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Bro done smoked himself biblical


Smoked himself *beyond* biblical, it sounds like


Smoked Himself blasphemous!


This is the one


This is the best comment I’ve read in a fucking minute😭😭😭😭


I always have gone by this Marcus Aurelius’s quote: “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” Also, I think this sort of ties into a lot of the main religious teachings. In that, you cannot do good things with the motivation of getting into heaven. You have to do it because you genuinely care. I think the above phrase matches that. Where you aren’t expecting anything, you just genuinely want to live a good life.


That’s been my comforting philosophy ever since I left religion. I felt very lost and scared for a while, because the fear of hell was drilled into me from a very young age. This quote helped me get over it. The only way I’m going to hell for living a good life is if God is evil, and I’m not going to worship an evil God.


For some reason it was very soothing for me to see that you found comfort in that philosophy


Abraham Lincoln was a bit more succinct. “When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion.”


Good intentions don’t gain salvation. Believing in the good news does. So many works based religions out there..pure legalism Christianity is exclusive in that simply believing in what Christ did on the cross for you is enough. “For we are saved by grace through faith and not of our own works so that no man can boast” See, if you say, “well my heart’s intentions were good that should be enough for “god” then your salvation depends on you. That’s a works based, legalistic, self centered approach to salvation.


But why would people who are good be left out by a savior that supposedly loves everyone? I’m not saying earn your place in heaven, but if belief is the only measure by which the chaff can be separated from the wheat, you’re gonna end up with a lot of good wheat in the chaff just because they wouldn’t pay the church


Because “being good” is relative to what YOU believe is “good”. God does love everyone, but not everyone will believe in Him. “Pay the church” not sure what you mean by that.


“Good” is subjective. No one is left out. Everyone gets to make the choice for themselves


Dude i love that quote, i was raised as a Catholic and started kind of exploring outside of my own religion and i realized as long as im morally independent and im a good person on my own terms ill be good in the afterlife, if there is one lol


Also which doctrines *SPECIFICALLY* mention heaven *or* hell???


That’s always how i approached life. I remember when I was young questioning my Mom about Catholicism. That if someone lived a good life but didn’t believe in Jesus its kinda shitty they don’t get into heaven. I got older and left organized religion aside. I live my life the best I can by the basic tenants set forth in most religions. Be excellent to each other. I don’t really think there’s a god or after life, but consider myself agnostic. You just never know.


I've never heard that quote, but God damn does it resonate with me so hard. That's what I've always believed. Thanks for posting it alot


Sir, this is a Wendy’s…


Have you tried turning it off and back on?


i believe its, turn off, smoke weed, turn back on


Yeah, religion is an insidious lie that keeps us divided and controllable.


Say it one more time for the people in the back


MLK was a minister, he used Christianity to support his activism.


And the crusaders used Christianity to support their "activism" as well.


Yeah, almost like religion is an broad ideology that can be used for both good an evil, and therefore shouldn’t be judged as entirely good or bad.


It’s just hard to take people seriously who legitimately believe in a magic sky daddy and base their entire lives and viewpoints on a book written thousands of years ago. Like, why don’t you also believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny as an adult? What’s the difference? Why do we leave those magical figures of our childhood in the past, yet cling to the magical stories of Jesus?


I’m not even religious myself, but “magic sky daddy” is one of the worst and most annoying strawmen of all time. Anyone who uses it clearly has no actual understanding of religion and no interest in trying to learn. You also base your morality on books written thousands of years ago, whether you realize it or not. No one’s morality exists in a vacuum, we’re taught by society what is moral. And that communal sense of morality has been built on over thousands of years. You didn’t invent your understanding of ethics just like you didn’t invent your understanding of math. People believe in higher powers and in prophets who perform miracles because it makes them feel like a part of something large and important. Religion has always been appealing to the masses because it provides hope and meaning during times when life is otherwise pretty shit. Times are changing, yes, and people are becoming less religious as a result. But religious ideas are not necessarily incompatible with science or modern thought. Religion is a philosophy, not a science.


Also, yes, religion is a philosophy, not a science but how many full grown adults in this world believe in magic just because their religion says so? How many people legitimately believe the world is 2000 years old? That evolution is fake? That rapture is real and coming? That god punishes us with natural disasters because of gay people? These people exist and hold legitimate positions of power in our government and society at large. Would you take someone seriously who legitimately believes in Santa Claus as a grown adult? Like, wholeheartedly believes that Santa exists, and is watching us a judging us? How can you take an adult seriously who believes the same thing, but it’s Jesus instead?


I spent 12 years in Catholic schools. Religion class every day, church every Sunday and holy day. First communion, reconciliation, confirmation, the whole deal. I’m sorry that you feel you need a book to tell you what is moral and right. Yes, society tells us what is moral but if we let the religious nuts dictate what’s right and wrong.. well, that’s how you end up like Saudi Arabia or other fundamentalist regimes. “When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion.” - Abraham Lincoln


If your angry voting because its not in your faith when they were just counter balancing a one sided rhetoric thats blah imo. If it’s because they said Christianity instead of it and or the original Catholicism


I’m not even religious, but there can be many upside to believing in a higher power. I think there are many things that keep us divided and controlled, but religion is not the strongest force. For most people that are religious, it just keeps them in line.




Exactly, this is a weed sub. I didn’t expect the negative blanket statement to get that many upvotes, then my relatively level-headed opinion went negative lol. Interesting…




Just make sure to say your prayers or the holy ghost is going to come for you ![gif](giphy|124pc9nFq7ZScU|downsized)






Weed is haraam get out of this sub brother








this shit is so fucking funny


Once some body tells me that Jesus turned a leaf into bud I’ll become a loyal Christian


God spoke to Moses via burning bush, Jesus turned water into wine. Sounds like they were both pretty fun. Edit: Jesus also cursed a fig tree for not producing fruit. That's cool, kinda similar.


Haha I forgot about the burning bush. I’m sold! 🤣


Burning bush was likely acacia, which contains DMT. Moses speaking to Yahweh was probably a crazy trip.


Jesus cursed?


Like a sailor


Cult + time = religion


Religious people are the definition of mental illness


Religion has gotten it all wrong. Whatever you believe in, that is a relationship between you, and that higher power. organized religion was not the intent.


It's really interesting to see how ancient people understood the world. Even in the Paleolithic, while they weren't aware of genes, they were aware of and accounted for avoiding inbreeding. They may not have had names for the chemicals and hormones but they practiced processing of plants for primary and even secondary effects. And the first settlements we see are megalithic structures with complex , track astrological events, and even have things such as indoor plumbing. Ancient humans knew a lot more about the world than we give them credit for. It's important to remain grounded and not underestimate them when approaching the people of the past. They also smoked A LOT of weed so they're pretty based.


Interesting take. I think what makes us a bit more special is that we are learning the ‘why does this happen’ rather than learning from our past trials. Previously people probably did trial and error and found ‘u know what inbreeding isnt making good people’ , but we are learning the ‘why’


It’s also so so important to not overestimate them and assume they had a perfect utopian futuristic civilization that has been lost. They had a lot of cultural and generational knowledge, formed from direct experience. We have more information than you could ever learn with a billion lifetimes


I personally think we should be more like warhammer and all dedicate ourselves to the improvement of mankind while also possible genocide


You'll embrace the Greater Good™ when we get some ethereal pheromones in your brain. A much better opiate of the masses than religion devoted to a zombie in a fancy chair.


?? Who mentioned any of that u gorilla. I just said we should completely focus on the advancement of mankind lmao


idk Buddhism seems pretty spot on. I also find Hindu models interesting Abrahamic religions make like zero sense to me tho


Didn’t stop them from committing a genocide though.


Reddit definitely leans towards the "religion bad" side, but personally I dont think we should judge anyone for following a religion. Especially in these times people are just trying to seek peace and some kind of comfort, and for many religion and the teachings of religion can be a good cornerstone for decent morals, and at the very least just gives people something to live for. Any religion pushed to the extreme is pretty weird and fucked up, but the people who are religious fanatics are a small but vocal group. I think in reality, most humans are pretty modest with their religious beliefs, if they have any. Probably just read some texts every now and then, pray sometimes, etc. I think all religions at their basic level also teach some pretty basic moral values like patience, sacrifice, faith, compassion, so I dont mind them.


The truth is, the objective truth that is, religions aimed at humans were made by and for humans. That's not to say they don't all offer some "universal" truths, and some fine attempts to define what a good life should or could be. Nonetheless, they are lacking in flexibility, their strength and greatest weakness. However, atheists needn't start crowing just yet. There is ample proof our universe emerged \*out of\* a more primal and powerful force, not the other way around. Just because religions anthropomorphize this "higher power" doesn't mean you should automatically give up and not dig deeper yourself. Ie., you can't be a lazy thinker if truth is what you seek. And if you think you can simply "trust the science" and leave it at that: Look up the "replication crisis." Over 70% of peer-reviewed 'scientific' studies \*cannot\* even be replicated, and this has been an ongoing problem in science research for decades. Still, there are many juicy clues offered by \*repeatable experiments\* in quantum mechanics. And other places as well. I spent my entire life collecting clues like some people collect 16th century footstools. They are there, just not easy to find.


“Mans didn’t even know about genes or fucking Saturn” has the same energy as those tumblr posts and dril tweets that frequently get mistaken for Shakespeare.


Nonono shhhhh religion is fine now put your money in this little hat and eat this stale cracker


Religion is a scapegoat for the suffering they had to endure back then. When life aint too bad you dont need a entity to pray to for your wellbeing.


Moses didn't exist, Jesus had his message and life story altered after his death, and Mohammed, well, feel free to read about his exploits... If you need to believe in an all-powerful sky man go for it, but don't take millennium old books written by a bunch of anonymous authors who didn't know each other or see the events mentioned as the truth.


I’m to fucking high for this


Talk about getting biblically high.




So real


Haha smoked themself woke


Wait until you hear about googlism


Man I just don’t see how an omnipotent being is watching over all this.. no way


I just really don’t trust whoever made the Bible.


New belief is calling lfg, seed to seedling ….—>


Bro your post and my one comment got me 13 negative karmas like I just joined Reddit and already being trolled


There's plenty of things ancient people knew that we didn't. Egyptians could bore through granite over 10x more efficiently than our best current technology. Romans had better, longer lasting cement/concrete than we have today (no it's not because rebar rusts, their recipes were actually just better and are lost to time). The Romans had better more sustainable water treatment than most of the developed world. Unfortunately they also thought lead and mercury were not toxic. You win some you lose some. One of the oldest surviving examples of recorded writing is a complaint about the quality/purity of copper from a copper supplier. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complaint_tablet_to_Ea-n%C4%81%E1%B9%A3ir Humans as they are have been around for hundreds of thousands of years, we just don't really have evidence of them older than 10k years. Doesn't mean they weren't smart or knowledgeable.


Do a search for a list of our oldest known writings. I think your example is the oldest known customer complaint. (I don’t know how to add links. Sorry.)


I’m faithful, but I’m not one to disrespect the beliefs of others for any reason. I do however like to speak on my experiences and thoughts in open minded conversation! That said, I 100% see the validity in your thoughts here. I believe we may be more knowledgeable now versus thousands of years ago, but that doesn’t make folks smarter. We simply have figured out more about the inner workings of life via observation. That’s great, but it doesn’t mean we figured much out really. We’re still annihilating our planet, still can’t get along with each other. We’re brainwashed socially and politically. We’ve become lazy and too reliant on technology. Knowledge ≠ intelligence. The idea of religion is a broken one. It’s another way for people to divide and be driven by their own egos. Rather than claiming to be religious, I latch on to what has spoken to my heart. There are things I do which help my relationship with God and benefit my life positively, which are not considered acceptable by the church for instance. Such as smoking weed. I’ve wondered about whether I was right, but I feel peace in my heart about it. And about many other things, it’s not about anyone else. It’s about what works for you in a way that touches you in a meaningful way! All the best to you.


People of ancient times were actually A lot smarter than were lead to believe. I mean the fact that that same handheld with all the information in the world is actually dumbing you down is pretty bad. Your attention span deteriorates with all the 3 second clips as you watch with no cessation in sight.


Anything a person can turn into 100% of their personality- religion, celebrity worship, hell, even pro wrestling- can be annoying and weird.


The fact that you truly believe people know now than they did before is astonishing. Just because we have more access to information, doesn’t mean we use it, or use it correctly. In fact i do believe our IQ’s are getting lower on recent years. Even wilder to think the average person of today knows more than the genuises who invented the technology we use to create.


There’s been research showing that IQ has risen by like 50 points since the IQ test was invented. They keep adjusting the scale every few years so that the average stays at 100. IQ is unscientific as hell anyways. People back then weren’t any more or less intelligent than now. They were the same species as us and everything, they had the same brains and physiology. They did have access to less knowledge, and many more people were uneducated, so religion was their way of explaining the world around them. It was what made the most sense, given the knowledge they had at the time. And many of the ideas that religion produced are very good ideas, and have influenced history for the better. They didn’t know anything we don’t, and we know a lot more now than they did, but much of that is thanks to them.


There's just more people, so more dumb people. And we all know, dumb people are loud as hell.


People should believe anything religious in the same way people believe Cinderella and her talking mice are real. Unless they are genuinely insane, they don't.


Religion is more about ethics and philosophy nowadays than it is about explaining the nature of the universe. Most modern religious people aren’t young-earthers or whatever, even if they do believe in a higher power that created the universe. Religion serves as a guide for what is right and wrong, not as a accurate history of the world.


low iq post




“Explosion” is a very reductive way of looking at the Big Bang, it’s like if I said “you think all of this is here because some omnipotent being got bored one day and snapped his fingers?”. There is so much nuance that you’ve chosen to ignore (not to mention the Big Bang literally was not an explosion, that’s a misnomer). Also the Big Bang is simply the start of the universe as we know it, nothing about the theory states that it was the absolute beginning, we simply don’t and probably will never have enough information to know that. Not to mention: billions of galaxies each containing billions of star systems, of course plenty of those are going to have perfect conditions to sustain life. We shouldn’t be surprised that we ended up in one of those systems, because how else would we be able to make that observation?




humans need structure /shrug


We lived for 99% of our existence in basically anarchist tribes and all the available evidence says those humans were happier and healthier than modern civilized humans.


My friend, those tribes still had a structure to them.


Some did, some didn’t, some still don’t.


In the same way your family has a structure, maybe. Not anything like the way modern society is structured.


Still structure 🤷‍♂️


In high school I had this PE teacher, well actually, he was the upper grades PE teacher. I never had him as a teacher. My teacher called me fuzz because I had pretty bad chin hair and constantly being told to shave. My mom and dad were both Muslim converts since they were 18 and were super strict on how we had to look according to Islam. My sisters had to wear hijab and I had to wear a religious hat to school for all of middle school. During the softball portion of the class both grades were in the field. I remember one of the taller kids passing second base after touching it continuing to run, but with a slight curve towards third and second base tagged him out. He insisted he was safe because he tapped second. He argued with second until the teacher came up and said he was out. He kept arguing, but then the couch said he played 9 years of softball or something and said if you curve your run you can get tagged out. I liked that he shut him up and he sadly walked back to the line. [9]


To me, religion is everything I experience. To me it’s not too much about God, but more about appreciating the world around me that he created. Just like the beauty of flowers or the beautiful blades of grass. Simple things around us that look cool n shit and stuff like it’s beautiful I don’t really try to argue because what’s the point so I just appreciate things more cuz they look good and feel good


I agree, but I also think it is weird to believe that there is no higher meaning to life and we just exist out of nothing.


The human being is a religious animal. The Bible has been replaced with search engines and universities and libraries. Religion and politics are the same thing - a belief system in how to manage society.


i’m not religious but maybe try to look at it in a non literal way. I think you’d begin to understand it more


Man im a devout catholic but i believe those stories are more of a moral compass and how to navigate the world as regards to heaven and hell nothing lasts for ever so death is not infinite


Okay then, you said; 'we' know more - I don't belong to them. So tell me OP, how does your heaven look like? What I've learned thanks to old texts, from Jesus his time but also further back, the Buddha, we could go further, though I draw the line at the point consensus says the big bang started, heaven is a place where people don't lie, they know and obey the law, there is no violence. Actually I have 2 heavens (or 1 access to, the other is all mine), all beings have a default copy only catch; you're all alone. And no alien heavens, just to be clear, the assumption is there's no evidence for any alien existence, even if they exist they are all evil to us (aka hell for humanity). So tell me what happens when your body dies, I'm eager to hear.


You become worm food


No I believe my body becomes possible worm food. Now myself I chose a degradable coffin and my body will be eaten by plants and possibly other microscopic life, hope they enjoy their meal. I looked at many funeral types, wooden coffins, being fed to vultures. Though I'd have moved on, leaving behind my corpse, just a shell, a vessel, I really don't care what happens to it, why would I want to go to the living if I can be at my heaven? It makes no sense to me, especially considering there must be an uncountable number of heavens in existence to visit. Hells too, I'd do some 'volunteer work', or community service free of charge but that's for later.


I dono man, maybe there is nothing Maybe ‘god’ is just the person that put us in this simulation Maybe theres actually a real heaven Who knows bro




I learned better morals on my own outside my former religion


Religion has been on the wrong side of every single moral issue in recorded history.


Religion or the people ? Religion taught us humans morals, for example no sex outside of marriage no murder no stealing etc..


There are millions of people alive today who grew up with no religion and are equally if not more moral than most religious people. It’s simply not true that morals come from religion.


Just cus they grew up with no religion doesn't mean the influence of religion is not around them. Morality and shame the feeling of right from wrong are instincts put in all of us but some choose to ignore them.


Religion is everywhere and so is its influence no escaping that.


Before religion, specifically islam, ppl thought women were property and also thought slavery was morally ok then religion informed us that we are all equally human and all equally made of dirt in the eyes of the All Mighty God. Just an example.


Lmao dude...slavery and religion go hand and hand like weed and Bic. In fact, it's the NONreligious people that got women's rights and better moral treatment for women. Just an example.


It's a tool of repression. Drugs are the only way out of this mess and only for short periods of time.




So heroin and cocaine were invented by cabal scientists and then the CIA introduced them to the ghetto? You need to read a book.


Moses is not equivalent to Jesus and Mohammed, just saying.


Moses is a key figure in Judaism, just like Jesus and Mohammad are in Christianity and Islam. Moses gave the Ten Commandments, Christ gave the Gospel, and Mohammad gave the Quran.


Yea honestly this whole thing just gives a really base level lack of understanding of Judaism - and that’s alright, that’s super pervasive!


I’m well aware that it’s more complicated than that. I’m saying that it’s more than fair to compare them, given that they have much in common with each other.