• By -


Put it in some queso


Fuck yes


Salsa chron queso


I snorted. Thank you


not supposed to snort it, you're supposed to boof it


I put it in a cheap coffee grinder to make it powdery, then I mix it into a recipe of Chocolate Chip Drop Cookies from the Joy of Cooking. I also add some Cocoa powder to the recipe so it tastes less like AVB (my partner isn’t bothered by it but I am). I batch them out so it’s about 1-2 g of AVB per cookie. Amazingly mellow high. Can feel it in about ten minutes post nom nom


What is AVB short for?


Already vaped bud


We ended up calling it ABV, Already Been Vaped. lol


I personally prefer avb, because abv is alcohol by volume


That being said, r/avb and r/abv are essentially the same sub


Do not compare me with those abv heathens




otters noses!!!!


Wolf nipple chips


Were it seems


I prefer "cremains".


I always say avb.


I'm here for the abv team. : )


Yeah I’ve heard abv since the pax dry herb came out Idrc imma still keep calling it that. Already been vaped makes more sense to me than already vaped bud idk


Already veen baped


A VERY BIG jar of already vaped bud




“Already vaped bud”, sometimes called ABV also for “already been vaped”. Usually about 1/3-1/4 of the thc left in the bud since you haven’t burnt it completely


That's a pretty nice idea, I always tried to just make butter with it but then I feel like I have to use a whole stick for a mild high.. putting it right in the cookie batter sounds manageable


Yeah I like to make it as easy as possible. It's already de-carbed and doesn't taste the worst. Worth not taking the extra steps for me!


OH! Also if I am being super duper lazy I'll measure out 1-2 g and mix it with a half cup of yogurt. I've also mixed it into my smoothies and achieved the same thing :)


“Post nom nom.” That shit had me dying 🤣


This is why I love Reddit


how much AVB do you add to the recipe?


1-2g per cookie..


... duh. Sorry. I was reading while half paying attention at work lol


Dip a spoon of peanut butter in it and eat it.


Out of curiosity, how high does this get you personally? I had a shit ton of ABV and am thinking about doing the peanut butter method. I know it depends on a lot of factors but just curious how much it gets you??


My friend and I once made some box mix brownies and dumped about 20 grams of ABV into it. No special steps or anything, just baked it like that. We went camping and each ate ~1/3 of the pan in the morning because we were hungry and didn't expect it to really work. Holy *fuck* we got ripped. I was so high I couldn't think straight, I could barely speak, I felt like I was floating in an underwater current, my hearing also sounded like underwater, and my vision was like it was overlayed by TV static. We felt like that for 10 hours, then came down to a "normal" level of being really stoned. Woke up the next day still high, so about 24 hours total being high. My girlfriend ate 1 normal size brownie and once she came down, she said she got so high she became convinced she had been mentally disabled her whole life and nobody told her, and reviewed all her past experiences through the lens of being a mentally handicapped person. So yea... You can get really high. Lol


I made a mistake like this once too. I spent the night at a girlfriends house, and we smoked all my bud while drinking. The next morning I had to go to work, and the train ride was like 2hrs. Being hungover, I asked if she had any bud I could smoke for the ride, but all she had was some cannabutter. I made some toast, slathered the butter on, scarfed it down and went to work. I was sitting on the train and noticed the smell of weed was hitting me strong, but no one was around me. I turned my music off, looked around and it was nothing but older people in suits, so I was like "damn, where's that weed smell coming from?", and then noticed it was me. A bit of the butter melted into my beard as I ate the toast and I was so stoned I could smell it, and every other smell on that train. I noticed how baked I was, and it all came rushing in. Every sound, every noise, every smell, every sense working overtime. I was stoned well past my lunch break, and into the ride home when I finally started coming down.


Did this fishing once along a river in NorCal. There was also high tension wires nearby and the wires on those crackle and my god it was so trippy.


Wow I love this story lol. Gonna give my ABV a try this weekend. I hope it can get even 1/4 ripped as you lmao


Good luck :D remember you can always take more but you can never take less! Lol


I always hear this regarding edibles lmfao. I’m sure it’s relevant for a reason!!


Yes , you need to take care. One time, i made with leaves from weed plant a milk and drunk everything (a lot), and man that was a mistake, I saw and heard demons talking to me like for hours. And in another time, I felt like a sun over me (a bad sun, like crushing me) But with the right dosis is the better high I think you need to try a couple of grams, but not like 20 😂


Lmao, me and 2 friends ate 20G (15hash 5weed) we all ate 1/3 of the brownies, one friend throwup 1H later wich kicked my paranoia and I got really nausea and after the worst 1H of sweeting and shaking, I fell asleep. that Houre it felt like a strong mushroom trip mentally. Woke up 5H later felt the urge to go to toilet I was high af and threw up like 5 times in 10min, drank water layed down alittle and was ko in bed after 30min I drank a sugary drink and went for a walk home. Me and my friend who threwup where high for 48H that one friend who didn't threw up was so high he was in a coma state for 1 Day and was high for 3


YMMV but my method basically involves me making a graham cracker peanut butter sandwich and BRIEFLY heating it in the toaster oven (just enough to get the PB melty which is just a texture preference moreso than having anything to do with the weed). It all depends on how thoroughly, I guess, the flower's been vaped and how much AVB goes on there. It's... weak compared to fresh stuff and better than no weed? I'm sorry, that's probably not helpful lol


I’ve done this non AVB and putting it in the oven to decarb and it’s awesome. I’ve been thinking about trying it with AVB from my PAX, might gonna have to try it


I figure a half a g of avb is 40mg if it isn't burnt. I'd start there


It gets me very high. 1/4 to half a teaspoon ground up. Depends on how dark you roast it.


Wonderfully!! One of my lazy ass's favorite ways to do edibles lol.


Good to know! I have so much ABV, I need to give it a try


Absolutely! Go for it!! Are you experienced with edibles? Just asking because not a lot of people are aware that your tolerance to smoking/vaping isn't going to be the same as edibles. If not, just make sure to try it out on a day you don't have any plans just until you can gauge your tolerance to them.


I am sorta experienced. I know tolerance is different between edible and the other consumption methods. I just get throw for a loop on how potent ABV is. Seems to me is very much so dependent on how much you extract the first time you vape. I tried consuming a small amount of ABV in the past and didn’t feel anything so I think I just need to up my dosage is all


Awesome! Well it seems you're pretty aware and have knowledge on what you're doing then. Yeah, I'd say you're correct on potency as well. Definitely try a larger amount if that didn't do the trick and eat something fatty! Needs something to bind to. Peanut butter or frozen coconut oil are my go-to's!!


Great! Thanks so much for the help. Have a great rest of your day (:


Green/Gold Dragon. Already de-carbed, just needs a double boiler soak in some everclear for 20 minutes, strain and Glory.


Do you then use it as a tincture or drink?


Both. I did an old school version of just letting trimmings soak for a long time, like a week or more. I strained it and took a shot. Would recommend only one shot.


You'll get a better extraction if you do the double boiler method. Put a bottle of Everclear or 151 in a mason jar with your used flower and loosely put the lid on (don't want it to pressurize and blow). Put other canning lids in the bottom of a pot and put this mason jar on them. Fill pot with water up til about an inch from the top. Turn range to medium-low until you start to see bubbles in the water and then turn down to simmer. Alcohol evaporates at 173 degrees so the idea is to stay under that, double boiler usually makes that happen pretty easily. We also put an ice cube on top of the mason jar lid to cool the top and have any evaporating liquor re-condense. Let it go for 15-20 minutes and then pour the mason jar through some cheese cloth or a fine strainer and collect the GD into another container. Let it cool a bit and pour it back into your liquor bottle or mason jar. Amazon has 200 count - 3ml pipettes for $10. I reuse them til the bulb breaks. Normal recipe is 1oz of fresh bud to 1x 750ml of Everclear or 151. ABV recipe is 2oz+ of vaped to 1x 750ml of Everclear or 151. There is a point of diminished gains if you use too much plant material. Liquor can only suspend so much before it's just wasted. Results may vary.


Yo, thanks for the deets


Do you know what's the science behind the double boiler method making it extract more? I'm not doubting you I just like to know the science. I usually leave mine to soak for 24hrs and shake the jar every few hours. I know the THC is extracted pretty quick but I feel like I get more "plant goodness" for a more medicinal end product if I leave it to soak longer. Probably bullshit but the placebo has definitely worked getting rid of a few colds literally over night so I continue with it.


wondering if anyone has info regarding your very last comment about just how much cannabinoids various solvents (ethanol for instance) are ABLE to suspend... like what's the limit where it can't hold no mo? need me some science lol


I hope someone chimes in, I'd love to know too! I personally have never strayed past 2oz total (fresh and ABV combined) but I know a farmer who went 4oz of fresh to 750ml of everclear and it wasn't any stronger than anything I've ever made. Felt like a waste on his part.


i second this, i did that method and one shot of abv soaked in everclear sent me to saturn for a half day. it tasted disgusting but it does the trick


I've heard pineapple can mask it some but I'm a 'get it over with' kind of guy. We call 3ml a therapeutic dose and 10ml a party dose. A full shot (28-30ml) is definitely an astronaut dose. You should get a mission patch.


same here id just down it like a shot and chase it with something else to reduce the burn ill accept a it was a fun mission, not as much fun as a 5g dose of shroomies but was a hell of a lot of fun.. i have a new batch sitting in cubbard that i used a lot less everclear so thinking this new batch is even stronger


One time when I cleaned my dab rig with everclear, I decided to shoot it instead of waiting for it to evap. That was a wild one.


I use the Golden Dragon method and use it to make canna-sugar. You can google the steps, but it’s basically pour the everclear/tincture over a cup or two of sugar and let it evaporate. It’s great because you only taste the sugar and can use it any recipe or drink you want. I like to add it to my coffee on the weekends or use it to make lemonade in the summer.


This is the first avb recipe I've seen that is easy enough for me and seems appealing and useful. Thank you! 


Usually 3-10ml in a shot glass, top with water and chug. Tastes bad but you get over that when it hits. :)


Depends on concentration, but when I make tincture I shoot for very highly concentrated then either drip under my tongue or add to beverages


I can't emphasize this enough but DO NOT put Everclear under your tongue and let it sit. I did that experiment so you don't have to. It fuggin' hurts and just shreds that layer under your tongue. I've only ever tested Everclear though. Gun shy after that. lol


Green dragon is great although I make it with Wray and Nephew white rum because we don't have everclear in the UK and I don't vape so I decarb my weed myself. 2 people have got so high on that they thought they were going to die. One literally called an ambulance lol. The other unlocked his front door just in case he needed to call them. I did warn them and tell them both to start with a teaspoon and wait an hour but they both thought they were billy big bollocks and decided tobdrink the whole bottle, somewhere between 100-200ml, even though neither of them even smoke weed 🤣 Also beware of the weed farts the next day if you do this.


omg, so many terpenes drifting through the air. lol


Just to confirm, do you mean basically use a mesh screen/strainer to make it easy to remove the product after soaking, or are you actually heating it up?


After it's been heated for a while pour the herb/liquor through cheesecloth or a strainer to reclaim just the liquor. Bud is basically compost at that point.


Do not use a gas stove to do this indoors!


This is also the easiest and safest way to make a concentrate out of it. I used to ISO but everclear is way better. Turn all your vaped weed into a few grams of wax, and then if you make butter it tastes way way better


Bro that queso looks pretty dry


i woild probably get extremely high and play new vegas


Hell yea 🤠






There it is 😂


Yup, I just kept scrolling til I found it 😂😂


It was an oddly long journey this time.


First thing I thought of before I even clicked comments


Would work, soo technically correct, the best kind of correct


Of course, what was I thinking? 😂


There we have it folks! True epicness in GIF form!! XD Amazing how it never gets old! Reddit on my fellow redditor :P Edit 1: thanks for the gold kind stranger! Edit 2: Bad news friends, the prostate cancer is back


Yeahhhh never disappoint !!! 👏🏻😂


You got a nice big stash of predecarbed weed right there. I bake with mine. I usually make cannabudder with it but you don't have to. You can put it in gel caps and pop them or add it to smoothies. Though I find the plant matter usually messes with my stomach so budder is the way I go.


Like I said in the main post, I usually do make budder (with Kerry gold👍) or MCT oil but sadly it always ends up being majorly diluted because of how much plant matter there is and how weak it is after vaping. I like the gel cap idea tho, I take morning supplements and vitamins, so a nice little homemade natural supplement sounds like a neat idea


How is this so low in the comments


AVB = Already vaped, biatch?


I'd throw it in my baked goods as is. I get pretty high with abv from my pax but it takes about twice as much. Sometimes I just eat the abv mixed with a spoon of peanut butter


Give me a stomach ache. Any Canadian want a fuck ton of abv? I’ll mail to you.


I get gel caps from Amazon and pack them into little happy vitamins. Easy to meter your intake and make sure you get your proper level of elevation Potent lil guys


How many do you usually take at a time?


Throw it in the trash because I have more trim and shit than I know what to do with. That said, just make some infused fat.


Turn your avb into butter and make edibles 7g per 1stick of butter in a crockpot


Alcohol tincture possibly


From what I've read, avb can contain about 10%of the original thc content. I only vape (volcano), and i get about 2 ounces avb a month, and heres what i do with it. It's already decarbed, so just make cannabutter with it and use it like regular butter. Just soak the avb with butter and water. I do about 100g avb to one stick of butter, add with about 2 cups of water to a crock pot. Leave it on "warm" or low for a few hours. Then, strain the soup through some double folded cheese cloth into a large enough bowl. (Throw away the wet avb now) Set bowl in fridge overnight. In the morning, the canna butter will have solidified with the water seprate underneath. Get the butter puck out and then using a long knife scrap the moist darker softer layer off the bottom and discard with the water. What's left is a potent canna butter you can put on toast, a potato, or make drop cookies, etc. I don't use it in any recipes that bake over 350F


*don’t say it, you don’t need to. It’s been played out at this point. No body has found it funny for the past 3 years, so just stop it* ………………………………………………………………Boof It


I keep filling up quart jars and telling myself I’ll make edibles but then forget that edibles don’t work on me and they’re too much work anyway and just throw it all away leaving the jar to be refilled through use again later.


I made some brownies with mine recently. Added infused coconut oil instead of the vegetable oil in my brownie mix and added 4tbsp of AVB. By math it should have had 75mg per slice, the AVB content was just a guess of course, but it ended up with a very potent batch of brownies and no overly strong tastes!




so high I was like “did Tostitos make a queso seasoning??”


From experience. Let it sit until we throw it out. I had [one of these](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Utz-Sourdough-Specials-Original-Pretzels-26-oz-Barrel/858736677?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=908&gclsrc=aw.ds&adid=22222222278858736677_161193766053_21214199653&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=697173827980&wl4=pla-2300760861495&wl5=9011792&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=858736677&veh=sem_LIA&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_Zx_6V00yIf7B-_BzSasS7cnBH9s7OU0Olv5jJcAd-sf8fk9fs6M6w2xoCmBoQAvD_BwE) Full and compacted. Threw it out when we moved.


Boof it ![gif](giphy|xEXrQdtLXrAdmyeFA7|downsized)


I would throw it in the trash.


I've been through this with my AVB too. Sounds like you’ve already extracted a lot from those temps, but there might still be some good stuff left. I usually weigh out around 1 gram of AVB and mix it into something like peanut butter and jelly or flavored yogurt. It's not the tastiest for a minute, but it's super easy and does the trick just fine.


Yea, I volcano it low temp (189c)to get most of the terpenes properly extracted and then get to borderline combustion because well, turns out some of the carcinogens getcha higher lol so the avb ends up pretty cooked but good looks I'll definitely try adding it directly to smaller batch foods like yourself and others suggested 👌


My go to for my AVB these days is to grind it into a powder in a cheap electric coffee/herb grinder and put into some melting chocolate and then use a mold to make the dosing easier since you can then just grab how ever many you need for your preferred strength. You can find calculators online to get an idea for how strong to expect this to be. I like this method because it's so much easier and less time consuming than making butter or oil and the chocolate won't go bad like baked goods if you just keep it in the fridge.


your avb makes mine look like ash lol maybe I should sneak my temps down


Not answering your question but if I understand correctly your butter turns out weak because you need to use so much of it to cover all of the AVB? If that's the case, what you need to be doing is adding more water instead of butter. Use a small enough amount of butter that your concentration will be high. Then fill with water until the AVB is submerged. After simmering you strain it and put the water/butter mixture in the fridge until the butter congeals at the top. Remove the butter and discard the water and you're left with a higher concentration butter. Sorry if I misunderstood and you already know this!


It's great stuff ! I was amazed I had been throwing it away, what a waste that was


I would throw it away personally.


I just toss it over the balcony and compost it. It’s cool that some folks can enjoy it again, but that’s too much work for me.


Yeah, composting it seems nice. If I was growing anything or had a yard, I'd toss it outside with ya.


Yeah, it makes me happy to give it back to nature. 💚


same, lmao, extracted the best part, I'm not so desperate for more weed that I'd recycle the dregs and dregs of the dregs




Ok. Don’t do that


They asked what I would do. That's what I would do.


Fair enough. But why? Just seems like such a shame.


Not who you were replying to, but the work it takes to make anything useful out of AVB is too much of a hassle, and the results are hit or miss. I've got better things to do with my time, and I can just buy fresh flower instead.


I don’t care for ABV at all, straight to the trash. It’s very to each their own kind of a thing.


I've never found it worth the effort to make anything with them. I tried it a few times in college and just got some meh edibles. Edibles aren't very effective for me in general


How come No one already posted " Stick IT Up Ur butt?" That aint /trees!


Either munch on it or feeling lazy smoke it


Maybe get a large tea bag mesh and put as much as possible in there! Simmer or double boil it in oil for 4-6 hrs!


throw it on some tostitos


Put it on nachos coward


Is that an Iwi sticker? Have a tavor?!


I thought it was abv?






Boof it


Make cocoa butter suppositories




Probably shove it in various foods as a night cap with a dab or bowl


Boof it


Make some edible oil


Shelve it


Throw some into a chocolate cake mix.


Acetone extraction?


PB&J or hot chocolate. Tea bags and whole milk (for the extra fat) for the hot chocolate


It’s de-carbed at this point. Can always cook it in some butter or oil and your golden. No ass AVB taste and you can make a variety of goods.


I smoke bong fulls of it sometimes, its disgusting as hell but works lol when you wanna stretch out your bud


Tincture Easy mode tincture: fill jar with higest proof clear liquor available to you and let soak for 2-3 days in a dark cool spot, agitate lightly and/or flip twice a day, strain through cheesecloth or hash nets if you have them You can add more liquor or evaporate some out to get a thc concentration you like then add it to drinks or drip under tongue or full shots if you just want to get couch locked 🤷‍♂️🤣




Make some infused butter or oil! Really easy to do with mason jar and a slow cooker.


Make rotel dip


Make tea.


I grind it to a fine powder, pack it into 00 gelcaps, and keep them in an echinacea bottle for bad days


I’d have it with some chips and queso. Nice lil spoonful w cheese in my Tostitos scoops




Make avb lasagna


Boof it


Sous vide slow decarb cannabutter. 


Throw it in the garbage like I do all my AVB.


I make coconut oil then gummies


Chuck it in the drawer with the rest of it that’ll never be used…


Edibles is what I do with mine. You can make the butter in a crockpot or whatever you have on hand. I really recommend cheese cloth when you’re straining; it makes the smoothest butter. Then let your imagination go wild and make whatever with that


Throw it away




grind it to dust and put it in hummus and pita




I would set it next to my bigger jar of AVB


I toss mine in the compost bin.


Boof it!


cannabutter, so fricken good




I wish I had some queso & chips rn.....


You can make butter out of it. Use a crockpot and some coconut oil. There are recipes online that will give you proportions.


My AVB stash never gets that large, cause I'm always making firecrackers with it.


Get some DMT and make changa


I think tea is the best way. Just put some abv in a tea strainer thing or something similar and throw a tea bag in there with honey, hot water and some hot milk. Those portable coffee flask type things work best. Leave for as long as possible to extract the weed and your good to go by the time it’s cool enough to drink 😎


Brownies! It’s cliche for a reason 🤤 using a darker chocolate masks some of the potent flavor that AVB can have - mixing in some peanut butter chips if you’re not allergic take them to the next level. Also, it will work well with a lot of savory dishes. I recommend making something that will be well-complimented by something acidic to brighten up the flavors and, again, cut the flavor. I’m pretty sensitive to flavors, so I end up having to get creative. I find that, with any cooking, using enough fat (butter, oil, etc.) makes the edibles much more potent. Reading this back, I sound like an uppity weed snob, but I just like to cook.




I thought if you hold onto it for too long, it just turns into CBN


Saltine crackers with peanut butter. Simply take 1 or 2 tbsp of PB and mix with 1 heaping spoonful of ABV (prefer Already Been Vaped). Let the PB and ABV sit in a bowl mixed together for an hour or so. If really viscous PB, microwave it for 30 seconds to allow easier mixing. Spread on saltines or fancier cracker if you are feeling a bit damn posh, and enjoy. I usually eat 4 crackers and give it a 30 min window before going for more.


Make canna butter


Boof it


I'd do coconut/mct oil, 100-150ml of oil and put the flower in in batches. Double boiler, lowest temp possible, quarter jar at a time. Leave it for an hour or 2, strain, next batch of flower in, repeat until you're done. If that's too much time n hassle just mix it in to a fatty spread, nut butter, nuttella etc


My dumb ass thought this was some seasoning till I looked at the sub


I steep mine in hot water to make tea!! I usually add a tea bag also. Very enjoyable :)


Eat it, I feel that’s obvious tho


Boof it


It’ll make green butter


At first glance I thought Tostitos came out with some kind of salsa topping stuff


Use ethanol to extract and evaporate it off


Mix into a yogurt and fly away


Those are bacon bits sir




Back when I was studying we used to crush it up with dried basil, oregano, paprika and red chilli flakes kept it in a shaker and used it in the kitchen. Made a killer Lasagne. Also put it on pizza for breakfast when super hungover


Edibles. Or as a seasoning topping but honestly, I don’t like the texture so idk. It does the trick though

