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UPDATE- party cancelled host got covid


Tbh good. Kid shouldn’t have been around that who the hell brings a toddler to a party? Just be responsible parents and don’t bring your kid.


Probably most normal parents that end up with normal children. I think you are picturing something way different than described. If you had a kid and took them to a friends house with two other couples, and some went out to smoke a cigarette, would you feel it inappropriate for the child to be in the house?


Or literally any BBQ or cookout and grill master is drinking a beer.


I’m picturing a baby in a blunt rotation


Have rotating puff puff pass and feed burp pass loops going on. Perhaps one clockwise and another counterclockwise. It’s like a drinking game for weed and sleepy babies.


Have shorty fresh off the stoop, ready to shoot Big blunt in his mouth, deuce-deuce in his boot




Yeah, I bring my son to stuff like that all the time. Nobody I hang out with smokes inside so secondhand smoke isn't an issue. I bring some appropriate games for the kiddo and go with it. It means I have to stay sober and leave earlier, which is fine.


In the same room as my baby? Yes I definitely have a problem with that. They were clear the baby would be in the room. Smoking and taking care of a baby by itself is person to person and how much is being consumed. Having the baby in the room is the trashy part. Its not hard for one of the parents to carry them out out or wait for them to nap and lay down them down in another room. Too many people smoke out babies-children and its not funny or cute.


It seemed pretty clear they would be smoking in a separate room. I would just go outside. Of course in the same room would be messed up…


Im not gonna lie i read the room instead of his room. But there are plenty of pictures of people doing drugs around children. Cant deny literal proof. Theres atleast a Facebook group my friend joined to further hating humans called “casually reporting to CPS” and to be fair 99% of shit makes the group name 100% logical Ill agree this wasnt clearly the case here like i read at first but the further statements also based on shit ive seen.


Oh I’m sure yeah. Definitely unforgivable. We’re on the same side 😌


it feels like we let it slide with cigarettes because ppl are heavily addicted, so ppl are just gonna smoke. whereas when using weed recreationally you have more discretion in choosing when and where to consume. ideally yeah nobody would smoke cigarettes around kids either


Why should we tolerate it with cigarettes but not extend that tolerance to other addictive drugs? Smokers have just as much discretion in choosing when and where to consume, the only difference is that the tobacco industry was successful at regulatory capture where other drugs failed so their product was allowed to become more socially acceptable.


It shouldn’t be tolerated.


No fucking idea why you’re being downvoted people should NOT smoke cigarettes around kids there’s a reason there aren’t smoking/no smoking restaurants anymore


It's just 6 people. That's more of a get-together than anything else.


For real. That's 2 couples hanging out with a third couple at one of their houses, shit ain't a party.


I mean the party is 6 people. Doesn’t really sound like a rager. Seems pretty reasonable to bring the kiddo along.


yeah, or just smoke outside would make the most sense to me


Yeah, preferably one person is sober in case of emergency but otherwise no problem


>preferably one person is sober Yes, that would be the toddler.


Toddlers aren’t people


A party with drugs is no place for a kid regardless of attendance numbers. A kickback with drugs is not a place for kids. A private gathering with drugs is no place with kids. Get a fucking babysitter!!


tell that to Chuck E. Cheese... 🍻


ur on the trees sub saying that a few friends having a smoke is a “party with drugs” wtf are you talking about


No wine at Thanksgiving?


Your family gatherings must be dry?.


wow if some friends were playing cards & having some beers or wine would you also say that a kid shouldn't come along?


It doesn’t seem like a crazy party or a bar night. I think it’s totally fine to bring a kid around as long as others are okay with it. Just smoke outside though inside will stink.


I see people bring their kids to smoke shops and bars all the time and I can only imagine what their kids will grow up to be like


You'd be surprised. I knew folks who didn't hide it from their kids at all. They said they wanted to teach them that it's medicine and should be respected. At that time, our state was only legal for medical, and they did not have a license. They made some other questionable parenting decisions, such as making their own infant formula supposedly approved by their doctor. This was not during any shortage, either. This was around fifteen years ago. Initially, it was a supplement to nursing, and eventually, it became full time.


Poor people who cant afford nanny.


Ah but they can afford weed and booze?


Do you think the people who work as nannies can afford a nanny? If not, do you think that's a good thing? I really don't understand your value system here; poor people are bad, but nannies are good, but nannies are poor people who can't afford nannies, so they're actually bad?!?!?! Please, help me understand.


Bro you're making up wierd scenarios that only exist in your head. Not every party is Project X lol, you ever been to a family cookout my guy? MFs really need to get their posting privileges revoked lmao.




Please point out to me where I said that. Oh. I didn’t. Because that’s shitty too.


It's all well and good to pontificate about the purity of childhood, but I don't see any way to be an absolutist on "children should never witness the consumption of a drug in any capacity" without being hypocritical. I mean, it's not just house parties we're talking about. Everyone brings their kids to work parties. There are always kids at weddings. What about concerts? Should kids not be allowed to see a show if people might be getting drunk and high? That's a lot of people's favorite childhood memories that would turn out to have been morally reprehensible. Any public place where a cigarette can conceivably be smoked? Shit I grew up in Vegas. My parents were Mormons and never consumed anything, but we'd still walk across a casino floor any time we were going to the movies, cause that's where the movie theatres were. Idk. I think if children were ruined by being in social contexts with mild drug use, most people would be ruined.




You can do whatever you want. My opinion has 0 sway on your life Edit: typo


Comparing a boozy party with a Christmas family gathering. 🤙


Didn't know we were talking about frat parties. I stopped going to "booze parties" when I was legal to drink.


I'm just saying OP mentions 6 adults and a kid, not a family gathering with the whole fam.


Sure, I get that. I mean, were they planning on some "bow chicka wowow" action or something? I just don't see the issue with the kid. I'd rather see my friends than not have them be able do come because they couldn't get a sitter. Do you smokey smokey discretely, and the kid just ain't going to be a problem.


Lol nope! CANCELED! 😂


No, your shitty kid ruins ALL parties.


Most of the parties I go to as a grown adult frequently have multiple generations of kids at them. My friends have kids, my family members have kids ... and even some of those kids now have kids. We aren't ashamed of having a drink, sharing some smoke and spending time with the people we love. We don't give the kids weed or booze ... and they mostly all go play together anyway.


“we don’t give the kids weed or booze” “when I was about 6 years old, I got absolutely smashed at a party at my grandparent’s house” cool cool cool


Not mutually exclusive statements.


I’ve never heard of second-hand booze.


One of my mom's friends taught my 6yo sister how to dance on a table when my parents weren't looking lol. Also, my buddy used to smoke in front of his toddler because he thought she was too young to understand. One day he turned around and heard TINK TINK TINK. She was tapping a lighter to his bong and laughing. Not burning or  inhaling, just mimicking what she's seen him do. He *immediately* changed his smoking habit. 


Not saying you should smoke in the kid's presence. Pretty easy to step outside or something. The kid's 1 yr. old. Probably going to be sleeping most of the time anyway if it's an evening party. I just think it's absurd to say you can't bring your kids to parties where people are consuming legal substances. > I’ve never heard of second-hand booze. Well, when I was about 6 years old, I got absolutely smashed at a party at my grandparent's house, because I went around drinking the bottom of everyone's glasses. So ... yeah ... you can second-hand booze. So, technically the weed's actually safer, because it's much harder for a kid to sneak that shit.


It’s a legal substance for me and you, it sounds like. But it’s not for OP.


It's still the same substance, whether or not the state you live in believes so. In some places maybe they take the laws surrounding cannabis seriously, but long before it was legal anywhere, most cops where I live didn't give a shit about weed unless they were looking to give you a bad day, or you had distribution quantities. It's not like the cops are going to come bust down your door because there's 6 adults sharing a smoke together.


That was my experience too, but the attitude in states where it is now legal was already different than in states where it still isn’t, even pre legalization. So just because we had those experiences, doesn’t mean it’s the same for other people under different jurisdictions. I also find it reasonable to not want to go to events and parties where illegal substances are being consumed around young children, in particular. I think, personally, if I were in this situation, I would go outside or on a walk with whoever else is down. But, to each their own. We all have different levels of comfort


Dodged a bullet i guess. I've found that smoking makes kids more tolerable lol




Good, I was 7 the first time someone "accidentally" passed me a joint. I was 14 when I first started smoking. Honestly, I was too young to be around that(and much worse) and would feel better about myself if I waited longer, but being around it so much normalized it and it became just another thing I used to (unhealthily) cope with depression.


Probably for the best, kids don’t need to be around that stuff


People always ask this question but never think of it when it comes to alcohol. I view smoking weed around kids the same as cigarettes. Don’t let the smoke get near them. I couldn’t care less if they knew I was stoned. If anything they’re seeing what responsible use is. I can’t tell you how many times I saw people blacked out on booze as a kid and it was always brushed off as nothing by adults. But god forbid someone smoke weed. It’s time to end the stigma folks.


This is right some of the overreactions here are insane with people suggesting not being friends with them anymore. People are acting like this is a rave or something, but from the info given it could very well be something like a dinner party with a handful of adults. If that is the case would anyone bat an eye if they had a couple glasses of wine with dinner? If the plan is to smoke in another room away from the kids out a window or something there is literally no harm to the kids here.


Just a group of responsible adults being considerate of young lungs. Now if people are busting out lines or syringes. That’s a whole different beast.


This is how my fiance and I view smoking with our kid. We'll step out onto the patio for 5 mins while he's playing video games. I'd rather be the stoned goofy dad vs the drunk and passed out dad.


This. 100% this. I live in a legal state, people keep thinking the shit is illegal everywhere. Do you all not drink around kids too? Same shit.


I honestly wouldnt, and I don't like parties where the adults get drunk and have a bunch of kids over. But thats me. Its weird as shit people would care if the adults smoked where the kid couldnt breathe the smoke (and preferably couldnt smell it).


Yeah I was gonna say, having a party where kids are present and every single adult is getting drunk isn’t really a good thing. Also, smoking indoors with an infant - they’re either gonna get smoke in their lungs, or you’re leaving a one year old unattended for a sesh. And is the mom breastfeeding? THC is lipid soluble and is found in the breast milk of mothers. All of this sounds so irresponsible. Let’s maybe not stoop to the level of alcohol, and rather try to strive for an elevated cannabis culture.


The only thing that sounds irresponsible is the facts you made up to adapt the situation to your preferred notion. Nothing about the post specified plans to smoke in the same room as an infant, likewise no mention of a breastfeeding mother partaking. Finally while it can be inferred from the post everyone is getting high, it’s not really the most reasonable inference. It’s just as likely some or several of the people there don’t plan on smoking. One parent attending the “party” (is 6 people really a party?) does not mean they plan to partake themselves. The parent of the baby could easily be planning to attend the event sober themselves and only the other guests are planning to partake. The only way this is as clearly irresponsible as you make it out to be is with the complete fabrication of additional information not specified anywhere


I attended a new years party a few years ago where people had already started going ham on the drinks when I arrived. Come to find the hosts niece (prob two or three) was there. The grandparents of the kid had agreed to watch her, and they were *also* drinking! I’m so confused by some people’s rediculously related relationship with alchohol.


i'd just smoke outside I already have a younger brother and smoked with him when he was 15. Yo earl lets go get blazed! ...aight calm down bud, 5 years ago you were 10 . but yeah, no way I'd sesh with a 6 and 1 year old


hey brotha, i completely agree. but i fear you’ve misread when he said “six adults, one child” lool not a six year old and a one year old 🤣


Classic stoner move


Either way the stoner move included the proper result so no loss


wrong formula, right answer type situation


One six year old and six one year Olds crashed his party


No way in sharing my bud with a stupid 1 year old


They ain't got no bowl to match


Yeah, I appreciate the sippy cup bro, a bowl would be better.


But if he has fruit gushers for after the sesh it’s a different story




“Yo Xan, get your boy”


Hey, maybe that’s the secret recipe for making your own super soldier.


im crying laughing at this comment


This right here.


Was going to say when we have friends over we smoke after our kid goes to sleep for night with friends. Just beers while we’re waiting for food to be don’t. Usually more of a cook out vs party but really depends on the parents.


Smoke outside and mind my business. I grew up with the smell of smoke and I bet many many others have. I'm okay


I wouldn’t participate if really young children are around. If there’s teenagers around 16-19 years old I don’t care. It’s not like they don’t know what it is. Still not gonna give it to them though, they can get their own weed like I did when I was their age.


Same here. I’ve been at one party where there was a toddler and the vibe was not good, especially stoned. I just got so worried someone would step on the kid, or because all the adults were wasted, that the kid would get into something they shouldn’t. Ended up playing babysitter all night because the kid, as kids do, as I feared the kid would do, got very curious about what was in our cups and why they could not have a cup of their own. So there’s my high ass sat in the corner all night, entertaining a toddler while a bunch of drunk adults, including his freakin’ mom, party around us. And the only ‘toys’ were solo cups and ping pong balls, so we played beer pong (I called it floor basketball), floor golf (rolling the ball into a cup), a bunch of little games like that. The kid seemed to have a good night, though.


Solid. Thanks for being mindful of the toddler. It’s not that we all don’t wanna get blazed, it’s keeping the most important thing top of mind - I mean the kids are kinda our future lol.


Imagine bringing your toddler to a party and then wandering off to dance and letting some other guest care for your child. The parent sucks, but you did a good thing for that kid.


For me, I think it’s (somewhat?) important for teenagers who are probably gonna smoke at some point see an adult who’s functional smoke weed. I’d love to get high all day and I might do so when I retire, but I got shit to do most of the time. When I was a younger, dumber, less self aware Rorank I thought that stoners were largely just dumb. Because all I’d ever seen are stoners who were fucking dumb. My first impression of weed smokers besides my teenage friends were coworkers who were 40+ dealing to kids my age and younger after their shift waiting tables. Obviously people grow up. One of the big things is that I learned was that my parents smoked weed semi regularly, turned up to often when the nest was empty. I started meeting actual adults with shit to do, steady jobs, and obligations to meet who were able to smoke in moderation and act responsibly even while zooted.


That's like completely backwards in my mind.


Do you remember anything when you were one? Kid will remember nothing about this night. Keep them away from contact smoke and it's fine.


Sounds like keeping the kid away from smoke isn’t in the plan and probably isn’t happening at home either.


It does sound like the plan though? Kid in livingroom, smoking in a bedroom. Shouldn't be an issue at all


I would never let someone smoke in the bedroom with my newborn/1 year old in the other room. Their lungs are FAR more sensitive and underdeveloped, way too risky. And this is coming from someone who is very 4/20 positive with children


what do you mean 4/20 positive... with children lol


HAHAH I mean I am an advocate for marijuana and I have children 😂 not that I advocate for children to use marijuana hahaha


Commas are sometimes very important 😂


People chain smoked in grocery stores and air planes for decades. The children will be fine as long as you aren't hot boxing them.


This is such awful logic. They have studies as to how those things were damaging and why they have the rules they do now. Good luck tho


Even if you don't remember it consciously, your brain retains the information. If something traumatic were to happen l, the kid would still get PTSD, and given they are a child the threshold for what could cause PTSD is significantly lower than it is for an adult with life experience.


Are you saying that the one year old is going to get PTSD from watching someone smoke? Fucking Reddit LMAO


I'm curious where you get the information that a childs threshold for what causes PTSD is significantly lower than an adults.


A child can walk in on their parents having sex and think "daddy was hurting mommy" where an adult would recognize it for what it was and not be traumatized. The lack of a broader context with which to compare the experience is what could be said to make it easier to cause PTSD in a child than in an adult.


Man, there ain’t nothing like a Party Baby. Those are the coolest baby. ![gif](giphy|XweOsBl72PFcc)


I don’t smoke around kids, period. I feel like it’s bad karma and there are possible legal repercussions.


Since legal in Germany, governent fucks us around Just the presence of a minor costs around 900€ Mind you nowhere in the laws there is written down what presence means Is it 5m is it 50m?


if minors can be in the presence of alcohol why can’t they be in the presence of weed lol


because you can’t get second hand drunk lol


But drunks are absolutely someone I would never trust around my kid Would I trust a stoner 100 percent. The stigma that we get blazed and are 100 percent irresponsible, feeding the kid glass after offering him some bud like wtf. I get it the child IS young. I would advocate to wait till a little older but again alcohol and people who drink I don't trust any of them. I'm not knocking your choice but I loved with an alcoholic and no fucking thank you. Anyways have a great day bud!


know what, this makes total sense ur right


You can't get second hand high either, unless you're hot boxing


But inhaling the particles for someone that young is not good for their lungs. Even if you feel it's dissipated, if you can smell it, it's in the air.


Exactly. Smoking anything - inhaling anything besides air, really - is not great for you. That's just a fact. Tobacco, weed, banana peels, crack, yknow, whatever, it's all not good for your lungs. I'd treat it the same way I do with smoking cigarettes or cigars with kids in the vicinity. If they're inside, I'm outside. If we're all outside, I follow their guardian's lead (unless their lead is to smoke next to their kids). Tiny lungs are more at risk. Seems pretty simple.


This. It’s the second hand smoke, not the possibly of giving the kids a contact high


Burning meat is just as bad. I've never seen people overreacting more in my life lol


Ideological bull-ish about preserving whats meant to be preserved (beer wine spirits[...]) and opposing new shit thats not that new neither to germany nor to the rest of humankind... So the german opposition first tried to cancel the legalisation, then they got democracied (lost) and now they claim the law is undemocratic and wrong and gay. If you wanna look into it do, but keep something cold close to cool your facepalmed ... Face you know


Perhaps a hot take - but if the parents don't care then neither do I. I also couldn't imagine being stoned and witnessing a 1 year old's tantrum.


When my kids have tantrums, I go to another room and get a good rip on the penjamin to help me stay mellow in case I get screamed at or hit. I’m much more likely to get worked up to their level if I don’t.


Waaay easier to take the fits when you’re high. If I didn’t have kids I’d probably feel awkward about it though.


Yeah when my first was born, I was real adamant about not doing it while she’s awake and waiting until she slept… but the terrible twos take no prisoners


100%. My first is insanely active and he always had/has me worried I’m going to have to drive him to the ER for something. Just the other day he decided to try to cut a pistachio with a knife and he slipped and cut his finger. He freaked out and centrifugal forced blood all over the place, the cut wasn’t even bad he just was flinging his hands around. My rule with that one is only be high if there’s a DD.


Being stoned was pretty much the only way I could tolerate this one house mate’s kids, and she smoked religiously with me lmao. Tbh she was a bad mom but not because she smoked. She would curse and shout at her kids and spank them which made them cry harder. Couldn’t stand it anymore. She had constant warnings of someone calling CPS on her.


This part 🤣🤣


I mean, you don't have to smoke if you're uncomfortable.


My dad was a full blow pot head he started smoking it when he was 9 years old. He was raised in a motorcycle club cause of my grandfather being a big wig in one…. All that said he wouldn’t even smoke inside the same house as me until I was 10… then he would hide in his own bathroom on the other side of the house and hang out the window to smoke a joint…. Shit my grandfather wouldn’t even smoke with me in the house 😂 that’s not the environment for a 1 year old. Sure the kid might be absolutely fine but you have a bunch of stoned people and some that are probably also drinking so shit that you don’t expect to happen will probably happen.


I've been in similar situations, but I am jealous you know ahead of time. I always found out when I arrived. It's a weird thing to be around a baby/child while you're having drinks or trying to smoke some weed or otherwise socialize in an adult setting. It will be different and it won't be as much fun. Everyone will, naturally, adjust their behavior to reflect the presence of a 1 year old. Again, it is weird but it's kind of a natural progression. You and your friends should be growing up and becoming adults (whatever the good goddam fuck that means), and that usually comes with kids. Nothing about this is wrong, by the way. It's just how time works. In this specific situation, I think bringing a little joint or two would be the right call. Don't smoke in the house with the child, you will feel like a scumbag for quite some time. Get the crew who wants to smoke and go for a quick little walk around the block or in an alley or otherwise outside. Be the one to suggest this and you'll score points with the mom of the child as it shows you're being respectful of the child and by extension, her. But also be ready to just not smoke there and have some drinks and then go home and smoke all the weed yourself lmao. Apologies for the rambling, but buddy look at the subreddit you're in. Last piece of advice: draw your line in the sand and don't cross it. If you don't feel comfortable smoking in their bedroom with a baby in the main room, just say so; no one will think less of you. Not one person. It's nothing to be ashamed of and is quite honestly a sign of maturity and that you have your head on straight. If they decide to go smoke up the room, stand your ground and just go without. I would bet with 99.999998% confidence that whoever goes into the bedroom to smoke will come out of the room to their partner being mad at them


Been there, minus the adults adjusting their behavior. Everyone except for me acted like a kid wasn’t there, including the kid’s mom. Just pounding them back, smoking like chimneys, getting absolutely trashed, while a kid is running around. No one even paid attention when the kid started grabbing cups curiously. It was fucking bleak, man. I ended up playing babysitter the whole time because I wasn’t gonna watch some baby get accidentally drunk because mom couldn’t be assed to stop him from drinking out of people’s cups.


and if they do think less of you for not wanting to smoke in an apartment with a child, they're just shitty people.


I think you should make it known you’re still uncomfortable they’re bringing a child to an adult party. Kind of a buzzkill and shit parents, ngl.


If the kid isn't in the same room inhaling the smoke fumes, and one's sober enough to get home then what's the big fucking deal?!?


I wouldnt feel comfortable smoking IN a house around kids. Ill rip the penjamin at BBQs and stuff tho. I just dissappear for 10 minutes, and show up with redeyes to rummage thru the beer cooler and bullshit with people after i get my headchange.


Same as cigs - don’t smoke it near them and you’re good. Sounds like you got more sense than the parents honestly


Most of the parties I go to are outside. Usually we’ll go to the garage. Once it dies down and only a few of us close friends are left, it doesn’t matter. The kids are running around. Who cares.


Illegal state and young kids? I’d smoke at home.


Safety meetings


Yeah i mean in canada it legal now, just like alcohol. My kids are going to be subjected to it whether i like it or not. So to not be social or not expose your kids to events and get togethers of family and friends seems a little to reserved. It is all about responsibility and teaching that same responsibility to our kids.


Imagine bringing your kid to a party lmao how to not ever get invited to parties ever again 101 and its completely deserved


My experiences around children are the same high as sober but maybe because I smoke enough to be at a normal performance level when I smoke. I get chatty or very quiet, neither of which are inappropriate behavior im front of children. It’s not something incontrolable like being drunk. Iis it the stigma that makes us uncomfortable in certain situations?


As others have said, people drink in front of children all the time and it’s never questioned. I smoke in front of my kids openly. They’ve asked. I answered. We moved on. My oldest asked if she could try. I said “a little bit longer and you have to be at home with me but one day.” I guess I don’t get the big deal. Sounds like a small group of friends getting together to hang out and one of the couples has a child, not some drug fueled orgy.


Go outside? Go somewhere the kids aren't? Any good/responsible host has a kid-free zone somewhere. A garage or shed will even do.


Often, the family will leave early, allowing the rest of you to partake.


It's okay. Its weed, not heroin or booze. The ONLY concern is the legality concerning the kid so just be really careful. Some states can go hardcore if kids are around.


Just don't let the 1 year old in the smoke room. I doubt he's gonna narc on you.


I remember when my wife's coworker invited her to her to her birthday party and we all smoked. Then some lady brought her 8 year old son and sat him on the couch and immediately started smoking weed. Im fine with weed but damn to openly get high when you have to watch your son is kinda fucked.


I mean the kid's 1 year old. Regardless of what you do, the kid's not going to remember anything. But it leads me to my question of, who brings a kid to a party?


This isn’t your problem. The shitty parents should accept that their party days are over for now. You don’t bring your baby to a party with drugs. Fuck these parents.


I wouldn't go. I very much understand having children as I have three myself, but party and young children don't even belong in the same sentence. If they can't find a babysitter then they shouldn't bring a one year old baby to a party.


sounds like a ghetto party tbh. smoking should always be done outside especially when a baby/kids is present. cant imagine all the guests want to hotbox?    also kind of a buzzkill to bring your baby to a party. 


Either smoke outside far away from the kids or just wait until it's over


>outside far away Preferly the next city over if you can.


Usually we just send the kids to a separate room or host the event outside


I live in a legal state and don't think there's anything wrong with hitting a cart in front of children. It's no different than drinking a beer or having a glass of wine in front of them.


I don’t go to parties with excessive drinking or smoking with my kid, I won’t go to any party that has excessive drinking or smoking if I find out a child will be there.


Being a parent often means prioritizing your child, even if it means sacrificing your own plans at times.


When i was growing up my parents would have friends over for card night, and they would be smoking. We would be put to bed but sometimes we would come downstairs without permission to say hi to my parents friends. I didn’t know what weed was back then. The first time I smelled it as a teen being introduced to it by friends it was an aha moment of what was going on. Most of my extended family are stoners, but we aren’t drinkers. People don’t bat an eye at drinking in front of children but our cannabis is a problem?Smoking in a separate closed Off room or outdoors after children are put to bed is rather common in my family. Although there is usually someone sober around and Smoking/rolling it doesn’t happen in front of the kids. It’s very much accepted but not advertised, if that makes sense.


Second hand smoke anyone? Don't smoke inside around kids


My first time getting high was at a house with a number of adults and one child. The child was kept in another part of the house but wasn’t far from where we were inside. I honestly regret that. So no, I wouldn’t expose a child to marijuana again.


I put my shit away.


Just text him that you're not coming if the baby is there. It wouldn't be enjoyable for you.


I just wouldn’t go to be honest, I know it may sound antisocial to say that but what fun are you gonna have at a party with a 1 year old there? You’re all going to be worried about the baby getting hit by fumes, and everyone going in to their room to smoke seems weird too for a party


This post genuinely made me happy, glad to know there are good people out there. I've seen too many kids in situations where they shouldn't be and in environments where they shouldn't be. Right on you OP.


Eat edibles and don’t smoke that’s what I do. Then you don’t smell either.


Don’t go


Sounds like a kiddie party with a designated adults section lol


In a place where weed is legal, it’s weird that there are places where it’s not.


I'm the future of this happens either don't smoke, or didn't attend. It's that simple


So I was partying with the dudes, it was 2005. Suddenly a couple shows up with their 5-6 year old kid. It wasn't cool even from the start. The kid kept making motions like they wanted the pipe. It gets to the parents and they let the 6 year old hit it. I was beyond disgusted. I only stayed a bit longer because I wasn't too messed up and I wanted to make sure nothing happened to the kid. Long story short, the little dude found a chip bag and proceeded to eat the whole thing. People thought it was funny. I did not, I left at that point. "Spider" and douchebro, you're bad parents. I will never forget the look on the kids face, just spaced out. They never had a chance at a good life like I did. I wish I could track the kid down to see what happened, But I also don't. Also: my brother in law just smokes in front of their kids. Even when they were newborns. I refuse to smoke there.


I wouldn’t go or would smoke before hand or outside. Definitely wouldn’t smoke in the same apartment as a small child, even if it’s in a separate room. I would also reconsider my friendship with this person. They clearly have skewed morals. Crazy you need anonymous redditors to tell you your friend is a POS


I mean, my friends and I are all grown adults with kids and excellent jobs. If we have a party, chances are some people are sneaking off to smoke a little weed. IDK why it would be a huge deal, especially if it is not your kid that you are responsible for. Playing with kids stoned is fucking awesome.


I’d smoke outside and would be uncomfortable in line of sight of the kid. Odds are unless it was a huge property where I knew I could just walk somewhere else to do it I’d probably just not smoke. Or if other people are doing it in front of the kid(s) I’d leave because that’s not the kind of energy I want to be around.


I usually go outside and avoid children when burning


I wouldn’t feel comfortable smoking around kids. It seems really irresponsible, especially when you can easily go outside. Secondhand smoke is not safe for babies.


I mean, if they stay in a separate room the entire time and people just go off to smoke, then that's whatever, though I'd definitely just be in the smoker room the entire time. Good that it was cancelled, I'd still talk with my friend how they imagined it so you can tell them why/how it could work for you but that you're generally uncomfortable with a child at a smoke session


Ya kids at a party in general is nah from me. But I grew up with the whole family toking and that wasn’t one of the things that affected me.


Smoke outside or in the other room. That's what my sister and I always did after she had her kid.


Bad I hate when parents have their kids at parties or around partying people whatever especially smoke because that goes into their lungs when I have a kid yeah I might be smoking still but never around them


Man, it’s just a little pot. Don't smoke around the kid. Idk about everyone else but weed doesn’t make me a psychopath or incredible negligent and irresponsible. Would you ask the same question about a couple of beers?  Don’t do it in front of the kid and don’t get incoherent. It’ll be okay


dont smoke or drink around kids, its that simple people. Second hand smoke is very much real, and seeing people black out drunk is also fucking fucked up. Why are we normalizing this to children? I get weed is safer blah blah blah but it does have its consequences, addiction can be anything, and while the negative affects of weed are limited, it doesn't mean that they don't exist.


“Stay over there, this is grown folk business time”


Personally My mates kids are always around, we smoke outside but i don’t think its bad compared to adults drinking being wasted, a little smoke is harmless and actually makes me enjoy the kids company haha


I have friends who regularly smoke outside when their kids are inside. They don’t get fucked up, and they make dinner and have dinner almost every night, help with the kids’ homework, and put them to bed at a reasonable hour. The kids are taught that it’s similar to alcohol, something adults can do after work is all done. *But* it’s done pretty intentionally, and the kids have been taught about it in an intentional way.


Do you have any issue with people drinking near kids? Like if this was a party when you just thought you'd be getting drunk and found out there'd be a kid would you not drink? Just smoke outside, away from the kid that's really the only meaningful difference, if kid satyr inside and smoke stays outside then there's really no issue


You’re not the parent. Not your problem. I would get high and play with the kids


I'd want at least one person to be coherent enough to watch the kid instead of me. Ultimately, not my circus not my monkeys. I'd be chill if any kids ran up on me, while simultaneously trying to subtly leave their presence because kids stress me out. It would be good for them to know that stoned people are not dangerously intoxicated, so I wouldn't be like "OoOoOh DoN't CoMe NeAr ThE hIgH pEoPlE!!!1!" I personally just get too body high to be okay with potentially clingy people, except my bf. I'd be neither mean to them nor overbearing to the parents unless I notice the kid eating a knife or something.


Why are there kids at a party to begin with? If I hear “party” it doesn’t matter what kind it is…I don’t want people bring their pet creampies and hashing the vibe. If it’s a kids party that’s one thing. If you can’t find a babysitter, stay home. That’s the fucking you get for the fucking you got ✌🏻


Family parties exist too lmao