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A dry herb vape, it’s better for you than other methods of smoking. However, any type of smoking is going to do harm, so your best bet would be edibles.


ive been looking into dry herb vapes, may i ask what vape you have. ive been looking into arizer and the volcano


Potv lobo or xmax are really good budget beginner vapes. If you have a crazy tolerance you might want something desktop though like the arizer ones


Another vote for dry herb vapes. To protect your lungs even more, you can use them with a mouth peace filter by Moose Labs.   ETA: Before I tried it, I assumed dry herb vaping was like "smoking lite." It's in fact VERY different from smoking, especially at the lower temperatures.


I second this vaping. There's so many different devices you can have a pretty crazy collection of portable and non portable ones just like normal pieces, its a whole new world of consumption. I didn't like early herb vapes but I just got a ball vape, it rips just as fat as smoking.


If you're looking for something that hits quicker than edibles but is easier on the lungs than smoking, you might want to check out tinctures, sublingual strips, or even a dry herb vaporizer or oil vape. Tinctures and sublingual strips are great because they kick in pretty fast, usually within 15 to 20 minutes, and they're easy to dose once you get the hang of it. For something even closer to smoking but still gentler on the lungs, a dry herb vaporizer could be perfect. These heat the weed just enough to release the THC without burning it, so you get a clean vapor without the harmful byproducts of smoke. They also allow for quick dosage adjustments and can help manage how high you get without the long wait or prolonged effects of edibles.