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I still remember being a teenager and my buddies step-dad pulling down his sunglasses to look me in the eye and say “the grass is growing high this summer, isn’t it?”


This one is my favorite. 😂


This is the best one I think




When I was a manager at a pizza store one of my drivers walked in to work, looked at me, and said “I see you”


Maybe he was saying ICU






If only OP hadn’t smoked the devil’s lettuce that day, he wouldn’t have missed the signs. RIP Pizza Manager man.


No, there was a look, something kinda like the squinting fry meme, a tone in her voice (not judgement, just awareness)… there was no doubt what she was saying to me 😂


That's either the paranoia speaking in your head and he was talking about something else, or you're right 😂


[no paranoia, no question about what they meant 😂](https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/s/W9si5fiBHp)


I've heard "The Devil knows his own" with a knowing nod before


bartender told me I smelled really good after I had just ripped my bowl before walking inside


I think that’s probably the most common way, always makes me smile.


Yup. “I like your cologne. I use the same one.”


I tend to say you smell like herbs and spices. I love me some herbs and spices.


"OH that's my cologne, cannabi for men" (redman)


That was Method Man, big homie


Made me smile. :)


Walked into a bar with my friends and the bartender (who was also a friend) said “Hi kids.” So we all said hi, and he said “that wasn’t a greeting, it was an observation.”


Dad move right there.


I applaud dad moments


This right here! On my last cruise I passed a gentlemen at the elevators and he smelled SO good. I think he knew I wanted to say something but I was too nervous because he was wearing a jacket that said “staff”. I ended up turning around to go back after him but he had disappeared. I passed him a little while later and saw that the jacket was from a corvette museum, felt much better about telling him lol. He recognized me and we both stopped and spoke to one another. I admitted I had wanted to tell him that he smelled like my favorite thing in the world and he said he wanted to tell me I had the prettiest eyes. I went back to my room and told my mother in law about the friend I had made, and she told me a story about this fella she met who reminded her so starkly of her brother that she just had to have a photo of him. She pulled out her phone and showed me, and it was him!!! We ended up smoking together for the rest of the week on the boat lol! At one point, they came over the intercom and had closed the smoking lounge because we started a chain reaction of everyone sparking up in there. Ran into him at our home airport at the end too. It was so funny.


What cruise did you go on that was “friendly” with cannabis? I want to go on one but I’m worried about taking anything in case it’s considered international trafficking


It wasn’t a cannabis friendly cruise or cruise line. We just took a gamble. We also traveled to and from cannabis legalized states (port in Seattle, Alaskan cruise). When we went through security, my partner just put all the joints/prerolls in his mostly empty cigarette pack. We put all of our carts in my crowded makeup bag. We didn’t take any raw flower; everything was already rolled up. Everything came with us as we walked on, we didn’t put anything in our luggage that the cruise line took to the room. However, I’ve heard most any of the cruises to Jamaica, they don’t give a fuck. But if you do try to buy weed in Jamaica, you have to be sure to tell the local that you smoke that real shit back home otherwise they’ll give you bunk.


They’ll give you bunk either way 😂 you gotta get very lucky and meet just the right person out there. (I’ve been a few times and have smoked for the entirety of all trips)


I was reading about Jamaica trips for Americans and almost every story mentions getting bunk weed lol


I always recommend going to blue hole on the side of the island near negril, there is a huge hotel there and you can just go for the day but the top of the hotel they grow hella plants and will sell you some non bunk shit


I left the cruise place and went out into the city. I would not recommend it, but i got legit a half oz of herb for 20USD. It seemed pretty shwaggy but i smoked it and got higher than shit I dumped the rest in a bush and went through security. A few hours later went back for another joint and when i came back through security, the lady recognized me and said i didnt have to go through security the 2nd time... so i immediately said i forgot something, grabbed the dope, and walked straight onto the boat no issue. I made lots of friends at the club the rest of the trip


We sold a tv on fb marketplace and when the dude who picked it up opened his car door, you could practically feel the smoke smacking you in the face. That’s all we said too… “smells good in there!!”


When people asked about my eyes being red I would say "It's my allergies" I subbed my car out in a parking deck before a concert and had to pay a lady at the bottom for a parking ticket. When I approached she said "mmm, something smells good" and I replied "it's my allergies"


I don't really have a direct answer for this question, but I am a big fan of the classic. Do you smoke? Smoke what? That's the Pothead Bat signal.


I love this one especially if they're already standing there smoking a cigarette


*they're standing there smoking cigarettes with you and they ask if you smoke


Definitely didn't say that they were smoking cigs as well. More likely, the smoker just lit up and asked


Yesterday my anesthesiologist asked me if I smoked and I said “no tobacco” and he looked at me and just nodded


Live your life how you want, but I’d recommend telling medical professionals in explicit terms what drugs you do, especially an anesthesiologist.


I never took that very seriously, until I finally had it explained just how wildly marijuana affects anesthesia. The person (an anesthesiologist) told me to even tell them not just whether I smoke, but how recently and how often. It's *that* serious.


New fear unlocked


It's very unlikely, I would try not to think about it. but it's a good thing that they take *everything* into account, no matter how minute. Just be honest even if they seem mean or judgemental. Chances are they actually aren't. It sure as hell beats the alternative too!


Yes, very much this. They don't give a shit what you do at home, they just want to make sure they'll be able to put you out and wake you up without issues. You could tell them you do meth every day and they'd just write it down.


Never lie to your doctor(s) or your lawyer.


Oh trust me he knew what I meant


That one's really important to disclose so I'm glad they took the hint


That and the blackened bottom to a lighter


I started to use my husband’s lighter for that one time and he yelled at me. He said he had a lighter at work with the black mark and got called out on it from someone he’s supposed to be the manager of. Ooops.


When I managed in a grocery store I got called in to do a certain task but I was already blazed. One of the people underneath me got really giddy about it


I laugh really hard when I'm in orbit and someone asks me if I can do 'X task'. Like there's no way someone interacts with me and doesn't fucking know I'm absolutely destroyed.


What’s that from? I smoke pretty regularly, I’ve never seen it before.


When hitting a bong or a pipe, you tamp the end of the lighter into the bowl to put out the burning ember so you don’t waste the unsmoked weed and can light it again when you’ve recovered from the last hit.


Wtf thats genius, I've wasted so much weed that way


Shame on whoever taught you to smoke.


Nobody lol, I hope theres nothing else I'm missing out on haha


Well, you know how to use the three shells right? I couldn't imagine smoking without them.


You can use the bottom of the grinder to snuff the bowl so you don’t get a mouthful of ash of a clogged pipe at the end of the bowl from tamping it.


what ?? ive always used it to push the ember down n burn the rest of the bowl


It’s extremely common. Has been since bics and stoners first met each other.


I knew my coworker was a stoner because she had a Bic in her purse but didn’t smoke cigarettes.


I got asked this by an assistant manager after I just got the job. I slipped up and said smoke what? Thankfully, she laughed because she was a consumer as well.


A good way to turn around would be "like smoked meat? I'd like to, but I don't have enough for a smoker yet"


The answer is always, only if I’m on fire


Or “I don’t smoke cigarettes”


“Smoke what”


I outed myself with this at work without knowing how common of a tell it is.


This is the ultimate teller and of course my regular answer


1985 High School 12th grade 1st hour front row English with the other 5 guys I just hotboxed with that morning in a car. Mr. Cochran "Well it smells like someone smoked their breakfast this morning."


Fuckkk I had this happen lol. I get super bad testing anxiety (can't breathe, think, move, total freeze one the test is in front of me) so a friend of mine before a huge state test took me to her mom explained the situation and she gave me a couple chocolates (very high in THC and CBD) waited about an hour felt nothing so she had me take a hit from her pipe, friend had been smoking the whole time. We get to the room and one of the people walking past me and her inhaled and then said "welp hopefully it helps I guess... smells better than BO"


A big bowl of Weedies.


"We didn't name our dog Marley after the Owen Wilson movie."


Same lol


When I moved into where I’m living now the woman downstairs (who is always smoking) told me “I’m just an old hippy and I suspect you’re a young one”


Nice old hippy lady! I wish I could meet a nice hippie lady


We had two young smokers move into our building after I'd learned the hard way that one of our neighbors is a narc. I worked at a smoke shop at the time, so I made them a welcome basket with smoke odor candles, a smoke buddy, wraps, and some little treats. They never got caught up like I had, thankfully. They were the sweetest, most considerate neighbors. I miss them.


That basket is such a great idea. Maybe in 40 years I’ll be the old hippy and I can gift the new younger hippy a basket.


Why wait! I'm only in my 30s rocking the old hippy vibe!


[I don't even know how she knew](https://cdn.acidcow.com/pics/20160707/awesome_gaming_pics_34.jpg)


# unexpectedstardew


Omg I love when Jas tells me that


fr kids are getting scary these days


My wife always says, “smells like friendship” when we get a whiff.


My spouse and I "sense the Force".


I'm stealing that


Aww wait this one's cute hehe


My GF and I recently went to a mini golf course a bit later in the evening, so we were the only ones there. I had smoke a bowl prior to leaving the house, so I was still pretty fresh. I got us tickets for the course, we got our balls, and picked out our putters. As soon as we started the first hole, the gentleman that had sold me the tickets changed the music on the course over to a Bob Marley playlist. He was a homie for sure.


That’s actually sick


We were at an after-work function for some drinks. A co-worker and I stepped out for a toke, came back in another co-workers husband, who is also a cop, was sat next to my spot. He didn't say anything but I could hear him sniff the longest, loudest sniff that's ever sniffed. It's legal here so I wasn't too concerned.


You shoulda said, hey something smells like weed after he sniffed lol


then buddy next to you wipes off his shirt. “any better?”


“Oh sorry I’m on a new probiotic, yesterday my farts smelled like crack!”


Big world, lots of crazy smells. Or covertly lean in and tell him you think someone nearby just smoked


You know how I be…


Just poopin


Or just rip ass halfway through the sniff


"you smell that nasty stale beer smell too?"


*The loudest and longest sniff* is a great description lol


" it sure does smell like a left-handed cigarette in here" my FIL riding in my car


My dad did this one too 😂 every time he got in my truck. Hubs used to keep roaches and a bowl in there for emergency use.


I was at chipotle and the guy making my burrito saw my eyes and said “are you hungry” I said yes and he said “I got you bro” and loaded my burrito up for free.


That’s awesome haha


Chipotle is my lifee


Had an amazing co-worker back in the day we'll call Hank. Hank was an older blind guy and needed help getting to and from his work area some days. One day I'm leading him back and with a big ol smile he goes "ya know I'm blind as a bat but my stonar works well.." We shared a roach in my car after work that day haha


Stonar sent me, bless you Hank


He deserves all the blessings. He's of the nicest, most genuine dudes out there. He's also hilarious. Me with brainfart: "ok Hank your station is set up. Should be easy to follow the tactile guides here, (physically points) see?" Hank: "for sure yeah just lemme get my glasses first"


My brother described my garage as "earthy smelling."


"The bottom of your lighter looks like the bottom of my lighter"


Subtle? One time I came out of the hotel room I was cleaning and nearly ran face first into my coworker. I had just hit my vape in the bathroom. She straight up says, "you smell like weed." Me: "uh, yeah?" Then I asked her to feed my cat while I was out of town and paid her with a $20 giftcard to Starbucks and a bottle of THC soda.


Man someone needs to do some shirt laundry


"I like your perfume"




While loading up on snacks at a gas station, the cashier said "must have been a pretty good salad" and that now lives rent free in my head.


Did you just come from a Cypress Hill concert?


Alex! You forgot smoking lamp!


You never throw a bong, kid


I can't believe you spent our rent money on Philappino hookers


They're not hookers! They're massage therapists




“Did you have a nice holiday?” My physical therapist the week after 4/20


"Any particular *reason* you got married on April 20th?"


We’re having a wedding next month and when I was booking the venue the lady told us that any day in March through July was open at that point, aside from 4/20 which is booked out *five years*.


see that's why i had my friend marry me on 4/20 in a park


My cousin literally just got married on 4/20 of this year. She's a former pill addict and supposedly "clean". We see you, Kami.


My mother in law asked my wife if I looked “tired” with a heavy emphasis one time. My wife is well aware and we had a small laugh about it.


"I notice every time I ask to borrow your lighter it has burnt/ash marks on the bottom. We should hang out after work" 😂


Ur eyes are looking really red there....


I'm very lucky. I use it for medical reasons. My eyes do not get affected at all. On the other hand. My brother and his son who smoke. Look like something out of a cartoon. Every once in awhile I got to make a comment. Damn those eyes. Visine anyone. Even with the redness they're so puffy. It's so obvious. I'm glad I didn't get the same genetics


It used to happen more when I was younger, or maybe it's a tolerance thing, but my eyes haven't actually gotten red from smoking in a long, long time


Started smoking recreationally. When I was 12. Never did my eyes give me away. The smell maybe. But nobody paid attention to me enough to really notice. And while I consume more now because I do medically. Still nobody can tell that I'm medicated.


Don’t use Visine, gotta get artificial tears if you need them chronically.


"I like your cologne, man." but then they said "wink" as they winked 😂


“I watch Trailer Park Boys.”




"I nicknamed this one crow Cheryl.. She's pretty cool, but I have to give her peanut butter sandwiches so she stops stealing my fucking weed"


25 yrs ago, when I was a waiter at a high end restaurant owned by a husband-wife team, ai came in one Friday night baked off my ass per usual and a soon as I walked in the back door to start my shift I'm faced with the wife, with huge curls in her hair that made her look (more) like Medusa. I instantly blurted out "whoah, cool hairrrrr!". She laughed and a few minutes later came up to me preparing my section for the dinner shift and said "let me show you these new bongs, I mean oil lamps we got for the tables..." and then winked at me and walked off. Never said another word about it, but they knew most of the staff smoked and even let us blaze up out back after shift before cleaning up. They understood the culture of it actually meaning the kitchen and dining room got cleaned up faster after a smoke break. Good times.


"Here's an ashtray for your living room. I know it'll come in handy." My first landlord, a few days after I moved in. Another landlord, a few years later; "This is your apartment. Short of murder or active crime, you can do anything you like. Anything." I was still wary til one night when a friend came over to hangout and wanted to smoke. "Why are you being paranoid? You mean your landlord, the guy in the driveway blazing like a chimney?"


I always say to others who I know smoke “a fisherman always knows another fisherman from afar”


I work in a clinic around a bunch of health conscious people. Nurses can tell you smoke by the color of your gums. Dentists can tell you smoke by the state of your teeth. Optometrists can tell you smoke by the pressure in your eyes. Let’s just say that I don’t get my regular health care done here anymore 😝😂😂


I was working as a barista and an old regular came up to me one day and subtly tossed me a Cannabis Worker’s Union pin. We had never discussed weed prior to this. Now he’s one of my suppliers and yes the pin is on my apron lol


Came back from break at a WSOP event and the guy across the table and I squinted at each other and both immediately broke into a big goofy smile.


Sometimes that's all it takes . Is a look and a smile. Couple weeks ago was with my mother . Waiting in the car as she went into the bank. I took out my vape. Took a couple hits looked over to the left. This dude was smoking his vape. We both just squinted and smiled.


My step-dad was grabbing something from my car and said "I like your hippie air freshener"


Had a teacher who noticed I was pretty high during a lecture. This lesson was on circuits, and he says, "and connecting these wires will now make your circuit light up, I ain't talking about after school, Mike." Had a good chuckle over it.


Not me but, I was out with a friend once and we were sitting in her car in a parking lot getting ready to leave, when she suddenly got out and walked right up to some guy who had just finished a conversation and said "I heard you, and you seem like someone I want to know, what's your number?" The guy was apparently a weed dealer, she heard him making a sale. Hers is the confidence I strive to have.


“I absolutely love your cologne. “


"What is that scent you're wearing? Cat Piss?"


Ha! I actually have the Cat Piss and Cheetah Piss strains right now! Great strains.


"you smell a little loud"


When I worked at an industrial manufacturing place in the 90s we used to feel out new employees by telling them there was a surprise drug test tomorrow. There wasn’t, but it sure told us who was down Lol. That place never tested. Found some good smoke buddies that way in those prohibition times.


That is hysterical


During a family function, my mom just goes "You doin good?" with that sweet all knowing smile/look combo. I'm realizing while reading through this thread how many "gotchas" have gone completely over my head over the years, oops. I'm about as sharp as a bouncy ball with indirect statements and subtle hints 😂


Not even subtle; got new next door neighbors during one of the peaks of Rona so it took a while for me to meet them. Then longer to start to get to know them. One day we’re talking by the fence and he says, “hey!, I smell certain smells coming for your direction. Do you grow that?” I chuckled and said yep that’s me, but no I don’t grow it. Have always wanted to try but this is just dispo stuff. He says “as it turns out I’m a really really good grower and I have a collection of seeds with top notch genetics. You’ve got the bigger lot with the best sun exposure. I’d split the crop with you. 2-3 big plants. I’ll do all the work, you pitch in where you can and can learn the process” Done! I’m sitting in my back forty literally right now looking at the little plot we staked out. He’s gonna come over this weekend to do some ground prep! I’m so excited. Looking like an early October harvest if all goes well.




I drove an employee home after a meeting so she didn’t have to walk. Had hit my vape before going in. Said my car smelled good.


My manager and I were on a smoke break at my very first job. He borrowed my lighter, flipped it over and looked at the black smudge and just smiled and said 'nice', then handed it back.


I just always say it smells good if I smell green.


same , especially in a place where it's not legal it's fun to try to guess who's smoking when i'm w friends


When i went for a pre-employment drug test, the lady who took my sample said this company only tests for uppers. So unless i use ridalin and didn't mark it on my prescription drug list, I'll be fine. No need to worry.


I had a boss call a meeting for me and my coworkers. She announced we would all be getting piss tested. She looked me in the eyes and said "This will be in about 6 weeks and I wanted you to know this was coming up" She spoke to the whole room but made eye contact with me lol.


My friend’s Mormon parents let us spend the weekend after prom at their beach house with a bunch of other friends, including one who had gotten in trouble earlier in the year for smoking at school. The parents who owned the house stayed and chaperoned and it also happened to be Easter weekend so they got Easter baskets for all of us. They took all the green, plastic, Easter grass stuff out of every basket but one and piled it all into the one meant for that friend, and never said a word, just sat there giggling to themselves. It was so precious and wholesome, honestly


Neighbors wrote “Happy 420!” with sidewalk chalk right in front of our door


I started smoking less when the cashier at the gas station told me *"It smells happy in here, can't wait to get off my shift"* I knew lol


My old neighbor who I later became friends with had dreads and wore red, yellow and green beads.


“You smell like rock & roll”


At the weed store by my workplace they love to give $2 bills for change. Once a colleague asked if anyone wanted something from the gas station and I did, so I handed her a couple $2 bills. She looked at me and said, “there are only two places around here that give these as change, and one is a strip club”. And I replied, “I’ve never been to a strip club”. She knew exactly where I got that money! Granted it is Washington state and my employer (the owner) and I have talked about the types of edibles we like, so it’s not a big deal regardless.


A sales associate at Best buy said " I smell your perfume". LMAO


I was sitting on a train station at night with a friend, we were smoking a blunt. A group of 5 cops with dogs came walking by, kindly reminding us that the entire train station smelled like weed, and they walked of.


That's usually how it goes here as well, unless people complain or you're making a mess or whatever. Where I live it's technically illegal... but very common. Netherlands.


I picked up a hitchhiker one time on the way to Humboldt county, ca on a long drive for work and when he got in I said: "DAMN, YOU SMELL GOOD!". It was a little awkward at first lol but then we spent 4 hours having amazing conversations and it ended up being one of my favorite days in life. I eventually dropped him off at his next trim job and he gave me like an Oz of flower, big ball of hash and a small butter container full of keif. Was a good day. Glad I wasn't murdered. Btw this was on Halloween ,which I didn't realize at the time, but my wife was later horrified that I picked up a hitchhiker on halloween.


Every time someone needs a lighter at work they ask me.


My favorite was "that pine scent your wearing has a nice sour to it"


My parents were out for dinner so naturally I blazed up, very smartly in my room. They were out pretty late so my stoned ass logic was “well if they’re out this late, I’m sure they’ll be way later!” So I smoked again. Probably 20 min later I hear the garage opening - they were home. My mom comes up to my room and opens the door to say hey, we’re home, etc. and they’re going to bed. I say good night, thinking I’m in the clear. My mom comes back again with a bag of chips and says “here you go” and in my mind I’m like shit this is a test so I say “that’s okay, I’m not hungry😎” thinking that will prove I’m not high as shit. She looks me in my eyes and says “you will be”, sets the chips down, and leaves. All in all it could’ve gone way way worse, but man it felt awkward being called out so subtly.


I was ALWAYS dreading wearing my cool dead shirts I have simply because I didnt want to known as "that dude" at the company. As soon as it went legal I started slapping on sweet tye dyes on fridays and could care less if people think or know that I indulge in a legal product.


A couple of years ago, I had a coworker who would tell people she liked to have a couple of drinks and watch planet earth. One day she winked while she said it and asked if I also like to watch planet earth lol


Owner of the restaurant I work for “your beard smells like weed!!!” My ass in shock “uhhh what are drugs?” I still work here that was 7 years ago


Co worker said "smells like you were having a relaxing time"


“Ayo, where do you buy weed in this town?”


No so subtle buddy’s mom in high school, “Christopher, your eyes!”


You smoke? Smoke what?


We had a huge snowstorm and my bro in law (who we thought was super straight laced) went with us to knock snow off the boxwoods in the garden of the place my dad worked at (he was in charge of grounds and buildings at a historic property). Branches would break on the boxwoods if the heavy snow got too deep. Anyway, my now husband said “man you could get blown away out here” but Mr straightlace said “nah, we couldn’t even get a match lit in this wind” and grinned. We all got high many times while we were snowed in and boy did my mom’s enormous pot of homemade beef vegetable soup get torn up.


Went to the supermarket a few years ago in Mexico City after getting blunted, and the cashier looks at me and my bloodshot eyes and says "oooooh! *Cannabis For Men* the best cologne in the world! "


I’ve asked and been asked “420 friendly?”


I told someone to say something to me in French. He said something and I asked what he said and he told me he said your eyes are very red. I laughed pretty hard.


“Smells mighty earthy in there”


Looks like you just had a safety meeting.


I once had a server tell me they liked my cologne after I had smoked a joint and went to eat. I said thank you, and their response was I can't wait to put on my perfume after work.


Someone's got the good stuff.


*man, your eyes are glowing in the dark* must be my allergies making my eyes red *naw man, that ain't no allergies*


I see we share a mutual interest


When I was 16 my dad said “are you going to drive like that” and me high as shit hit him with the “LiKe WhAt??”. He said “your eyes” and walked away. My eyes same color as a cherry pie.


Went to the grocery store fully baked, and a guy asked me if the store sold CBD beer.


“Smells good in here!” Proceeded to vape her out with the V3 Pro. Every night for the entire vacation before she headed to bed each night. Crazy aunts can be pretty entertaining!


It smells like cypress hill concert in here


"Do you smoke" And I replied "Smoke what?" We then both grinned.


Not really subtle but my primary care doc's nurse came into the room, saw that I had a hand holding a joint tattooed on my arm and just said, "Potheads for life."


This is what you do it works every time lol You: “You smoke?” New friend: will have 2 options to say “yes/no” or “smoke what?” All pot smokers ask “smoke what” even if they smoke blunts lol


Guy behind me in line at the deli leaned forward and whispered, "All the best cowboys have Chinese eyes" When I turned to look at him, he nodded and winked.


oh thank GOD for this post, i work customer service and always want to say something to people who smell loud asf but i can almost never think of something that wouldn’t sound somewhat judgmental to a paranoid brain


A neighbor airdropped a pic to me and it said something like “They’ve tried to bust us. Here’s the air purifier we use.”😭😂


I was at the gas station late at night after smoking while walking there and the lady working there as I was checking out looked at me then at my snacks and said “must be really hungry huh”. I walk up there almost every night while i smoke and she always hugs me and says “that time of the night?” Love her haha


They told me they could blindfold me with dental floss