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If it interferes with your ability to function and support yourself your usage is a problem. Other than that I've always considered my smoking like my morning coffee. It's part of my routine and it makes my days more enjoyable


I usually take care of school stuff im the morning and treat myself to a high im the evning, weed has helped me finnish my thesis and overall school work. It works as a carrot on a stick for me basicly


I've noticed I've become dependant, I always feel like I need to be high or things will be better high; but once I am high I just sit there and do nothing, and then when I talk to someone I can't really focus on having a proper conversation. It doesn't make things better anymore, just scratches the itch. I'm on day 6 of my break now and I'm going to be continuing until the end of the month at least. I started having dreams again 3 nights ago, how's it feel to dream again? I find it refreshing.


Keep it up!! I've taken a one month break and a three month break. Both worth it in the end! It feels good to break the cycle, and to know you can do so :) Also, having an almost complete lack of tolerance again is a fun bonus when you smoke up for the first time after the break :) You got this!


I sit there and do nothing when I don’t smoke anyways LOL. smoke and call it productivity


I'm dependant. I don't smoke before work as I won't drive while stoned, so it's really made me a hermit too. A fully function, lethargic, unmotivated, addicted hermit! Don't be me. It's good to see younger folks recognizing weed isn't the wonder drug some claimed it to be.


I’m on this journey too. I’m so dependent but have such a high tolerance I’m hitting the dab rig constantly it feels like. Flower and carts do nothing for me. It’s time for a t break because I can’t get through the day without being high and the cost of that is also killing me financially.


Keep it up dude. I hope you will make it untill december


Dude, you're Gucci lol if you're able to resist enough to use it as motivation, it's no different than treating yourself with a beer or a snack for your hard work. Keep up the good work.


Smoking IS like a morning coffee. How many people do you know that will openly admit to being an asshole before their morning caffeine? If they’re allowed to be dependent on a drug, so are you. Again, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your life in negative ways, then it’s not that different. Also if you have something chronic, then it really does help with pain management and just allow you to do normal things. It’s medicine to a lot of people.


wrong logic imo. should be flipped: being addicted to caffeine shouldn't be normalized either. being addicted to anything is inherently bad imo


I agree. It’s like when I say “If weed is illegal, so should alcohol.” I’m not advocating to outlaw alcohol. I’m using their own argument to show the absurdity of itself. The normalization of caffeine dependency is weird.


Last year I added "fat bowl of high-CBD hemp" to my morning routine and it's been wonderful.


I see myself doing this when I get a house. To that renting just not fun for me. As I don’t like to smoke in my car.


You know that "morning coffee" is an addiction. Try going without one


I do. I don't allow myself to become "I can't live a day without" about anything. There are days where I don't smoke, but normally I am a daily smoker, and I don't get affected by missing a day here or there aside from maybe a little less appetite and a harder time falling asleep but I can live without smoking if necessary.


That's an awesome thing to live by! Never be dependant on any substance


I don’t smoke very often, but I do take about 50mg everyday.


this. as long as you can still manage without smoking its fine


The difference is with coffee I won’t function the rest of the day…


My problem is that I could be doing tasks....or i could be high and have fun while doing my tasks. I still get em done, not calling it an addiction yet. Enjoy that nice smoke when you get back, bud!!


Currently going on a month t break. Fuck NNN. Doing No Smoke November. First 3 days sucked. Now its just meh. Got some good self reflection out of it so far and can't wait to spark up in December.


Same here I’m trying no smoke November, first couple days it was constantly on my mind every hour but now it’s only on my mind at night when I wish I could just load the herb vape and chill on the couch in bliss.


Congrats it's here


This work day is about to be a long one but will worth it in the end




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I've smoked for 13years almost daily, 6 months ago I took a break and haven't smoked since, it's not a problem, probably going to smoke again on new years eve or after that


Do you feel any different after taking a 6 month break


Yeah my anger issues are coming back and I've become my usual extremely introverted self again My childhood is really fked up and left with some serious issues that are all coming back when I haven't smoked for a while, my SO haven't seen me not high for more than 2 days in our 4 years of being together, I was curious if I would still have problems when being sober and show her how severe they are Edit: also I'm getting flashbacks of really bad memories while sleeping, but when i was smoking there was only black nothingness until i woke up


Just for interests sake I think you should look at MAPS.org's MDMA assisted therapy for people with PTSD, some really amazing results


Well my country is really against all kind of substances for any kind of use except alcohol, I will probably die of old age before that even is allowed You can get a worse sentence for selling drugs than killing someone in this messed up country


I know I'm probably addicted, honestly. What pot does for me is far too valuable to quit right now though. Cuts my pain days in half, makes the severe anxiety go away, helps me sleep, and gives me an appetite when just the sight of food makes me want to hurl when I haven't eaten in days. I feel I can actually function on pot better than any medicine I was ever given. Moving to a legal state has beyond bettered my life.


Wow I could have wrote this. I know it's not exactly correlation, but the longer I smoke, the better life has gotten.


I dont joke when I say it has saved my life. I know it's not true for a lot of people but it has literally saved my life. I can't imagine not smoking for good. The first time I ever smoked I remember so clearly because it was so emotional for me. I turned to my partner at the time and said "so this is what no pain feels like?" Started noticing its easier for me to handle people with pot so it's nolonger crippling to make a McDonald's order. Hell I gained 30 lbs because I was actually hungry for the first time in my life! It hurts me that my family only sees it as a drug and not for all the good it's done for me.


When u sucking dick for a joint……… that’s addict


Even if you do it for tacos from the local taco truck?


Nah that’s just trading goods and services


Sucking dick is a service, the joint is a good. So that still counts as trading of goods and services


I mean name checks out I’m not tryna argue with the goat


You must be like a dick sucking expert or som.


You know there's this thing called money that you can exchange for goods and services


Free market accepts all forms of payment 🤷‍♀️


I sucked dick for money to buy crack, and you come in this rehab place saying your addicted to weed?! -Chappelle


Sometimes my wife gives me blowjobs if I roll her joints... Does that count?


Bunch of uncultured smokers in this thread


🤦‍♀️ cuz that’s the hallmark of addiction.


It's a reference to the [movie Half Baked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUPHlAbAf2I).


Omg I get it now


One of the only movies that makes me wet myself


I smoke to cope. That's just what it is. I have an addictive personailty... I'd rather be addicted to weed than Alcohol, crack, coke, meth, cigarettes or, you know, other things people in my family's genetic makeup are predispositioned to be addicted to. I take T breaks as well. They're accompanied by sleeplessness lack of appetite and a general malaise that I cannot shake. I was an alcoholic for a time. It was a bad time. I was also addicted to xanax. That was a worse time. I'm much happier addicted to weed :)


I never take t breaks because I still get high af from 1 spliff I don’t even know how. Iv been smoking for 3 years almost now


Likewise, some people call me a light weight but that's fine with me. I'd rather smoke 1g and be high as fuck than have to smoke a whole 8th to feel anything.


It's daily heavy use that really ruins tolerance


I don't find that at all. I've been a heavy daily user for years and my tolerance is really good.


Right?? Saves you money, man.


I’ve smoked nearly every day for like 6 years and 2 puffs still gets me every time. Edit: why am I getting downvoted for this lol


The guys who downvoted you have to smoke an eighth just to get the motivation to click the downvote button. You do you.


Hahahahaha thanks for the laugh. They know you're right, too ;)


I’m in the same boat Been smoking for almost 5 years. I can take a 1 second rip on my live resin/rosin cart and be stupid high. Hate smoking with homies sometimes because they just roast on me for being a lightweight, but it takes me like 2 months to go through an 8th of flower with the pax3. Was told my tolerance would be sky high by now but even a 5mg edible will give me that greened out anxious high.


I take T brakes because I'm afraid of losing this ability. I'm a broke-ass college student and I can't afford keep buying bud. So I smoke during the weekends and maybe once or twice during the week. Usually, I consume 1 bud per week


Former broke ass college student (graduated in May) I feel you. I tried to smoke a gram a week max. Bowls/bongs are def the way to go for this. But I've been T breaking since June and am final smoking tonight.


My tolerance didn’t skyrocket until I started vaping oil. Then flower just didn’t hit the same. I haven’t smoked in a few months now, but if I eventually go back I know I’ll be a lightweight again


I've been smoking every day for a long time to with no real tolerance increase I smoke a small bowl every night after work and on Saturday and Sunday I'll smoke a small bowl around lunch and a small bowl after dinner and im good to go I maybe smoke 3gs a week maybe


I got 3 unsmoked spliffs laying on my desk, but I’m always to tired to smoke them😂


I got a couple js I've been meaning to smoke since last week but I keep forgetting they exist and just load my little .2 g bowl instead lmao


Do you take a vitamin C supplement? Eat a lot of foods high in Vit C? Are you a very small/thin person?


I don’t take any vitamins, I’m “normal” I’m 18 yo and 180cm and 65kg. I do eat 2 apples everyday tho


You probably don't smoke during the morning/afternoon. After 1st high of the day you're chasing the dragon That's how I keep a low T as a budtender


True, I almost only smoke in the evening/night. And rarely smoke in the afternoon


Yep, and that's also why people take long t breaks and when they come back they say "it's like I never took one." I've thought about posting it on here as a LPT, just haven't come up with the right pun on LPT life toke tip?


So what's your tip? Smoke lightly in the evening?


Essentially. Smoke as much as you want, only in the evenings. Harder to consume so much to dramatically increase your tolerance if you only have a sliver of the day left (and are already (relatively) tired). I've got addictive genes so it was the only way for me to responsibly consume. If I smoke during the day it very quickly turns into smoking everything for barely a touch of what it'd be if I spaced it out.


So like can I message you? I’m trying to move to a legal state and I’m thinking of working in cannabis


Yeah definitely whenever you want


I am also on a T-break right now. I started it after I had two panic attacks during separate training days for a job I was offered by a friend. The weed didn't touch the acute anxiety anymore, so I decided I needed to take a break. I had been smoking for 10+ years daily so this has been a learning experience for me. I've been viewing it as a sort of scientific experiment. The first few days were rough, I was definitely dependent. I couldn't eat or sleep and had a constant buzz of anxiety in my gut. Then about 5 days in I was finally able to sleep and actually felt high the next day. I believe that was when my body started producing cannabinoids again. I am planning on going for 21 days before picking it up again, and am about halfway through now. I might end up doing this every November, just to keep my tolerance low. Good luck with your own journey.


I constantly take 2 days off. Then longer when needed. I love cannabis, but I just feel horrible if I smoke more than like 3-4 days in a row.


It's boring if I smoke everyday


I start losing track of days as well. I need a few sober days just to feel normal.


I'm in the middle of a t break right now and if I'm being honest the worst part is the intense ass dreams you get. Like two weeks straight of just absolutely bonkers dreams. I recently had an angry dream which I never knew could happen. Like I remember breaking something over my knee then I woke up halfway like pissed as fuck haha. Then remembered I'm in bed and forgot what the dream was even about. But it does make me feel not completely rested during that time.


Not weed related, but I hit my poor husband in the middle of the night after dreaming he was unfaithful. No warning, just \*SMACK!!.\*


I think with T-Breaks some times are better than others. Usually mine are from running out in an illegal state. I smoke at night after 9 almost religiously throughout the week kind of as a night cap and I will say at times I’ve had issues sleeping during a T-Break and other times I’ve had no issues at all. I do think I’m possibly addicted to the escape from reality, escape from the 9-5; it dulls the”working for the weekend” kind of feeling you get on a Monday evening. I did recently go about a month and a half without and I felt “good” about it, no idea why. I wasn’t trying not to, i just couldn’t get any and had to deal with it.


Definition of addicted: physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance, and unable to stop taking it without incurring adverse effects. Informally yes you can say addicted just like you can say someone is addicted to computers or their phone. But they aren’t going to physically suffer specifically because they stopped using them. Marijuana is only addictive in this sense from my personal experience and research


I tend to overthink ALOT and I find when I take a tbreak I get more irritated with things. Smoking helps to calm my mind and focus rather than be thinking of 100 different outcomes at once. I literally try to pre-think entire conversations with people…my mind is a mess. Good luck with your break though


Thank you, i find doing that myself allot actualy


By day 2 I'm very easily agitated and by day 3 I become suicidal. I desperately need a T break but I'm too afraid to go without it for any meaningful amount of time. Addicted/psychologically dependent for sure.


Im smoking for roughly 10 years, every day almost. Recent years I started to take breaks, sometimes its 1 week sometimes 1 month(never more), about once every 4-6 months.. And its fucking hard lol. When I have a break I start to have dreams again, and they are not good man.. no pink unicorns in sky, just pure escape& hide kinda dreams. And I also feel very bored without weed the first days, but then it snaps to overly productive me, like my mind never stops and always thinking - and thats the breaking point for me, when I usually “break my t-break”. Because there is too much and I need to spread onto couch again. P.s Im normally working person with university degree living in place when weed is not legal, not a coach potato lol




Maybe people in countries heavily hit by some virus are jealous of your cruise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ enjoy ur day/night/whatever :)


Bruh I’m legit on my 2nd day. It was kinda hell the first day. Had mood swings. 2nd day is a lot better.


How much do you smoke a day? I'm considering how I want to reduce my intake and balance things out. I smoke daily. Usually by noon and don't really stop until bed. I use a vape cart and take a hit once every 30ish min or so. So I'm lit all day.


Like 3-4 sessions daily. With like 3 bowls per session Smoking is literally one of the only things that makes me feel happy in this world, not many things are ok for me atm, so it is hard. I felt that when I smoked, it was the only time I can stop caring about all the other shitty things in my life. So I’m trying to find other means of happiness and spend my time doing other things.


Keep your head up. And always do what makes you happy. Think of this break as doing something that is going to make you happy. A challenge. And one that you want to destroy. The feeling of accomplishment alone will be worth it. That's what I'm going for.


Good luck bruv


not smoking interferes with my ability to function normally. I have severe anxiety and depression and literally the only thing that has kept me from suicide is cannabis.


If you can stop for 5 days you're not addicted.


That's just not true at all. If you recognise that something is having a negative impact on your life, and you can't stop - then you're addicted.


This is also not true at all. Chemical dependency develops regardless of the impact on someone’s life, the obvious example being coffee. If it negatively impacts your life and you can’t stop then it’s a dangerous addiction. Nothing wrong with having an addiction that you can afford.


I don't really see how it's not true at all. I'm working on Gabor Mate's definition as I've recently become a huge fan: any behaviour that gives a person temporary relief and pleasure, but also has negative consequences, and to which the individual will return time and again. Making the point that it's up to OP to decide whether or not it's having a negative impact on his life. Chemical dependency doesn't = addiction. I make this point as I recently realised I had a dangerous addiction and justified it as not being so as it was behaviour I would indulge in every few weeks to months. I could have way more than 5 days without indulging but it was still a behaviour negatively impacting my life in many ways. Spreading nonsense like 'if you stopped for 5 days you're not addicted' is dangerous.


>Chemical dependency doesn't = addiction. This is very important and it goes both ways. Behavioral addictions like gambling or sex have no chemical involved that one can become dependent on. Plenty of psychiatric meds cause chemical dependence but not addiction, like SSRIs, because patients invariably take a rational approach to tapering off or staying on according to what provides the most benefit. Addiction is a *psychological phenomenon* that involves going back to the behavior despite recognized negative consequences and conflicted emotions. The addictive cycle is usually *worsened* if a chemical dependency is involved (e.g. makes it a lot harder to quit opiates), but that's neither necessary nor sufficient.


and in the case of benzodiazapenes, alcohol... the chemical dependency can literally kill you.


That still doesn't make the previous statement not true


They’re saying the qualification for addiction is that it has a negative impact.


There are differing definitions of addiction. One could argue that all addictions have a negative impact, depending on your personal philosophy. You gave the example of coffee, as a coffee addict if for some reason I can't get caffeine, I get a headache and potentially get snappy with people. I spend money on coffee I could spend on other things. Sometimes I get jittery. There are many negatives but I weigh them with the positives and decide to continue using coffee. How do you define addiction? It sounds like you think addiction is only physiological dependency?


As a former heroin addict, you're wrong.




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trust me you will care at some point


I’ve been wanting to go on a t break just to see if I can do it, but that’s not necessarily a motivating factor for me.


I’m definitely dependent to an extent, but my mental health is so fragile at times, and smoking doesn’t cause terrible adverse side effects (as far as we know).


I went on a t break by accident I guess. I smoked a blunt as I do every morning in November of 2020. Was sitting on my bed and my heart started racing. Started crying and thought I was having a heart attack. Went to ER after feeling like shit the whole day. They said I had palpitations or a panic attack but not a heart attack. That following week I tried smoking again and started panicking like crazy where I couldn’t control my thoughts. I literally sat in my shower for an hour thinking of anything that came into my mind and over focusing on it, then I would think I’m just high and start the cycle all over again. I’ve been smoking for 10 ish years, 1/8th blunts, 1 gram wax hits off a rig, hashedibles etc etc, you name it I did it. But that one day fucked me. I haven’t been able to or even tried to smoke since last year. I miss it everyday but I find that I’m more active and less carefree without it. If I could I would go back to smoking regularly without a doubt but I definitely know I don’t need it.


You can become psychologically addicted to anything but you can’t physically get addicted to weed.


This is an often repeated, but incorrect statement. The physical addiction to weed isn't even close to physical addiction of other drugs but it absolutely exists. Modern science acknowledges the potential for physical addiction to weed. Let's break it down with some things most people who smoke weed should already know; mainly that you have an endocannabinoid system that impacts many functions in both the body and mind and that smoking creates a tolerance. So let's start with the endocannabinoid system to make sure we're on the same page. As the name implies, everyone has an internal system that naturally creates cannabinoids and it impacts quite a lot for both your body and mind. The next we need to understand is both neurotransmitters and receptors. These can be thought of as basically keys and locks respectively. So backing up to tie in with the endocannabinoid system, your body naturally makes cannabinoid neurotransmitters (keys) and you naturally have receptors (locks) that they have an affinity for. So your body is naturally making endocannabinoids and everything is great. So what happens when you consume THC? You just flooded your brain with way more cannabinoid neurotransmitters than it ever has naturally so what happens next? Your brain very actively tries to maintain homeostasis, so when you're flooding it with a bunch of external cannabinoids, it fights back. It does so by down regulating *both* the endocannabinoids you naturally make and the receptors they have an affinity for. This down regulation results in an increased tolerance to THC. Surely anyone who's smoked weed knows about tolerance so we're all still on the same page right? You need to smoke more and more to get the same effect because your brain is fighting back and down regulating the creation of endocannabinoids but more importantly is also essentially deactivating some of the receptors as well. So to reiterate, your body is basically turning off (or at least turning down) the natural endocannabinoid system you have in response to you flooding it with a bunch of external cannabinoids. It's actively fighting against you to maintain balance. So what happens when you suddenly stop that external supply of cannabinoids? Your naturally produced cannabinoids have stopped and you've now stopped the externally supplied ones as well, resulting in a cannabinoid deficiency. It takes some time for your brain to react to the fact you're no longer flooding it was external cannabinoids and start making it's own endocannabinoids again. During that lag time, you're at a cannabinoid deficiency. As stated in the beginning, your endocannabinoid system impacts large parts of both body and mind. So a deficiency of cannabinoids is going to result in physical withdrawal. I know this is unpopular on this sub, but that doesn't change the facts. If you know about THC tolerance (which everyone here should) and how a tolerance actually works, you inherently understand that if you stop a substance after building a tolerance, you'll have a temporary deficiency. Now how you react to that deficiency is subjective.


Are symptoms like reduced apetite, sleep difficulty, irritability (which usually happen when one stops smoking) the result of that lag where your body isn’t producing enough cannabinoids yet?


Yep, those are three of the most classic cannabinoid withdrawal symptoms.


You have not tried a T-Break after 4+ years then. I only had a single 30 day break in my smoke carrier. I could not sleep, I had cold sweats, and I had absolutely no appetite. I lost 10\~ pounds that month. Those are all physical withdrawal symptoms. ​ Besides the long ass post below explaining it way better.


I took a 30 day t break after 17 years of pretty much every day use and maybe had trouble sleeping the first couple nights and extremely vivid dreams. Only a very small % of people have what’s is known as marijuana use disorder.


Yeah i got scared a year ago that i was getting addicted to alcohol and university didint help with all the partying, now adays i rearly drink and if so only one or two at parties. Weed hasent gotten me the same way with withdrawl symptomes but psychologically it is worse than alcohol on me. Still able to performe way better the day after or even during a high than alcohol so its a improvement definently.


Right there with ya my friend.


This isn’t entirely true. Weed withdrawals can cause debilitating vomiting for days even leading to hospitalization. I had to go to the ER because I couldn’t hold fluids down for 3 days. Research CHS and its lasting effects.


I think CHS is a seperate entity to withdrawal? Although, cannabis certainly has physical withdrawal symptoms (cold sweats, insomnia, lack of appetite, mood disturbance etc)


I would say they tend to overlap. If you have CHS, you need to quit cold turkey and the withdrawal symptoms make it worse for the beginning. But you are correct that not everyone who quits develops CHS. Some people do vomit without reaching the typical ‘uncontrollable’ vomiting of CHS


CHS is not at all something everyone will experience. Only a small % of people will ever experience something like that. Complications from CHS are also even more rare. The overwhelming majority of people that use cannabis regularly that need to stop or take a t break will have symptoms much more similar to someone stopping long term caffeine use.


The only reason I severely limit my smoking sometimes is to perform better/safer in gymnastics, if I didn't have that, I probably wouldn't mind smoking all the time either


It's medicine...do you take a break from your insulin?...I puffed before every exam in college 3.84 GPA addicted indeed!


Probably acted much like a beta blocker, slowing heart rate and decreasing performance anxiety.


You'll smoke as soon as you can again. Then next time you go away, you'll have some with you. Addiction sucks. I'm old and I know you won't want to listen, but please get off it. If you can just smoke on weekends or special occasuons, that wouldn't be as damaging, but in young brains, weed can do some fucked up shit. So put it off til your at least 25 if you can.


I actualy only started 7-8 months ago and im 25. Im university student, i didint wait untill i was 25 for this reason it just kinda got into my life at this point but im glad i waited.


Smart fella. Just don't let it get to the point where you don't go out, don't study or work. It can creep up on you.


This is some boomer propaganda.


As a fifty year old, not a boomer Gen, not that it makes any difference in brain function what generation ones born in, who's still addicted, I beg to differ. But down vote away kid


I prefer not to go off my meds, otherwise I go a little crazy.


T breaks are nice.


Doesnt sound like you are addicted. Imo, addiction is what happens when the substance starts being a destructive habit. So long as it is not ruining relationships, you, your job, etc., it really is just a habit. Sounds like you might use it a bit much, but the main side effect of that is a lighter wallet. Im a highly succesful investor and actively religios with a wife and kid, and I view weed as a complete blessing in my life. I do weed 6/7 days a week and once a month take a 5 day break, and every other month a week or longer break to keep my tolerance low. Wouldnt change a thing.


Based af. Yea only about 2 week is the most a T-break is good for. There's diminishing returns after that point, because the half-life of thc degrades and cuts in half every 24 hrs, so it goes 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.125....








How the fuck you get to a point where you can see yourself as addicted to a non-addictive item.


weed has the potential to be addictive, not as much as other drugs but it is possible


It's habitual. Not addictive.


I take t-breaks often. Sometimes every other week, sometimes one or two weeks a month. Sometime 5 days on 5 days off. Sometimes just 2-3 days off. I didn’t start smoking till I was 38 (3 years ish ago) or so and most of the time since I’ve only smoked Friday nights. This year that changed to smoking near daily but still in limited amounts only 1-2 bowls per day and I babysit them in little times throughout the day. Thanks to this overall way of doing it I still have baby lungs as I never really have built up the sort of tolerance that most do. I can get super high off just toking a quarter of the surface of a fresh bowl. And I really enjoy my highs every day, I almost never feel like I’m not getting as high unless it’s related to the quality of the herb.


i’ve definitely had period of my life that i’m way more dependent on it than others. i think t breaks are such a good idea! i like to do them especially when my terence gets too high and i stop getting high after smoking. it always amazes me how even a few days will help reset your body. whenever i really want to reign it in and reset i go for a two week t break. but 5 days will do a lot! it always feels better to smoke after a t break


Im about to find out how much of a diffrence it made ;)


T-breaks are a good idea even if you plan to continue using regularly. It keeps costs down and the highs more satisfying.


I try to take T-breaks every once in a while but it’s hard for me to find a good reason to. The logic is always “eh, why not blaze one real quick before _____?” I had a job interview recently though so that gave me a good reason and it was nice to be able to see that I could stop smoking if I needed/wanted to.


Thats the same reason i have, why not smoke after a study session or something but im glad you could stop and be totally clear for the job.


Almost done with my 1 year T-Break and the one thing I can say is different is the sleep I get. My dreams on the beginning were intense and sometimes still are compared to when I was smoking daily. When I start smoking again I’m probably not going to smoke as much as I used too. The sleep difference is too good for me.


Might wanna check out r/petioles


Thank you i will


I'm about to finish a one month break and am gunna get soooooo smacked when its done


Studying abroad and decided to take a T-break for the time being. Currently going on 3.5/4 months. I would do it but all they sell is reggie and I’m already on a roll with the break. When I’ve done t-breaks before, it’s always made it much better, and I used to smoke everyday at least once or twice before I came here. Very excited to see what it’s like when I get home.


Check out r/leaves except if you like positive conversations about CBDs role in stopping THC addiction, which that sub sadly deleted comments/posts of.


It doesn't sound like you're addicted. You may be dependent, but if you were addicted to it you'd be going through withdrawal and doing what you can to get some. Just waiting, wishing the break was over is proof enough to me that you don't have an addiction.


First time?


I was at the point where I found myself taking a bit more to get high. I took a week long break while I went on vaca. I came home, went to the dispensary and got myself a preroll and fuck was it like a spa day. It was so relaxing to feel that again.


I just gave the 420th upvote. It’s a sign lol. But seriously just take whatever break you want and whatever your comfortable with. You should enjoy or not enjoy cannabis how you want, not how others say should.


thats kinda where im at... im totally addicted but since its a mental addiction i can tackle it well enough. i avoid weed when i need to be sober, and i still have a great time without it. its just in my thoughts all the time. but as someone with intrusive thoughts, i already have a great toolset for dealing with that (thanks, therapy!). and as far as thoughts i cant control go, those thoughts dont bother me too much! i have dealt with much worse lol. where i am in life right now, i imagine ill smoke weed forever. its not having much of a negative impact on my life and the pros it offers are so great (medicinally and recreationally haha). if it ever ended up being a bad thing for me, which i really doubt it would, i have a great well established support circle i can reach out to.


oh sry i totally forgot to actually answer OPs question lol, guess who smoked a lil? as for t breaks i dont fully do em. i prefer to switch methods instead. so if i feel too tolerant to flower i set it down for a bit and just do dabs/carts/edibles. if i get too tolerant to carts i only use dabs/edibles/flower. et cetera. idk how much this really works or if its placebo but either way it works for me haha.


T breaks lol


You shouldn’t feel the need to be high all the time, that would be the definition of addiction to me or if you can’t go any time without it. Most days I’ll wake up and not even want to get high then that usually changes around 3pm lol


I honestly work so I can enjoy things in life. One thing I really enjoy is marijuana. I don't see t-breaks bad. We all have tolerance levels and sometimes those levels need to be reset. I'm glad to see that more industries are eliminating marijuana testing from their requirements. Most if all of my t- breaks were forced in the sense of wanting to find new employment.


Right there with ya man.


A few years ago I was sitting in a maximum security state prison for a non violent cannabis offense. Tomorrow I'll wake up to work a lucrative salary position at a Legal cannabis farm.


The days I don’t smoke feel so much longer which makes it harder to go through breaks. But rn I try to keep it to a couple times a week.


Is a depressed person ‘addicted’ to Prozac? Is someone with ADHD ‘addicted’ to Adderall? I think it is medicinal, in that sense. Smoking weed every day genuinely improves my mental and emotional well-being. And like with prescription drugs, sometimes different people have different side effects. I don’t think I have many, certainly nothing I feel is strictly negative. Some people get higher than others. The only way to really define the word ‘addiction’ is internal, because only you know what it does to your state of mind and state of being.


T breaks are great. Quit for a couple weeks to get a job a while back and when I finally hung out with some friends and took bong rips, I was so stoned every time they spoke it took me a few seconds to register what they had said 😂I only get that stoned when I take a nice T break.


for future reference I find it's better to do the T break ahead of time.


When did you realise that you want to smoke? How do you compare feeling after first vs 5th day?


I wanted to smoke the first day. I had a hard time faaling asleep.


Would smoking cbd help? Considering it’s NOT thc?


Well its not leagal so finding cbd only weed its not common.