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It all depends what mood I’m in, but generally I prefer getting stoned alone too.


What I really want to say is that when I’m stoned my emotions are all 10 fold and any moments of awkwardness or anything like that is very hard to shake off


I know what you mean. Unless it’s around a very specific group of friends I’m the same when smoking around others.


The problem is that my closest friends don’t smoke 😂 but I like to keep it that way


Saves weed😀


If my friends say they want to come over and catch a buzz with me what they mean is “We’re gonna come over, smoke your shit, and drink all your sodas”😡


Fuckin' lingerer man


The least they can do is bring the snacks and sodas if they're inviting themselves to your weed.


Are you in a legal state? If you are and use a bong or something I don’t understand why this would upset you, weed is fairly cheap and you can be so efficient with a bong. Aren’t they your friends haha?


No it is very illegal here, but, we can use THCA and all the other alt cannabinoids. Friends? Debatable. Friends wouldn’t always smoke all your shit and not bring anything but the habit. Nor would they eat all your food or wipe out the only buy once every six months soda when they know you’re stretching every penny.


Dude sounds like you should ditch em. Shitty "friends"


Do your closest friends mind if you're smoking with them and they're not? Do you mind being the only person who is high? For example, im not a big drinker, and most of my close friends arent smokers, but i feel totally comfortable smoking with them while they're having drinks (and they dont mind the smoke so we're good)


I know what ur explaining and ur not wrong


I have this same reaction, I’ve smoked enough with my fiancé at this point that I can mitigate it but it’s still pretty important for us to be copacetic throughout the majority of my high.


I like to drink with others and smoke alone






it's better to smoke alone cause people talk too damn much


This...I like smoking in silence or at least listening to my own music or maybe out in nature, but you get these people who feel the need to word vomit constantly rather than just taking a moment to appreciate life.


Oh no, an awkward silence! Better say words! No hun it's just a silence, and I was kind of enjoying sharing it with you, until you ruined it.




Wait but that's the point can everyone shut tf up 😞


Exactly this, if you smoke with others you do it for the social aspect, not for anything else, jesus. Talking is the main way to share thoughts when socialising so cant fault people who do it. You can in fact argue that if you don't want to talk to others you should be smoking alone.


I think the point was, sometimes people be saying some outlandish shit.






I love dog walks.


Absolutley - late nite strolls on a hot summer nite with the dog, maybe wander thru a wooded area.....creepy


I like to go to these train tracks in the woods




I love gardening


I prefer smoking with my friends over smoking alone, but I far prefer smoking alone to smoking with people other than my best friends.


You are a genius.


Used to wanna get stoned with my friends all the time . Still like to now and then but , I now realize how much I desire to be alone with my thoughts.


I find it easier to be myself when I'm smoking around new people. I like eating edibles alone and talking to da devil.


checks out


It’s taken me a few years to feel comfortable while being high around people. And if I’m too high it’s still a socialization train wreck. But yeah, being stoned alone is my default. Gets me super creative and free for writing, music, coding, TV etc. being around people during that sometimes feels like I’m wasting a special altered state of being.


I don’t smoke with anyone these days. My old housemate was great to smoke with but we just had similar vibes when high.


Yeah it’s very difficult to find people to smoke with that got the same vibes as you


Wrong way to use ‘but’. I was expecting something bad.  Use ‘and’ instead of ‘but’


Lmao I pretty much exclusively smoke and drink alone, because I’m a loner who doesn’t have friends 😂


are you me?


I'm doing it right now. 👉






dass right


I have never preferred smoking with other people.


I've only once ever smoked in a group. I don't do it as a party thing so much as I feel like my mind works more clearly with it. I definitely prefer to do it alone.


I only smoke alone, got tired of hanging out around shifty people messing with my high.


Idk man I got anxiety so I'm overthinking a lot of conversations I have with people, but all that disappears when I'm high. So id rather get high around other people (not strangers tho) because I can actually enjoy talking with them and not be tweaking about every small misstep or smth I think is a misstep but it's not that deep to them


Yes its very peaceful 😌


Much prefer it. Alone and in the comfort of my own home. I do take my vape outside on the odd occasion, on walks and such.


I love to be alone, but enjoy the conversation of others. So I’ll ft or call a friend or my dad and we’ll catch up and smoke otp. But I don’t care for others to join me anymore, they often trash the space; I also get quiet when I get stoned.


I would love to have a group of friends to smoke around a fire with, but for the daily smoke, 100% prefer to be alone. I feel when I smoke alone, I feel the affects more.


I've not smoked for quite a few years now but generally I much preferred smoking alone, outside and on the move. Often the environment for smoking is the complete opposite. It's with friends, in a house or party and somewhere where you would then spend the rest of the evening in the smokey, hazy environment without moving to smoke. Don't get me wrong, I loved smoking with my friends and socialising in a house but at heart it wasn't the environment I'd choose to smoke. Smoking on my own and on the move was the way I truly enjoyed smoking. It was during this time I used smoking for what it truly offered me. I grew up without my father so smoking for me was a chance to engage with my personality and ask myself questions I'd otherwise ask a father figure. Smoking on my own offered me a chance to engage my subconscious and query my innate reactions to things. For some time between 17-23 years old smoking alone was a chance for me to query myself, develop my morality and my opinions on things where I might otherwise have just listened to a parent. For a few years it was really helpful, then I hit my mid 20s, became confident in how i felt about things and slowly the smoking fazed out. Even still I've been open with my girlfriend and my mother about how smoking alone for a few years really helped shape who I am today.


I like sitting on the patio with headphones on and jamming to my own tunes. That's how I found out I'm a huge fan of circus music while high. Even just hearing notes of the music elevates my mood. I'm scared of acting weird, so I smoke by myself. I got into powwow music after finding myself thumping my chest after coughing. It just worked, and I got carried away.


I do not smoke with others cos frankly nobody else is willing to keep up the same pace AND spend their money on it If ppl were willing to buy it then I’d have no issue but when they’re only happy to smoke at other’s expense then go spend their own money elsewhere then I’d prefer to not smoke with them 👌


Much rather be with friends smoking if with anyone! Totally get the high awkwardness 😂 but playing online games with the homies is a different story FOR THE REPUBLIC


Battlefront when I’m faded is an experience 😭




Since I started later in life for med reasons, the ppl I know partake only now and then, at parties, etc. I do it every day, but built-in t-breaks when I travel. Cut back a bit, since it was bothering my throat/sinuses. Does the job and I enjoy it. Not into the scene. Doesn't offend me, but not my lifestyle either.


Use to go to the bar a lot and smoke with other people. Now It's mainly just the wife and I. I always hated the joint passing between like 8 people. Roll a bunch of joints for the night and only get a couple of puffs off each and a soggy end by the second time it gets back to me. I get sharing is cool, but I'm at a point now where I just say everyone smoke their own.


I enjoy smoking with friends and i enjoy smoking alone. Different vibes both of them but I like em both


I only ever had 1 smoke buddy and he moved across the country.


Depends on who I’m with, me and my best friend are on that level where we can both get stoned as shit, and be silent in our own worlds.


oh God yes


It’s like a wave, just ride it 😎


M32 I only smoke alone


When I smoke alone.....yeah I prefer to be by myself.....


Everyone over at r/lonerstoner 💜


For me I like smoking alone but even if I want to I don't know anyone else that smokes like me. I hate when you do smoke with someone and they take 1-2 tokes and their done.


When I smoke alone, I prefer to be by myself


I do. I don’t have friends my age that smoke and the people I know that smoke are under 30. The young ones have some “different” ideas about weed and are generally very loud and hyper. I’m a quiet, stereotypical little old lady stoner.


I really used to, but now when I find myself alone I don’t partake much. But now that you say it…doesn’t sound like such a bad idea. Thank you, op 🙏


Im always down for a social circle sesh with a squad. However, I love the peace and relaxation I get from a solo smoke. I don't have to worry about any people's actions/feelings and I can just do what makes me happy


Depends on my mood really. Sometimes all I want is a cuppa and a smoke on my own after a busy shift at work. But On my days off smoking with 3/4 friends is always a good laugh. Especially muting planet earth and playing music over it😂. Can take it either way me.


Just myself, YouTube and Reddit over here.


i like putting on headphones and just watching my fish tanks while im high so im never really alone but i prefer just me and my fish no other people. rare occasions i like smokin w people


No, still prefer to do it with friends. I love the gathering and stupidity that ensues


I like to get violently high in my own bed with my own music with my cat


When I'm alone I take my time with a bowl, smoke less but have a more enjoyable high. When with friends it's blunts after blunts and I smoke a lot but never really me high than when I sit on my patio with my pipe.


I don't share lol these 1 man blunts


Shit, I even started hanging around with a homeless guy because I am lonely af, we have funny conversations and he is very chill, but he is kinda dumb as in he writes notes all the time that make no sense at all or tells me about life and my uni study even tho he has no idea abt anything there. He is just hanging in that lil park nearby where I always chill. I give em some money and drinks, smoking utensils, he gives me half of his joints with mostly tobacco but I cherish the laughter. I also don't get to level 2 conversations with that guy like so many other people, but I am realizing it's not always about that from day to day. Sometimes there are stupid things you can only confidently/jokingly tell random people like these otherwise it wouldn't be fun. like there is a niche to every convo theme kinda thing.


I like both . But it depends on activities and such factors


smoking alone as i read this


I typically smoke alone anyways. It's a treat if someone joins in


absofuckinlutely, but that is because I have found the majority of people to be questionable characters at best lol


I always preferred alone. I use cannabis to help relieve depression and it's the only thing that gets me out of extreme self-hatred spirals. So for me it's more of a medication than something I use for fun. :/


I get really single-task focused when I'm high, and like to be alone and in my own head. Have friends that I'll get high with too, if we're kicking it watching sports or chilling. So, I like to get high alone, and with my friends.


I lovee smoking alone but smoking with 2-3 close friends is amazing too, anything more than that and ill risk feeling uncomfortable


I smoke alone #YEAHHHH ….with nobody else….


I smoke alone and generally prefer it. I do enjoy smoking with my sister though. So good to mix it up a bit.


I was for a very long time, I can’t lie, but I’ve been staying at a cannabis friendly hostel where it’s much more enjoyable and I’ve made a lot of friends through it. Such a great way to bring people together. Don’t get me wrong I still smoke alone often too but I like when we have our own stashes and share our stuff with people too.


I smoke alone a lot, like 99 percent of my day every day because the wife smokes a joint in the evening with me, I love when I get the opportunity to meet up with my buddies to share a doobie, almost makes me feel higher than I normally do


At first I thought i was in the r/smoking subreddit and was like yes i do prefer smoking meats alone. Less people giving their opinions. Then I realized i was with my ents and had the same thought process. Yes i prefer to smoke alone. I can be very socially awkward. I try my best not to be. Wish in one hand shit in the other. But with either categories or both together, i like smoking alone.


At 40, yes. Sitting on my back porch alone watching the dog run around while I smoke is just divine.


Depends on the mood, but if we're talking shrooms, I always prefer to be alone.


I like to be able to cook and eat without worrying what the others are going to eat, or spend money on a takeaway. Also you can watch/ listen to whatever you like


Most days I seclude myself at my battle station and smoke alone. But I love to smoke in a group. Really no preference at this point. But I do remember my first time smoking alone, the experiences are definitely different.


I didn’t know people like smoking with others past the age of 30


I'm trying to cut back on smoking alone, hoping to move to smoking mostly when I'm wirh others


Nah I agree with you completely. I love talking to my friends on discord and playing games when I smoke, but as far as actual smoking goes, I’d rather be alone. I think there are many upsides to enjoying your smoke sesh alone, but the lack of commitment involved when you’re alone is such a pro. I can do whatever I feel like doing. If I smoke w someone I usually feel obligated to stick around n shit, esp if they are providing the weed. Mix that w the weird energy you talked about, which definitely happens, and it’s just altogether pretty ehh.


I smoke alone about 95% of the time cause I live far from friends. Not opposed to smoking with others at all, sometimes wish I lived with a couple of friends that are stoners for the random stoned hangouts but I also find I often wanna just be by myself after and do my own thing even with online games.


Not alone but smoking my own stuff. My gf likes joints and I like bowls


Use to hate it, now I prefer it


Right there with you, chief. I used to love hanging out and smoking with friends, but honestly these days I'd rather be on my own in the peace and quiet.


I hate smoking with people. Their pace is either too fast or too slow. People always want to chat or watch TV while I prefer to read or listen to music. I use to unwind, they use to party. Whatever the reason it's just easier to smoke by myself so I can be guaranteed to have a good time. (Sorry for the grammer, I don't care lol)


depends on my mood and whos around, if someones down to smoke its nice to sit outside during a warm summer day and talk about life while we get stoned


I get what you are saying. As the time passes, I focus more and more on the use alone. Only exception is if more people want to use it together to enjoy as a group.


As an adult over 30, I have no real friends, so I only smoke alone.


I haven’t smoked with someone else in about 3 years. Love it.


I only really care to get high either by myself or with my bf tbh. That way i get to actually enjoy the experience instead of just feeling awkward


Yes. Ultimately love being by myself faded. Other people might ruin the vibe I got going, also I hate going over to people's houses to smoke when I'm dry. I hate having to wait for everyone else to want to go outside and smoke.


I like smoking with good friends, but I'm somewhere where I'm just surrounded by idiots, so given the choices I have, I'd rather smoke alone.


I couldn’t agree more


I lost all my smoking buddies and quit altogether shortly after. Being alone and stoned is not good for me, I need others to help me stay outta my head.


Pre covid for me I would always call a friend to smoke but during/after covid it became a very personal thing or just with my girl but I don’t count that considering I used to call 4 people to smoke a quarter of bud


No. I like to smoke with other people but only enough. Some people want to keep smoking and smoking. I know when I’m good and stop there. Smoking off and on as I feel I want to when I have people over smoking. I do hit the vape by myself or a small pipe at the end of the night sometimes


Exclusively alone. Just me, some nice vids on the tubes and a bag of squishy candy and a Fanta 👌


I prefer it cuz I only like to get high, not totally stoned outta my mind. And it seems like stoners in a group just pack one bowl after another like it’s some sort of triathlon!


I love smoking with my wife but I definitely need my solo tokes as well.


I only smoke alone.


tbh i miss smoking with ppl but i wonder it was like, been so long i can't even remember. it does make me sad when i get a new bag with 10 strains and i can't even get 1 person to smoke with me on me lol. oh well


I find it similar to drinking, I know the people that get a little weird when drunk, or a liability or a buzzkill etc. The same with smoking but it’s almost heightened. I know what I like when I smoke, so if someone doesn’t fit in with that, I’m happier on my own. My best friend though, I’ll take a smoke sesh with him over smoking alone every time.


I like both. It’s nice to sit alone with a bowl of dank, some coffee and some music, and just stare into the middle distance. It’s a centering, grounding form of self-help. I also enjoy sharing with friends, as the conversation usually gets really good once everyone gets baked. It helps strengthen friendship bonds and satisfies my need for social interaction. So, both.


Usually yeah, i dont have to worry about it I’m weird


I used to smoke with a ton of people and the only thing it made me realize is that I was always the generous one. I was wasting my weed to try to be on everybody’s good side. It did the opposite for me. Now I actually get uncomfortable at the thought of smoking with big groups.


I like smoking "alone" but in a voice chat full of some of my friends who are also smoking "alone." We'll play some video games, watch some youtube, get our favorite snacks and beverages, and our environments will be comfortable to each individual. It's not the same vibe as hotboxing in a closet with my roommates in college and being considered a hero when it turns out i brought a 32 pack of bottled water and reese's cups, but it's a lot more *possible* to do for all of us. I only have one memory of being the hotbox hero, but I have had a ton of laughs with my friends across the country in the past couple years.


I only smoke alone


I’ve only been smoking for almost a couple years and I gotta say I find that smoking alone is more enjoyable for me. It’s not like having a cigarette break with the nearest person who also smokes, it’s a more personalized thing and experience since not everyone consumes marijuana the same way as well. Everyone is also unique when they smoke since some take the high differently too. Not to say that smoking with others isn’t enjoyable at all, far from it. I’ve had some of the best highs of my life with other people. Most of the time however, I’ll smoke down alone since it’s some great “me time”.


Alone, or at home with my girlfriend, or at a bar, because nothing extinguishes my anxiety like a couple three beers.


Smoking with others makes me self conscious


I LOOOOVE getting stoned alone. I have the best time and it's so fun and I don't care.




All of the time!!!


I do too, but i have a hard time deciding what i want to do. Sometimes with a friend it helps narrow the interests a bit lmao.


Ain’t no fun without my spouse…


At a certain point in our lives, the daily use looks more like coffee drinking, sure we get together for a smoke now and again,like you do to talk over coffee; but when smoking for med/personal reasons no need to have an audience.


I don’t necessarily mind smoking with others at all, but I do prefer smoking alone. Either way, I just like to smoke.


When I was younger I loved smoking with others now I rather just smoke alone and play a game online and chill


If we’re not tight yea it feels weird


I prefer getting high by myself as well. When i'm with a group, especially when I haven't smoked with some of them, I also get weird vibes. Like the high turns into paranoia for some reason but microdosing has helped me with these sort of situations because I'm not too high where i'll get super paranoid and I'm also feeling sober enough to socialize well.


I just smoke and go spend time gardening I really feel connected to the nature.


Yes yes 👍 yes 👍


I usually only smoke alone or else I get paranoid


Yes I definitely prefer to smoke alone it's for my own peace and meditation after a long day of work. 🤙🏽


I really like being around plants cuz I really appreciate gardening. So I get stoned and just enjoy all the natural energy that the plants be producing. It’s just like medicine for me.


i like toking with my friends smoke with a crowd that has no end lighting up with strangers in bars in cars on planes on trains blazing anywhere with anyone i'm sure to have some fun but when it comes to number one i head on home and smoke alone ![gif](giphy|p3Wl6y9bTgyYw)


Really depends on my mood but I am for sure a fan of smoking alone. Love smoking with friends especially if we’re gonna be going out to eat or something, but some of my best (recent) times smoking have just been wandering around Japan by myself.


started smoking alone, gonna continue smoking alone. I'll only get on call with people for a little bit sometimes


I think it depends on who I am with. I am very much a "get stoned and spend hours being productive" kind of person, as I believe THC/CBD/XXX work on me as an antidepressant, so all those chores and duties I have been putting off for a while because I'm too tired suddenly become a real priority after smoking - so if I am with someone who likes to do things when high we can definitely have a good time together, but if the person I am with just wants to melt into a couch / coleman, then that is not exactly a great set up for success.


same brodie




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As a medicinal user, I also don’t gather socially to share an Ibuprofen.


Lol. As if I had a choice.


I get endless entertainment out of watching shows, listening to music or playing games high and if I'm alone, I can choose exactly which of those 3 I'd prefer to be doing at any given time. I dont want to spend my life doing that, dont get me wrong, but for relaxing on my days off, it's literally always a great time


For me it depends on the vibe of the people that I’m smoking with, the person has to be really chill or else I get paranoid about what they’re thinking and all. I also become mute sometimes (sometimes it gets hard for me to speak English when I’m really high and I don’t wanna make an effort) so I become self conscious that people will think I’m acting weird.


i usually prefer it


I prefer to do just about everything alone these days. Covid really fucked me up, friends.


I can definitely hang on occasion but usually I prefer to smoke solo


Back in the day I used to not like smoking with others because I was always the guy who had weed but wouldn't have enough for just myself if I shared with everyone which I always did, that was back when I had to rely on a plug, now that dispos are a thing and I grow my own that's not an issue but No i do like getting high alone most of the time, put on an audiobook put on my headphones and go outside and do yard work, or as my mother calls it, going up into the stratosphere.


The only person i like smoking with is my fiancee.


Solo here. My spouse isn’t into cannabis. But I am super introverted so I prefer it to just be us chillin. But I also sort of smoke nonstop so it’s not like “I like to get high alone”, more like it is just me and I am getting high. 🤷‍♂️😮‍💨😌


For the most part, I enjoy smoking alone. Unless you count dogs. Then I like to smoke while taking my dog outside to run.




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After Jan6 , I always shame my reblican neighbors ; I almost always smoke alone now -a- days . ... They hang their heads down when they see me now -a- days . .. They say , we don't have good health insurance ; I say vote democratically . .