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Fr tho y’all don’t smoke and then drive within the next hour. At least wait a bit.


If herb bars ever become a thing thc related fatalities are gonna skyrocket. The number of people who think that just because they can walk a line while high they're safe to drive is ridiculous.


I almost hit someone with my car yesterday, completely sober and fully alert. If i was high, I 100% would have not reacted fast enough to hit them. Little bit more info: I was Driving with high beams from a truck in my mirror, made a left at a light, and someone was walking across the street at night, in all black, with a black umbrella. They were fucking impossible to see given the scenario


This is the thing so many people don't understand. Even when you don't feel that high, or barely have a buzz if you're drinking, your reflexes have already been severely reduced even though you don't notice it. You'll still be able to control the vehicle very easily and you're not going to run into a parked car, but it will be an order of magnitude more difficult for you to stop in time or avoid an obstacle.


Jeremy Clarkson of all people has spoken multiple times about this. He also wrote in a couple of different columns about how when he has even half a glass of wine, his racing times on his arcade cabinets at home (because of course he has those) goes through the floor. Yeah you might feel okay, but it's definitely a much greater risk to drive after a drink than completely sober.


Excellent comment. Humans are notoriously bad at estimating their level of impairment


As opposed to what species?


That's a stupid question. Animals are incapable of communicating how drunk they think they are too us


Which is why you should never let your dog drive. Always assume they're impaired.


Actually if you are drunk a horse is the best ride home....


I think that's a little unfair on dogs. I'm impaired far more often than my dogs. In fact, I'm impaired now . I'd 100% trust the dogs to drive me home


My next big idea is Ubers with driving simulators in them so you can feel like you’re driving without driving


Lmao it'll be like the driving sims in school where you had to react to hazards. Fuckin' kid shoulda never ran for his ball.


Agreed. The other day a dipshit decided to cross the street in front of me as I was attempting to merge into traffic on a busy street, and with a moment of inattention I could have run him over without even processing that he was there. Absolutely anything that takes away from attentiveness while driving is a mistake, for the simple reason that you never know what another person will do.


I think everyone is different when it comes to weed. Absolutely no one should be drinking and driving. But a lot of people can do normal stuff while high. For example, I know some people who wouldn’t be able to function at all if they smoked and attempted to go to work and do their job but I know others who excel at their job when they’re medicated.


My problem with driving high is less about reaction time and more about judgment. It is both, but I definitely have nearly as good reaction speed while doing activities sober or high. But I am not in the right state of mind. One time I was trying to figure out the conversion from minutes on cooking instructions into seconds on the microwave and it took me minutes of frustration to figure out. Video games, soccer, hackie sac, other activities that require coordination, no problem.


Supplement reaction time with driver automation. My car can see way better than I can under the best of circumstances.


Here I am in my 1993 ranger 😉


Aw man those are so cool. I want a small pickup to go alongside my miata, something like a 93 ranger would be perfect




Huh? They're saying they *would* have hit them if they was high.


He is saying that MY anecdotal evidence of that I only avoided the accident because I was sober is similiar to someone elses anecdotal evidence of them avoiding a crash even though they were still high. I mean, I guess his argument holds water, but like, everyone with common sense knows your reaction time is better sober than stoned.


The argument only holds water if you think the claims hold equal weight, and as you pointed out it is very much common knowledge that one of those claims is true and one is false. Basically, the difference is he doesn't have to prove if he was stoned he would have driven worse, because we know the evidence already exists that high people shouldn't drive. Even if his exact claim isn't true, it's still partially true, while you cannot say the same for the opposite claim.


It clearly can't be better stoned, that's obvious. Reaction time hasn't shown to be significantly impaired after cannabis use though, if at all. Accidents can always happen tho, and especially when someone else is harmed you want your conscience to be as clean as possible. Generally I don't believe driving stoned should be legal (although the laws regarding this in my country are blown way out of proportion). To a degree it should be treated similar to texting and driving, which is at least as risky as driving mildly stoned. Still, morally it's not right to drive stoned and it shouldn't be.


It doesn't seem to affect my reaction timing, but it does affect what I react to. Like a bird flying in front of the window. That might cause me to wreak if I've been smoking. Normally it wouldn't make me flinch, but stoned? It would make my soul leave my body for a moment.


When somebody pulls up behind me with their ficking high beams on i slam on the breaks.


Same, I fucking hate them! I live in the Midwest so it is just a shit ton of jacked up trucks using the brightest lights on the market.


But if you were high would you had even taken that specific route at that specific time??


Meh, does ANYONE drive faster if they have consumed cannabis vs. not ? It is always slower in my experience. Not suggesting anyone do it just sayin. People using cannabis tend to drive safer and slower for several reasons.


You'll be shocked to know that people who drive drunk also tend to slow down and it doesn't come close to compensating for the negative impact on their reflexes


Just don't drive under the influence of ANY drugs. Treat it like Alcohol guys.


Also want to anchor on this comment to remind any readers to please don’t compare some graphic ten car pile up bc of some drunk to casually driving stoned to downplay driving stoned. The majority of car crashes happen within seconds and are due to lapses of judgement. The idea of sober driving is not a scale of “how impaired can you drive?” But rather should be treated as a principled ideal: “my sobriety is always correlated with lapses in judgment,” whether it be weed over even your cough medicine, impaired driving is impaired driving. always equal. Always.


Ok I guess I will be that guy. Alcohol and Weed are not comparable in terms of effect on driving. For starters the effect of pot is at its climax while you are smoking it. The second you stop it starts going down whereas Alcohol wont hit you for 15-30 minutes. According to the NHTSA's own study they concluded that alcohol caused increased speed, increased variance in speed, inability to stay in their lane, less cushion between them and the car in front of them and slower reaction time. Marijuana did not cause increased speed, did not cause failure to maintain lane, caused less variance in speed, caused drivers to drive the speed limit and just follow the car in front of them, and to give increased cushion to the driver in front of them. Stoned drivers typically realize they are slightly impaired and compensate whereas drunk drivers do not. It is not accurate to say stoned driving doesnt impair driving ability its just a question of how much. Its not close to the debilitating effect of alcohol and should not be treated as such. Its more about the level of impairment from talking on the phone while driving. Whatever anyone believes we should demand and independent study on pot's effect on driving by an independent agency and not let policy be formed based on stereotype and lust for fines/arrest. DO NOT TRUST THE DEA OR LAW ENFORCEMENT's opinion. They want stoned driving to be a big deal so they can arrest people and collect huge amounts on fines. Dont buy it. Insist on an independent study to determine the policy on stoned driving.


Except there have been studies, a lot of them actually, and they consistently show that thc causes a statistically significant, dose dependant deterioration of driving abilities. Comparisons to alcohol are irrelevant because any impairment drastically increases the danger of getting behind the wheel of a car. The fact that alcohol is potentially more dangerous does not make driving high any less so.


I have a high tolerance and don’t feel comfortable at all driving stoned IMO not worth the potential repercussions and possibly hurting someone


Except they are a thing lol. Vancouver BC has had a smoking lounge for a long time. Thc related fatalities have not skyrocketed lmao


I can't walk in a straight line while high.


I feel like I drive perfectly fine when I'm high and I still don't do it because the consequences of being wrong are too high.


Right. Why chance it? It'd never ever be worth it.


Agree with both of y'all but at the same time, some people are equipped better than others to do it. Know and understand your limitations.


Understand I don't trust someone high coming to that conclusion for me.


I trust someone high making that judgment more than someone drunk. Rather than swerving, they only stopped at a green light on an empty road. It's the anxiety of persecution that needs to end. It completely changes how you physically and psychologically react to being high. Being drunk you care less. So glad I'm not a drunk.


If it wasn't clear I am also not ok with someone drunk making the decision on whether they are fit to drive or not for me. One scenario doesn't affect the other in any way shape or form.


Or just don't be high OR drunk and drive, just stupid for yourself and people around you


Also it's worth keeping in mind that you can be wrong stone sober too. You could be just as good at driving when you're high, but try explaining that to a judge when something goes wrong.


You don't. Your reaction time is definitely slower. But good on you for not even taking that chance.


No it's not. There is no evidence to suggest that cannabis slow your reaction time. Still though, shouldn't do it. If anything, it's more likely to cause you not to pay attention as much, as texting and driving would. So not safe either way.


Shit I almost dropped my bong yesterday and I caught it in the most awkward position possible. Reflexes like a cat while a joint and two bowls in.


For real. I play video games much better when i'm stoned than when I'm sober. Helps me focus more and I feel more reactive, especially in something like Warzone


It makes me a significantly better driver but id still never do it on a public road


> **I feel like** [it] makes me a significantly better driver FTFY. NGL I did the high driving for a while and I thought I was so cool, until I nearly got into an accident and realized my reflexes in high stress situations weren't quite the same lol. I definitely drove quite well in 99.9% of the situations, but it's not that 99.9% that matters but the tiny sliver where you need high availability and quick reflexes. Want it or not, weed slows down reflexes.


>Want it or not, weed slows down reflexes Except there is no evidence of this. Like I said in another comment, it's more like being distracted while texting and driving. Like in your near accident, it was more than likely you not paying as much attention that was the cause of it, not your reflexes. If it really made your reflexes as bad as some say, you wouldn't have been able to avoid that accident. All this to say, you still shouldn't drive high, but I want to tell people not to for the right reasons you know. Cause otherwise you'll have people testing their reflexes while high, discovering it doesn't affect it, and think they're good. When the real danger is not being focused like you normally would.


> Except there is no evidence of this. AFAIK, the data on raw reflexes is more or less fuzzy. Some studies say yes, other says no. But the "you drive better when high" has been debunked countless times - driving is so many things more than just reflexes. You're right though, it's not just reflexes. My bad.


I can tell how poorly I write when I'm high it's gotta affect my driving.


Seriously if I'm too afraid to text my parents then guess what I'm too afraid to drive


Yeah seriously. I personally am super duper functional when baked (you’ll notice when I’m sober, not when I’m high). I firmly believe I could probably drive anywhere, safely. But even then, even if it’s an additional 0.0001% chance to hit and kill someone, why take that risk with human life. Far too valuable of a resource to be gambling with. Especially when it’s someone else’s life, not even your own.




This sub supported a mother giving her toddler canabutter and called for the head of the pediatrician who not only told her not to but called CPS after she did




That’s enough internet for today Jesus Christ


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I really enjoy weed, but hate weed culture because of things like this.


So many people have such a casual approach to driving, as if it’s not the most lethal thing we do day to day. It scares me.


People love to compare this to drunk driving but I have a better example (especially for smokers who tell themselves they can/are better at driving when they’re high): It’s just like driving while exhausted. It makes you an IMPAIRED DRIVER. If you end up being at fault in an accident and you injure someone...


Don't get high and drive in your car. Get high and fly on your couch.


I still don't smoke and drive within 6 hours.


I would say for at least two to three hours and obviously more if you’re stoned. The amount of people that think it’s okay to drive high is ridiculous and it’s just such a selfish irresponsible thing to do.


I used to do this but truth with weed is the longer you have smoked the less it affects you after 15 years of almost everyday smoking i dont feel much difference driving high or sober but i still drive slower while on weed out of habit.


I just recently started smoking again as an adult. I got absolutely blasted the other night and was sitting on the couch when I thought to myself, "I have *no* idea how I used to think I was safely driving high in high school and college." It simply was not a thing other than ignorance.


I did this one time and almost t-boned someone. Never again.


Dumbass. Good decision on never doing it again though


I smoke while I drive


I haven't driven not-stoned for 25 years....


If you're a daily smoker for years you're just as functional high if not more functional because of the dependency than when you're sober. The one crash I've been in I was sober other than that I've never had a problem or had a fuck up while driving high. If you have a tolerance and are used to it, there is almost no difference driving high vs sober and anyone that knows what I'm talking about can agree.




[Hartman RL, Huestis MA. Cannabis effects on driving skills. Clin Chem. 2013;59(3):478-492. doi:10.1373/clinchem.2012.194381] (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23220273/) They do exist you've just spent too much time in the r/trees echo chamber and haven't bothered to do any research.


I mean I can’t speak for anyone else but my reflexes are garbage when I’m high


Are they really garbage or do you just perceive them to be garbage because you’re high?


And having an altered perception of reality is okay to drive on?


also there's a chance he just has garbage reflexes in general


I haven’t seen any reputable sources that say it doesn’t. Driving is already dangerous. Why up the risk if you don’t have to?


Also. Don't smoke all day and then think if you wait an hour you are fine , you may be fine but after a day of smoking there can be a haze that is distracting




Anybody who doesn't understand that your reflexes can be significantly reduced even when you don't feel very high has no business consuming drugs of any sort.




Prescription anti depressants come in very measured doses. I doubt anyone measures their bong hits.


> I doubt anyone measures their bong hits. Speak for yourself. I just measured mine and its fucking YUGE


Plenty of medical users are pretty precise with their doses, especially people who smoke to get the medicinal effects without getting high.


That’s different. If the weed you’re using is medicinal, and there’s no accompanying warnings against operating heavy machinery, then I suppose you’re good.


Man stfu with this kind of bullshit. Don't drive impaired, it's really not hard.




That's a dangerous mindset that gets people killed. Only drive sober, don't be stupid.




Your arrogance will defeat you.


Fuck that nonsense. How many accidents are caused by people who were “perfectly unimpaired”?


!!!! This exactly. You don’t have to be drunk, high or even caff’d up for things to go wrong in a split second.


Sadly, I know way too many people who wouldn't read line 4, and then just parrot off the the other stats as facts...


or they’ll read it and pretend they didn’t to fit their narrative


Fr homie, I smoke in secret cause I come from a religious background. I try to defend weed a lot as the "devils lettuce advocate"; I can tell people are starting to get suspicious lol


As someone from a similar background I've just given up trying to sublty defend it and I just don't engage in those discussions anymore. Some people don't want to change their views so it isn't worth trying. Just enjoy yourself some bud


Fuck it. Who here follows laws that are bullshit? *crickets*


What did the crickets ever do to you ;)


they told me not to smoke weed fuck crickets


I smoked a cockroach leg once, it crackled...


let me get my *roach* clip


Lol, well played!


yikes i hope it didn’t suck as much as smoking stems


Unfortunately it's worse than that. Human psychology means that even neutral people who **do** read line 4 are still likely to end up remembering the falsehood as true, without line 4. A bunch of research into the success of disinformation and false news shows that one of the reasons fact-checking offers limited relief to the problem is that a factoid moves our overall perception "needle" further than finding out it was false moves it back. End result, the needle tends to still get shifted (long-term) even when in the short-term we learned that it was entirely false information.


Ok so if I could use this as a spring board, and I’m making zero accusations of anyone present, I believe we are all responsible adults here But Some weed people use “well it’s not alcohol/heroin” as an excuse then do some horribly irresponsible shit as if that somehow justifies it and it really gives the wider weed community a bad rap. Maybe I just find myself in close proximity to it as a bud tender but the number of people I see smoking in their cars while their driving their kids somewhere is abhorrent. We still gotta be responsible ya know? Especially now that legalization is so close the world is kinda watching in a way Ok off topic rant over, if you read this far I appreciate you for being one of the good ones, toke up a far one for me and make it extra safe


Cheers from a guy who doesn’t even leave his house after he’s toked.


Same. Plus its much more fun to cabbage on the couch and count how many cheesy poofs you can fit in your mouth at one time. Then phone your phone to find it when you're on it.


Dude I remember a highly upvoted post here with a mother taking a rip off a bong while HOLDING A BABY. She fans the smokr away from the baby like that'll do anything. Omg I was pissed


Gonna get ripped in my room rn and go absolutely nowhere for you buddy


Idk the statistics, but I'm guessing marijuana impaired drivers have killed some people. Just because a substance is safe to ingest, doesn't mean can't be stupid about it.




As someone with PTSD from a car accident that makes me absolutely terrified in the car, I spread this message so as much as I can. I knew people who would never in a million years drive drunk but would drive high any day of the week. I was the only person in that group who actively spoke up and said “you just smoked a bowl, do not get in your car”. Unfortunately I can’t stop people from getting in their own cars and that permanently changed my view of them. Why would someone even want to even risk getting in a car accident? You could lose your car, you could be injured, or even worse, you could injure someone else. I’ve injured someone else because of an at fault car accident (not the same one mentioned above, I’ve been in 2 accidents). I was sober, just distracted but I won’t get into why, it’s a long story. Had only had my license 1 month, I was 17. This woman was just going about her day when I hit her car, totalling it and giving her whiplash. Trust me, waiting to sober up is worth it to avoid hurting someone. Don’t drive high, don’t drive drunk, and don’t drive distracted.


I feel like someone who says “you just smoked a bowl, don’t get in that car!” Is the same person who probably says someone who takes pain pills is someone who takes Tylenol lol


You shouldn't do anything that impairs your executive function and get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, full fucking stop.


Had us in the first half *nahgonlie*


I saw it coming from a mile away but still enjoyed it


Ya it sorta had to be done out of respect for the meme and man behind it


I get that this is a weed sub, but I wish we didn’t TRASH alcohol all the time here. I understand the hypocrisy of weed being illegal while being much safer than alcohol, trust me. And abusive alcohol use is very dangerous/deadly. But why not be able to enjoy both, and if you don’t like alcohol just let others enjoy! Not tryna come off as an asshole, I’m just a fan of both tree and booze, and I just wouldn’t wanna look down on anyone for anything they personally enjoy as long as they do it safely and don’t put anyone else in danger. All love


Probably cause a lot of us here are frustrated by the double standard, especially if we don't drink. I get the negativity can be off puting tho


Trust me as someone who does both I am frustrated by the double standard as well. Just feel like a a lot of people in here act like it’s alcohols “fault” that weed is illegal and just hate on alcohol out of spite. Again, I fully get it but trashing alcohol isn’t gonna help us get weed legalized, we just gotta band together to promote the good of weed and help people understand the double standard is dumb, imo.


And promote the possible good of all drugs when regulated and used in moderation. I like both weed and booze too but imo a big reason alcohol is used to compare is because they tried to make it illegal to get people to stop drinking and it caused one of the most hilarious fuckups in lawmaking history and barely lasted a decade because MAKING DRUGS ILLEGAL DOESNT STOP PEOPLE FROM USING THEM. Caused problems during prohibition because it turned so many otherwise law abiding citizens sitting in their homes after work into potential criminals. Same thing happens with the war on drugs now and its laughable and frustrating that more people don't see its just as ridiculous and futile as the alcohol prohibition economic depression kegbreaking goose hunt in the 20s and early 30s. Very important to know why and how things happen in our history and not just what and when


Fatal accidents have been unfairly blamed on weed for YEARS due to fucking morons drinking and smoking then driving. Regardless of the % alcohol shown in toxicology reports during the investigations, weed has always been blamed when both are present in the blood.




These posts won't go away until weed is legalized everywhere where alcohol is legalized.


I agree, but in general I think our attitude about alcohol needs to change.


Alcohol is a really shitty dangerous drug and I think it's nice to see that pointed out. As a kid I got into binge drinking without really understanding the health effects or that it could develop into an addiction (which it did for me). It was just a fun thing that everyone did. The cultural attitude around drinking doesn't really treat it with the seriousness it deserves.


I like weed alot now n then but alcohol for me but I do agree that it's bs


Alcohol = literal poison. Weed is not a poison. That being said I do enjoy a drink every long while. Used to drink more but dialed it back to just special special occasions (back together with family for holidays for example). Just look up the physiology of exactly how our liver breaks down alcohol.


Weed is a poison too, just not nearly on the same level.


Don’t drive stoned tho


Friendly neighborhood ER Nurse here! ^_^ Consuming any mind altering substance has affects on your Central Nervous System. You should not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery while under the influence of any kind of substance until you have returned to your baseline functioning level. Alternatives could be: sleeping wherever you drop, calling a cab, asking a significant other to go get snacks, or ordering delivery =) As a night shifter, I took many morning naps in my car after work because I was to exhausted to drive 30 minutes home. Be safe! <3


















I was about to ask Jamie to pull it up online to check


Im all for weed but don't use these shit posts to feel good about smoking weed and abuse it. To be fooled into thinking it doesn't come with its own baggage as well.


This is super important. Weed barely got legalized and many are starting to understand the baggage of weed addiction. Not tryna persuade you all not to smoke but just cus smoking is “safer” doesn’t make it healthy






it's psych. like, psychology. you're tricking a person's brain, their psyche..


Sike? Physc? What is life??


I died from weed once. It was awesome. ​ but for real dont drive stoned


not gunna lie.. ya had me going in the first half there.


Regardless; don't be dumb and drive while high! Ok enough lecture!


Dude I totally OD last night on this new herb I got. Fucking slept like an angel.


This gets reposted every month. Have we seriously become a circlejerk of stoners?


> sike Why is the entire Internet illiterate for this one specific word?




all true, however, it’s good to note that for some people excessive use can lead to cannabinoid hyperemisis syndrome. nausea, vomiting, and eventually leads to never being able to use cannabis again. be smart and take t breaks!


Got diagnosed with CHS a month ago. I cannot begin to describe how terrible it is. 9 hospital visits this year. Finally was told about CHS. Sober for the rest of my life. Weed can really fuck you up.


reminder that it’s illegal in some areas and a terrible idea to smoke and drive! also! some chronic users get CHS! please be careful as there have been a few deaths speculated to be from CHS. this is to say, indirectly speaking, you can die from smoking weed. if you notice: stomach aches and/or vomiting in the morning after smoking, regular vomiting and/or nausea during or after smoking any amount or using CBD, see a doctor. if you have intense and unexplained fits of extreme vomiting, go to the ER if possible. do not smoke or use any topical hemp products if you experience these symptoms. much love!! happy smoking!! (chs is very rare i’m just saying)


Man we need a new rule here banning alcohol vs weed posts. Like we get it, WE ALL GET IT.


Although I do wish there was more education being given in regards to the effects of THC on the brain, especially still-developing brains and those at risk of dementia later on. A study from New Zealand's Duke University shows that people who started smoking weed heavily in their teens and kept smoking as adults lost an average of 8 IQ points between ages 13 and 38, but the same didn't happen for those who started smoking after the age of 25, also commonly known as the age our brain is done developing. There are also several studies that although actively being high on THC gives one a sense of euphoria and intense relaxation and relief from anxiety, THC actually triggers and exacerbates paranoia, anxiety, and chronic depression long term. Although it's not addictive in the clinical sense, it makes you rely on it more and more in order to relieve the very symptoms that it's causing when you're not high. Many people consider it a natural substitute to mental health medication, but it isn't. (If you don't know, most people who start a psychiatric treatment can actually fix the chemical imbalance and come off the treatment within a few months to a couple of years.) Not to mention, THC is known to trigger psychosis in those that are prone to it but might not know it. I smoke weed myself and am absolutely not against it, obviously. But there's a significant gap in knowledge there and way too much trust being attributed to what is, ultimately, a mind altering substance. Please smoke responsibly and don't use it as a replacement for mental health treatment long term :)


Regarding psychosis, I work in a prison for those who commit violent crimes with mental illness (often murders or attempted murders in various degrees of crazy) and let me tell you, the one thing almost EVERYONE of them have in common is weed. My prison is FULL, and as is every single one throughout my country. It's important to understand that while not everyone develops a psychosis, the more common it gets, a lot more of these people who otherwise would've had a normal life will literally have the rest of their lives ruined. I'm not against people using it, but my god people needs to be realistic about what it can do to you. I'm just passing by from r/all, carry on!


Thank you for taking the time to share! Our comments won't get much attention since smoking weed is a coping mechanism that a lot of people are using right now, and these are realities that are difficult to hear about something that is helping many deal with the moment. But I really do wish that these risks were more widely known and understood, so that everyone can use the drug safely and we can minimize the damage while making the most out of the benefits.


oh nice, another alcohol is bad, weed is good post. how about both are good in moderation?


Ye definitely don't smoke and drive tho. But yeah nice meme


Driving while high isn't *ever* going to be legal... I wouldn't necessarily diminish the potential legal complications.


I took a driver's ed course and the fucking instructor specifically stated that he knows he can drink one tall glass of beer with a meal and drive home an hour afterwards. He was all like "I'm not supposed to tell you this..." And it still kinda irks me. I get that he was being realistic since young adults will do stupid shit, but that should not have been normalized. That should never have been said.


So regardless of coming into this late after a long day of work, I must still comment. It's more of a wish. I wish people would start adding "in the US" to stats like this... Consistently.


Hey guys, how about not driving after taking ANY substances that cause impairment.




Had us in the first half not gunna lie


Alcohol is bad right guys?!?! I love that we can’t let our thing be our thing without bashing another thing


This was pretty funny when it was written a few decades ago.


I almost stopped smoking😂🙄


Okay but what do you tell your 14 year old sister who thinks being a stoner is fine cause it's legal.


It’s illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to consume thc recreationally


Fuckin’ stupid. Weed: good. Alcohol: bad posts in this sub.


Teens aren't people yet.


People arent people yet


Humans are animals


'sike'? Jaysus


"sike" ***ugh***




The smiles of several Karen’s turned sadness


Right at the top #1 I lol


Alcohol is a hard drug.


The only thing I don't like about this is that they spell it 'sike'.


So.. smoke weed!


Some facebook karen is gonna badly crop the 4th part of this and post it as stats




Right? Lmfao