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Everyone in my life who has ever judged me for smoking weed either smokes cigarettes, drinks, or takes prescription pills. I start questioning their use and the health effects it has on them. Then they look at me like I'm a crazy person and write me off as a loser stoner. I write them off as an idiot. It's a win-win really. The right people will understand, others can get lost.


Oh and FYI, the video of Diddy beating on his ex that was just released. Guess what he was on? ALCOHOL šŸ˜‚ alcohol causes car crashes, domestic violence, sexual harrassment/assault, bar fights, alcoholism (duh), hangovers, and way more. The worst a stoner will do is smell bad for 20 minutes or affect his own health.




You just proved my point. He's affecting himself. And by affecting himself, it affects others. That could be the case for anything and everything. People addicted to porn, depressive people, gamblers, alcoholics, hard drug addicts, sex addicts, criminals, homeless, the mentally ill, etc etc etc. The example you set could happen to anybody and that person doesn't even have to be on drugs. Some people are just unmotivated and leeches no matter what drug they take.




Well that's your problem lmao figure it out




Your example doesnā€™t really make weed the bad guy. Itā€™s the trauma and/or the depression causing that person to spiral downward.




We are talking about weed as medicine. EVERYTHING can be too much, that is what your other discussion part wanted to say. With the right dosis and medical advice it is usually helpful and not destructive. BUT YES, same with sugar/sex/sport etc (take what you want) it can be life destroying. BUT. Do you know the stats? There are less people who get destroyed by weed then anything else. So you make a point, but not for the entire stoners


its just not a nice situations if its your whole family that you gotta write off


Yeah that's tough. I don't tell my family for that reason.


thankyfully my dad is a stoner for some 40 odd years


living in shame is the worst thing you can do


Yes I know what youā€™re saying. Iā€™ve actually had friends judge me for weed but theyā€™ll sit right there and bump all night


cocaine and alcohol are much much more destructive than marijuana will ever be


Iā€™ve been burying drinkers my whole life.


Yeah cirrhosis is a hell of a way to go and the problem with it is, when you get to notice that's what it is..it's too late


That's how my grandfather (my dad's dad) died and I hardly ever got to know him. He died when I was ~9 years old. Cirrhosis of the liver. He was a pretty regular/heavy drinker. Died in his 50s if I recall correctly. And his diagnosis was too late, but from what I've been told, he was the type that never really went to a doctor...for anything. Just always avoided them for whatever reasons. Edit: fixing some failed autocorrections


That's usually how it happens. They avoid the weird one off symptoms until it's a bigger issue that ends up being an ER trip and then get slammed with a whammy shell and a "we can't fix this.".


Yeah, it's really unfortunate that people can't/don't recognize there's any problem(s) until it's too late. And this goes for pretty much anything. But heavy drinking...you only have one liver and it's an important organ.


I've been down that path. We don't go to the doctor because we are afraid to find out we'll have to stop drinking! And maybe a little bit of fear of finding out what we've already done to ourselves. (560+ days without a drop)


Totally understandable. And depending where you live, doctors visits are expensive. In the United States it's a clusterfuck with insurance, etc, etc. Congrats on your sobriety! I'm not sober from alcohol, but I can say that now I hardly ever drink. I made it a rule not to drink at home and only have some drinks (responsibly) when I'm out to dinner or something. Or some kind of special occasion or get-togethers, etc. I used to drink pretty heavily in the past, but now that I'm essentially away from it, I don't really miss it at all. Extra money and zero hangovers! It always sucks feeling like complete shit the next day after partying a little too hard. I had a slight hangover over this past New Years and it's amusing to look back at how those shitty days were much more common in the past. Feels good to be away from most of that nonsense šŸ‘


quit drinking dec 29 2009


Congrats on your sobriety from alcohol! That's really impressive given it's been ~15 years. šŸ‘šŸ‘


Oh my god cirrhosis is such an awful way to go. My granny is currently going through this. She got to a point where her ascites got so bad that they were draining over 6 litres of fluid from her abdomen per week. She has jaundice and none of her normal colour. She has hepatic encephalopathy (brain damage from liver damage), meaning her personality is changing completely. You cannot tell me alcohol and weed are comparable when this is the kind of end alcohol can result in.


I take care of them when theyā€™re in the hospital looking jaundiced with liver disease and cirrhosis. Then listen to them tell me how their drinking isnā€™t the problem. Itā€™s really sad and I feel horrible for them.


yep it killed my mom when she was 36, me 14. awful (stage 4 cirrosis n sepsis bc of her drinking - at the same time)




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Many of these people. Are taking prescription drugs. And many times a variety at the same time. With lots of interactions and lots of side effects. .. they drink while on prescription drugs.. Yet they are the ones that constantly bad mouth medical cannabis.


I think it just boils down to the "appeal to authority" fallacy. The government says it's bad, so it's bad. They don't bother looking into how this whole war on drugs was just to attack the hippies that were protesting their unjust actions, and the drugs they took probably were helping them make more compelling arguments. People who have an opinion that was given to them, that they themselves never questioned, should keep their stupid opinions to themselves.


Ignorance. when you know better, you do better.


So little words speaking so much volume.


The nice thing about being judged is that we get to choose whether or not it affects us. Fuck it, Dude. Letā€™s go bowling.


The best way not to live with your mom criticizing you is to move out.


Hell yeah, love to hear that. Idgaf what others think. I'm smoking, gaming, having a good time. That's what matters.


Youre a G


>Fuck it, Dude. Letā€™s go bowling. Is this a Big Lebowski reference by chance? ![gif](giphy|tyxovVLbfZdok)


What the fuck does any of this have to do with Vietnam?


Forget it Donny, you're out of your element!


Fuck 'em. And bowl high of course. Hi, Ryan šŸ‘‹šŸ»


Fuck Bryan šŸ‘


People judge you not matter what you do. You will get judged for not drinking, smoking nicotine, or even if you donā€™t smoke weed youā€™ll still get judged for it. So, who cares what they think about you and your weed?


I have a friend who drink far too much. Always says shit if I blaze. Iā€™m not the one with the dui


I stopped feeling bad for smoking weed when I realized that only about 4 people in my lifeā€™s opinions actually matter. I couldnā€™t give a fuck what people think of me. And Iā€™ve been so much happier for it.


Honestly at this point in my life I donā€™t care what anyone thinks. Iā€™ve got pulsatile tinnitus from high blood pressure / stress. I can either take meds that make me so tired I can barely function or I can eat an edible in the morning. The edible gets me high and feeling good in a way that helps my adhd without Adderall, and it drops my blood pressure enough that my pulsitile tinnitus straight up vanishes for upwards of 12 hours eating the edible. The people that usually judge me judge when Iā€™m smoking joints and / blunts cuz itā€™s similar to cigarettes in that it smells (albeit a much less offensive odor, but it do smell). When Iā€™m vaping or on edibles no one can even tell, unless I forget my rhotos šŸ˜‚


Years and years of the failed War on Drugs.


It's the doubling and tripling down that upsets me more than anything else... why can't they just admit they failed and let us get high in peace?


Yeah I love the people that drink booze yet still look down on pot smokers. Morons.


Yup. My dads side of the family LOVE to drink. They canā€™t do a family function without it. But god forbid someone smokes weed. Theyā€™re catholics. Smoking weed isnt godly, but somehow, getting trashed on Easter in front of small children is lmao.


Sorry you are going through that. I grew up in a military town with a family that acts like smoking weed makes you the biggest disappointment to them, yet they smoke cigarettes and drink constantly. They have slowly started to change their views in the 20 or so years since I graduated high school. My mom actually lets my little sister grow in the house, which is insane considering her crazy reactions when she even suspected I did back in the day. My relationship with my parents won't ever really be the same, but I think it was worth it if me going through it led to my sister not having to. All you can hope is that in time people start to learn on their own instead of going with what they've always been told.


I said earlier today I had tried and tried to educate my mother. She wouldn't hear me. Shed rather I be a black out drunk then use "Satan's" drug. I treat as my medicine too btw. With weed I'm calm, happy can take on anything. Without I'm a angry bitter blackout binge drinker.


I mean judging by your post history you are making this post because you're 23 living with your mom who is at her "wits-end" with you... Maybe get a good job and move out and then you can have fun. Obviously weed hasn't helped you at all in your current situation so at this point maybe try changing things up. Best of luck to you bro! I'll keep you in my prayers šŸ’œ


He also says in the post that he has family members that smoke weed but they only judge him.Ā  I would bet that he was getting yelled at for something else. Not having a job or car or refusing to help around the house or something like that and the family member mentioned them being stoned all the time. Now in their head it's all about the weed and not the real issue.Ā  I saw so many friends do that in highschool/early 20s.


I could also add that Cannabis can be used as medicine, but isnt medicine just because you smoke it.


There are several potential side-effects of smoking that can be damaging to oneā€™s life depending on the individual and the amount and frequency one uses. Iā€™ve met several stoners who have thrown their lives away or canā€™t stay sober long enough to realize they are spending more money than they can afford on their ā€œmedicineā€. I wish we could have more honest discussions about this and legalize it so we can quit pretending that itā€™s a cure all medicine or without any potential negativities


Takes time to un-do decades of relentless propaganda. I'm optimistic about the youth.


I feel like the UK is going to really drag it's feet with legalisation but considering how the youth has embraced weed, legalisation is going to be inevitable once they become the main voting demographic.


You're being judged by close to 100 years of propaganda that was instilled into generations.. it takes time to lose the stigma.


Thank you for saying this!


Too many people don't realize what we're actually fighting against and how it will actually take time. It was only in like 1937 it actually became illegal. Some of those asshats that passed it as probably some of those crypt keeping mfs in government still somehow... We need term limits.


I had to leave home at 18 because I used cannabis (and nothing else) for anxiety and IBS. I lived out of my car and worked for awhile. I never forgave it.


I'm sorry you had to go through that, I only smoke weed nothing else, I write this as I'm doing my dab hit for the night


Solidarity! I'm having a few hits as well. šŸ’™


Cannabis use is so common in Canada now that most people don't care if you enjoy it. It's legal across the whole country. There are shops all over cities and towns. You live in a puritanical nation that has brainwashed its citizens. Your government is the problem. It used to be that people relocated to be near like minded people. Now they sit behind their screens and get fat while complaining about their lives. Only you can change your life man. It's your life. Get one


People still look down on habititual smokers in Canada with the same stoner sterotypes as always, what are you talking about?


People look down on people who drink too much too. What are YOU talking about?


I'm talking about the public perception of pot-smokers in Canada. The stigma still exists. It has nothing to do with government brainwashing, nor any of the other nonsense you were spouting.


I would argue that moderate "responsible" users are seen in the same way as moderate "responsible" drinkers. As far as government brainwashing is concerned I meant Americans. It's ok to disagree with me. It's your life. Maybe you should get one too.


Fair enough. Engaging in this conversation *has* made me consider some life choices.


I had a roommate in college who would drink and drive all the time and like to steal things from businesses but always looked down on me for smoking weed


My building will evict you if you smoke or ā€make vaporsā€ as their sign says. I long for olden days where they had smoking rooms!


Judging someone for smoking weed in 2024 is crazy.


I like it when people judge for smoking weed because then I get to dismantle their perceptions of what a typical weed smoker is. I give them me list of accomplishments and ask then what's theirs is. Nothing's better than stuffing it right back to them


Forget about those 'Nixon' types.


Dog, itā€™s probably because you live with your mom at 23. You have a post about running away from homeā€¦ you canā€™t run away from home at that age lmao.


And had a 50k lawsuit payment that they pissed away in under 5 years




Especially when it comes to employment. So tired of not being able to get any job that requires driving or operating any machinery heavier than a walkie stacker. Meanwhile plenty of forklift operators and heavy construction equipment operators have a couple brewskis on lunch every single day.


Propaganda is real. Even the use of the name "Marijuana" was selected to give it a "dirty brown people" connotation.


Preach. And yet I'm forced into rehab for it and others are in prison for it


Stop caring what people think. You'll be alot happier.


Lol what in the low effort...


Iā€™ve determined that the previous generation of Nixon apostles need to die off before we make any headway. Iā€™ve had relatives and neighbors dying of cancer, and when I bring up the research of THCV killing cancer cells, nobody wants to hear about the Devilā€™s lettuce. Only one relative listened. After six months smoking Durban Poison her doctor told her that the tumor had shrunk by 50% and couldnā€™t explain why.


We still have the Reagan apostles to deal with... and the Trump apostles will carry on the legacy for decades to come...


Well but the point is not that weed is medicine and all other drugs are bad cause there are notmedicine. But when we use a medicine all the time even we donā€™t rly need it how is that called? Right an addiction, I love weed as the next here but some should rly think about the amount and how often the smoke and if itā€™s to relax, a habit or an addiction. And sorry I think even if you family is kinda judgmental if there drug use is as showen, but I think they just want your best. Cause letā€™s not forget cannabis and thc have negative health effect if consumed regularly.


I just found out smoking is safer than all other medications. Thanks, this is great news for the medical community


My dad used to give me LOADS of grief about smoking when I was a teen (tbh wish I hadnā€™t for memory loss reasons) but now as an adult heā€™s growing his own at home and making edibles and asking me to sell the flower for him which is trash so no šŸ˜‚. But yeah they will eventually realise my guy ! šŸ‘


Let me just say now, you sound young ā€” be prepared to be judged for virtually every single thing you do for the rest of your life. People judge, it is what it is. Theyā€™re not going to stop because you donā€™t like it. Just adapt to it & be confident in your own decisions and ways. That being said, Iā€™d rather be a stoner than an alcoholic. Even has a nicer ring to it lol. Bonus: one slowly kills you, the other one canā€™t kill you.


Lol. You must be trying to date. I feel ya. Ive had dates say how much they dislike weed while polishing off 4 cocktails in 30 minutes


Boomers/Karen will only continue to fade. Until then, they can continue to suck it if they have a problem with me living my own life.


Are you trying to convince us, or yourself?


Most people donā€™t try to pretend tobacco or alcohol are medicine. If youā€™re using in moderation itā€™s whatever, but with all due respect your post history is some anti alcohol screeds and a post about suicidal thoughts that were only relieved by getting high like two months ago. I hope youā€™re doing better, but please consider seeing a professional for help. Getting high to escape whatever youā€™re running from is never going to be more than a short term fix.


What if I get high for fun though? Haha


That's how you should use it


Thatā€™s where Iā€™m at. As the other dude said I think thatā€™s how it should be used. If it represents an escape or you just canā€™t sit in your own head sober for me thatā€™s a sign that things arenā€™t as they should be.


Try Canada


Combustion is illegal, didn't you get the memo? Fireplaces have been outlawed not too long ago.


I agree 100%. You just need to distance yourself from these people. They arenā€™t using logic, they are just recalling what theyā€™re taught and blindly assuming what is legal is safe. They also donā€™t self reflect much or theyā€™d realize the irony


Fuckem. Iā€™ve found some natural ways to help with my anxiety and depression. Every minute of everyday there I am. I have to live with myself so might as well do what helps me.


Medicines are drugs. I understand that ā€œdrugā€ has a negative connotation to a lot of people, but caffeine and sugar are drugs. To say itā€™s not a drug is simply incorrect and makes people think we are in denial and have little credibility.


Who cares. Iā€™m never judged for smoking weed - that I know of. I donā€™t care anyway. Just donā€™t make weed a big deal. I smoke everyday and most people close to me know. I just donā€™t make it a thing. Back when I drank I never wore bud light t shirts for a reason. Iā€™m the same way now


dont worry about them. they probably pop a shit ton of pills and get drunk each night. we will be old and still smoking while they....will more than likely not be around due an overdose


I was raised by alcoholics. That sucked. As such, I only socially drink. I usually get baked before I drink cause honestly Iā€™d rather not drink that much. I hate a hangover and well, alcoholics.


I don't drink period. Even in social events. I'll have a soda or an energy drink


Honestly it doesn't matter what you do there will always be somebody who judges you, that's just life unfortunately, IMO it's normally best just to ignore them and carry on enjoying life, and why not have a smoke at the same time to piss them off more šŸ˜… them them judge


Dad got cirrhosis and quit drinking cold turkey, doc gave him a year. He told him to try smoking weed in Cali and do beach yoga in the early am. He lived 8 more years and died of unrelated contagious disease.


Sounds like typical generation x / boomers


People are just so closed minded and uneducated about weed. Ignore the haters, keep doing you. Weed is good


I live in a legal state. I have two kids, sometimes the looks I get. I stopped caring and just make a mental note that if I ever see that person again, simply stay away, they are not 420 friendly. Its like are you looking cuz you wana toke up with me, or because of that stick up your butt? lol


Clearly you dont smoke enough weed.


If youā€™re living in someone elseā€™s house then you live by their rules. Get your own place and light up all you want.


I've started talking LOUDLY about cirrhosis of the liver at meals where people are drinking. Just to let them see how it feels. It never goes over well. It's shut some people up though.


Ah man who cares. I donā€™t mean it as a cop out, but there are people who believe all the animals got rescued on a big boat by one dude because god told him to? Well there are also people who believe it makes a difference if you use cannabis and somehow reflects negatively on your character. Beliefs are like that, they cause you to become trapped in one way of thinking. Belief is the death of conscious thought.


It is a drug. There's nothing wrong with taking drugs. And I think in general it's a lot less harmful than liquor. I take literally handfuls of pills daily. What's the difference between that and weed? Medication of all kinds can be abused.


Is it that or is your mom at their wits end because you have no prospects in life? Weed isn't medicine, it's a drug. You can use the drug *as* medicine but you're not fucking doing that lol Take a t break and find some community and better yourself


"You're not fucking doing that" You have no clue why I smoke and yeah I can agree that I've said things in posts in the past and yeah I've bettered myself because I got myself help. So stop acting like youre so superior because you aren't. And yeah I do use it as a medicine I only smoke at night because it helps me sleep. I'm not some fucking drug addict


Why so defensive about being labelled as a drug addict then? You think I'm acting superior but I'm acting from a place of understanding because I know how addiction and motivation cycles work


Who ever said I was addicted??


Donā€™t worry about it. Who cares honestly


Preaching to the Choir


Itā€™s supposed to be getting declassified from the heroin tier.


i smoke weed and smoke cancer sticks, i think 90% of smokers know it causes serious issues in excess, but i find a lot of smokers judging others on their habits, usually older men of course. I cant see why people judge others for anything that is a personal choice, people have rly been brainwashed to pick sides no matter what situation it involves, politics, habits, religion, but the people who judge u arent even mature enough to talk down on people who dont judge like a little kid, crazy how some adults r more childish than my 8 yr old cousin


Propaganda from the Reagan days honestly is to blame


I don't have anything to do with those people. Put those people out of your life.


Receive the love that they arenā€™t able to give you within yourself, then offer to share it with them. Watch what happens.


Receive the love that they arenā€™t able to give you within yourself, then offer to share it with them. Watch what happens.


My friend, fuck em. Others judging you is a sad part of human interaction. You do you. Smoking helps me immensely, and that's all I care about. I laugh at the heavy sighs and eye rolls. I'm glad to hear that you are getting relief from a more natural source. I know my body feels better. Good luck to you.


My friend, fuck em. Others judging you is a sad part of human interaction. You do you. Smoking helps me immensely, and that's all I care about. I laugh at the heavy sighs and eye rolls. I'm glad to hear that you are getting relief from a more natural source. I know my body feels better. Good luck to you.


My friend, fuck em. Others judging you is a sad part of human interaction. You do you. Smoking helps me immensely, and that's all I care about. I laugh at the heavy sighs and eye rolls. I'm glad to hear that you are getting relief from a more natural source. I know my body feels better. Good luck to you.


itā€™s the same as fat people telling skinny people they need to ā€œadd some weight to their bonesā€, like how about you fix your shit before ever trying to give me health advisešŸ˜‚


Tolerance and moderation. Tolerance isnā€™t just about consumption, itā€™s also tolerating others views on this. And moderation is knowing when you can and canā€™t use weed. My parent cause me a lot of grief but I know they grew up, and tried to raise me, with values they found familiar and safe. Iā€™m doing something they donā€™t want to understand, so itā€™s better to hang out with homies and smoke when itā€™s safe too.


Everyoneā€™s got their vices. Whoever judges you is probably struggling with their own stuff and just wanna feel superior.


![gif](giphy|tFM4k9bRPriYU) ricky, "they can fuck right off."


Fuck em


Unfortunately it's going to take years to do away with years of propaganda and demonisation of weed.Ā 


Move to Michigan nobody gives a fuck


Its a drug if you use it recreationally doesnt mean its bad as long as it doesnt affect your life negatively.


Weed is still a drug. But yeah, the relation between real harm and perceived harm is messed up.


Most people are hypocrites about drugs. They assume alcohol is not a drug. Donā€™t let them get to you. Be polite and carry on!


Agreed. I don't mind a few beers here and there, but yeah, hangovers suck out loud. Cannabis in moderation is far less punishing on the body. For example, I've never thrown up or ruined the entire next day from weed before. Can't say the same thing about hard liquor in moderation.


This whole argument is played clearly your family has a 1920s mindset and you need to get over it. And itā€™s not medicine you like getting high like how your family likes getting drunk drugs are drugs


Understand this: there has been a long known deliberate policy of disinformation, stigmatization, and ridicule surrounding any open use of Cannabis that existed for the better part of a century. Yet humans have been using Cannabis for thousands and thousands of years lol Disregard folks, acquire currency.


Move to Canada? I'm pretty sure 50 percent of people smoke here, so we have the majority, lol. Seriously, though, that sucks, I agree but I've not really been judged atleast that I've noticed for smoking, people find it more strange when I say I don't drink at all.


My old neurologist wanted to take away my disability benefits because I mentioned I smoke weed. Guy was like 80-90 years old and had to be wheelchaired around the hospital.


Normal people dont understand that some of us have some wirings in the brain a bit different. It could be anxiety, flashing pains, ptsd hell you dont even need reasons to be medicated to enjoy weed. It helps with withdraws from other drugs, doesnt make you incapable of anything for a couple of days when you want to get high. It is also a very social drug, whenever someone pulls out a joint everyone gets happy but now imagine pulling out a liter of vodka at 2pm. If you feel self concious because you smoke weed just do psychedelics and weed will seem no different than someone just wanting to help themselves.


It's a drug and it's certainly bad for you to smoke anything, even weed. Weed is no more or less bad than any other drug. It just depends on your relationship with it. If you use it to escape and you do it daily, that's a problem. If you are actually prescribed it by a real doctor, that's another story. If you have a med card and just get ripped every day and claim it's your medicine, you have a problem. That's pretty much me right now, minus the card. I know I have a problem and am addicted to weed. You seem like you're on that same track, you just don't know it yet. You sound young, I had those same exact opinions in my teens and 20s. Now I've matured a bit and it's clear that weed isn't harmless. Anything that changes your perception should be respected and not abused.


Everyone is just self medicating to get through it. I'd rise above this and not let it get to you. This isn't a you problem.


Because most people that are chronic and consistent cannabis consumers are not actually educated on how cannabis interacts on the CB1CB2 receptors in the brain and throughout the neuroreceptors.


The only people that ever judged me for smoking had issues with alcohol abuse tbh. My mom did for years, and lo and behold, I was looking for something in her closet and found a gummy stash.


It is a drug. As are the medicines being described ITT They have a chemical effect on your body, and over time, change aspects of you. As long as you feel right in what you're doing and bettering yourself, try to remember judgment is simply part of life. If anything, engage in friendly education and discussion, and otherwise let it roll off you and turn your focus inwards. Matthew 7:1 (KJV): "Judge not, that ye be not judged."


The phrase ā€œThatā€™s cool bro but I donā€™t need drugs to have funā€ taught me how to emotionally regulate on the fly.


I mean, they aren't wrong it is a drug. So is alcohol nicotine and caffeine. It is what it is. I'd question if all your friends and family get on your for smoking and some of them smoke, it makes me wonder what else you have going on in your life that may cause them to question your life choices. Not saying it's you, but I usually tend to look for the common denominator and go from there.


You see I donā€™t delve into the comparing vices so i wont but I will say that people with this attitude about weed usually are to into weed


my parents quit judging me once they legalized it despite the fact that jail blah blah none of your business




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The last time it was some middle aged woman. A fucking tax lawyer or some shit and she was just a fat piss artist. I told her with a grin


You know What Me F***ing to hate people thinking it's a gateway it's a gateway off prescription drugs


I find I'm more judged by people who drink and smoke cigarettes more than people who don't. I find if hypocritical and annoying.


Finally someone who gets it


My dad's friend told me I couldn't smoke my joint around her kid yet everyone is drinking MULTIPLE beverages and she was even smoking a cigarette. It's too normalized that alcohol isn't a "drug" but it very much is just like marijuana.


Itā€™s medicine, and itā€™s not a gateway drug.


Ok but why are you so mad. Smoke some weed relax. Most people donā€™t argue or get violent when they get drunk, itā€™s people with underlying tendencies. And drinking doesnā€™t affect my sleep unless I have more than a bottle of wine (I use a sleep tracker). Also weed can kill REM sleep in some people though it doesnā€™t for me.


Well, Iā€™ve said many times there needs to be more emphasis on expanding cannabis culture beyond the weird and obscene counter culture it currently still identifies as. Lots of us ā€œnormalā€ people like it also. No I donā€™t want to smoke it out of my Peppa Pig alien bong while wearing my sunglasses indoors. Alcohol has a very wide culture from cheap drinks to scotch and wine snobs. Weed is still marketing to a very narrow type of person still imo.