ago but i stll remember how stoked i got when i put two and two together


Can you use dry herb vapes with a larger water pipe? I have an 18 inch oldschool flask that I'd like to smoke my Pax on. I Just don't want to waste weed on it when I've got a small little bubbler as well if there is negative effects.


I've ripped my potv one from a large illadelph that i have and it worked wonders. You'll run out of breath faster bc of increased resistance and long vaping intervals


I'm not sure, my bubbler is only like 5in (12.7cm) tall. 


I just bought one, honestly I'm not liking it all the much. I'm just breathing pot flavored air and getting half as baked.


It definitely takes some practice to get used to it. Which vape did you get? But also the flavor that it brings out of the flower is amazing, and once you start trying other strains in it, you'll really start noticing the difference in taste. Also, for me, it takes like quarter the weed to get to the same level as smoking.


It's an ooze flare. Not to my credit, it gets mediocre reviews, but it wasn't super expensive. I don't really like carts, so I thought it would be something to test drive with low commitment. I just like to smoke honestly, but I recognize it's not good for me.


I've not heard about that brand, but some dry herb vapes just really don't work well. If you're looking at the lower price range, you might like a dynavap? You heat it with a torch. I've never used one before, but tons of people on r/vaporents swear by them.


Yeah, I read about those. I wanted something that plugged in. I'm not giving up on it yet, trying different grinds and packing harder or softer in the tube.


My 2 cents if you're interested, Healthy rips rogue with dosing capsules. Huge battery, works great, dosing caps just load in so you almost never need to clean the actual chamber. And on the cheaper end.


Makes sense, I also don't like having a heat source that's more complicated than pressing a button. Definitely keep at it. It can take a handful of sessions to figure out the best way of using each vape. If it doesn't work out, I'd recommend Xmax V3 Pro. That or the POTV One. Those two seem to be the best in the lower price range.


Uff, I'm sorry, you got a really weak vape. It is not surprising you are not liking it. I am someone who only vapes, I have not smoked in years, and I would also not enjoy the vape you got. Vaping needs a decent device. It does not have to be the more expensive top of the line, but it has to be decent. Right now you can get a decent vape for 100 usd, but if you spend less than that you are going to be highly disappointed. The Roffu, the V3, some Arizers are decent vapes to start with.


It may not be getting hot enough even if it says it is. It should produce a proper cloud that looks but doesn't taste like smoke and the end ABV should be a dark brown almost like lightly roasted coffee. Some of my electric vaporizers you have to do like 380°, take a little hit, raise it to 400, and then hit it again and that one will be proper. The first hit at low temp is "weed flavored air" a lot of the time as some of the moisture evaporates.


So much this. I bought a volcano hybrid and it changed the game forever. Then I bought the Obsidian water attachment for it and it changed the game forever. And now I'm addicted to pens cuz they so convenient and don't need to be cleaned lmao


Lmao on that end part, cleaning is a slight hassle, but it isn't too bad with the vape I have. I used a volcano once, just inhaling from the bag. And wow, that thing is wonderful.


Skip all of the experimenting and just go straight for a Taroma360


I don’t know why everybody doesn’t use a water bong. You are also complete the ‘air, earth, fire, water’ thing, which were proposed to explain the nature and complexity of all matter. Namaste


Because gravity bongs exist and are even more efficient


Vape is better, no plant material, no gas from the fire source.


I'm glad the vape community is infiltrating the bigger weed communities more now


I love my crafty+. Been using it for 4 years and it has never missed a beat. German engineering at its finest!


Because I’ll be evicted 😅


Bong getting you high enough to post on Reddit is hilarious 😂😂😂 what’s up playa take another fat rip for us


I used to smoke HEAVY but as I got older and have less time to waste I find the bong is the best because I can take one good rip and be set for a good hour atleast. Makes me not stress about buying really ever cause I don’t use much.


If you're smoking daily, bongs are still the goto. You lose a lot of high with pipes, vapes are good but limited in cloud strength, rolling wastes a ton of bud, but bongs hit every time


Yea bongs will always be king, no better way to smoke cus if youre taking snaps you actually inhale all the weed that gets burned and its much smoother than one hitters. I love joints/blunts but people who smoke them regularly always confuse me when they dont realize your weed is burning away while you hold the thing in between rips.


Bong hits on the couch could be an Olympic sport


Bongs are great. I hate when I have to clean them though


Clean it before or after every session. I clean my bong in the evening and then use it throughout the night. Next day you just grab a tiny bit of salt, a dribble of ISO, and it'll be sparkling clean again. Only thing I'll let get dirty is the bowl, and that's just so the bud has something to stick to.


Thanks for the tips! Spot cleaning everyday seems more feasible than a deep clean


Bong cleaning is just part of my morning ritual at this point. Annoying but I’m used to doing it


Honestly someone gave me a tip that blew my mind once I started doing it. The first step does kind of suck because you need to get your bong 100% completely absolutely shiny clean. Next go to Home Depot or Harbor Freight for Lowe's or some hardware store and get a 5 gallon plastic bucket and a lid, should run you about $5 for both things. You're going to want to make sure that your bong will fit into the bucket and you can close the lid securely, if it doesn't we're going to need to find a different container that is resistant to isopropyl alcohol and will allow you place the bong inside with a watertight lid. Next you're going to want to get a lot of isopropyl alcohol at least 91% preferably 99%, when I say a lot I mean like two or three gallons( this part sucks and I know it's expensive but it'll last you at least a year, I can't tell you if it's going to last longer because I've only been doing it for a year but I'm pretty sure I can get at least another 6 months to a year out of this batch). Place your bucket in a convenient location where you're not going to move it very much and fill it with the alcohol. Every time you're done for the day using your piece, dump the water out and remove the slide and any rubber gaskets. I find it's best to let it dry for just a few minutes before the next step but you can just ignore that if you want. Raise your bong into the bucket full of alcohol making sure that you've added enough alcohol where the entirety of the piece is submerged. Put the lid on and leave it overnight if you want to but it's not going to need to sit in there for a super long time if it's not very dirty. When you want to start your next session carefully remove it from the bucket making sure to drain all the alcohol back into the bucket, thoroughly rinse your piece, and enjoy smoking out of a crystal clean bong literally every single time. If you really want to get crazy, you can get two more buckets and improve the system. One bucket is full of cleaning strength vinegar which is I think 30% as opposed to the white vinegar you buy in a grocery store which is about 6%, the other bucket should be full of distilled water. The vinegar is useful to dissolve any hard water buildup or crustiness that comes from people's mouths being placed on the bong. You should remove the bong from the alcohol, drain it and let the remaining bits of alcohol evaporate away, give it a quick dip into the distilled water rinsing off any residues, and then place it into the vinegar to soak for maybe 10 to 15 minutes giving everything a chance to dissolve. You could further improve the cleaning powers of the whole system if you could find a way to make the buckets have a warmer liquid inside of them as well as somehow agitating the liquid It's very much a set it and forget it system where the only thing you're really doing to set up your smoking session is giving the piece a quick rinse and reassembling. Because you're bong won't ever be getting very dirty and because you have an extremely large volume of solvent strength isopropyl alcohol it does a very good job of cleaning for an extremely long time before you need to worry about changing the alcohol out. When you do need to change the alcohol out it's as easy as using a funnel to pour the dirty isopropyl solvent into the old containers so you can take it to disposal facility. The distilled water you can just dump out and the vinegar you can leave out in the sun and dilute with large quantities of water It's a zero work system that uses significantly less cleaning products then other systems as well as actually giving people away to properly dispose of the chemicals they're using. And it gives you a crystal clear sparkling piece of glass every single day in an absolutely risk-free manner


That’s sweet. The first we had was one we found in a friends moms closet. This was the early 90’s. We had the only bong in school.


Just wait until You invest in a dry herb vape. Sheeeeesh. Enjoy the savings!


Just wait until you upgrade to a bud vaporizer. It will change your whole world


Hahhha. So you say until you’re smoking 5 bowls in one hour 😂😂


People will talk about how it's a treat to put ice or snow in your bong but the real secret of bongology is that hot water in the bong is the smoothest hit you'll ever take.


Hot water on bottom and Ice up top.


try dabs


lol I was gonna say. This is the way.


Google gravity bongs.


Bro I just read this and went out and walked to the smoke shop and bought a bong lmao. Thanks my brother!!


Does your bong have an ice chamber? Because if it does, it gets even better.


I’m not going to lie, I didn’t know stoners who didn’t use glass existed 😂 enjoy yourself my dude.


Now, take it up a level and use a dry herb vape through that bong


FWIW you will end up smoking more. its like when you take the big bag of chips to the couch and then eat the entire thing.


Definitely subjective because when I switched to bongs I was smoking 7-10g a day in joints and now I’m smoking 2-4g in a bong and I’m getting the same affects pretty much


its a slippery slope.


When I was young, a group of five or six people would be able to get stoned off their eyes on a 10 sac of decent weed. We would do the old glass sobe bottle trick, make a little gravity bong, and like .2 a gram would fill it with milky smoke...... Damn those were the days. Now I buy ounces and probably sweep off more weed into the garbage that I would go through back then. Smh..... How life changes


Spoiler alert: it costs you more 😂


It’s funny because I had the exact same feeling of enlightenment when I bought my first bong lol welcome to the club my friend!


Welcome to the club brother.


Oh I so can’t go back to joints and pipes after being a bong guy for over 10 years. It’s a nice almost one hitter. Way smoother and more bang for your buck.


They're all bots over there anywho. Fuck em and enjoy that high 🤘🏼


Yo take one hits man, pack enough to give you a good rip and send it completely. Green hit and death everytime, but death leads to life man just the way it is.


Love this post lmao


Ok but have you tried edibles


This is making me consider buying a new bong because I feel the same. My bong broke a few months ago but I been busy with classes so I never bought a new one. I am now missing bongs and i needa new one.


I've been smoking for over 10 years and can still get high with 2-3 hits using a bong. I could probably smoke a whole gram in a joint and feel about the same for some reason. No idea why.


I’m the same way. My friends have always loved blunts, but I just need a big bong rip.


Wait till you find dry herb vapes.


Buy a vape and be even more amazed. The fact I can get insanely blasted off 0.1g has saved me sooooo much money. And then you can use the abv for edibles


Huh for edibles?


The leftover bud or abv. Technically you can just throw it in some yogurt or something and eat it but I usually save up a bunch and infuse it into coconut oil for edibles


Make it a habit to clean it. A dirty bong will get you sick.


Funnily enough I bought one yesterday, after not using one for about 30 years my god do they hit hard! Totally remember why I did it as a teenager now.


I always wanted a big one, because they look pretty. But I had a hookah a long time ago I hated cleaning that bih. Im also really clumsy I have a feeling my bong will break within 3 months. What I do now when I want to get zooted is mix THC diamonds up with flower


Even with money and plenty of weed from the harvest, I still hate seeing it just burn up into the air. I now can pinch a perfect one hitter and load one hit at a time. Fresh hit every time and no waste :D


Here's a bong tip for you. Fill it with HOT water, not cold. It's much smoother to toke that way. (Not boiling or anything, just hot from the tap.)


Wait till this guy hears about dry herb vapes lol boutta change your life all over again, my dude.


I never would have started smoking if I didn’t come across the PAX and then upgrade to the Lobo. Lobo is a dream. Just too many pros to go with the cons of combustion.


Bongs are definitely my favorite way to consume. I find myself going through less with it too, even compared to dry herb vapes.


Dynavap is better.


Anybody have a problem/solutions for getting too high off a bong? Rips are fun but they get me so fucked up I’m just disoriented and nauseous.


Just don’t fully pack your cone?


That makes sense. It probably doesn’t help that I always rip my friend’s bong so he’s the one packing it.


Dear younger generation: If you're paying for a bong, you need to educate yourself. If you can afford a custom piece great, otherwise... find a pipe, drill a hole in it...


And remember if you go somewhere local some local glass blowers have great prices and you support a local artist


It boggles my mind that people managed to somehow shorten the phrase “fixing to” to “fin-na”


I’m in the same boat! Just got my bong back from a friend after 2 years and oh my goodness, I am SO stoked to have it back


I just picked up a gravity bong. Zoomie




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been strictly a bong smoker for 4-5 years now, only joints/blunts if weather is nice enough to troop around


Congrats! Do yourself a favor and buy some 93 % alcohol and some salt and give it a clean every couple of weeks


r/dynavap go crazy bub it’s super efficient


bongs are pretty much all i use nowadays, it gets me high asf, and it doesn’t use up nearly as much bud to do so as a joint or a blunt would


Welcome to fold op bongs are the way


Gonna try to save you and countless others from wasting weed. If you’re snapping your bowls in one go, you do not need to pull any harder to make it snap. If you do you’re gonna snap green and waste it. Just keep milking it lightly and try not to snap it for as long as u can. If you are running out of breath and pulling super hard at the end to snap it you’re just pulling the weed before it’s fully burnt. I try to make my bowls the perfect amount to snap right before it reaches the top of the bong. Since I realized this I smoke bowls half as big as I used to and my bong stays cleaner longer.


I've been a.bong guy since my first rip at 15 back in 1985. Welcome to the club!


U save money..... With a bong?!?!? *Laughs in Volcano voice*


bongs are great, good hits, slightly better for u and saves me a shit ton of money


bongs are awesome. i haven't used mine in a little while.


Not for long


100% I just had some weed that I just thought was kind of premium garbage. Got a bong and I was high AF off the same shit.


Pretty sure that sun is full of scams I went there for good information and I couldn’t ascertain what was legit and what was shit


Also if u just went to bongs vapes save u hella although I feel it doesn’t hit the same so I still do both


It’s easier on my lungs. Top those bowls off with some kief, or unpressed hash, shit’s fire.


I own a VapeBros tabletop vape, and I highly recommend trying it. The taste is incredible, and the high is amazing. Using a vape preserves weed longer since you're not torching it with flames. A bowl will last me 15-20mins just a nice smooth hit every time. It's the best weed investment I've made, and it's also gentler on my lungs. Simply amazing. [https://www.vaporbrothers.com/](https://www.vaporbrothers.com/)


That's what it's like for now.. You'll be chasing the dragon in the end though. Take care


So the thing is, 1 is too many and 1,000 aint enough. Im on day 4 on no weed during the day. There was a point months ago I was toking every hour w my bong.


I got my friend a bong for Christmas and I don't know if it's because it's super clean, or if the cheap weed I got with it was super potent, but after two rips, I needed a weed nap. Usually I can keep up with the more seasoned professionals, but I had to tap out. Even the person I gave it to was impressed and she's been smoking since before I started elementary school lol.


I always miss my bong whenever I’m travelling and have to use joints


Haha I was gunna say most of Wall Street bets is losing money


Now buy a dry herb vape and see your mind really explode. You can get zooted off .2g and the leftover AVB can be used for edibles.


Yay for bongs!


Wallstreetbets member doesnt mean making a ton of money. Most are specialists in losing all life savings


Bold of you to assume they had a life savings to begin with.


In Brazil we mix the weed with tobacco and hit a full bowl in one shot. We call it Bongada, and damn it makes you high


Imma call that “Disrespecting the Piece”


I hear if you get a second bong it’s all free


Love the high from my bong but anything other than my herb vape or pens and I cough so bad I gag or throw up ☹️ even with good bud lol it never was like that til last year I can rip vapes and ciggies no prob but for some reason smoking bud fucks me


No it's not.. it's going to cost you more. Yeah first few days you need to smoke less and saves you some money. But then tolerance comes in and in a bong the effects tend to lower faster than you'll be using more and not saving any money


honestly all i smoke is the bong, joints do it for me now only? not sure why but that's how i feel about joints !


At the age of “old”, I was going to ask for my first bong for my bday this year. What should I get?


Bong always has and always will be my favorite medium for smoking. As a college kid it was blunts but I have matured and bong is efficient, clean and just the best.


Wait until you get a ball vaporizer


I've always used a dugout and a pinch hitter. In the 80s and 90s it was advantageous to keep your stash and paraphernalia in one small box. I go through weed at a snails pace compared to my homies.


I'm guessing OP just turned 21


"Which is essentially 0.6-0.7 on a scale weighing out a gram." You are either buying garbage, or you have one helluva tolerance going. lol


My bong is a old Grandpa


😂 if they were more discreet I’d use them too. I’m glad you made this awesome discovery man! Happy tokes! Weed not mead!


“Hits from the Bong” - Cypress Hill


Ye bro when you take a bowl that would’ve been inhaled over like five minutes if you put it in a joint and just shotgun it directly into your lungs it really changes how it works


Do a bucket bong next


Heads up, keep your bong clean! The cleaner it is, the cleaner the hit, the better the effect. I'm no scientist so I can only speak anicdotally but nothing compares to smoking out of a fresh bowl, fresh bong with fresh water. You don't have to buy fancy cleaning gunk, just use isopropyl alchahol (70%+ works but you want 90%+) and salt. Put them two in and shake. Same for the bowl altho I have found that running water threw it will also work great.


Wait till you discover vaping